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20615045 No.20615045 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read it or should I start with other books by Guenon. Also I've been looking forward to getting into the Traditionalist School, I got recommened to start with Eliade -> Guenon -> Evola, is this a good pathway?

>> No.20615050


>> No.20615057

It’s trash. Why are you not starting with Eliade?

>> No.20615068

Because I got told to start with him? Should I?

>> No.20615114

Read Guenon first (OP pic is a good intro) or Evola's Revolt if you're a good reader and moderately well read on philosophy, history and spirituality. Read Eliade later.

>> No.20615123

lion of jah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws6zCW6zXAM

>> No.20615143

I know the summary for Revolt Against the Modern World, but I'm more interested in gaining a spiritual consciousness and I want to leave the materialist mindset

>> No.20615162

There is no "Traditionalist school", all of these authors have different views on many things. Nevertheless, that book is a good starting point for Guenon.

>> No.20615195

Why read trash when you could read something better

Oh. It never began for you OP. But if you insist on deluding yourself , here's a small gist of spiritual argument.

>subject and object are different. The subject(consciousness) ,which experiences the physical and mind has no base in the material.
>therefore immaterial soul exists.
>soul controls the body, hence the immaterial can influence the physical.
>things can only exist because a soul experiences them
>there's a big soul that runs this world and experiences it. That's God.

If all this sounds retarded to your materialist mind then probably it is. But if you still want to believe then follow the above line of logic, most people who believe don't even do this much due diligence. And then jump to whatever version of faith (entirely independent of culture, sure lmao) you favour. Save yourself the trouble of reading esoteric crap from literally whos.

>> No.20615671

skip eliade
start with ur OP book

>> No.20615842
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>surf the kali yuga

>> No.20615876

Kek I went straight into evola and into mysticism/occultism then back to guenon and found him too materialist.

>> No.20615891
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you're delusional

>> No.20615898

sounds like you got filtered m8

>> No.20616285

take your meds

>> No.20616299

make your teds

>> No.20616316

Yeah but why does there have to be subject-object duality?

>> No.20616319

>gain a spiritual consciousness
When I read COFTM, it didn't read as a "how to" gain a spiritual consciousness. It mostly read:
>The modern world sucks because A, B, and C.
>This is how A B, and C make it suck
>Traditional World, which is really before even Pythagoras, is better because X, Y, and Z
>Here is how X, Y, and Z were better.
That's it.

>> No.20616328


>> No.20616533

btw Guenonchads

we were talking about the antichrist a lot in May and were discussing its possibilities

I would like to make a quick note that Guenon says in Reign that it could be either a single person OR a collective (or both)

so it doesn't necessarily have to be a single person like we previously though

>> No.20616565

The antichrist is an ideal, a vision of a nihilistic and rootless world separated from any sort of higher ideal. If Christ is the path of striving and improvement, then the antichrist is the path of hedonism and indulgence.

>> No.20616917
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anyone who wants to join the official /trad/ server send me a friend request

>> No.20616992

First read Evola's The Fall of Spirituality. It will orientate you correctly against the varied forms of pseudo-spirituality and the counter-initiation. That should help protect you against potential pitfalls which are more real that you can imagine.

>> No.20617795

How would you describe the Antichrist in Hegelian terms?

>> No.20618022

any actual suggestions or just "don't read that!"?

>> No.20618038

Idk i don't think they're a duality at all

>> No.20618048

That's my suggestion
Don't read that. Its barely entertaining and will probably fill your head with retardation and guide you to a life path of disappointed if you take it too seriously.

>> No.20618055

Btw, just reading isn't going to get you to spirituality. It's not a purely logical / describable phenomenon. It can put you in the right mindset or rephrase certain problems you are struggling with though. You have to contemplate, self-enquire, meditate (or whatever else) - try to shed yourself of the other shit for a bit.

>> No.20618063

Would you like to explain why? Or are you just making statements that i should take your word for? what low effort posts

>> No.20618082

>Why read trash when you could read something better
>suggests nothing better

>> No.20618236

You are an idiot.

>> No.20619111

>Yeah but why does there have to be subject-object duality?
Because sentience and insentience are not the same thing and are not two plots on the same gradient or spectrum either but are fundamentally and qualitatively different, thus sentience will never be the same as the insentient.

>> No.20619374


>> No.20620641

>Thanks so much, this guy has a great channel that I will check out more

>> No.20621494

Ya this is a really good intro if you're more interested in the esoteric, a pretty quick read too.