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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 597 KB, 1801x2560, k0uZ2GQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20607873 No.20607873 [Reply] [Original]

The closest thing to a classic written in the last few decades

>> No.20607886

Mediocre bait.

>> No.20607888

It's a children's cartoon bucko, no le heckin Buddhist names do not make your manga better.

>> No.20607895

I read it recently. It’s incredibly overrated.

>> No.20607909
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1628878514786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.20607944

This was so mediocre. Why do people jerk it off? The only semi good part was the creepy art but “grotesque giant monster” grew old after a while.

>> No.20607953

Opinion accepted

>> No.20607954

it's popular, therefore it's bad

>> No.20607964

the same reason people thought The Dark Knight was one of the best movies ever made.

>> No.20607970

The Golden Age was easily the best part. It got interesting again when he got the armour but it completely lost that and just became a typical manga with a arch enemies fighting and building up to a face off.

>> No.20608044

Based, glad to see so many people finally waking up to the truth.
I too got sucked in by the hype, but in truth Berserk went off the rails after the Golden Age arc and it’s painfully obvious that Miura didn’t know what do with the plot afterwards.
The only thing going for it is the admittedly superb art but that’s not enough to keep people interested.

>> No.20608064

it's a little gay

>> No.20608100

The art in berserk is amazing but I found the story and characters to be dull.
>le stoic Gary stu with dark childhood
>le epic brown tomboy turned feral child
>le epic pretty boy narcissist who puts his goals above everyone (Did nothing wrong! xd)
What am I missing?

>> No.20608110

What's wrong with some edge?

>> No.20608127

>Miura didn’t know what do with the plot afterwards.
not true, he had the ending planned out, but not his income which is why he wrote so much filler

to answer the bait, berserk is better than a brief history of seven killings, but not 2666, both competitors in literary extreme violence

>> No.20608128

nothing, but it not a marker of quality, and it's usually the opposite

>> No.20608139

don't you have a nietzschean communism book to sell ?

>> No.20608156

Fucking pseuds. Didnt rven explain why it's overrated, illeterate fucks.

>> No.20608160

I can see why someone would think that if they barely read anything else but what reddit recommends and little else.

>> No.20608164

OP youre a pseud
berserk isnt mediocre, in fact its pretty good for manga, but it is middling overall

>> No.20608181
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I enjoy it, it's probably the best "thing of it's kind" (haven't read Vagabond which I imagine is of the same kind). I think it succeeds very much in being a impressively comic with some loveable characters, but I don't think it really works well beyond that. Some of Naoki Urasawa's manga comes closer to great literature but I still think they're more on the level of something like The Sopranos (the most elevated popular fiction)

>> No.20608189

let me explain why it's overrated, then. it's because retards like you keep saying it's a fucking masterpiece. how many manga have you even read, you faggot? let me guess, you read the first three Akira books, and you watched Neon Genesis Evangelion, but you liked Berserk best because Guts is really cool and his sword is really big.

>> No.20608191

Fuck u bitch im not op

>> No.20608198

I read 300 or more. You're a fucking retard who makes baseless assumptions on strangers in the internet, faggot. stop wasting my time, pseud.

>> No.20608204

>no explanation
Yep yourr illeterate, just autistic rambling from a fucking dork

>> No.20608210
File: 75 KB, 318x443, 1632140613036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trigun is unironically 1000x better than Beserk, and the fact that it's never brought up on /lit/ is proof that none of you have any discernible taste, and you're all cringy edgelords.

>> No.20608219

>le old scific space popular manga
Fuck off berserk is top 1.

>> No.20608224

Based Trigun Chad, weebs won’t touch it because it’s a space Western, not enough moe kawaii uwu for their unimaginative otaku asses

>> No.20608226

It's not even top 100

>> No.20608234

>it's s heckin epic space western with no cute stuff! Im so fucking cool refined and mature for.reading "obscure" manga even thohgh its popular as fuck!

>> No.20608240

Space western is one of the most patrician genres, and it's criminally small, beyond that, Trigun has such a heavy focus on the metaphysics and self identity, it really blows Berserk entirely out of the water.

