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20599271 No.20599271 [Reply] [Original]

I have tried to feel good about my physical appearance for a very long time and came close to ending my life several times over it and not even the smartest person (my therapist) was able to help me. My best quality is my stubbornness and I simply can not lie to myself, I am hideous. Is there even a way to feel good about myself without ignoring the fact that life has fucked me over ? I wouldn't care as much if it weren't for the fact that my low self esteem has prevented me from achieving my full potential in life

>> No.20599338

Have you read "The dream of a ridiculous man" from Dostoievsky?

>> No.20599401

I read the summary and wasn't impressed

>> No.20599406

If you want greater self-esteem, you have to first realise the beauty of the world and the divine play of forces - and your own place in it. The Bhagavad Gita is the summation of ancient Aryan wisdom, and it is truly life-changing. That is what you need.

>> No.20599414

You are stuck in your head. You need to expand yourself or you will remain depressed. I recommend trauma therapies to help you release your insecurities.

>> No.20599427

1. I am not sure if I should bother reading the texts of people that are from a third world country, so far all that wisdom has done little to help them, no offense


Way ahead of you and I think you're pretty smart for catching on to that but I just can't get over the fact about how important is to be physically attractive

>> No.20599437

>the texts of people that are from a third world country,
>ancient Aryan wisdom
Do the math buddy. Whites wrote it. The same whites who conquered India 6000 years ago. Read it.

>> No.20599476


I will read it out of spite and If it does nothing to help my situation then it will just prove my point about how stupid the people that read it are.

>> No.20599488

You seems like a douche

>> No.20599499

are you an alcoholic?

>> No.20599502


A douche ? maybe but not naive. I'm reading the bhagavad gita and so far it's not all that different from christianity or any other religion. Pretty useless mumbo jumbo but I can see why it appeals to people.

>> No.20599509


nope, never done any drugs

>> No.20599535

>If it does nothing to help my situation then it will just prove my point about how stupid the people that read it are.
If it does nothing to help your situation, then you haven't read it correctly. Enjoy being ugly for the rest of your life

>> No.20599547

You sound just like a christian but ok

>> No.20599572
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>a christian
I believe there is a hidden binding unity behind all religions. The Holy Spirit of Christianity is the Atman-Brahman of Hinduism and the Waralda of Old Germany.
Arrogance is an incel's worst trait.

>> No.20599608

It is not so much arrogance but I have little patience for people that are naive. I want answers not some "new age" hippy age BS but perhaps eugenics is the only reasonable answer.

>> No.20599627

>perhaps eugenics is the only reasonable answer.
Yes, we need few and fewer bitter ugly people. The less of them, the better.
You want answers?
Stop being a dick mate. That's my answer

>> No.20599653

>third world country
>that wisdom did little to help them
Literally doesnt mean shit, ideas are ideas, you are just lazy and dont wanna put in any effort, you want everything to be handed to you
as for the 3rd world country argument simply put, look at america's example, is america good? Huge amount of homeless people, people treated like slaves by their bosses, a predatory healthcare system, add in the lead poisoning which affected the entire country's IQ and health and still does till now

i think i know now why you have tried to kill yourself and why you have no self-esteem, how can somebody who never tried to understand anybody ask to be understood

you are stubborn and you are also resentful looking at how you blame the world, dont you think you are too childish?

grow the fuck up, maybe then you would realise you are literally lying to yourself, you just want to take the easy way out, you havent tried to work out or achieve spirituality, you want the answer to magically fall into your lap

lmfao imagine being such a retard you try to kill yourself because of how you look, why because of some whore? some friend that made fun of you?
oh no let me cry you a river, spirituality is realising the true self, realising who you really are and what really matters, the world isnt what it looks like, its more profound, the mystery is deepe beyond measure, but shallow understanding brings shallow perspective

just think about it, what do you want? you want to fuck a girl? gf? get kids? or be famous?
Isnt that literally what every animal does or want? animalistic desire, animalistic view of life
Life is way beyond that, but you cant realise the pleasure of self realisation until you ex
experience and realise that there are different state of being

if you want to talk in a materialistic way so you are satisfied, then go work out, looksmaxx, wear good clothes, and push yourself out there, face fear, all fear and suffering is in the mind, it doesnt exist, after that find a hobby or something that is HARD and then make a plan and be disciplined and go all out to achieve when you eventually achieve it, you will raise your self esteem and think you are competent, you do that and rinse and repeat, eventually you will become confident and people will gravitate towards, the point is you need to be happy for people to be with you or you can just fake it till you make it

if you want to kill yourself or on a last resort or just lazy and stuck in bad habit loop, then take acid, it makes you happy and have endless love to everything, anyway do what you want

>> No.20599667

why us hippy shit bad? so people said hippy shit is bad therefore its bad? lmfao

hes just a lazy resentful person, dont waste your time i wrote a response to him, if he takes it good for him otherwise its his problem

Have you ever read Ashtavakra gita? i cant help but think its one of the best books ever made
Bhagavad gita is interesting but nonethless lacking

link for a good version from a site called holy books : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Ashtavakra-Gita-ebook.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi_tsaQlNL4AhWIBhoKHQ0VBd8QFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0YQ64T1ZVlDBuMBX1Mm_Xn

>> No.20599681

>Have you ever read Ashtavakra gita?
No, but I'll give it a look. Thanks!

>> No.20599695

Ugly men have beautiful women all the time, the point is to not be a bitter person because you were not dealt a good hand in genetics.

Also, no one wants to be around an ugly, bitter and spiteful person, even those who wouldn't mind dating you if you were just ugly.

>> No.20599702
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be prepared for a wild ride

>> No.20599706

You are pure Consciousness— the substance of the universe. The universe exists within you. Don’t be small-minded.

>> No.20599755
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Based, ideally after some time of reading, someday you would wake up first thing in the morning ideally in nature, you will pick up the book, you will read one section at once and internalise it, you will go one section after the other, one after the other, one after the other, you will go from a surface level, then slightly deeper, then deep then deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper, till you finish the book

at that point you will feel yourself LITERALLY Existing in a different State of BEING

Closest i can compare it to is a psychedelic experience and you are just there in the moment and youre like WOW, im literally existing on a different dimension, pure bliss, pure unbounded happiness

try not eating something cooked, i sometimes try raw eggs in meditation, depends do what your body wants, the monkey mind is uneducated, too jittery, the body is a product of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, it knows what it needs, what it likes and tell you, just listen to it

>> No.20599811

It's a powerful experience to realise the Absolute. Most people nowadays don't seem to have that capacity.

>> No.20599892

>Ugly men have beautiful women all the time
Okay but what if I'm not an ugly man if you know what I'm saying

>> No.20600382
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Based on this thread, you're also a bitter, unintelligent weirdo; you should try killing yourself again, it's easier than changing your whole essence.