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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.84 MB, 3000x1688, Remember Reach!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20594647 No.20594647 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Reach Edition

Previous Thread:>>20587234

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20594655

Wait are there actually any good game-related novels?

>> No.20594659
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>> No.20594664

I almost imagined that this is /hg/ and Reach a Shit poster will post here.
Reach probably had a bad plot, like most action sci fi, but at least it was fun action wise.

>> No.20594674
File: 296 KB, 1500x843, Johnny-silverhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk is an amazing genre, Especially since the game Cyberpunk 2077 revolutionized the genre and reinvented it into a better and more sophisticated form. Johnny Silverhand rules, Corpo scum drools, and corpos are the biggest fools.

>> No.20594679
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I honestly think Reach should have followed Chief, as an adaption of the novel.
As it is, the characters in the campaign were pretty forgettable as were some of their mission objectives.
Gameplay was really good though.

>> No.20594686

I don't know, I liked the characters even if they seemed like try hard action film characters that tried to imitate what competent super soldiers should look, act and sound like. As for forgettable, well, desu most of Halo is like that, outside of maybe the Flood and as you say, Halo is nice for its gameplay first, not the story.

>> No.20594755

Delete this please anon

>> No.20594834
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Soo i read the 3 Dragonlance Chronicles books. And after that i jumped straight into The King Beyond The Gate by David Gemmell, with basically zero info about the books or the writer. (Legend was on one of the recommended lists but it was unavailable, so i'll have to get to that later)

... And holy shit was it good. It felt so fresh, and the story just rolled forward with a nice pace until the finish. So nice to actually read about big battles without them just being outright skipped (EVERY TIME), and no wasting of multiple pages or chapters on another village or city with something "eerily wrong with it". Definitely gonna read more of this mans books, probably gonna get some for myself too, instead of just borrowing them from the local library.

My only gripe is that at a few points i would have liked more descriptions on how a few characters looked, but even that was something that didn't bother me much later. The storytelling just worked.

And yeah, i gotta ask. Any other fantasy writers with the same type of "simplistic" style of storytelling? I've read Conan a bit but it has exactly a bit too much of those "mystic places" as locations for my liking.

>> No.20594903
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>> No.20594906
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>> No.20595067

Now I'm reading ISSTH's pokemon arc

>> No.20595194

The metro books are pretty good

>> No.20595257
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Speaking Bones, The Dandelion Dynasty #4 - Ken Liu (2022)

Now that I've finished the series, I can safely say that this is one of my all-time favorites. Each book never failed to delight in a new and exciting way. There were many times that I had slow down how quickly I was reading to better savor the experience, but the tension was difficult to resist. I didn't grow weary no matter how long I read. As I wrote about the first book in the series, and about a few other series, I'm unable to tell how much my enjoyment is because it's exactly what I personally enjoy and is probably the same for many others who have now read the entire series. Everything about this is far greater than the sum of its parts, which makes it difficult for me to point to any particular part that makes it truly great.

The advancement of technology through scientific endeavor has been marvelous. Every time a new technology was developed I was astounded by its ingenuity. It presented a wholly different way that technological progress may have been ordered than what it was for us. I didn't feel that the extended scenes that explain in detail were overly long or unneeded, but I can see how they could limit appeal.

The character drama was splendid. I greatly enjoyed every single perspective. There were times when it was ridiculous, but in the best way possible that had me ecstatic due to its audacity. At other times it was realistic in that it paid no heed to expectations of a fantasy series. There are no heroes, only narratives of heroism. Success is not guaranteed and death may come at any time to anyone.

There were many meaningful discussions that examined the relationship between the people, the organization of their societies, their material culture, and their systems of belief. All is approached with empathy and understanding. There's no praise or condemnation, as such valuations are for the reader to decide upon. Much of this series relies upon the reader to actively engage with the narrative and create their own meaning.

The ending was almost everything I could have wanted it to be. There were a few unresolved questions I still had, but almost anything can be better for personal preferences, but sometimes we may be wrong about what's for the best. The biggest surprise I had from this series was that there was a lot that I wanted and expected it to be, but that's not what I got. Instead, I was shown a better way and given what I didn't know that I wanted.

The two single sentences that explain the essence of the series are these:
"History has no plot, and kings do not follow character arcs."
"I want to tell a story that the people don't expect, a story of empathy that encompasses the world."

Rating: 5/5

>> No.20595353
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Hot garbage, simple as.

>> No.20595367


>> No.20595380

Halo sucks

>> No.20595406

I read quite a few in elementary and middle school. The Eric Nylund Halo books were a standout (only the Nylund ones).
Only other one that I remember fondly was StarCraft Speed of Darkness.

Of course that's talking video games. There's quite a lot of good Warhammer and D&D books.