>> No.20608242

Here’s why Berserk is overrated
>the DARKNESS gets tiresome after a while, gore and rape is only shocking until it becomes comical due to its abundance
>LONG stretches of real world time pass while barely anything happens in-universe
>Miura introduced even more annoying companions
>unwarranted and jarring shift in tone to make it more optimistic
>art style gets softer as the plot drags on
>uneven pacing
>Guts really isn’t that interesting of a character and since Casca and Griffith basically drop out of the story for long stretches this leaves you with a rather generic tough guy and his annoying companions

>> No.20608246

/lit/ is a septic tank of retards, but you're the dumbest piece of shit of all, aren't you. ask me how I know you have never even touched Trigun, you assblasted faggot

>> No.20608254

Planetes is better, kek unsophisticated cucks.

still better than your shitty Ya

Its clear you havent read planetes. Stop reading shounen, u fucking manchild

>> No.20608268

Trigun is not obscure, it’s just that /a/utists REFUSE to discuss anything outside flavor of the month moe pandering SOL #254
Trigun has a legitimately unique world, it’s themes are more grounded and Vash is a more complex main character than Guts. There I said it

>> No.20608271
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>> No.20608276

theres no such thing as complex characters kek. There are tropes, you know. Kid lmao

>> No.20608287
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>theres no such thing as complex characters

>> No.20608302

Its just cookie personalities. Every different type of character has almost been created. Obviously u only watch anime and read manga, not read actual books. Lol its all the same troon shit personalities dumbass

>> No.20608309

Define a complex character. Give an example

>> No.20608315

Was the pay really that poor that you couldn't retire after 30 years of writing a hit manga?

>> No.20608336

rent in tokyo is extremely expensive, not to mention miura is rumored to have sex with expensive prostitutes like the holy knight girl an the refugee harlot were based on.

>> No.20608346

He blew it all on cigarettes and Idolmaster games

>> No.20608367

Vagabond is way better. I love Berserk, but there are noticeable flaws. Vagabond is ridiculously fucking good. Alongside Punpun, it completely transcends everything else in the medium. Manga is capable of work that can be considered classics, but it's extremely difficult and there are only about two that have even come close

>> No.20608376

what makes vagabond transcendent

>> No.20608377

>esl samefagging
Classic troons.

>> No.20608388

Which other manga stick out for you anon?

What are some underrated reccs from you?

>> No.20608428

he thinks beserk is the best. you know 289 of them are hentai

>> No.20608427

You sound like a literal 13 year old although that’s not surprising coming from people who need their taste validated on an anonymous Tibetan yak heading forum.

>> No.20608443

>lolicon apologist nip
typical 4channer taste

>> No.20608449

>*destroys door to home* I'M THE RAPE KNIGHT, I LOVE TO RAAAAPE!!!! YEAH!
>I'm sad...
>(many years later...)
>and thats how I became who I am... (he turns around) u think ur brians make u smart but only being strong maters bcuse only teh storngerst wins cus life is rly violent and brutel and thers no place for weaklings
a true masterpiece... so much depth... character development...

>> No.20608456

Uhhh yeah..... I lik narooto and 1 piece and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh this totaly crazy one called jojo

>> No.20608464

I see, you didn't read it and only know the storie by woke reddit and twitter bitching

>> No.20608467

>miura is rumored to have sex with expensive prostitutes
Lol what. Rumours from who? I’ve literally never heard this in my life.

>> No.20608475
File: 148 KB, 864x1390, laughing homeless man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read 300 or more.

>> No.20608476

you joke, but one piece and jojo are both better than berserk. it's not even a contest.

>> No.20608477

Literally everyone on there likes berserk because it’s about toxic masculinity or whatever.

>> No.20608487

>200 chapters before either gets good.
No thanks.

>> No.20608491

uh, excuse you, One Piece is a masterpiece from chapter 1

>> No.20608492

>My name is Senzō Todogawa
>I am the master of the Papercrane School of Swordsmanship
>Ahh... I'll challenge you, pfeh!
>So disrespectful!
>(This man's killing intent... I can perceive it... He's studying my technique by looking at me even if I'm not using the sword)
>(I am studying his technique by looking at him... even if he's not using his sword I can sense that he likes to grip about 3 cm higher than normal... this means...)
>(Ahhh... He's probably figured out that I grip the sword a bit higher. I will have to adjust my technique accordingly...)
>(He's figured out that I figured out...)
>That's enough! You win!
>M-MASAKA?! Is this stranger crazy?!
>That's right. I will challenge you another time!
>W-what! He's given up?!
>(he exist the dojo) I am defeated... in my own mind... humiliated... but if I had challenged him...
>...I would have died!
>You really like fighting eh, young man?
>Ahhh... I like fighting...
>Fighting is...
>*looks up into the sun*
>...All I live for!
>(This man.... He lives to fight!)

