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20598348 No.20598348 [Reply] [Original]

Reading all those books don't really make you smarter, eh?

>> No.20598354

>Are educated people useful idiots?
yeah duh, in the sense that most people are useful idiots
gotta find the cool kids just like any group

>> No.20598365

>making a cake
>"alright all i need to do is add a bunch of poverty, degeneracy, retardation and desperation, and take away everybody's guns"
>some time passes
>oven dings
>"finall ymy cake is ready"
>"oh no fuck!! i only put in the poverty degeneracy retardation and desperation but i forgot to take out the guns!!"
>hitler emerges fully clothed from the oven and tells you to get in

>> No.20598659

Did you know Trump wrote his thesis on Hitler's Mein Kampf, where Hitler argued for eating babies alive?

>> No.20598692

I did know that actually.

>> No.20598750
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>> No.20598767

>tax the wealthy
>Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?

>> No.20600302

It is based on the unfounded presupposition that "knowledge" is a product of human reason.

In the Orthodox view, knowledge is obtained by the Nous. It is a combination a pure soul and human reason. Human reasons comprehends realities revealed to a person with humility and other realities are simply marveled upon while not fully comprehended.

To some, this might seem like common sense, a guy with so much pride has a forteress built around his views, an irrational defence against his worldview. And maybe this forteress is fortified everytime he reads a book, or analyzes a certain situation. Making him more and more irrational while he believes that he is more and more rational.

>Romans 1:22 - Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools

>> No.20600362

Except you can't argue this viewpoint so you can't convince anyone

>> No.20600365

There are retards, smart retards, smart people, and smart smart people.

>> No.20600397

The only reason the average American's healthcare is completely unaffordable and terrible is because the ruling class realized people will pay ANYTHING to be healthy and the slow consolidation, commoditization, and finacialization of all aspects of the healthcare and medical sector into one giant parasitic, lifeforce siphoning engine of misery is the end result.

All of this "universal healthcare is communism" is propaganda meant to keep americans cucked out on for profit healthcare that not only costs 2-3x, but delivers significantly shittier quality of care.

>> No.20600417
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Doubt it, the vote-blue crowd and their lackeys think that only people with up to date vaccinations deserve even private healthcare.

>> No.20600438

If there's one entity I completely trust to run a nationwide program efficiently and not be a money-wasting blackhole free from corruption, it's the US govt.

>> No.20600515

I think the education system is basically lowest common denominator civic and professional indoctrination, the sort that no one should be eager for. The only good reason to go to school be it high school, baccalaureate, whatever is because you basically have no choice.

>> No.20600960

But keep in mind the real left want medicare for all as a human right no matter who

>> No.20601715

Why can't I? Just because something is revealed, doesn't mean it's irrational. It is revealed and perfectly coherent and justified. It is the only worldview that is.

God reveals truth to us and we simply defend it using whatever philosophical challenge arises.

Philosophers come up with truths that are unjustified because they are not omniscient beings. This is the problem of classical foundationalism. They must always base their theory on some affirmation they claim is "self-evident".

For a formal argument, read
or use http://svgur.com/i/g2N.svg\

>> No.20601733

Knowledge is recollection at its core. Plato already proved this in the Meno. In order to spur that recollection we use reason.

>> No.20601755

Nice will save this for later.
Can recommend John Taylor Gatto, stange how little one reads about his work. I wounder why..

>> No.20601808
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Hey guys, this thread sucks, op is a faggot and all that. For some reason I can't create a new one, so here is what I want to know:
I've started reading the Phoenix Pre-Socratics series and would like to know whether I can skip the original fragments and go directly into their explanation. I know, it sounds wrong, but it's 50 pages of uncontextualized fragments... What are your advices?

>> No.20601810

yes and poor people too, especially minorities

>> No.20601836

Okay, speaking of the picture, what if your brother had that condition anon. ;)

>> No.20601861

My brother doesn't have this condition, why are you even mentioning him?

>> No.20601874

Well I'm telling you that down syndrome people are capable human beings like you and me. I think you should accept that instead of making fun of them.

>> No.20601907

>Are educated people useful idiots

>> No.20601989

>repackage leninism and gramsci
>call it “radical”

>> No.20602016

There are only retards and people who have shot themselves.

>> No.20602044

>i-i am sad because i am smart

>> No.20602078

It's not necessary to be sad to understand that killing yourself is the only way not to get cucked by this world. Even the high achievers have made themselves slaves to the framework in order to succeed.

>> No.20602223
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>Knowledge is recollection
On what basis do you believe that all knowledge is pre-existing in our consciousness and can uncovered by reason.

