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20611007 No.20611007 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you found out Thomas Ruggles Pynchon is Jewish through his mommy's side?

It's actually key to interpreting all his books and is totally obvious in retrospect.

>Benny Profane
Catholic, but Jewish through his mom


>All of Gravity's Rainbow

>Maxine Tarnow

>Mickey Wolfman[n]

>Talking dogs


polcels will seethe at this

Bennett is a Hebrew name. Period. You can use wikipedia as a source but everyone knows that's retarded.

>> No.20611013

Doesn’t matter, does it? I knew you could read Kabbalah into his works.

>> No.20611015

Duh, he looks inbred

>> No.20611019

You already made this shitty stupid thread before. Pynchon's mom was an anti-semitic catholic.

>> No.20611029

>Pynchon's mom was an anti-semitic catholic.
you cannot back up this slander
inb4 handwaving about the playboy interview you literally never read haha

>> No.20611082

takes one to know one

>> No.20611086
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Is this a raid from the fabled tranny discord?

>> No.20611088

Do your clothes smell like mildew? Be honest.

>> No.20611104

>Do your clothes smell like mildew? Be honest.
this is antisemitic

>> No.20611113

Pynchon's mom was a pious Catholic who, according to Pynchon didn't want him around Jews.

>> No.20611114

what means

>> No.20611122

>according to pynchon
so, no source
i fucking hate pseuds

>> No.20611149

No point posting it, it's not up for debate. Take your shitty threads to reddork.

>> No.20611153

>has no source
>thinks it's in the playboy interview
fucking lol you are braindead and cannot think critically

>> No.20611177

the nosejob in V. was inspired by his gf breaking up with him because he wasn't jewish

>> No.20611197

The fascination with black cocks suddenly makes so much sense

>> No.20611205

>has no source
>thinks it's in the playboy interview probably
fucking lol you are also braindead and cannot think critically

>> No.20611219

yeah schizo rambling on 4chan is a much better source lmao

>> No.20611233

face the facts it's a hebrew surname

>> No.20611249

it's a WASP surname too lol

>> No.20611250

Read The House of Seven Gables and take meds.

>> No.20611258

too bad his works are thoroughly jewish, including the first-novel self insert who is half jewish through his mom

>> No.20611276

jews run your brain

>> No.20611296
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pynchon runs my brain

>> No.20611305

that lad in the middle... who is he?

>> No.20611312

>Bennett is a Hebrew name.
But it's literally from Benedict, a classic christfag name popular in Western Europe.

>> No.20611336

>polcels will seethe at this
damn maybe you should take this shit there and not here since you are clearly just b8ing

>> No.20611364
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>> No.20611365


>> No.20611377

awful writing
just terrible

>> No.20611390


>> No.20611523

Bob dylan is a jew named robert zimmerman. George zimmerman, however, is not jewish. How could this be?!

>> No.20611533

i think you know the answer

>> No.20611538

You don't

>> No.20611562

Jews take gentile names to blend better, retard.

>> No.20611970

blend you say hmm

>> No.20612108

Bennett isn't a Hebrew name, it's of Latin origin. You might be thinking of Naftali Bennett, but his parents were American. With Jews, you can't go by last names too much bc last names aren't all that important. In synagogue, you're addressed as "name" + ben + "father's name", with ben meaning son of. First names are the ones that usually are Hebrew because you usually get named after a thing or idea. For example, Naftali means wreath.

>> No.20612130

Why does that matter?

>> No.20612165

It matters the same way it matters that Shakespeare was Catholic and Milton was Protestant and Dante was Catholic etc

>> No.20612634

Wrong lol i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds i hate pseuds

>> No.20612644
File: 51 KB, 240x232, bS3KV4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you hate yourself?

>> No.20612645

What is your reasoning for Bennett being a Hebrew name?

>> No.20612663

pine...cohen? holy shit lol

>> No.20612727

He's mom is Irish you dumb cunt. Bennett is a British name.
Also, you already made this thread retard. Your either an unfunny troll, or your wranglers let your retarded ass out of the asylum. Under your logic anyone named Abraham or Jacob is a jew too.

>> No.20612808


>> No.20613520

>Where were you when you found out Thomas Ruggles Pynchon is Jewish through his mommy's side?

If there was ANY evidence that Pynchon was a Jew, he would be discussed on the autistically thorough Jew or Not a Jew website:


But he is not. Verdict: Not a Jew.

>> No.20613736

Pynchon is not anywhere near the level of those authors so it doesn't matter

>> No.20613743

Lol the website literally says Jew for Pynchon I KNEW it

>> No.20614871

Rick Rolled.

>> No.20614883

doesn't make it "literally" not a hebrew name.
you may be right but that word is impotent here.
whenever people use "literally" in such a fashion it feels as if they know they have no argument but are trying to force one in with a flamboyant word.

>> No.20614910


>> No.20615370

>Where were you when you found out Thomas Ruggles Pynchon is Jewish through his mommy's side?
Why does that matter?

>> No.20616023

In what possible context would it not inform your reading of him? Are you brain dead?

>> No.20616119
File: 28 KB, 400x400, dc567y2-c5236632-994d-471b-9436-754e288f1f13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he's just not anti-Semitic

>> No.20616202

American is not an ethnicity, lefttard

>> No.20616213

what does this have to do with reading pynchon as the jewish author he is?

>> No.20616326

he was on the simpsons /thread

>> No.20616432

It's just a surname, anon. The Zimmermans in my country are always catholic. It's a profession of some kind. I guess it's a person who paints or plasters walls or something.

>> No.20616580

"""catholic""" oh, boy, are you people dumbasses

>> No.20616991

actually it is