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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 302 KB, 1479x629, Mecha Patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20626357 No.20626357 [Reply] [Original]

Task Force Edition

Previous Thread:>>20621058

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20626364

Bakker is King.

Simple as.

>> No.20626368

I finished DCC 3 last night.

>> No.20626375
File: 253 KB, 445x675, hbg-title-9781473233959-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this. I hate spaceshit but it's actually really interesting

>> No.20626386

>mfw the ending to the Meng Hao's battle with Patriarch Huyan
wtf is this an april fool's chapter

>> No.20626407

>Just started this. I hate spaceshit but it's actually really interesting
I read all Dune books written by Frank Herbert and unironically think Dune should be labelled as Fantasy. It fits both with themes and the type of writing. It's basically as Sci-Fi as Star Wars. Calling it spaceshit is a bit much, what about Space Fantasy?

>> No.20626414

The best fantasy has space elements in it anyway. It doesn’t become sci-fi because of it.

>> No.20626419

I have been in multiple, several day long very heated arguments over this. There is LITERALLY magic in Dune. Not "any sufficiantly advanced blah blah" magic, but actual fuck you I don't have to explain shit Gandalf the gay would raise an eyebrow at this FUCKING MAGIC.

Fuck you, shut the fuck up. Dune has no space elements. There is no science in dune.

>> No.20626422
File: 875 KB, 3304x4376, 3bb430070c4148f4eb04836bdbcfc0db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.20626426

This desu.

>> No.20626427

>Fuck you, shut the fuck up. Dune has no space elements. There is no science in dune.

>> No.20626435

I really enjoyed the space elements in Dune.

Why is this schizo sperging. Is it already morning in the US?

>> No.20626437

How can science fiction be real when science is fiction?

>> No.20626440

how competent were company wizards anyway? we don't see many beyond the taken to compare.

>> No.20626442
File: 6 KB, 256x256, 83K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just got off night shift.
Dune has no space elements. There is no science in dune.

>> No.20626449

Silent, one-eye and goblin were not that strong, but I think its explained somewhere by lady that the difference in power comes a lot from how much preparation/time casting spells takes.
For example one eye spent over two decades crafting and adding to his spear that ended up being strong enough to take out the vampire whore goddess

Also to experience, wizards keep shit secretive but silent was taught by journey and whisper how to create big destructive blue energy balls when they needed him to help fight the dominators demon house in juniper

>> No.20626461

If by space elements, you mean space components or the implication that space exists and is/was relevant to the universe, then sure.

>> No.20626468

Competent but not powerhouses at all. It's mentioned a lot that in raw power they are weaker than basically every other wizard the company comes across.
They make up for it in craftiness and planning and being bastards.

For example, goblin and one eye spent so long living hidden in that big city while the company was laying low trying to find a way to get the others out of stasis that their wards were keeping even soulcatcher off their trail.

>> No.20626472

>Why is this schizo sperging. Is it already morning in the US?
Noon in Europe, I had to stop my neet and job searching online to sperg about Dune. This is what this board does to me.

>> No.20626477

Truth Shines, brother.

>> No.20626505
File: 241 KB, 1000x1420, Shapeshifter+copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In TBC it appears to be a case of orders of magnitude when it comes to spellcasting. For example, the enchanted spear >>20626449 brought up is all but stated that a Taken could've done it in matter of hours compared to One-Eye's lifetime of power investment.

>> No.20626515

Any fantasy or sci fi books like manga or anime? Doesn’t have to be an outright Webnovel nor light novel.

>> No.20626540

Brandon Sanderson stuff is pretty anime. I believe it's a horrible thing, but if you want it - go for it

>> No.20626548

My diary desu.

>> No.20626566

Licanius Trilogy. It ticks nearly every box.

>> No.20626581
File: 20 KB, 217x346, cradle foundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Cradle

>> No.20626583
File: 904 KB, 1600x2400, iron prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20626593

Stormlight archvies

>> No.20626612

holy shit I hate to see you all discussing and obeying this general so calmly

>> No.20626616

It’s anime they are talking about. Of course they are calm.

>> No.20626620

Cradle is the big one, in that it outright rips off a bunch of concepts from Naruto, which would be a criticism if not for the fact that Cradle executes them way better than Naruto ever did.
Some people say Stormlight Archive, but honestly it's more Marvel Movie than anime. That goes for most of Sanderson's work, but particularly his more recent stuff.

>> No.20626631

To be fair, this is an anime website.
Are you the anon who makes fanart? If so, it’s cool!
This looks interesting because I’m an Aussie and never ever touched our local fantasy beyond what’s in my writing group.
If you have stuff, please post on /wg/ and I’ll check it out.
Okay. I think he’s a nice enough guy and my friend swears by his lectures, so I should check him out.

>> No.20626722

>Dreadgod is out tomorrow
I plan to, believe me.

>> No.20626748

Honestly I don't know how "Naruto as written by value-brand Brandon Sanderson" turned out to be as good as it is.

>> No.20626767

For me it's the world building, or in this case the universe building. I like it. I'm interested to see how they will crossover more in the future books.

>> No.20626793

There's a few key things that make it work.
Lindon is a very proactive protagonist. He perpetually motivates the plot, which allows it to maintain a high pace.
It's VERY tightly plotted. Every single encounter in the series is part of the butterfly effect of Ozriel going awol. The Sword Sage's presence in the sacred valley i caused by it, which causes the Transcendent ruins to activate, which draws Jai Long, who in turn draws in Eithan who was attempting to recruit Jai Long, resulting in the meeting of Lindon and Eithan, the duel with Jai Long.. On and on. Very little is left down to coincidence or asspull.
The fact that the author chose to focus on a smaller scale primary plot also helps. Lindon's goals within the world of Cradle are not really strictly necessary, his initial goal is to save the people of sacred valley is more like saving people from a natural disaster than a save the world plot. His later goal of forcing the Monarchs to ascend is also not about saving the world so much as it is just making the world a slightly better place. If he failed to do it, the world wouldn't end or anything, the place would just kind of suck more than it needs to. This is important because it gives characters room to breathe. They aren't perpetually racing against the clock, there's time for levity and catharsis that can't happen when there's a looming apocalypse.

