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/lit/ - Literature

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20609130 No.20609130 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me the worst book you've ever read, and why.

>> No.20609138

The Bible.

>> No.20609143

A Death In Venice.
Fucking gay pedo shit.
Had to read it in college.

>> No.20609146

>Why? Oh... the agents of moloch were displeased...

>> No.20609152


I know the feeling. I'd say The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is the worst I've ever read, myself. It's the only book I've ever hated. Any other 'bad' book, I usually forget after finishing for completion's sake, but Duddy Kravitz is just that bad.

>> No.20609168

The Bible.

>> No.20609182

The Talmud. It's Jewish mysticism cope from kikes who didn't accept Jesus as Lord

>> No.20609203

Just read the summary on Wikipedia.
It does sound pretty dismal.
What was the worst part...the pointlessness, the unlikable characters, or the Canuckness?
Or something else I didn't get from the summary?

>> No.20609209

The Bible

>> No.20609230

>the unlikable characters

Bingo. There's just nothing there. At least Holden Caulfield had Phoebe as a foil, but Duddy had nada, zilch. I think I read it because somebody said it was Canada's version of Catcher in the Rye or something. It's not. Not even close. I'd rather read Empress Theresa over it.

>> No.20609248

Well, thanks for the warning.
I'll make a point never to read it.

>> No.20609252

Geunon and Evola were both shit.

>> No.20609257

sex with this

>> No.20609259

You can prove God. You will never prove Jesus.

>> No.20609266


No problem. It's also funny how its author accused the Quebecois separatists of being Nazi-like, and yet Duddy Kravitz reads like a /pol/tard wrote it. Seriously, it's like Richler deliberately wrote Duddy to be as much of a stereotypical Jew as possible. The self-hate must've been something else.

>> No.20609271

All Creatures Great and Small or was it All things Bright and Beautiful?
Either way, I was in 10th grade. I don't give a flying mother fuck about farmers helping their sheep give birth in detail. I don't care what happens to the family. I don't care if their crops burn, I don't care if their animals get sick, I don't care if a tornado brings down their house. I just don't fucking care what happens to random American farm families in books, son of a bitch! Fuck off. They couldn't find ANYTHING more important to read in 10th grade? As if anyone in the American education system is going to understand the struggles of yore.

>> No.20609310

I dunno, probably one of the myriad self published erotic novels I got paid to narrate.

>> No.20609374

>Just read the summary on Wikipedia.
Jesus christ.

>> No.20609403
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I read it back in 2007. Shittiest book I've ever read.

>> No.20609407

If I don’t like a book I’ll drop it

>> No.20609419


I try to finish them myself, just so I can say I gave it a fair shake.

>> No.20609900

>Wizard's First Rule, Terry Goodkind
Read it because I liked the Legend of the Seeker show and fans told me it was better. The main character stands in a forest and snaps 18 twigs in the first two pages of the book, then the plot attacks him. At no point does the author ever seem to be aware he has set up his MC has having OCD. Later, the villain bans the use of fire. In a medieval society. Whose entire industrial base is powered by burning wood, peat, and coal. This is supposed to be a metaphor for how liberals regulate the market. The MC engages in Randian monologues about individualism that make Rand, a serial killer fetishizing sexual submissive whose definition of virtue is "makes my pussy wet," look like a genius in comparison.

I've read The Turner Diaries, and I actually found that less frustrating and hateful than Wizard's First Rule. Terry Goodkind better pray he and I never find ourselves in the same room with a copy of that book, because I swear to God I will make the motherfucker eat it. I will gladly go to prison satisfied knowing I made that assclown eat his own shit.

>> No.20609912

When I was a kid in the 80s, my dad was a tyrant with the remote control and he decided what we watched. Which pretty much always meant PBS. And I didn't mind the Agatha Christie murder mysteries and shit like that, but oh my god, I still have nightmares about sitting through All Creatures Great and Small. It's like some kind of expertly crafted psychop designed to weaponize tedium. Every minute you spend watching it is somehow ten minutes of your life you will never get back. I can't even imagine reading that shit.

>> No.20609924

‘A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court’ is pretty high up on my shit list. I also hated Dracula. Both of those were so fucking boring.

>> No.20610159

The Giver

>> No.20610170

The boy in the striped pyjamas

>> No.20610191


>> No.20610599

David Lynch's biography. A family member bought it for me and I decided to try to read it but Lynch is too autistic to answer questions. Whole book goes like this
>Interviewer: Did [insert life experience from childhood or adoloescence here] influence [insert Lynch film here]?
>Lynch: Uhh, I guess so, I don't know. But we live in a dream bro

>> No.20610620


>> No.20610653
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Incoherent, disorientating (and not in a stylistic way that can be appreciated), MC is a biologist and is somehow the dumbest fuck, flat/underdeveloped descriptions and emotion everywhere else but her childhood pool/pond, and the list goes on. It’s a poorly executed Strugatsky/Carver bastard child with a cosmic horror lean; overall, writing was incongruent with the complex themes and subjects it was trying to explore, read like baby’s first sci-fi novel.

>> No.20610683

If it’s short I’ll try to finish it. But if it’s a monster tome, it’s not worth slogging through. I try to be honest with myself and ask if I’m looking forward to reading or not. I don’t want to make reading a chore

>> No.20610789
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JBP is a joke, so its not about him.
Example of internal symbolism in the bible across centuries.
>Joseph - His people (family/canaanites) betrayed him
>Jesus - Jews betrayed him (plotted to kill him)
>Joseph - He was put in the earth by his brothers, thrown in a pit
>Jesus - He was burried in the earth
>Joseph - His brothers thought they got rid of him, killed him. but he rose from the pit
>Jesus - The Jews thought they got rid of him, killed him. But he rose from the grave
>Joseph - He joined the "gentiles"/Egypt and was exalted, became pharaoh
>Jesus - Gentiles embraced Christ and he was exalted, became their Lord
>Joseph - Saved mankind (jew and gentile) from the 14 year long famine by distributing grain to all nations
>Jesus - Saved mankind (jew and gentile) from death by redeeming us from sin and death and opening a path to eternal life

>> No.20611389

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.20611423

To Kill A Mockingbird, I don't get it, every single character is annoying, I do not want to spend any time with them.

>> No.20611521
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a moronic book for morons

>> No.20611527


>> No.20611568

damn. i was considering reading it. but if /lit/ doesnt like it, it probably isnt good.

>> No.20611611

I liked Revolt.

>> No.20611629
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>nada, zilch
I've never seen someone type this out. I can feel the boomer cringe coming off your post. That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

>> No.20611708

I’ll take the bait, how was Atticus Finch annoying to you , retard?

>> No.20612080
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legitimately the only book i've hated every single minute of. Desert Solitaire is pretty good, but this shit has zero redeeming qualities, and I would refuse to associate with anyone who said they enjoyed it.

>> No.20612107

>I can feel the boomer cringe coming off your post

And you use a deriative of the Pepe meme. I can feel the millennial cringe off of your post. Who cares? It's just words, man. Words.

>> No.20612136
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>> No.20612199

Atlas Shrugged
I was an edgy little shit in middle school.

>> No.20613061

I actually loved Annihiliation. Better than the movie. Seriously can't see what anon is talking about. It's very "weird lit," hallucinatory to no end, though I hear the sequels are not worth busying oneself with.