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20594944 No.20594944 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most interesting and /lit/ translation of the bible? Reading King James of course, but I heard The Message was also rather interesting. No tradcath larpers please.
Pic unrel

>> No.20594987

In English the KJV is definitely something worth sticking to, it has such an iconic voice. The only other one I could stomach was ESV, I was gifted the Message and I couldn't get into it, I left it on a shelf somewhere. The other translations lack something in vocabulary that make them feel less regal and authoritative which I think is the draw to the Bible's beauty. If you do want the Catholic style in English the Douay-Rheims or Jerusalem Bible (Tolkein helped with that one) are interesting but in all honestly I would pick one because there's enough depth to last a lifetime unless you want to write a story with a Catholic character.

>> No.20595003

the Message (and the other translations that throw fidelity to the original text out the window) are awful.
every word is there for a reason, and those mockeries of translations ruin that.

>> No.20595008

Also, KJV is very nice.
you could give the Berean Study Bible a look; i heard it's very accurate aswell.

>> No.20595014

God I love women

>> No.20595104
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>> No.20595121

In truth, only the KJV is a good translation; and according to the Bible itself, no 2 translations in one language can agree with each other since
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". If wording differs, it is a huge problem. Now, the KJV is a perfect translation, that God gracefully gave to the English speaking people. If you want to humble yourself and learn the truth, read the KJV Bible. if not...

>> No.20595138

Tyndale New Testament is unironically what the masses read and the KJV basically copied it. Geneva study Bible is probably the iconic reformation Bible.

>> No.20595206

Only their looks, desu.

>> No.20595212

KJV Bros, why is the only divinely inspired Bible named after a homo?

>> No.20595288

I dunno. God spoke through a cloud, a bush, even through Saul preaching nude.
It was the end of a long line of translations and maybe the first in English that wasnt brutally repressed.
also I got King James Demonology but not his book about his anti-smoking opinions.

>> No.20595301


>> No.20595321


>> No.20595324

>What's the most interesting and /lit/ translation of _______?

the original version of the actual text, you fucking idiot.

>> No.20595419

The original version is clearly not a translation of any kind, you fucking retarded idiot homofaggot.

>> No.20595521

yeah dummy that's the point; you're asking for a translation of a thing when you could just read the original thing itself. Unless you secretly want a translation where X has been replaced with Y. godless hoboglomo

>> No.20595622

ESV or Knox.
The KJV is certainly not recommended. Its only value is as a cultural artifact of English literature.

>original text

>> No.20595711

>>original text
please try to actually say something, i have no idea what you're saying, you dribbling motherfucker.

>> No.20595881

The KJV is not very good. It has some translation errors that are suspect, and its flowery language tends to distract from the message. You are better off with something like Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE), just something basic will do the trick.

>> No.20596006

I care about the quality of the prose, if anything

>> No.20596036

this was written by a retarded, monolingual american

>> No.20596336

lol "no i won't read the source material, i wanna pretend some random translation is the actual word of god"

yeah seems legit

>> No.20596410

Christ why are sideboobs so tempting

>> No.20596432


>> No.20597214 [DELETED] 
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.20597970

Look exactly like a girl i dated 3 years ago. Real cool woman. Too bad she got real fat otherwise I'd try and get her back

>> No.20598214

Fuck, you lucky bastard

>> No.20598223
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.20598241

Robert Alter Hebrew Bible/Old Testament + Richmond Lattimore New Testament

>> No.20598261

I haven't masturbated in months, I just find women aesthetically pleasing

>> No.20598363


>> No.20598784


>> No.20598907
File: 81 KB, 1341x599, harwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harwood's New Testament.

>> No.20599830

Yup. Pushed her away with my bad attitude lol. Regret it almost everyday... almost....

To answer your question OP, I'd definitely say KJV.

>> No.20599837

I'm curious for pics now, was she out of your league?

>> No.20599887

>Pushed her away with my bad attitude lol
Tell me more, reminds me of my ex. Funnily enough she was just in my bed wanting to cuddle and perhaps makeout and I sat on my ass and read The Book of The Subgenius instead

>> No.20600024

I'm not posting pictures, not gonna doxx her lol. She was in my league; she was just as interested in me as I was in her (to begin with). At uni before we were dating, she would text her friend under the table about me and get flustered when I looked over her shoulder haha.

Haha, Bob really got you transfixed in his revelation. Well, I was just inexperienced and argued about stuff which didn't need to be argued about. She had a rough upbringing and had mental illnesses which I didn't know how to deal with at the time. When I was hospitalised and she couldn't get any emotional support or sex from me, she dumped me. When I recovered she did make an attempt to reconnect but I was too naive at the time to realise. Anyway, she's dating a more readily available guy now. I have no hate towards her; I was just too young and dumb to know about mature relationships work.

>> No.20600113
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Mine was pretty rough, I suppose the both of us have a overactive death drive. Rarely were we together intimately doing things that weren't self destructive (mostly drinking, cutting, various impulsive decision in the hollow woods of the Pacific Northwest). I think I probably deliberately started to ignore her do to a extreme hedgehog's dilemma situation, didn't want to see the woman I loved die infront of me. Ironically she comforted me down from an attempt or two. She was doing fine after her suicide attempt turned into Jungian Christ dream, but after her weird abusive roommate "boyfriend" she's pretty much gone. I just found one of her blades on my floor from when she was over that night, I doubt she'll make it past 20 at this point.

>> No.20600207

God damn, didn't expect you to be younger than me lol. That girl sounds like someone I was into during high school. We never dated because she was into weird shit (shady people who are all in jail now). Despite getting somewhat better, she's still susceptible to going to the abyss. I alieanated myself towards her. I hope you're doing alright my brother. I hope you find peace somehow in this crazy ass world

>> No.20601536

Thanks man, I appreciate it. It's a crazy world out there.