What rational basis do you have for belief in an internal reality?

Pic is from "Contingency of knowledge and Revelatory Theism" paper

>> No.20602291

Did you read the Meno or the Phaedo? If we didn’t already know such things as justice or virtue, then we would not even be able to search for them, because it is impossible to search for something one does not know. Another argument is from the fact that relations among objects of sensory experience are not apprehended through the senses. I can only know two objects are the same colour if I have a prior notion of Resemblance or Similarity by which I judge my sensory experiences. That’s how Plato proves the pre-existence of souls.

>> No.20602316

do you think trump actually wrote it, or he payed some schmuck to write it for him?

>> No.20602328

dude we are under like THEIR PLAN and we're just like SHEEP and like CLOWN WORLD and so UNBASED and like MEDIA CONTROL BRAINWASHING dude

>> No.20602330

I think anyone who highlights a text like that has no business talking to anybody about idiots.

>> No.20602389

>Did you read the Meno or the Phaedo

>If we didn't already know such things as justice or virtue, then we would not even be able to search for them.
That's not good enough to prove your position. Since other hypothesis also solve this problem. The Orthodox position affirms natural revelation which means that God reveals knowledge to us in our very nature, and through other means, like theophanies, the Church, scriptures. The knowledge made available to us is clouded by sinful tendencies as I have explained earlier >>20600302

So virtues are ingrained in our very nature but we deviate from them because of our tendency to sin.

> Another argument is from the fact that relations among objects of sensory experience are not apprehended through the senses. I can only know two objects are the same colour if I have a prior notion of Resemblance or Similarity by which I judge my sensory experiences.
Again you are presupposing that access to a reasoning faculty with absolutes like logic that make sense of relative entities (e.g. two objects) requires pre-existence of soul. The absolutes can also exist in the mind of God and be revealed to mankind through various ways.

Since this problem can be resolved in multiple ways, my question is, on what basis do you choose the pre-existing souls worldview? It seems arbitrary. The basis for my choice in the Orthodox worldview, is that it is revealed by an approrpriate Absolute being. The human mind with it's limitations and bias cannot erect a justified worldview. All reasoned worldviews will be based on arbitrary assumptions. This is known as classical foundationalism.

I highly reccomend you actually check out the paper I linked in this post it's only 11 pages:

>> No.20603364

bump while i write a response

>> No.20603396
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i've thought about this alot. to me, it seems that the most educated may or may not be the most 'intelligent,' depending upon how you measure intelligence, but they definitely are not the ones that pay attention. as the old adage goes, it doesn't matter how smart you are if you don't pay attention.
think of the people you know that have spent years and years in the educational system. i'm talking people with masters degrees, doctorates, those in academia, etc etc. they are easily some of the most gullible and irrational people in the west. just think of the last few years and their emotional and over the top reactions to the manipulative propaganda pushed by the news corporations:
-covid: covid had a 99.9% survival rate, even before these new and milder variants. yet everyone shit their pants over it, wearing masks in public, taking experimental drugs, shaming anyone that didn't buy into the narrative, etc. those with degrees tended to do this significantly more than, say, hillbilly americans, who saw through the media mayhem and knew it was another flu-like virus.
-BLM: think of all the virtue signalling and moral posturing universities go through to appease themselves over racial issues in america. africans are handed special treatment in every aspect of life, from education to scholarships to loans to welfare to job hiring to police brutality. in every measurable aspect, they are treated with kid gloves, and receive preferential treatment. but the news played a few stories from the minority of cases where a white was committing violence against a black, and the whole country goes up in flames. who was the most likely to fall for this obvious dupe? the 'educated,' of course. they are the ones attending the riots, putting blm signs in their yard, spewing their retardation all over social media, all falling for the obvious lie that the people who commit all the crimes but still get all the scholarships are somehow oppressed.
i could go on, but you get the point. the more educated someone is, the more susceptible they are to media propaganda.
why is this?

>> No.20603404

I learned all I need to know about that subject from the timeless work "Mongoloid" by Casale, Mothersbaugh et al

>> No.20603412

You probably thought this would blow some minds yet everyone so far has patted you on the head before completely dismissing as if you were a retarded lol

>> No.20603425

fuck i just wrote two paragraphs and they got deleted shit

>> No.20603440

well shit, i'll summarize what i wrote before it got deleted:
>be in education system
>teacher teaches you things
>teacher never says 'maybe i'm wrong or lying, think for yourself'
>the better you are at regurgitating what you're taught, the more you're rewarded
>the more time you spend critically analyzing what you're taught, the poorer you perform
>memorize info well, get good grades
>get good test scores
>get accepted to good colleges
>get scholarships
>graduate cum laude
>get into prestigious grad schools and programs
those that are best are the uncritical assimilation of information 'perform' the best, and are rewarded the most, reinforcing that behavior. thus, they are the least trained at critically thinking, and the most used to mindlessly accepting whatever their authority figure tells them. this can be translated to the news media, the entertainment industry, etc.