Cradle is basically just a great example of how good execution is more important than originality. There's elements in the series that are straight up lifted wholesale from Naruto - Eithan's abilities are the Bloodline ability of the Hyuga clan (the empty palm is also exactly the same as what the Hyuga clan does, he didn't even change the name either), Orthos is an edgy version of the Turtle that appears in the Chunin exams, and Lindon's Hunger binding is lifted from one of Orochimaru's mooks in the same arc. But Kishimoto never bothered to actually do anything with those ideas, the Hyuga clan were perpetual jobbers, the Turtle never showed up again, Orochimaru's mook only existed to make the main characters seem stronger.
There's a bunch more but to actually go through it all would be a wall of text.

>> No.20626812

I was actually very concerned about that aspect to begin with, just because if you go too big too quickly the sense of scale makes things hard to relate to. It's the Dragon Ball Z problem of characters keep getting stronger by an order of magnitude but the feats and stakes always feel the same. Past a certain threshold sufficiently big numbers lose all sense of tangible meaning. Whether there's a billion lives at stake or a trillion both are too many to really grasp the way we can the difference between 100 and 1000.

All that said, Wight has handled it pretty well I'd say. He did a good job illustrating the guy on the streets perspective of the world before he moved onto to immortal gods and kings casually blowing up planets with a single blow.

>> No.20626831

Genre is meaningless. It's just a way to organize bookstores. Call it whatever you want, don't get dragged into autistic debate

>> No.20626837

>Orthos is an edgy version of the Turtle that appears in the Chunin exams
I believe you when you tell me this existed but can't for the life of me remember it. Otherwise yeah, pretty much everything you said is correct. I'd also add that Cradle's characters tend to be very charming and memorable even if they aren't super deeply written. Naruto's characters similarly didn't have much going on but they weren't very likeable or fun to root for in many cases.

>> No.20626843

Thank Christ, someone who understands. Genrebrains please go back to TV Tropes.

>> No.20626845
File: 582 KB, 802x456, 1640215576854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga. The one that's teaching Rock Lee, but never shows up again.

>> No.20626854

Oh yeah, he criticizes Rock Lee because he was going to open a gate and beat Sasuke's ass raw instead of jobbing pointlessly right? Basically nothing like Orthos at all.

>> No.20626858

He's a talking red turtle mentor. His attitude is different but you can see the inspiration.

>> No.20626882

>it outright rips off a bunch of concepts from Naruto
What a fucking brainlet. Is Naruto the only anime you've seen? Cradle very obviously crib chinese xianxia novels.

>> No.20626883

Yeah, I realize that may have sounded more passive aggressive than intended, sorry. If anything Orthos feels like a combination of the turtle and the cranky old man Toad summoned by Naruto during the fight with Gara.

Now that I think about it Jiraya was called the Toad Sage wasn't he? And sage charkra was a thing...

>> No.20626889

Holy shit, Fuck off.

Mods, Do something about this trash.

>> No.20626894

Yeah, and sage chakra was gathered by cycling ambient natural energy into your core, then cycling it through your madr- I mean chakra channels.
I see what you mean about Orthos basically being a Turtle version of Gamabunta, I honestly didn't think of that.

>> No.20626904

>Narutards on /lit/
Never thought I'd see the day. Where's the fucking jannies when you need them.

>> No.20626906

Cradle also has female characters who get to have agency and contribute things to the story, which is one way in which it's nothing like Naruto kek.

>> No.20626926

moot allowing naruto on /a/ was a fucking mistake

>> No.20626929

>Genre is meaningless. It's just a way to organize bookstores. Call it whatever you want, don't get dragged into autistic debate
Disagree. I read a lot of genres and Fantasy has a distinct feel in what topics it touches and the way of it, I know that in theory you can do any story in any setting, but they are definite trends in genres. So yes, I'd use the genre label to describe things.

>> No.20626956

That's fine, the issue is when people fail to realize that genre functions essentially as a form of shorthand and categorization. If something doesn't fit neatly into one genre or another you don't have to "make it" fit. Which is mainly what genre autists have arguments about. That or they invent a subgenre and then you get stupid nerd arguments about the difference between tech noir and cyberpunk.

>> No.20626962 [DELETED] 

Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.20626968

It cribs from both tbdesu.

>> No.20626972


>> No.20626982

Genre autists can't be saved. They must be put down like the rabbid animals they are.

>> No.20626986

The entire concept of genre is deprecated and should simply be replaced with a system of Tags for content, like most online platforms do now.

>> No.20626988

Accept that you are wrong. Fantasy is more often than not just bad fiction.

>> No.20626991

I don't waste my breath speaking to mindless beasts.

>> No.20626995

Genre is based. It keeps me away from trash books.
Having that said, I will not read your shitty book that you shill here all day.


>> No.20626998

Rage and Scream General

>> No.20626999

>Can’t argue because the other anon is right.
I accept your concession, then. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.20627003

Glad those narutards left so we could get back to the truly important discussions.

>> No.20627004

Where are my Bakker bros at?

>> No.20627005

>last thread before it died had actual discussion about a good series
>New thread already filled with literal anime garbage


>> No.20627009
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Well shiii-. You finally sold it to me.

Time to add it to my list of get-when-you-can. Tough that it probably isn't translated to my language yet, but then again neither is Malazan (or basically any Warhammer or 40k book). Just gotta finally put on the big boy pants and just fucking start reading stuff in english.

>> No.20627012

What are anons thoughts on the dread empire? I got around to finishing it the other day.... despite the sadly rushed final book, I really really enjoyed it all.
Wish we got to see more of older haroun and Bragi, the reunion was a bit of a letdown.

>> No.20627014

How bad does the general have to get before the mods decide to ban it outright do you think?

>> No.20627026

Bakker is anime.

>> No.20627030

And that’s a good thing.

>> No.20627069

thoughts on clive barker's imajica?

>> No.20627101

Didn't read it but I've hated every Clive Barker book I tried.

>> No.20627135

Don't read Iron Prince, it's 800 pages of nothing actually interesting happening.

>> No.20627144

I think it helps that it's established very early on what the peak is like. At the peak, battles aren't even really real, they're basically conceptual fights.

