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20606309 No.20606309 [Reply] [Original]

The bookshelf of a 51 year old man

>> No.20606352

Imagine wasting your time on all this crap

>> No.20606563
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I'm in my mid thirties, haven't read many of these, those that I did was early teens, late tweens, but if he has read those, than he's at least doing better than most people.

That's a fine shelf. Looks like a barristers shelf made from something like maple or cherry. So it's nice shelf filled with shitty paper.

>> No.20606666

Why does John Carmack's bookshelf get posted here so often?

>> No.20606706

Lol its true. Fuck you op

>> No.20606951

It’s really depressing

>> No.20607841

And yet, if he's actually read all those books he's still better read than 99% of the people who post here reciting Wikipedia soundbites and babble about "classics" and "the Greeks."

>> No.20607855

Checked i lookes into this and maybe cause people dont know and this on a cursory glance is kinda "shit books" by the standards here. Well not so much "standards" cause i could post about dan brown or some shit for a century. But you know what i mean

>> No.20607861


>> No.20608033
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life is depressing
nothing happens most of the time
most people think shit happens because they watch television and 'news' that tells them that shit is happening
but in reality -- bare-bones-wise -- nothing is happening but what has ever happened; man putting penis in a girl that may or may not be his wife, and who may or may not be 15+; man looking at pretty women that soon grow old, ugly and frail; man exploring the world only to find that at the end of it all the real journey was within himself all along; man drinking a bottle in order to forget how insignificant it all was at the end of the day; and a fat woman that bitch slaps you when she's in a bad mood, if you're so lucky as not to have to die alone. This is your life lads. Not what's on the CNN. This is life at its nucleus. Only enough for you to survive, and never enough for you to be happy with. It's literally gay. We are like hamsters in a wheel. There's really no point to it, but it looks cute huh? Fucking hate this gay existence. The people are okay though (except for a few really malicious ones), but mostly forgettable.

>> No.20608065

>that ayn rand
people weren't kidding

>> No.20608101
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Come on anons. Forgive Carmack a little. Firstly it is part of a much larger bookshelf he posted and there is better stuff there. And he even said on twitter that he has all his teenage shit still in his library (many of these are worn out volumes and clearly have 1980s covers). Carmack is a good man. He may have shit taste but I don't think its all that bad.

>> No.20608102

holy cope

>> No.20608167

Prob knock it out in 1/2 a year
When I read at my job I could read a these kinds of novels a day
Once I read 2
you’d be surprised how fast you adapt to reading

>> No.20608185

Are you the faggot that claims to read 1600 pages a day?

>> No.20608200
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They're all paperbacks.

>> No.20608233

no I’ve never mention this topic before
But it’s not hard to smash one of those books in a 10hr “work” day
I read the magician (shit) and damage done (pretty decent) in a day before, prob 12 hours or so
The only ones on that shelf that it couldn’t be done for are any rand

>> No.20608257
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Bookshelf of a 31 year old woman.

>> No.20608330
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This shelf radiates unconcerned boomer testosterone and it makes you feel inadequate.

>> No.20608532

Well at least he's got some Baxter. Still it's really strange to see Larry Niven and not see Ringworld, Lucifer's Hammer or Destiny's Road. Also he has the Gripping Hand, but no Mote in God's Eygnpn2e?

>> No.20608746
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>> No.20608764
File: 2.32 MB, 4160x3120, 20220630_205220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