>> No.20603449

reading the right books certainly makes you more intelligent and wise, even if the psychologists say that it does nothing to increase your IQ
reading the wrong books turns you into a sophisticated idiot

>> No.20603470

also, those that go the furthest in the educational system tend to be the losers and dorks in high school. so you're a 16 year old zit-faced scrawny armed faggot that can't play sports and has asthma because mom decided to vaccinate you against every little fucking virus known to man, stunting your immune system and causing auto-immune troubles for the rest of your life. BUT! you're smart, you do well in school, you get good grades, you get into a great college. your adherence to the academic authority is paying off by rewarding you, giving you scholarships, prestigious schools, a PhD, etc, and all the social and economic benefits that come with such achievements. so after 10 more years in academia, you make good money, drive a nice car, maybe even have a nice qt3.14 at your side, all thanks to how well you performed in school. this means that your education plays a HUGE role in your self-worth and understanding of how the world works. so when all of the educated people of the world echo the idea that, say, COVID is super duper deadly and anyone who brings up its 99.9% survival rate is peddling dangerous misinformation, you readily agree with it, because these people share your worldview and validate your education-based self-worth. so not only are these cats the least likely to think critically about information presented to them, they also do not want to question that very system that turned them from 98 pound weaklings that got wedgies and swirlies in high school to rich and successful adults with good social standing and a comfortable collective worldview.
i'd love to read anyone's thoughts on this. i know it's a jumbled mess, but hopefully i'm expressing myself somewhat clearly. what do you lads think?

>> No.20603483

>those that are best are the
*those that are best at the

>this can be translated to the news media
*this childlike trust of authority can be transferred to the news media....

>> No.20603486

late bloomers tend to be better people, sure, but if you’re postgrad still bitter about high school then you still haven’t gotten anywhere. being a good academic slave also isn’t really paying like it used to be as well

>> No.20603495

i'm not necessarily saying they're bitter about high school, i'm arguing that a huge amount of their self-worth is tied up in their educational achievements, because these achievements have taken them from the bottom of the social ladder to the top, or near it

>> No.20603498

This, but unironically

>> No.20603508


>> No.20603524

you’re right about people tying their self worth with educational achievement, but sometimes it backfires in spectacular fashion
you see it a lot with professional career women, especially black women. they spend 6 plus years in school, their self esteem is raised to delusional levels so they can’t pick a reasonable partner, then they hit 40 and realize that they’re going to die unmarried and without children of their own
it’s better to be a healthy child in a healthy community of others with a proportionate level of sports, education, and other useful skills. being a cripple in one area and a genius in another isn’t something to aspire to

>> No.20603534

>being a cripple in one area and a genius in another isn’t something to aspire to
here here

>> No.20603607

>significantly shittier quality of care.
I won't tell you Americans aren't getting cucked by ridiculous prices, but if you pay, the service is amazing and fast as fuck. That's why people travel to America to get surgeries. The universal healthcare in my country is so slow that by the time you get called, you have already died, and poor immigrants have preference over normal people because supposedly they have less privileges, which gives them more points.

>> No.20605111


>> No.20606327

>It's not necessary to be sad to understand that killing yourself
Wrong. There is no example where suicide is not caused by or a cause of bad feelings - mentioning sadness is an euphemism in comparison to the great set of emotions a human will go through in such scenario. Even if you kill yourself for a cause, the mere existence of such conviction shows great love to our world; therefore, leaving it behind is as painful as it gets. I don't know where you got that idea from. You sound alienated from reality. I guess some people are more fascinated by suffering than by the beauty.

>> No.20607758
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You missed the entire point, you miserable fuckup. Education is a good thing. They dumbed you down into another mouthbreather, now you might as well head over to vidya or anime since you can't understand this

>> No.20608305

In Meno, Plato also thought that a fact such as “the fastest path to Larissa from Athens” couldn’t be knowledge, as it would be historically contingent. The fastest path in the past could have been a series of roads, passes, and shortcuts, but now it would clearly be travel by air. Since such facts are not eternal, it would be impossible for a soul to have known them prior to living, so Plato would not consider them “knowledge” but rather “true opinion.” Yup, he’s that much of a retarded grifter that he’d rather handwave away major inconsistencies through semantic sleights of hand than discard superstitious metaphysics. You can end the trad LARP now and come back to modernity.

