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20623063 No.20623063 [Reply] [Original]

She is so right

>> No.20623077

fuck this gay earth

>> No.20623082

wang gang

>> No.20623089

writers, especially bipoc writers, are not entitled to white people giving a shit about anything they say

>> No.20623091

This will never affect me because I will never read a BIPOC author

>> No.20623098
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Readers,especially Nigger readers,are *not* entitled to footnotes/explanations/direct translations of non-Nigger words that a White English author chooses to use in their books with intentions of not translating.
There-happy,you insufferable posh cunt?

>> No.20623101

>biopics? aren’t those movies? I think she means biographies

>> No.20623108

then you're not entitled to my praise, my money, or my networks. simple as. you will never be remembered as anything more than THE CURRENT THING at best, a forgotten mediocrity always consumed by the fear of being an imposter.

>> No.20623109

Old, white, male writer not translating quotes from French, German, Latin or Greek:
>this is elitism intended to exclude BIPOC readers

>> No.20623115
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>> No.20623118


>> No.20623121

What the fuck is a "BIPOC"? Is still something like the latinx shit? Jesus Christ,where do people come up with this stuff?

>> No.20623126

Asians are not entitled to our sympathy when they get sucker punched by honor roll students on the subway.

>> No.20623130

It's funny because BIPOC came about as a way to exclude Asians from the non-white trauma olympics since they overperform and make the rest look bad

>> No.20623134

Dumb female shit. Colored is a racial slur but person of shitskin whatever I can't be bothered to finish my shitpost.

>> No.20623142

I suspect this is one of those typical Internet things, where they react to some vocal minority and no one even knows what they're referring to. Where are all the "white readers" demanding these things from "BIPOC" writers? It's like when you go on a youtube video and literally *every* single comment you see says "I don't know why most of these comments are negative, but I loved it..."

>> No.20623143

Bipolar Indigenous People on Crack

>> No.20623150

Heh,Remember when Rick Moranis got punched by a nigger on the subway 3 years ago or something? That was funny

>> No.20623156
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>> No.20623165

Fuck,what a pretentious little slut.

>> No.20623166

>barely speaks her heritage language
>seethes about white people
I guarantee she has a white boyfriend.

>> No.20623173

Lying ass bitch. Who is she kidding about limited access to her mother tongue when all us other immigrants grew up around chink weirdos. We all know your parents worked their ass off to send you to Chinese School so you could learn Mandarin and calligraphy after regular school hours.

>> No.20623178

What a awful bitch.

>> No.20623179

We're all immigrants sweaty :)

>> No.20623183

Holy shit. nobody does the pozzed more than Asian women, who have themselves been excluded from the oppressed club through the bipoc meme
I think she's trying the good old "if I write hateful stupid nonsense, I receive attention and maybe on troon somewhere buys y shitty book just to spite the ebil far-right"
don't give her replies of any sort

>> No.20623188

I just can't work up the motivation to give a shit about this kind of stuff anymore. Is it bad? Obviously. But these people are just harming themselves more than anything. I would rather let them harm themselves than try to stop it.

>> No.20623193

>Be me
>First-gen burger, son of immigrants
I put it this way. My parent's language might be my mother language, but English is my father language. English is the language I think in, feel in. At the end of the day, English is the language I would choose if I could only have one. Maybe it's different for her, but for me pretending that the two languages are equal is a lie.

>> No.20623196

Asian women love this shit cause they are one wrong comment away from being white

>> No.20623197
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Based Pestario and Angus

>> No.20623201


>> No.20623203


>> No.20623207

Waaay to lenient,but what can you expect from twitterfags.

>> No.20623225
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>> No.20623228

I hope some autistic white dude that speaks better mandarin than her corrects her language one day

>> No.20623230

So she intentionally prevents black and indigenous women from fully enjoying her work. That's gonna be a big yikes from me my dude.

>> No.20623232

This chink isn't entitled to my racist comments in swedish either.

>> No.20623231

obviously she's not entitled to, but making it about identity politics is very attention whorey

>> No.20623243
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Munter (no I will not translate this local word for you mutts)

>> No.20623251
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>> No.20623253

Just look at her Twitter feed. She's all in her feelings about asian bullshit but her boyfriend is a living caricature of a white soiboy.

>> No.20623260

>She's a dog
I'm surprised her family haven't eaten her yet.

>> No.20623264

Dogs are more attractive. Also aren't such up-tight cunts.
Asian women-0

>> No.20623267

you become more retarded the more you focus on retards. perhaps the focus on them is to hide your own. i’ll stop before i go down that same avenue

>> No.20623269

She looks like an Aphex Twin album cover.

>> No.20623281

Yes retards here deflected there low IQ on her.

Just download Grammerly if its that hard.

>> No.20623319


>> No.20623330
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actually true as well

>> No.20623373

>Asian women
If we're being fair, Chinese women are particularly terrible and the more fiscally well-off they are the more they tend to gripe about their supposed race-based oppression. I personally heard one go on a rant (note that this is her bullshit libtard jargon and not mine) about how Crazy Rich Asians was a long overdue representation of Asian entitlement and necessary to justify why it's a good thing compared to the inherent privilege of whiteness. (I proceeded to hate fuck and ghost her).

>> No.20623395

I think I am retarded because I do NOT understand this tweet

>> No.20623396

>is a bell a wang?
important question for the micro penis community

>> No.20623397

basically the politically correct way to say gay niggers

>> No.20623406

The only ethnic author I've read is Pushkin and I haven't read anything written by a woman

>> No.20623407

I’m happy I do t participate in Twitter, sadly 4chan mods won’t ban those who do.