>> No.20627155

It also just has very well-realised characters. Not necessarily deep, but they leave good impressions, you can't really mistake what sort of person they are, and they're constantly reinforcing or developing who they are. Lindon's core trait is ambition, but initially it's tempered by societal politeness and anxiety after being beaten down for years. Yerin's core trait is seeking mastery, but it's shifted into seeking mastery for the sake of others, etc.

>> No.20627218

I've said this before but Cradle's buggest strength for me is that it knows exactly what it is and is tightly focused on being the best possible version of itself. I've always tried to "meet books on their own terms" so to speak. If something is really character driven I won't shit on it for not having a fast moving plot. Cradle doesn't have literary asperations and that's fine, not everything needs to be that. It just wants you to have fun with it, and it I do.

>> No.20627225

Yeah, that's about my view too. Wight knows it's just a fun anime-esque series.

>> No.20627259

Bakkerbro reporting in
Bakkerbros always win

>> No.20627307

Did you know that there's a world filled with Gu Spirits waiting to be found?

>> No.20627336

The author literally says that he took a lot from Naruto.

>> No.20627396

I believe you but can I get a source? I'm guessing it's in his blog somewhere?

>> No.20627400

I gotta be honest Reverend Insanity poster. The fact you're still going after all this time is kind of endearing. Mainly because you only shill once or twice a thread max.

>> No.20627418


>> No.20627447

Google the below for a few examples
site:willwight.com naruto
You can change the search term for other examples.
Anime works as well, example:
"There certainly is an anime influence on anything I write."

>> No.20627457

Or "I'd rather write a manga"

>> No.20627474

>Just between you, me, and the entire Internet, I'd rather write a manga. If only I could draw more than a vague stick figure, I'd probably be a webcomic author rather than a novelist.


>> No.20627476
File: 994 KB, 2000x1304, Ballard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JG Ballard more like JG Based

>> No.20627488
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2224, 8yjwubqo8di61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read cradle

>> No.20627521

Yes sir!

>> No.20627529

Is Hour of the Dragon actually that similar to Scarlet Citadel? I don't mind reading the same type of story again, but I'm wondering why it's rehashed.

>> No.20627619

When will everyone in this read be reading Dreadgod?

>> No.20627642 [DELETED] 

I'm very glad this general told me aboyt Cradle. It's been an honor shitposting with you guys.

Wight rules supreme.

>> No.20627658

I'm very glad this general told me about Cradle. It's been an honor shitposting with you guys.

>> No.20627714
File: 25 KB, 654x138, 39 lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindon says "apologies" 39 times in Dreadgod!

>> No.20627748

Bakker Baitposting and Cradle general

>> No.20627757

It's out in Australia now.

>> No.20627778

Except just you renamed Reaper, since that's how many times it's there.

>> No.20627814

King of faggots maybe

>> No.20627825

>YA shit

Cut your own throat, please

>> No.20627826
File: 406 KB, 1012x1027, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except just you renamed Reaper
That is a hilarious coincidence and this gives me strange deja vu. Maybe this was not the first time I shat on a leaked Cradle book.

>> No.20627836

>>>lmao, dude just read these long-winded philosophical treatsies about the merits of cuckoldry by my favorite early 20th century philosophers reading for entertainment is like, LE BAD!

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.20627841

try the wandering inn

>> No.20627850

search term contains: apolog
apolog/y/ize/ies/etic etc
Wintersteel: 69
Reaper: 51
Bloodline: 44
Underlord: 28
Uncrowned: 22
Soulsmith: 17
Skysworn: 14
Blackflame: 14
Unsouled: 13
Ghostwater: 12

Unsouled: 7
Soulsmith: 7
Blackflame: 1
Skysworn: 1
Ghostwater: 4
Underlord: 16
Uncrowned: 15
Wintersteel: 48
Bloodline: 27
Repaer: 39


>> No.20627852

>Person asks for books that're anime-like
>Anime-like book is recommended

>> No.20627855
File: 494 KB, 1174x1364, chad doesn't destroy native culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>lmao, dude just read these long-winded philosophical treatsies about the merits of cuckoldry by my favorite early 20th century philosophers reading for entertainment is like, LE BAD!
I read a lot of harem novels and I ger long-winded treatsies on polyamory basically every book desu. I;ve been reading fantasy for years, and I believe at this point I've read more about the merits of polyamorous relationships than the monogamous ones kek

>> No.20627869

>apolog: 48
>apologies: 39
>apologize: 7
>apology: 0

>> No.20627894

I'm only one of the shills, posting occasionally to help bring people into the light that is the world of Gu.

>> No.20627921
File: 670 KB, 2264x1518, denmark iq test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci fi for a 117 IQ midwit?

>> No.20627933

Where do you go for book leaks anyway? Regular old torrent sites? Discord trannies?

>> No.20627937


>> No.20627954

You ever think about how different internet culture, and to a certain extent IRL culture, would be if moots girlfriend hadn't cucked him?

>> No.20627957
File: 17 KB, 631x163, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#1 Best Seller in Sword & Sorcery Fantasy


>> No.20627966
File: 1.61 MB, 2400x1660, IMG_20220704_182923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest additions

>> No.20627967


>> No.20627969

>>#1 Best Seller in Sword & Sorcery Fantasy
Amazon's genre labeling for self-published works is 100% random-word generator. I've genres so outlandish noone can possibly read them

>> No.20627971

>latest additions
A-are these authors names...translated? What the fuck. What an unholy abomination holy shit

>> No.20627981

>added to mobilism 3 hours ago
So it was.

>> No.20627987


>> No.20628026

I'm a dink that's fond of Daoism, will I like Cradle?

>> No.20628034

What fucking language is this that butchers the actual authors names in their own moonrunes?

>> No.20628036

Your sovereign, then.

>> No.20628038

looks ugly so probably polish

>> No.20628042

He’s very handsome desu. He’s also Canadian.

>> No.20628047

Either Polish or Turkish.