>> No.20608506

Fair enough, I’ve heard even the fans find it slow at the beginning.

>> No.20608514

How can people hate Fantasia when it has so many 10/10 chapters? As an arc, it may be overall one of the weakest because there's a lot of filler, but it has so many great moments.

>> No.20608518

I like it.

>> No.20608522

so its nothing right
just good for manga/pop culture
it at least sounds better than the sopranos

>> No.20608526

It was boring and one-note

>> No.20608527

what are fantasias good chapters

>> No.20608533

Urasawa is pretty good, maybe the best but I really don’t think I could say any of his series are up there with classic works of literature.

>> No.20608543
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How fortuitous, I’m enjoying it so far.

>> No.20608542

I like Vinland Saga more.

>> No.20608546

It might be slow compared to the later chapters, but it's not slow-slow in a way that makes it a slog to read. It's still a manga about a wacky pirate dude doing wacky pirate shit, and it starts ab ovo, not in media res. So that's just pacing.

>> No.20608554

I loved Vinland Saga, but then Askeladd died...

>> No.20608589

the art in vagabond is way better than the art in berserk so there's that

>> No.20608591

Mediocre bait.

>> No.20608611


300 manga anon i await your recs

>> No.20608614

It felt too childish at times though.

>> No.20608626

>bait thread gets 75 posts

Is making shitty threads the only way to get attention on this board? No wonder it gone to shit.

>> No.20608628

>im not som1 u wanna stick around too, go away
>dont follow me.... everyweher I go ppls die cuz I was cursed with teh darkness... thats why my life was so hard and u shouldnt folow me cuz ur not strong enough to follow me, ur too weak ur gonna die so do not follow me ok?

>> No.20608631

pretty much, pseudos just want a chance to bitch at one thing or another, specially if popular, and suck their own ego's cock

>> No.20608643

thanks for confirming your illiteracy

>> No.20608649

Thanks anon, I've had a lot of fun writing that and I'm glad to see that you're seething!

>> No.20608668


>> No.20608669
File: 500 KB, 572x749, 1487793120600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best most praised anime and manga out there barely get close to the most middling of young adult fiction novels in terms of substance.

>> No.20608677

yeah. i've pretty much given up on effortposting. last time i put effort into a post (it was a rec list of 15+ books) i didn't even get a fuckin "k."

i'm pretty much at my wits end. just a couple more retard posts and i'm calling it quits.

>> No.20608679

Some guy on YouTube used it as as a means to explain Nietzsche so it must be good.

>> No.20608688


>> No.20608697

>Some guy on YouTube
who fucking cares lol

>> No.20608701

Checked k

>> No.20608721

There is no objective substance though. They’re different mediums and do different things. You shouldn’t expect a novel from a manga nor a manga from a novel.

>> No.20608723

Lamayo kek hahahahaha

>> No.20608731

Try adding something wild to your posts and the (you)s will pour in. Generally I do something confrontational like calling someone a nigger. This draws attention to your post. Actually do it in all caps, like
although since we have a sizable tranny population I've found it much more effective to call people trannies, but you shouldn't say YWNBAW or things like that because they feel empowered when you say that. You know in MSG4, the guy who's got nanomachine skin that hardens when you call him a tranny? Just like that. They have calluses in that area of the brain, it's probably the hormones that fuck them up so bad and give them schizophrenia (other than the one they already have about being women and all). Anyway try doing something like that. Fuck the jannies.

>> No.20608732

Also OP btfo (he is a fag)

>> No.20608737

(as you can see I've given up on effortposting myself)

>> No.20608751


>> No.20608766

>miura is rumored to have sex with expensive prostitutes

>> No.20608773
File: 323 KB, 550x780, Do as you will, chosen one..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-God gnostic propaganda

>> No.20608775

Biblically accurate idea of evil.