>> No.20608317

>a guy with so much pride has a forteress built around his views, an irrational defence against his worldview. And maybe this forteress is fortified everytime he reads a book, or analyzes a certain situation. Making him more and more irrational while he believes that he is more and more rational.
>Bible quote

>> No.20609131


I'm an Orthanon, but you're going at this in an inorganic, mechanical and completely the wrong way.

>It is based on the unfounded presupposition that "knowledge" is a product of human reason.

>In the Orthodox view, knowledge is obtained by the Nous

This reeks of just rote. surface-level repetition. What you're saying is technically true, but what you're saying doesn't feel like it's been actually internalized by you. You are likely either a fresh convert, or someone who is just getting back into Orthodoxy after neglecting it from your youth, and getting impressed with all the philosophical and intellectual depth of Orthodoxy (maybe presented by Jay Dyer, maybe presented by someone else) - but at the moment this is a surface impression.

If you really want to get deeper into Orthodoxy, look into the struggles of the Saints, read "Russia's Catacomb Saints", compiled by Fr Seraphim Rose and Fr Herman of blessed memory, buy the bootleg off lulu, and really internalize the struggle that the martyrs suffered under the Soviets, and how the Catacomb Saints refused even legalization by the Soviets to retain their spiritual freedom.

>> No.20609161

>Reading all those books don't really make you smarter, eh?
They really don't. Everyone jokes that /lit/ doesn't read, but that's only the smarties. Only the dumbest motherfuckers here are trying to discuss books. You can it in every thread. The harder they try to looksmart, the dumber you know that motherfucker is. Frogposters are no doubt the highest IQs on the board.

>> No.20610136

Thank you for the advice. I am a catechumen from Islam. I am reading Fr Rose atm, and will continue reading from the Saints.

If you want to elaborate on the depth of the doctrine of the Nous, would be good also.

>> No.20610341

Define educated
People who went to university? Oh yeah absolutely it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out

>> No.20610352

I just read Alinsky and he literally says that we should all spend our weekends skullfucking babies while fellating dogs.
How do they keep getting away with it, anons?

>> No.20610363

minorities are useful idiots for rich whites and jews who exploit their fragile sentiments in order to become richer

>> No.20610390

This is unironically a good description of how it works. You're supposed to throw all those things together at once and it turns into a blender where most of what comes out is the smartest and best in a quick revolution.

You miss a few ingredients, or take too long "stirring the pot" and it turns into a shit-show morass of a society where the worst rise to the top and everyone else gets shat on. America is retarded and continually chooses the wrong fucking countries, continually installs idiotic puppets rather than allowing the society's own heroes to rise to the top, or jumps in to "fix" things rather than let them play themselves out, and then America wonders why things are so bad.

>> No.20611926

They've completely bought into the system, the entirety of their skin is in the game, thus they cannot allow it to fall as it would take them with it.

>> No.20612138

doesn't seem true for third worlders if you ask me

>> No.20612175

Holy schizo

>> No.20613351


>> No.20614627
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>> No.20614661

Obviously that has always been the purpose of universities

Cope. Retard thinks he's too smart. Nice ego dummy

>> No.20614796

Ideally he would be discarded at or before birth

>> No.20615376


>> No.20615428

Knowledge for Plato is justified true belief, where “justification” is defined as knowing why one’s belief is true, investigating the matter deeply through reason, etc.. Presumably one could use mathematics to determine the fastest route between those towns, but the reason most people don’t know the fastest route is because they haven’t investigated the matter themselves. If you asked them why such and such a route is the fastest, they would say, “Well, everybody knows it is. It’s common knowledge, ask anybody!” or “the other routes I’ve tried are slower” and so on. This is not a valid justification because it’s just an appeal to testimony. Plato’s point is that most people don’t know the things they claim to know, they just have true (or approximately accurate) opinions about them. True opinion is a great guide in informing their lives but it’s not knowledge.

>> No.20615765

Based Dutton chad

>> No.20615788

Covid doesn't have a 99.9% survival rate, you only think that because you are 16 years old.

>> No.20615820

The average age of death from COVID in UK is 80. The average age of death generally is 81. COVID was never dangerous.

>> No.20617486

thanks for your surface level analysis of the education system laced with resentment

>> No.20617571

Except that 8 got changed into race and rainbow warfare, because the people were actually revolting against the rich.