>> No.20628049

in most languages the author names are transcribed, you are clearly american

>> No.20628056

>looks ugly so probably polish
No, I AM Polish, that's why I am shocked czechs do that. I've never heard of anyone translating an author's name to other alphabet, this is a disgrace to linguistic everywhere. Wouldn't be suprised if it's only czechs that do that. Jesus christ, I hope they dont do that in modern times, damn pepiks

>> No.20628076

it is not a big deal, you have the original name inside the book, people who don't know the language can read it when transcribed

>> No.20628084

>Europoor continues to chafe under the yoke of American global hegemony

Many such cases.

>> No.20628098
File: 527 KB, 639x640, 1643665446162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon!

>> No.20628107

Eh... maybe? I'd try A Thousand Li first. Cradle is cultivation written for gweilos.

>> No.20628120

Speaking of Ding Dong Tao Wong
>8th on his own trademarked genre
ehl oh ehl

>> No.20628137

What a coininckydink! I AM a gweilo!

>> No.20628150

Is cradle actually good or is it YA trash

>> No.20628155


>> No.20628166

It's good YA trash. It's purely popcorn entertainment that knows what it is and revels in it.

>> No.20628170

>DCC is king
Good. I barely consider it part of that sub-genre, admittedly, because while it is an apocalypse and there's a system thing going on, it's not quite the same as a lot of the others where it's "suddenly all of Earth is yanked into LitRPG-verse".

>> No.20628178

Is it SVPREME? no, but is it good if you are into non-SVPREME stuff, yes.

>> No.20628181

no, they're not, you fucking freak
t. spanish speaker

>> No.20628189

try the wandering inn

>> No.20628217


>> No.20628223

Do authors REALLY think shilling their shit on /lit/ will actually help their bottom line?

I refuse to believe it.

>> No.20628251

Authors? No. Autist fanboys? Yes. And they're right.

>> No.20628267

WRONG Bakker scum are EXACTLY why I will at most only ever pirate that faggots writings and will NEVER pay for it or even bother finishing it.

>> No.20628354

Supremacy of Bakker forever real, no matter how hard you sequel.

>> No.20628379

>halfway through queen of sorcery I realise I can't remember anything from the first belgariad book including its title
Can I get a qrd?

>> No.20628391


>> No.20628544

Do you get anything tangible for sucking Bakkers cock on a daily basis? Nothing for hours of service freely rendered?

>> No.20628580

I don't do it daily, I do it every 3 days, and I'm not a paid goon like you.

>> No.20628623
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>> No.20628625

>I do it for free
What a fucking cuck lmfao

>> No.20628654

not really, being a cuck is taking money from a mormon to call others cucks and gays. Bakkerbros are genuine and actually appreciate art and masculinity, which makes softies like you seethe.

>> No.20628710

>every 3 days
You get banned everytime you bakkerpost?

>> No.20628801

>Art and masculinity
>>>Work of fiction filled to the brim with homosexual degeneracy among other unsavory topics

Shit b8

>> No.20628823


>> No.20628896

They ban only if one posts words tranny or pozzed. It could be that some of the mods are pozzed trannies.

>> No.20628931
File: 34 KB, 334x500, Heaven's Laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat this one just in time to read Dreadgod, fuck yes.

Heaven’s Laws: Prodigies by Apollos Thorne

[Our MCs]
Chao Long is a young man raised in a secluded village, far away from the competing sects of the world. Having only his parents to rely on as teachers, he begins learning not the foundations of the world’s cultivation system but instead something reserved for masters: the laws. Instead of cultivating qi, he shapes the ambient qi from the elements that flow around him. The book points out that he is a legitimate glass cannon – capable of incredible feats that a master would covet, but with the body of a mortal. Though he wishes to join a sect at some point, he practices the arts for the simple pleasure of the craft, shaping the elements into autonomous dolls under his father's tutelage

Xian Huifen has been gifted one of the divine physiques in this world – a body of extreme virgin Ying energy. This provides her an affinity for Ying mana and a natural talent within cultivation: from birth her body has been able to ambiently absorb qi, a feat reserved for Heaven-level practitioners. Because of this, Huifen holds the title of ‘Ice Fairy’ within the continent’s largest sect. She has left to the countryside to hunt spirit beasts and further her cultivation through a pilgrimage on behalf of the sect. A traditional cultivator compared to Chao, she teaches him the fundamentals while he teaches her the Laws with a focus on Ice.

While hunting high realm spirit beasts in the farthest reaches of her continent, Xian Huifen encounters something she’s not prepared for – a creature that genuinely challenges her. Forced to retreat and think of a plan, she encounters Chao Long on the outskirts of his village. During the encounter, Chao Long demonstrates his master over Sound Laws by creating a construct of fire shaped like a dragon and having it release an earth-shaking roar. This is enough to open the beast’s wounds but also deeply injure Xian Huifen. He quickly takes her back to his village and begins treating her wounds.

During her time healing, the two begin to bond over their shared love of cultivation. They both excel in an area where the other does not, so they begin teaching each other – Chao receives the perspective of a high-level cultivator and Huifen begins practicing her Laws on Ice and Water. There’s also the mystery of Chao’s father, who appears to be a high-level cultivator several realms above her. Huifen can’t help but question why they would start his development at the Laws and not the fundamentals. Despite this training, Chao feels stifled and trapped in this village; after Huifen is healed and departs the village, he quickly catches up to her and joins the Ice Phoenix Sect.

>> No.20628944
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There are two systems at play in this story: the Cultivation Realms (each one bestowing superhuman benefits) and the Laws of God (capable of bending the elements of creation to your whim along specific lines). Within the Cultivation system are 6 realms: Body -> Blood -> Nascent -> Earth -> Sky -> Overlord. All of these are directly from the template, with the exception that you don’t complete the formation of your Dantian until the Earth Realm and the creation of an ‘inner world’ in the Sky Realm, which is a secondary ‘cosmic’ core that allows you to touch the elements more efficiently. There’s a heavy focus on techniques in the fighting system, with a lot of the legwork being accomplished through this world’s ‘martial manual’ system. With a focus on elemental techniques, the higher you progress the more competent your elements become with their colors changing to match (blue fire, golden fire, violet lightning, etc.)

