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20596703 No.20596703 [Reply] [Original]

His takes now feel more relevant than ever before. He took his own life before living in the hell world we live in now.

>> No.20596713

Honestly I didn’t believe in that chemical imbalance in the brain thing was real but after reading how he describes depression in infinite jest I think there was just something biochemically fucked up in his brain that caused him to kill himself when he fucked up his meds. I doubt it had much to do with the state of the world

>> No.20596722

As a person who has had autism and ADHD, I resonated with a lot of what he said on a deeper level. I'm not able to enjoy most things like a lot of people. I agree with him that a lot of things that people are supposed to find "fun" and "exciting" are really vapid and empty.

>> No.20596744

You were cured of your autism?

>> No.20596747

No, whoops. I typed that out wrong. Another symptom of having an ADHD brain.

>> No.20596751

This rapist actively made the world a worse place

>> No.20596756

should i try and get on SSRIs, lads? i dont even care about being 'happy' i just cant be fucked feeling like this anymore. id start taking lsd or some shit but im hikineet and have no connections

>> No.20596767

Where did it go wrong for him? Or was he simply born to die?

>> No.20596781

We’re all born to die my dude, he just took matters into his own hands.

>> No.20596826

Depression dampens your emotions and makes you look at the world in a more logical manner. Its only a matter of time once you start questioning and realizing how fucked everything really is.

>> No.20596830

>took the easy way out before living in the hell world we live in now

>> No.20596882

been doing that for a decade bruv, it's just becoming intolerable

>> No.20596885

This dude was fucking psychotic. He may have been wise and he was certainly an incredible author but this guy's obsessive and delusional tendencies were pretty fuckin' apparent.

>> No.20596896

This. We deserve to read the pure kinography that he would have written during the pandemic

>> No.20596926


The question is always what’s causing the imbalance. I know have no doubt that the environment affects your brain, but you can also completely change yourself to the point where you feel like a new person emotionally. If you fall into the trap of, oh my life sucks because I have ADHD then you already gave up on trying to change anything. You can change your emotional state, you can change your way of thinking, there are so many individuals who were diagnosed with a bunch of shit and have hated life until they are 30, then they decide if they don’t change they will suicide and they end up finding a way to love life.

No this isn’t a cope, you can completely change your experience of life. If you watch the news or netflix regularly, your chances of finding helpful information on how to do this will be extremely low. Mainstream self-help advice isn’t going to change you from suicidal to content with life. Neither will accepting your situation. You would be surprised how much change is possible, and if you don’t believe this then it’s only because you never changed yourself

>> No.20596964

So wrong, if you looked at the world logically then you wouldn’t feel bad about it. Obviously there is a lot of fucked up stuff in the world but if you only focus on that then you are sick. Depression makes you focus on what’s bad to the exclusion of everything else, it is in fact caused by emotions and not logic. Logic is just the masquerade that makes you believe it’s the truth. If you are only able to focus on stuff that makes you feel bad, you aren’t being “logical” at all… You are just fueling your depression and coping with it by telling yourself you have the truth. Depressed minds are rigid and stupid. Once you break out of a depression your brain works much better.