>> No.20608776
File: 193 KB, 647x913, berserk_lostchapter_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20608787

>Yep yourr illeterate
Anon I.....

>> No.20608789


Heh, let me teach you fucking uncultured some lesson on refined taste. Take some fuckign notes, children.
Here's some of my superior recommendation:
Lone Wolf and Cub
Onani Master Kurosawa
Houseki no Kuni
Black Jack
Aku no Hana
Kyou kara ore wa
Holy Land
VAgrant Soldier Ares
Liar Game
ashita no joe
Parallel paradise

im too lazy to type now but here are some of the few amazing manga that ive read.

>> No.20608801

so its not effortposting, just seeking for attention like a woman? Get out of here, freak

>> No.20608804

>Parallel paradise
I see you are a man of culture and refinement

>> No.20608807

>Lone Wolf and Cub
Movies are better. In fact if your going to dabble in nip pop culture just stick to the films they’re actually pretty good at producing those unlike the shitty comic books

>> No.20608813

I knew i will find a man with great taste in this board... srsly tho fr, it has a good story. im not saying this in jest.

>> No.20608814

Don’t call yourself a man of culture anon.

>> No.20608826

I already watched it desu nyan. JApanese live action kinda cringe sometimes tho. i mean anime and manga live action

>> No.20608828

this is all you have to offer? turns out youre a pleb. can you even read untranslated manga or did you fail learning kanji like every weeb tranny?

stick to kids comics muh 300 tranny, leave real literature to professionals

>> No.20608836

That chapter in the boat where Guts realize for the first time the meaning of losing his arm. The Ricket chapters. Some of the Griffith chapters. The chapters where Shiercke and Farnesse get inside Casca's mind. The chapter with the Skull Knight's origin. The chapter where Guts play with the moon child is pretty sweet too and the ending was pure kino.

>> No.20608837

You fucking fake anime and manga fan. I mastered japanese already. im reading unstranslated japanese literature. I live and work in Japan LOL. Rot in your basement faggot. I can give 50 if i want but i dont want to spoonfeed , retards like you.

>> No.20608841

Why do people talk like this?

>> No.20608840

Berserk's art is more detailed and proportions and movements are usually more natural as well, although Miura fucked up sometimes too.

>> No.20608844

okay so 300 tranny turned out to be a retarded manchild, what are the real advantages of vagabond and trigun? or any works that supposedly transcend the animanga medium?

i read the novel vagabond is based on and its high pop culture. its good, but not transcendent for literature. idk how good the manga is. it might be transcendent for manga but that might not actually mean much.

trigun has deeper characterization than berserk but its still middling. anyone care to really defend it?

I doubt it, since you barely speak English and are very insecure about what little about manga you do know.

>> No.20608849
File: 23 KB, 1081x381, I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's more than one people with taste here Anon

>it has a good story. im not saying this in jest
I know, the way it goes from idekai to time travel and the way they kept the MC alive/going back and forth was really interesting IMO

>> No.20608853

>That chapter in the boat where Guts realize for the first time the meaning of losing his arm. The Ricket chapters. Some of the Griffith chapters. The chapters where Shiercke and Farnesse get inside Casca's mind. The chapter with the Skull Knight's origin. The chapter where Guts play with the moon child is pretty sweet too and the ending was pure kino.
those chapters are 6-8/10 even within the manga medium
dont mean to insult you but berserk is indeed overrtaed

>> No.20608861

>there's more than one people with taste here Anon
>more than one people
you might as well be the same person since both posts are illiterate faggotry with puerile taste

>> No.20608862

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.20608871

>implying that are non-mentally ill people here

>> No.20608877

I thought your wellversed and all-knowing in literature? Why ask ? KEk read more books, not manga. You'll know, trust me
. ALso you dont need to speak english in japan LMFAO. Who cares about proper grammar in a taiwanese anime forum? stop trying so hard.

Your reely asks that in 4chinz?

cant believe people call it trash. my fav character is the maid and shrimp girl
Whats wrong with having fun

>> No.20608878

Aku no Hana was dumb

>> No.20608881

because u claim to be employed in japan but theres no way theyd hire a low quality retard like you. you dont know fluent japanese anon.