The Laws are Borrow, Create, Enhance, Morph and several others that are revealed as the story progresses. Most of these are rather self-explanatory, with Borrow allows you to take electricity from static on your clothes for instance. Create allows you to generate on a whim by sacrificing your own energy and ki, while enhance would allow you to take whatever you Borrowed or Created and enhance it to its next level by applying additional qi. Morph is where things begin to alter significantly, with you altering the nature of the element itself. An example being turning raw emotion into Sound (via impassioned music playing, etc.).

[Final Thoughts]
I’ve got mixed feelings on this book. The combat writing is pretty damn good but relies mostly on project blade attacks and explosions than anything else. The story is setup in micro-arcs with specific closures for each one that indicates its very much a Royal Road story that got pushed into Kindle publication (if the typos weren’t indicative of this). That said, after departing from the arc-style setup at the 60% mark things go to shit. It becomes DEEPLY derivative of Cradle, especially with B and C-character mannerisms and further cultivation ‘transformations’.

The love story also ruins itself at the 60% mark by over-indulging in ‘dual cultivation’ which is just… Cultivation Kama Stura. All of the setup with yin and yang affinities was for the pay-off of ‘well girls have the yin and boys the yang but if you FUCK then you’ll balance them better’. While I think there are some really high moments at the end of the early arcs, I found myself less and less invested by the last quarter of the book. I’m not sure if I’d read the sequel either. This is another example of a book sampling from others that do it better.


Taking a brief Intermission to read Dreadgod, then I'm mixing up my list a bit... Respected the anon's moxie for sending me his story.

Next Book:
>Retribution Engine by Akaso

>> No.20628955

>derivative of Cradle

>> No.20628960
File: 143 KB, 400x600, Retribution Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Retribution Engine's cover art is pretty badass so that helps.

Previous Scores:
>Cradle by Will Wight - 9/10
>Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish – 9/10
>Ave Xia Rem Y by Mat Haz - 8/10
>Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar - 7/10
>A Thousand Li by Tao Wong - 7/10
>Virtuous Sons by Ya Boy - 6/10
>Bastion by Phil Tucker - 6/10
>Heaven's Laws by Apollos Thorne - 6/10
>Mother of Learning Act I - 5/10
>Reverend Insanity by Gu Zhen Ren - 5/10
>Beware of Chicken (Non-Edited for Release) by Casualfarmer – 5/10
>Soulhome by Sarah Lin - 5/10
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson - 4/10
>Beware of Chicken (Edited for Release) by Casualfarmer - 3/10
>Reincarnation: Threads by Michael Head - 3/10
>Last Ship in Suzhou by Lungs - Dropped (0/10)

Previous Recommendations from Anon and other Sources:

Definite Reads (5+ Recs):
>Worm by 'Wildbow'
>The Wandering Inn by 'Pirateaba'

Tentative Recommendations (2+ Recs):
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson
>Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe
>The World After the Fall by Sing-Shong
>The Second Coming of Gluttony by Ro Yu-jin
>A Practical Guide to Evil by ERRATICERRATA

Recommended Once:
>A Goblin's Tale by Scott Straughan
>Ascendance of a Bookworm by Miya Kazuki
>Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends by Ivan Kal
>Web of Secrets by David Musk
>Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman
>Savage Divinity by ruffwriter
>Grand Master if Demonic Cultivation
>Scum Villain’s Self Saving System
>Worth the Candle by Alexander Wales

And... that's it. I mistakenly counted Last Ship in Suzhou when I had meant to replace it, so I've actually got an open slot if any of you have recommendations.

Crazy, isn't it? Seems like Apollos took heavy boners from Uncrowned and Wintersteel.

>> No.20628996

This is really Steven Erikson's biggest flaw as a writer. It's like every character is a philosopher that has massive internal monologue dumps all over the paper all the time. I've learned to love it, but he really pushes your patience at times. Only thing worse is Kruppe's word salad. It doesn't stop me loving the books though.

>> No.20629026

I've been been having this debate with myself for years now. Not only with Dune. The vast majority of what people refer to as science fiction is mostly just space fantasy. That and science fiction writers really like writing government propaganda for free. Most other writers making this kind of bullshit up would be getting a nice fat check every month from a government agency.

>> No.20629115

How many pages a day do you read on average anons?

>> No.20629122

Most things by Neal Stephenson. Snow Crash, Diamond Age, Anathem, Seveneves.

>> No.20629123

Why do you care?

>> No.20629179

I like Cradle and all but there's not a lot that's strictly derivative of it. I would assume it's moreso they're pulling from the same sources. I wouldn't be surprised if Cradle was a sort of gateway to cultivation stories, but most people writing those shit as webnovels were usually big on reading translated Chinese ones.

>> No.20629266

its not like anime or manga, its more like chink shit

>> No.20629269

Depends on the book. Sometimes 10, sometimes 100.

>> No.20629271

Eh, it borrows some of the aesthetic of chinese stuff, but it's structured, written and paced like an anime.

>> No.20629290
File: 170 KB, 258x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am forgotten
>Fuck this faggot for not putting Arya and Eragon together at the end btw

>> No.20629303

He's making another book in the world, I think. I dunno if he's improved at all, but god was it hard to read the final book. I remember NOTHING about it except Roran fighting some people for like half the book, because Eragon lost all his personality so I completely forgot what he did.

>> No.20629326

I hated Roran's chapters. Also fuck his wife.

>> No.20629371


>> No.20629382

>And... that's it. I mistakenly counted Last Ship in Suzhou when I had meant to replace it, so I've actually got an open slot if any of you have recommendations.
Go with Dungeon Crawler Carl reviewer bro, basically 99% of positive impressions from everyone

>> No.20629401
File: 1.06 MB, 220x391, bard-bard-vibe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second apocalypse now
Sandi slaughtered like a cow
Second apocalypse all day
Second apocalypse is what I say
Second apocalypse hey hey hey
Second apocalypse all day

>> No.20629435

Finished Dreadgod.
It's more similar to the earlier books because it's almost entirely about advancement, but there's a good bit of fighting as well. The Abidan vs Vroshir comes to a head as well, though I'd say more for plot reasons than anything else. The book's ending is very Dragon Ball in its solution.