>> No.20623415

how is this even an issue? spics aren't the only one who speak two languages. untranslated latin and french have appeared in english works since english became a thing

>> No.20623420

she used whom incorrectly lmao

>> No.20623425

Um, sweety, learning another language is cultural appropriation. Not a good look.

>> No.20623447
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>> No.20623469

Isabella Wang Black Cock

>> No.20623497
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no-one's entitled to anything. we can skip all but the very simplest Greek parts, but we have to work at Latin and French when we encounter it.
Ching Chong Wang can suck my Wang.

>>whatever I can't be bothered to finish my shitpost.
I respect this attitude

we can definitely skip the parts in Mandarin and Pinyin. The exception to this rule is Pound's Cantos.

Wang sounds like loads of fun.
She will.

>> No.20623550

Where do you freaks find these tweets? Do you follow her?

>> No.20623566
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OP, OP, faggotnigger
hangs on twitter, screenshots, sniggers
opens /lit/ and makes a thread
closes tab and goes to bed

anon, anon, browsing /lit/
posting bait and posting shit
sees this thread and instantwise
takes the bait and quick replies

>> No.20623622

>I was born in 2000, raised in Jining, Shandong. I lived in Beijing, China for a year before immigrating to Canada at the age of seven.
Must be sad. She doesn’t have the cultural and formative experiences any chinese would acquire while growing up in China, but at the same time doesn’t identify as canadian despite obviously being one. I mean, good luck finding a chinese that gives a fuck about the entitlement of white people or even knows what the hell a BIPOC is. Canadians, on the other hand…

>> No.20623668

What would some major leftist theorist like Marx think of the creation of an entire bureaucratic class of racially mixed immigrant "Outer Party" functionaries, who are completely useless (in contrast with the Prussian state bureaucracy, which at least sort of did things), whose ONLY function is to serve as a kind of self-deluding buffer between the actual masses and the state apparatus?

Think about it: a non-representative state only has so many options vis-a-vis the people it governs but does not represent (aka a corrupt state). It can repress them openly, but then it has to deal with resentment, passive resistance, rebellion, bare minimum efficiency from people who only obey/work to avoid punishment, etc. It can try to delude them into thinking a corrupt, self-enclosed apparatchik class is truly representative of the people - the "red bureaucracy" or "red bourgeoisie" of the former communist states. But this not only didn't work, people are now suspicious of it and it is discredited.

So what do you do instead? Take the most useless elements of the unrepresented masses: (1) aggrieved "minorities" who just arrived, and thus don't have the wherewithal to oppose the state corporately, and are more likely to have existing inter-class tensions with the majority (because competing for jobs, no cultural connections and even plenty of cultural clashes) which distract them from assimilating with the majority to corporately confront the state; and (2) women, who are always the most complacent about existing authorities and tend to enforec the status quo because with their lowered (essentially hedonistic, materialistic and childish) expectations from life, they can always find a modus vivendi with the existing state of things.

Selectively give this class a cushier existence (air-conditioned apparatchik office jobs + netflix prolefeed + sexual hedonism that sinks them into debt and dissolves intergenerational familial ties). And then, the crucial part, educate it in such a way that it reinforces its own education daily - make the ideology of this class of useless morons part of its very lifestyle, make self-delusion into the primary pastime of the new class.

Instead of needing to be bribed to remain barely effective enforcers, like the goons of the police state or the corrupt apparatchik, this new class participates in the masses' delusion willfully, it consumes delusion itself AS a commodity, as the highest commodity in the system. It no longer oppresses the majority and potentially revolutionary class out of self-interest but AS the highest luxury commodity. It is a status symbol and hobby for rich multicolored office women to rag on white men on twitter. They are purchasing dopamine by stepping on the necks of whatever is left of the actual middle class beneath them.

And if they ever slow down or become less effective, you just import more minorities.

>> No.20623700

Lmao, yeah that's oddly accurate

>> No.20623711

Cool, I already wasn't reading your ching chong nip ning nong noises.

>> No.20623713

Kek. I know this girl. She posted the same thing on Facebook. She interns (maybe edits now?) for Room Magazine and is a lesbian cat lady, despite being in her early/mid-twenties. She did just get a cancer diagnosis, though, so I think she's having a tough time. Her poetry collection isn't great, but she's at least somewhat talented, as far as contemporary poets go.

>> No.20623720

I expected something else.
I am disappoint.

>> No.20623821


>> No.20624148

>1st gen
stopped reading there. She has to go back.

>> No.20624181

>create an issue in your head
>make a brave and daring twitter poost fighting for the tiniest molehill
>rip the fattest fart and sniff it
Some people do be living like that

>> No.20624226

Which engenders the question: does she even know one language that well? Or maybe she really meant "them like me" in order to situate herself more squarely in BIPOC vernacular.

>> No.20624291

While true, it seems ironic to say it in English.

>t. black man

>> No.20624383

That thing’ll rip your fucking arms off man (hits vape).

>> No.20624395

>Nabokov writes a book with three languages, only translates the most essential phrases
>the rest is just him huffing his own farts
>doesn’t elaborate, laughs his way to the bank as people applaud him for being a big dick intellectual

>> No.20624405

>speaks English
made up by white men
>is a liberal
ideology made up by white men
>or a leftist
another ideology made up by white men
>is an immigrant
part of global market forces created and managed by white men
>thinks minority populations are ensouled/deserve human rights
notions made up by white men
