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/lit/ - Literature

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20601958 No.20601958 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it’s caused more harm or good overall?

>> No.20602358
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> That's right goy deny all contexts and I'll tell you what to think about everything you read instead.

>> No.20602372

You never read it.

>> No.20602469
File: 34 KB, 443x675, Love and Death in the American Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I was majoring in lit when this shit was burning its way through US English departments and I was browbeaten with every poisonous idea in it for four years.

Now bow down and worship Jewish intellectuals and cut your cock and balls off. Death of the gender. Do it.

>> No.20602638

really? you spent four years majoring in literature and you never read this famous essay that you're really pissed off about? that's very strange. it's like 10 pages long. you'd think you'd want to know what your teachers were talking about.

>> No.20602668

The degree was easy af I spent most classes browsing /pol/. If you understood how Jewish intellectuals operate you wouldn't need to read their shit either.

>> No.20602717

The essay is trying to get at the idea that authorial intent is something that exists outside of the author. Authors have no intent, they let themselves be inspired by The One Great Author.

Whether or not this has caused more harm or good is impossible to answer without first knowing if it’s true or false. Is there some great author that people may evoke at times of inspiration? Do methods of writing, like using an active voice instead a passive one, somehow bring out that inspiration? Really there’s no way of knowing because it’s a matter of faith. The One Great Author is obviously God, and whether or not God is good or bad can’t be understood unless we answer first whether or not God is even real.

Your question should be: does this essay, which describes the death of authorial intent (or the death of the concept of authorial intent), cause for good or harm? Does the Holy Bible, which describes the existence of God, cause more harm or good? It depends on how people interpret it (especially powerful people). Really I’d have to say that it has caused more good because it’s more knowledge in the world, but lots of people are stupid and think that God is one thing, as they (or their church leader) interpret in from the Bible. The Death of the Author is simply an essay stating that God doesn’t intend for anyone to do anything. He doesn’t intend for His words to be interpreted in any particular way.

Has it done more good than harm? More harm than good? It has harmed only the people that think “death of the author” means their opinion is always perfectly correct and they’re allowed to deny context for the sake of rationalizing their own bias. The essay, however, has greatly helped people that are now freed from thinking books and language is completely binding. That when someone intends to be serious in their work, you can still laugh at them.

The essay, the death of authorial intent, has harmed the self-obsessed and helped the people willing to be compassionate towards works of art they don’t understand at first. The essay has done only good, I’d say.

>> No.20602757

go back to /pol/.

>> No.20602833

It was just one stone on a mountain of pomo garbage I had to listen to dopey modern lit profs sing warbly peans to. I wasn't interested in reading any of that drivel, I just wanted to learn about the Greeks, Tudor poetry, and the Romantics for fuck's sake.

>The essay is trying to get at the idea that authorial intent is something that exists outside of the author. Authors have no intent, they let themselves be inspired by The One Great Author.
>The One Great Author is obviously God
Now THIS is someone who's never read it.
How do I know? Because I just read it. It's exactly what I thought it was: an overwrought, specious, argument against reality.
The purpose is also obvious: to convince its white readers to self-deracinate.

Estradiol. Now.

>> No.20603130

The death of the author is a double-edged sword m8

>> No.20603168

people could assert their own interpretations 8efore it, people still care a8out the authors intent today. it didnt change anything, and the endgoal of art isnt meaning anyways.

>> No.20603248

The actual world has no idea that Barthes died, let alone that he ever even existed.

>> No.20603264

That Borges' fiction about the froggo that rewrites don Quixote does a much better job decades prior to him

>> No.20603829

So your problem with Jews is that they make you think harder than the Greeks?

>> No.20603884

It's just a blatant power grab by creative inferiors such as academics and critics. The revolution against authorship is solely intended to empower these groups as with a dead author producers of secondary, tertiary literature can hope to attain to "definitive" status.
>tldr it's an attempt to equalize the author and the critic made by critics

>> No.20605170


>> No.20605187

I don't understand why people have a hard time accepting such an obvious proposition, surely drawing interpretations from the text itself is much preferable to trying to piece together the author's psyche based on whatever biographical accounts we have of him, there is simply no way for us to know the inner workings of a dead person's mind, and I'm pretty sure most authors also would prefer for you to draw your own conclusions rather than them spoonfeeding you what they meant.

>> No.20605226

Definitely, I feel like a lot of people would have stumbled upon Barthes' proposition on their own and DOTA only confirmed the position.

As a side note, have you met any authors? They seethe if you misrepresent their text

>> No.20605234

>this book is about this and that
>it's actually clearly literally the opposite
>i activate my trap card DEATH OF THE AUTHOR. I can interpret it however i want. Checkmate atheists.
i fucking hate when idiots do this

>> No.20605235

Poststructuralism is a Jewish ploy to dismantle the beautiful Aryan race

>> No.20605244

>death of the author means every interpretation is as valid as the next one
alright brainlet

>> No.20605254

you're on a /lit/ board, mate. Learn how to read.

>> No.20606028

The contrary. They don't want you to think at all. Instead they want to brainwash academics with elaborate sophistries.
They've succeed.

Death to Israel.

>> No.20606037

A good take which explains the gentile buy-in.

>> No.20606650

why are you so dumb op