Next time...
Lindon's story comes to an end in

>> No.20629494

Why are all the writers chinks?

>> No.20629497

Fuck you illiterate fag. That's not polish.

>> No.20629504

Bakker would he good if he wasn’t a drug addict-you can tell in his writing he has no focus

>> No.20629511
File: 61 KB, 640x645, 1c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a chink reading list?

>> No.20629540

I get paranoid that I'm not reading enough. That's why. I've been getting about 100/day avg. since I started counting. I find that to get anything more than that I really have to force myself. Most of my reading is at night due to insomnia.

>> No.20629570

because zhongguo is taking over literature left and right

>> No.20629571

I read the wikipedia summary of the first book and the first half of the second book is more or less a repeat. Travel for 2/3rds of the pages getting into minor misadventures, uncover a plot to throw a kingdom into chaos, kill the Murgo behind it. Also the main bad guy astral projects himself to check up on what the heroes are doing.

>> No.20629617
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Depends on the reader. If you can stomach YA then its 100% worth picking up. If you have higher standards then obviously don't bother since it will be pure pain.

This advice is applicable for 99% of the shit peddled here.

>> No.20629619

That you feel paranoid about it is by far your greatest problem. You should've have to force yourself into entertainment either.

>> No.20629624

A lot of them get deleted by jannies unironically. Shame since bakkerposting is both schizokino and very easy bait for retards.

>> No.20629625

Huh, Waybound wasn't what I thought the name would be, but okay.

>> No.20629630

4chan really turned your brain to mush didn't it?

>> No.20629645

If you want a suggestion for some nice light reading scifi that's pretty unknown, you should check out K.D. Wentworth's Black on Black and Stars Over Stars.

>> No.20629647

Sadly, that's the fate of far too many anon.

>> No.20629652
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You're coping, and thats ok.

>> No.20629705
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Bakker's brother put out a post saying Bakker has renounced the world and gone into occlusion. It sounds like he may be gone for years.

It's incredibly sad. It means that even if he has a radical reversal it'll be years before we see new Bakker. Unless he is testing our faith, preparing us.

Remember, in the Semantic Apocalypse we Bakeries will bring about the new world, a world made in the image of our eliminitivist/Hegelian/Platonist warrior prophet.

>> No.20629708

Bakeries? Truly you are the pastries.
Truly the proper term would be Bakkerites.

>> No.20629727

My thumbs were fumbling for pure disbelief, heart galloping for unrestrained panic as I typed those words, my curved phallus hard against the sinew of my stomach. I could not notice the rendering of the autocorrect, the actuality or what I had written for the blindness that lays withing all men.

There is the line of the world we believe we see and there is the truth of the Logos running orthogonal to that line. I could not see the typo because I could not fathom the darkness that moves me.

>> No.20629752

That's by far not the only mistake you made. Occlusion? I assume you meant seclusion. I used Bakkerites as a reference to Anchorites, which is similar to what you've stated that he's allegedly done. You've shamed Bakker. Your punishment is to be forever denied the honey of anuses.

>> No.20629828

Does bakker actually refer to human shit as anus honey? Kek.

>> No.20629840

He's canadian.

>> No.20629890
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based cradlescholar

>> No.20629900

I also like that Cradle's willing to let time pass. It's been, what, 5-ish years as of Dreadgod, now? Lindon and Yerin have both grown up fairly significantly.

>> No.20629906

How do you guys feel about fantasy novels name dropping excessively? For example:
>Drake Darksmoulder was born in the Kingdom of Dalantia, in Darkhaven, the greatest city on the face of Daantia. He was the son of Dermot Darksmoulder, the Dark Knight Captain and personal guard of King Dresden the Darkbinder.
I’m exaggerating, but that’s how it feels when I read typical fantasy fare.

>> No.20629959
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It's a natural feeling time progression. Lately you've got stories like Star Wars sequels where they try to jam two movies into two days because they gotta keep a breakneck pace so you can't think. On the other hand actual xianxia stories are like "200 years later..."

>> No.20629967

then you have I Shall Seal The Heavens where Meng Hao to break one curse wasted 200 billion years, literally

>> No.20629977

Good, degenerate fucking fag. Don't come back. Ugly bastard.

>> No.20629987
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>> No.20630021

It puts a perspective on some other series I've read where an awful lot happens in, like, two weeks. My main complaint about Cradle isn't that it doesn't have downtime, it does, it's that it so often just skips the downtime.

>> No.20630027

not a word

>> No.20630028
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Why the fuck did the version I downloaded have the april fools joke where Meng Hao is battling Patriarch Huyan and then Meng Li appears bearing the severed heads of every female character that appeared in the story and then kills Meng Hao?

>> No.20630032

Some xianxia stuff just doesn't even seem to care about time, it's kinda fascinating in a way, and if they actually handled it well it'd be cool, but it seems like nothing ACTUALLY changes during those obscene time jumps.

>> No.20630058

That was autocorrect for occultation lol, Bakker is the Mahdi but he is blocked from this world.

>> No.20630068

needs to be a separate general for all the wuxia and progression fantasy muck

>> No.20630073

It'd be like Quantum Cultivation. Guy comes out of meditating in another world to discover that Earth has been taken over by aliens and is a Gattaca-esque u(dys)topia

>> No.20630075

We've that before. Neither general survives. Like it or not, you need us.

>> No.20630078

Jesus Christ, stop replying to shitposter's bait, you fucking retard.

>> No.20630094

Quantum Cultivation is already a book.

>> No.20630099

I will GLADLY accept xianxia fags if only we subsequently genocide bakkerposters

>> No.20630103

There are no xianxia fags here only Cradle fags.

>> No.20630113
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I know I just mentioned it

>> No.20630146

Yes, and I thank you for that.

>> No.20630155

Is there a link for Dreadgod up yet? I checked b-ok and IRCHighway already with no luck

>> No.20630187

See >>20627967

>> No.20630201

Based dubs.

>> No.20630219

Thanks buddy

>> No.20630230

Bakker is at least a semi-serious writer. Xianxia is all Amazon self-published tier garbage for zipperheads and leddit refugees

>> No.20630335

See, I didn't know that book existed so my mind jumped to Quantum Leap, but cultivation. Basically massive time jumps are just complete resets and the world is entirely different every time. Every arc just ends with "and then the protagonist cultivated for a million years and woke up to a new era".