>Whats wrong with having fun
nobody said that, the problem is you being a retarded tranny

>> No.20608885

Speak for yourself I’m just lonely.

>> No.20608892

whaever man

>> No.20608896

Just go back to /a/ I don’t know how you people even end up here.

>> No.20608903

Fucking kek. this must be what it’s like to talk to someone with Down syndrome.

>> No.20608910

Niggas, why you have to be so insecure? Just accept Berserk is the best.

>> No.20608911
File: 4 KB, 390x101, I2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two different anons once more

>> No.20608912

u type like an esl freak, fat fuck

>> No.20608913

No, and soon we will be making light novels threads here

>> No.20608923

KEK. basically this guy>>20608896

>> No.20608931

>Just accept Berserk is the best.
Maybe if you're a pleb. Real intellectuals prefer Trigun. Vash is three times more complex than Guts will ever be.

>> No.20608938

what are some good scenes in trigun that outcompete berserk?

>> No.20608965

just kidding. trigun sucks

>> No.20608974

maybe you can redeem yourself tranny
if you dont respond in fluent japanese youre too dumb to work there. they dont let retards stay in such a nice neighborhood

>> No.20608979
File: 387 KB, 1080x744, IMG_20220701_034906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong manga OP

>> No.20608984
File: 169 KB, 699x933, 1177216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berserk is a true revival of Greek tragedy. Kentaro Miura managed to do what Wagner couldn't.

>> No.20608989

I like any novel better than untranslated Japan. You are also a an insecure tryhard faggot

>> No.20608993

so you dont even read japanese. knew it.
>insecure tryhard faggot
sorry tranny thats just you

>> No.20609001

u asked me to translate. what is this, elementary school or smething

>> No.20609006

for you it is you retarded tranny

>> No.20609014

you're a moron

>> No.20609026

It's pretty clear what the question's asking. If you can't into Japanese past Google translate, he's right about you being a retarded pseud and pleb.

>> No.20609078

well i didnt call him a pseud but since he called others that, ig it hits him back

>> No.20609086

lit really is teeming with braindead zoomers

>> No.20609109

Nobody reads on /lit/.

>> No.20609118

everyone wants a little appreciation when they do someone a favor. that's fucking basic, you spastic. If you loan someone money, are you too manly to expect it to be paid back to you? You absolute fucking faggot.

I can't take this fucking board anymore. I'm gone. Eat shit and die.

>> No.20609128

NTA but i dont expect appreciation. im just glad if at least one person learns something positive when i goodpost, and i know with lits hundreds of posters and thousands of lurkers, this is the case

>> No.20609208

>rent in tokyo is extremely expensive
Cheaper than most US and UK cities by far. Apartments and houses are smaller but rent is much less as well. Miura was just shit at financial planning

>> No.20609255

ill be honest i was talking out of my ass and dont know japans rent or tax rates. i do know miuras salary was prob 60k usd but for some reason he never started a family.

>> No.20609433
File: 98 KB, 707x1000, x-p1upmbr-13-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Single-handedly tanks your manga upon debut

>> No.20609632

Mediocre bait.

>> No.20609637

>transcending anything other than a 15 year old mind

>> No.20609715

Kek, pseud exposed

>> No.20609787

Golden Age > *

>> No.20609791

>a little

>> No.20609808


>> No.20609819

As someone who likes Berserk, it really isn't that good aside from Black Swordsman and Golden Age. Lost Children is pretty good too. Conviction is dogshit but Farnese and Serpico's characters are great. Falcon of the Millenium and Fantasia have some gold but mostly meh, amazing art though. As far as fantasy goes it's better than most shit, but to compare it to the classics is absolutely laughable and I can only assume you're underage.

>> No.20609825

well op's a faggot but he said the classics of 20 years. is he right? as pointed out in the thread, modern classic novels beat berserk. what about fantasy nvoels?

>> No.20609868

>what about fantasy nvoels?
Lord of the rings is better.

>> No.20609877

obviously yes but its not of the last 20 years

op is a faggot but the topic of contemporary fiction is actually a good discussion. why has fantasy fallen so hard? can any of it be salvaged? does fall of gondolin even count when HoME was already published in the 90s?