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20610378 No.20610378 [Reply] [Original]

Any book recs that explains why incels exist, why people are having less sex whilst media is getting more and more sexualised, why herbivores men exist. A bit of social darwinism explains why incels cant get laid and women prefer chads. Doesnt matter if academic or normal literature. I just want answers.

>Pic rel

>> No.20610398

Also, I can try giving my thoughts and other anons can add to it
>why people are having less sex whilst media is getting more and more sexualized

It's not that people are having less sex, it's that a few select are having more sex while the other are having less. Before the internet, before mass communication, etc. a mid guy could easily score/find love but now he has to compete with chads all over the area and beyond. The internet and TV also created false ideals of what love is, what relationships should be, and a lot of other female fantasies
A historical example could be the diamond ring, it was a mass advertisement campaign that turned into a subconscious expectation and cultural norm, all because Women started to believe that without a diamond a ring is useless

>why herbivores men exist
Social niche and cope, the same reason why certain bird species started to go after birds with the brightest colors instead of traits that are actually good for survival. The worth of things is based on difference (for example, a designer shirt that sells for $3000 can be the same as a Walmart $1 shirt, except for the small logo on the chest or the fine print on the tag inside the shirt), and incels that see that they cant compete with chads on the base of sameness (they cant and wont get buff for example) they go for difference
Another thing when it comes to Incels is that they are all porn addicts, sooner or later they will either develop a cuckold fetish (they realize that their enjoyment comes from watching a dude fuck a chick) or become trannys (they start to identify with the woman being penetrated)
Incels also will almost never change since their existence is paradoxical, they hate women but also want a women more than anything

>> No.20610401

Monasteries have always existed. The problem is society no longer has a place to put its men and women who are unsuited to making children.

>> No.20610406

incels deserve their suffering

>> No.20610409

Incel =/= volcel
Also a lot of monks were chads, and usually they were just the second oldest sons/brothers that were sent to the monastery so that the land wouldn't get divided and that the family has one mouth less to feed

>> No.20610410

>explains why incels exist.
They always existed, but it's gotten worse in the past decade or so because of the prevalence of social media and dating apps. Used to be that women settled for the best guy she could find in her daily life/social circle. Now a woman can hook up with Chad and Brad on tinder and toss all of the less desirable men into the garbage. Even fat girls are picky in a society where attractive men are willing to sleep with just about anyone because it's easy to set up. It's not that hard to understand, anon.

>> No.20610420

Traditionally most monks weren't volcels lol. You even implied so yourself, they were made to become monks. And there's nothing "chad" about being a mindless, property-less slave.

>> No.20610427
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>Traditionally most monks weren't volcels lol. You even implied so yourself, they were made to become monks.
What makes an incel an incel? His mindset that he chases women and wants to bang but cant. A monk doesn't want to bang, and he can always leave the order
>And there's nothing "chad" about being a mindless, property-less slave.
Compared to being a pathetic coomer consoomer, a life of studying theology and philosophy with your bros after working in the vineyard is anything but "mindless"

>> No.20610604

Op here, on the topic of why incels cant get laid. I can't find the source of this I'll try to find it later on but basically 'the fall of religion that is the christianity and liberalism destroy Christian values on sexuality. Back when Christianity is strong women dont have right or freedoms basically a patriarchy society. Men had the control of women so they wouldn't go ape shir. The christian values that is monogamy (A monogamous society is good because all males get a mate and save their genes) and giving a value on being virgin because being virgin means you have more motherly instinct, more pair bonding and more likely to invest offsprings which in turn not cheat on you/leave you or cuckold you for other man. The death of christianity has allowed liberalist ideas of sexuality. Liberal sexual ideals caused disruption of the patriarchy. Women now had freedom and women are now polygamous than they were 200 years ago'.

>> No.20610673


Now the situation with incels is that. They can't compete with alpha males/males with better physical traits. The amount of fertile quality woman shrinks as more and more women become more liberal and more likely to fall for polygamy which lowers their value and these women either become waste products of sexual market because they now cant bear children after years of polygamous hedonism with contraceptives, She is having sex w/o getting pregnant = Her eggs and pussy are getting old from beating without getting a offspring. Now because more and more women are being polygamous. Men are competing more and more to secure a mate that is fertile. Incels are basically men who dropped out of the men-men competition to get fertile women. All of these ties back to liberalism and giving women rights they have gone ape shit. Also 'r/k strategy' from ecology also plays a part. Women and men who indulge in these sexual activities are r-strategist characterized by strong sex drive and little care for offspring in a modern sense: Not having children. K-strategist people are type of women incels wanted opposite characteristics that off r-strategist traits.

>Shit formatting and structure because kuroba phonefag.

>> No.20610838

How good is Oblomov? I've read most of the Russians and want something real doomy; a real rope-buyer, if you know what I mean.

Is the Everyman translation fine, too?

>> No.20610899


>> No.20610933

There are multiple factors at play here which pump up each other in a viscious cycle

>end of monogamy.
Without social institutions that put a limit on how many partners one can fuck the dating scene enters a free market phase. And you know how free markets are. A few get to keep all the resources. This is a consequence of liberalism

>women are sexual resources
The moniker "sperm is free but ovum has value" is applicable here. Women have men have evolved differently. Men want to spread their spead as much as they can, quantity over quality. While women want quality over quantity. They risk pregnancy and hence can't afford genetically low value men to impregnate her who can't protect her or the child in a jungle.

This leads to a situation where the women is the prize and combine that with the free market situation described above we get modern hypergamy

>post industrial capitalist society
The context of urban lifestyle has changed much now. No longer do women work in a fied owned or leased by her own family. Which makes her existence subject to that famliy. Now everyone is working for? Mr. Shekelstein including women and the context is constant consumption of productsproducts while wageslaving. Women make enough that they don't need to settle down or pin a man anymore. Sex has become a passtime. The need to give birth is no longer a social concern which leads to population decline.

>> No.20611372

>End of monogamy paragraph
As houellebecq said. Sexual liberalism much like economic liberalism caused a phenomena of pauperisation. Like economy market where there are people who spend money on everything, some saves money, others don't have money. Sexual market where some make love everyday, some 5 or 7 a year or in their lifetime and others who are reduced to porn of masturbation.