>> No.20630416

space opera, is typically how fans catagorize it.. star wars for instance, is a space opera. soft sci, fantasy elements. speculative drama fiction..

>> No.20630524

Nah, brimming with homosexual cock measuring descriptions and boy rape homo lust shit from page one.

That's not "serious" it's degenerate.

>> No.20630537

>I am forgotten
As all YA shit should be.

>> No.20630559

Sometimes I can go days or weeks without reading but over the last 24 hours or so I've read about 87 pages or so

>> No.20630576

Was Eragon the original self-published chad

>> No.20630577

Some people can go a lifetime without reading.

>> No.20630583

No, being published by your mommy and daddy isn't that all.

>> No.20630590

The Dread Empire!

>> No.20630592

Here's your spoonfeeding


>> No.20630609
File: 156 KB, 1556x2400, 718D4zAzb7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about start reading this, is this worth reading?

>> No.20630620

i'd like the cum off that dudes abs (no homo)

>> No.20630631

most boring and mind-numbing shit I've ever tried reading
felt like I was reading a book adaptation of a shitty Korean power fantasy manhwa

>> No.20630637

Is the movie based on this book?

>> No.20630639

That isn't spoonfeeding.
Use this website to decode
I won't provide the direct anonfiles link though, but someone else can.

>> No.20630641

Yes, but it's a somewhat loose one.

>> No.20630652

Like the majority of the /lit/ board!

>> No.20630657

(No homo) anon I... I have bad news for you..

>> No.20630658
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>> No.20630663

Oh, shit... was Paprika a book first?

>> No.20630670

Yes, so was Perfect Blue.

>> No.20630674

Explain the constant reverend insanity and seal the heavens posting then

>> No.20630675
File: 21 KB, 408x408, A153674A-D29C-454D-9A2E-DB9EAA95781F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m grotto put late but what are you reading and what’s re you planning to read?

>> No.20630688

Amazing autocorrect posting.

>> No.20630695

What are anons go-to digital libraries/book pirating websites? I swear libgen and z-library NEVER have what I'm looking for.

>> No.20630714

You must looking for rather obscure or extremely new stuff and be bad at looking for stuff. Also, you must never be in these threads when it's mentioned so often and also refuse to use the archives. I'd go as far to say you haven't even read this thread and just want to be entirely spoonfed.

>> No.20630720

DIY pirating with an Amazon acct and abusing ebook refunds after stripping DRM
At your own risk of course (Bezos doesn't care)

>> No.20630721

>dropped from all progfant support and ostracized from the community even though he isn't banned or anything
heh the dominoes keep falling

>> No.20630753

It can be done with Kindle unlimited and other non-purchasing ways, but have to modify the DRM stripper. Could also just buy ebooks from other sites without DRM.

>> No.20630763 [SPOILER] 
File: 462 KB, 2525x1263, pozzgressive fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK lmao

>> No.20630781

Eh, I'm usually not looking for sci-fi/fantasy honestly

>> No.20630783

Thanks, some of this actually interests me, as a midwit.

>> No.20630786

I'm not gonna read chinkshit but I like drama

Can I get a quick rundown of this?

>> No.20630787

>my generation would rather go through 10 steps full of hassle to get early acess to a book instead of just pirating from a highly successful author
it's over

>> No.20630790

I'm surprised you can't find waht you are looking for on z-lib

>> No.20630794

They're so pozzed they're against copyright in its entirety apparently

>> No.20630796

>Can I get a quick rundown of this?
Some literal who author that no one here ever talks about here did something that doesn't affect /sffg/ whatsoever.

>> No.20630816

author makes an April Fools joke in 2019, decides to follow it up with the real deal 4 years later

>> No.20630837

Let's not forget this is their pet POC

>> No.20630844

i never pirate books unless i can't find them on apple books

>> No.20630885


>> No.20630894

A belief in pirating is something I'd say was integral to the ethos of 4chan, but as the many years have gone by, the users have changed.

>> No.20630902

it's what i have and i've gotten used to it

>> No.20630911

I pre ordered Dreadgod, then pirated it so I could read it a day early.

>> No.20630925

gets it pilled

>> No.20630956

That's wrong.

>> No.20630961


>> No.20631023 [DELETED] 

The recent /sffg/ have been utter shit.

>> No.20631024

The recent /sffg/ threads have been utter shit.

>> No.20631040

How so?

>> No.20631041

Yeah, threads aren't even lasting a day now. Not help by the constant shitposters and spammers now.

>> No.20631050

Yeah, maybe I should take a break from this place. There’s almost no discussion now. Just shitposter and schizo sperging.

>> No.20631053
File: 58 KB, 1160x1162, ponder this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>names Cnaiur's son Moenghus II

master troll

>> No.20631059

try the wandering inn

>> No.20631080

Cradle and A Thousand Li are definitely the gateway to these stories, but there's a specific tone and setup in Heaven's Laws that brought me right back to Uncrowned and Wintersteel, especially the latter. The rest of the book seems like it's drawn from the template except for that last 40%.

Shit, forgot to post it. I do have 15-19 figured out, which includes DCC.

>Current and Upcoming Reads
15. Retribution Engine
16. Worm
17. Dungeon Crawler Carl
18. Wandering Inn
19. I Shall Seal The Heavens
20. ???

11 White, 1 Black, 1 Korean, and 2 Chinese from the stories I've reviewed so far. Think the rest of my titles are from Western authors too... Maybe I should make sure that last book is from a Chinese author? Seems like the genre has some legs in the states.

>> No.20631090
File: 72 KB, 1200x1600, 8017112d-4fb9-419b-82e6-fd36c01ed663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreadgod already released on kindle unlimited

cradlebros assemble

>> No.20631093

these are shit rundowns, desu
what did he try to copyright and why is it a problem?

>> No.20631094

Can you stop being fucking obnoxious?

>> No.20631098

Why do you care? No one even talks about the author here and that shit doesn't even affect /sffg/.

>> No.20631104

You forgot that the only people even talking about it here are redditors. Again, never even heard of the author until yesterday and I still wonder why people bring it up.

>> No.20631105

I’m happy for you Cradleanon.

>> No.20631107

i dont even know what you talking about

>> No.20631143

incel freak

>> No.20631144

He's an author of progression fantasy, including a xianxia series (A Thousand Li) and a litRPG (System Apocalypse). He decided to copyright the term System Apocalypse and it got him absolutely depersoned from everyone among his lefty circlejerk. He was supposed to have an AMA and instead you're now not allowed to talk about him etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the pozzed fantasy subreddit turns its hour of hate into "wow he killed a gay guy in book #6 of A Thousand Li how do we know he isn't secretly a white supremacist all along?"

>> No.20631148


>> No.20631203


>> No.20631234

>Sword-and-sorcery is masculine fiction with a historical or pre-historical setting that includes malefic supernatural elements, battles with bladed weapons of iron or steel, and incorporates a strong sense of individualism triumphing over collectivism.

>> No.20631270

It's shit. I don't understand anyone who likes it because all the parts they like don't actually exist.
The MC is the most passive bitchboy plotslave ever to be written and the entire story is LITERAL Deux eX Machina as a series of """coincidences""" lead him by the nose from one plotpoint to another.
And his method of cultivation is almost EXCLUSIVELY "get locked in a cave for several months and take a bunch of drugs", all of which are provided by his various overpowered rich sponsors who support him for no reason except he's the protagonist.

The prose isn't awful, and the characters aren't gratingly unpleasant to read about, but there's literally nothing underneath the surface. Just read LotM instead.

>> No.20631272

Leave it to the Chinese to ruin the genre for everyone else, goddamn.

>> No.20631316

Got any recs? I’ve been reading Robert E Howard and love it, but need something… darker.

>> No.20631319

>his method of cultivation is almost EXCLUSIVELY "get locked in a cave for several months and take a bunch of drugs"
That's common in xianxia, sure. But name a single time that happened in Cradle

>> No.20631326

What is progression fantasy?
Why is he so popular with lefties?

>> No.20631329

>the pyramid
>the turtle cave
That's two and I'm vaguely feeling like I'm missing two or three others.

>> No.20631331

>What is progression fantasy?
Are you incapable of using google? Or any search engine?

>> No.20631336

Eragon would've gone nowhere had Paolini's parents not been in the publishing business.

>> No.20631339

In the pyramid he was locked in a room with poisonous dreadbeasts and had to actively fight them while filtering out the poison, iirc.

Don't remember the turtle cave... was that Ghostwater where Orthos and him were stuck in a broom closet? That's countable, if not for the context around it.

>> No.20631346

books are one of those instances where physical medium apparently trumps piracy even for most people who are inclined towards sailing the high seas. they want to physically hold their books.

>> No.20631348

I think he's talking about Book 3 when he and Yerrin were going up against tricks and traps over and over again

>> No.20631349

Why would I when shills never fail to respond

>> No.20631352

He needs an opinion to regurgitate, instead of thinking and forming an opinion for himself, lest he gets mistaken and outs himself as a R$dditor or tourist
pls understand

>> No.20631357

And when Lindon drinks that magic brain juice during the book he gets Dross

>> No.20631358

Wasn't that the challenge course in the valley of darkness that precipitated his match against Jai Long? I'd call that more a training arc than pill refinement.

>> No.20631365

There's never a point in Cradle where Lindon's cultivation doesn't take an active component. Suck on these madra lozenges WHILE you're fighting for your life every day and you'll get stronger!

>> No.20631367

Speaking of Jai Long
Dreadgod Spoilers: rip future brother in law, Lindon did a little bit of trolling

>> No.20631371

The Kane books by Karl Edward Wagner.

>> No.20631377

Physical activity isn't being an active character.
He's basically a human science experiment, he has no agency at all and just gets poured into various beakers and reacted with other chemicals.
In terms of the story he might as well be in a coma the whole time, he has ZERO ENGAGEMENT with any actual events in the story.
He's a purely reactive passive character.
And he's not much of a character either, bland as fuck, but that's a separate problem.

>> No.20631405

Top 10 Sci-Fi Books
1. Mahabharata
2. 1001 Nights
3. True History
4. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
5. Dream-quest of Unknown Kadath
6. Frankenstein
7. War of the Worlds
8. Dune
9. Dianetics
10. The Time Machine

>> No.20631410

Cradle has two main characters. Ozriel and Lindon.

>> No.20631415

I guess I'll have to download/pirate them because the physical books are only cheap in German lol.

>> No.20631423

Dianetics starts great, they talk about all the engrams and how bad they are then don't say how to remove them

>> No.20631428

>secondary main character
>doesn't show up until 10 books in

>> No.20631435

Can you complain if you've never uploaded a book to libgen or z-lib?

>> No.20631436

He's in the first chapter

>> No.20631487

he isn't chinese. he's canadian

>> No.20631489

anyone read dream park by larry niven and steven barnes

>> No.20631519
File: 27 KB, 450x450, Native Canadian Tao Wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20631530

I laughed when Jai Long died. I feel like the intent was to make us feel sorry for him, but good, fuck him, he was an asshole

>> No.20631609

snekbros... not like this...

>> No.20631679

Don't feel guilty about pirating them either since the cunts who own the rights to the books actually censored at least one of the stories in their re-release. So be sure to download the older versions.

>> No.20631698

Cultivation > LitRPG

degenerate bourgeoise western pigs kneel

>> No.20631716

He would have already cucked his works to be eligible for publishing too, if he was allowed to he would have said nigger 1000 times

>> No.20631723

it's the same shitty virgin archetype, one written by bugs and the other by bugmen

>> No.20631731
File: 190 KB, 374x404, 1628279267249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arya and Eragon
more like Eragon and Saphira. Now that would have have been nice

>> No.20631755

Don't forget the westoids trying to cash in on either market.

>> No.20631908

New thread

>> No.20631922 [DELETED] 

Ya, I wish Ron had put more Xenu and vulcanos in a revised or "secret" edition

>> No.20631930

Ya, I wish Ron had put more Xenu and vulcanos in a revised or "secret" edition