>> No.20595435

They Crysis 2 book is good

>> No.20595527

Reply to this post with which works you think should be a self-published cover book for the /sffg/ goodreads group for July. 4 can be shown each week for a total of 16. The criteria I used were overall popularity, how many and how it well it was rated it in the /sffg/ GR group, and what I already knew. In absence of suggested changes, it'll be as follows:

Week 1: Self-Published Fantasy Novels
Aching God
Beyond Redemption
Senlin Ascends

Week 2: Self-Published Progression Novels
A Thousand Li
Mage Errant
Sufficiently Advanced Magic

Week 3: Western Web Fiction
Defiance of the Fall
Mother of Learning
The Wandering Inn

Week 4: Eastern Web Fiction
A Will Eternal
Desolate Era
I Shall Seal The Heavens
The Lord of Mysteries

>> No.20595558
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Have you read any recent works that, despite being fawned over by usual online suspects, actually turned out to be legit decent?

>> No.20595563

hold up, group started reading MULTIPLE books at the same time now?

>> No.20595564
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Reading The Mote In God's Eye now. 100 pages in and not sure how long I'll continue. Pretty weak uninteresting characters. I'll give it a little longer

>> No.20595574

No, it serves a different purpose now because the previous one didn't work out.

>> No.20595589

Is your pic related actually any good?

>> No.20595606

You're all colossal fucking faggots and I hate you all.

>> No.20595610

And that's just the tea sista wig boots

>> No.20595632
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Oh no no sisters. How will we cope?

>> No.20595643

By avoiding posting about identity politics as you've done.

>> No.20595648

>Dan Simmons is based
Fuck, now I feel obligated to read Hyperion.

>> No.20595656

lol, what did he say?

>> No.20595664

He's a pretty standard conservative as far as I know. He has the same beliefs as your grandad.

>> No.20595666

yeah but my point is, since he realized that he should have let the fool go, just like he let go the other tentacle mage. but instead he went out of his way to stop and kill him, even though he liked him and was sympathetic to his plan/agenda.
given that, he has no right to cry about it afterward. it feels a bit stupid to do so imo.

>As for Rags and Toren, not sure which arcs you reference. Remember how long the story is, I need more data.
see my name.
that being said, i'm not really asking for spoilers so don't mind me. but their two arcs are pretty interesting.

>> No.20595686

my basketball-american

>> No.20595703
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Seveneves bros.. I'm starting to lose steam with this book. and I'm not even at the dreaded last third of the book.

>> No.20595768

Not him but I read it when it was botm and liked it.

>> No.20595775

Let go of the way you wanted it to go.

>> No.20595784

he said a meanie weanie about heckin' based greta

>> No.20595796
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Halo Forerunner Saga

>> No.20595963
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I'm really liking it so far, it's delivering a LOT after so much set up, if it keeps like this I can easily put this as the best volume so far.
The super funny chapters at the beginning in Pallass, the defense of Liscor, the Selys mini arc, they've all been fantastic. The Laken banquet was good too, but not as satifying. I'm still waiting on the polemic part with him though, got me really wondering what's it gonna be about.

>> No.20596136
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read cradle

>> No.20596155

did you draw that?

>> No.20596188


>> No.20596261
File: 123 KB, 672x960, 0d941111a68fbfcf6980371dbb181aa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite growing up an avid fan of the star wars movies/games, I've never given any of the novels/EU a try (besides reading an edgy book about some zombie plague infesting a prison ship, remember it being bretty gud as a kid).
Where do I start? My main interest is in Imperial warfare and actual frontline conflict (similar to what's depicted when Han gets drafted in Solo).
Would the Thrawn trilogy be the place to start for this? Want to learn more about the daily life and personal stories of Stormtroopers/Imperial special forces.

>> No.20596262

What do you think about the fact that the prose is ugly and clunky?

>> No.20596267

also that stormtrooper horror book was bretty gud

>> No.20596276

I think if that was one of my primary considerations then I wouldn't be reading much of any genre fiction in general.

>> No.20596280

We we find out what the anomaly from Blindsight was really all about in Echopraxia?

>> No.20596294

Not a good book...

>> No.20596312
File: 31 KB, 309x475, 350._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bros, was expecting political intrique and alien worlds but got 60's era free love, sex cult shit instead

>> No.20596321

Thanks, just downloaded it, deleting now.
Unless it's sex with aliens.

>> No.20596362
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Post incompetency

>> No.20596374

Cuckoldry and wife swapping.

>> No.20596416

Downloaded again just so I could delete it again.

>> No.20596562

My vote goes for Unsouled, Worm, and The Lord of Mysteries, respectively. Haven't read anything for week 1 so I withhold judgement.

>> No.20596571

Hmm, I guess I really ought to include some self-published SF as well. It can be 5 selections lasting 6 days instead.

Selection 2 - Self-Published Science Fiction
Odyssey One
The Martian
We Are Legion

>> No.20596580

what does /sffg/ think of ursula k le guin?

>> No.20596581

You seem to have misunderstood. Maybe I was unclear. I didn't expect any response so I already preselected all 4 choices. It isn't a vote for which of the 4 it should be, but rather the opportunity to say why those I picked are bad and wrong and they should be different.

>> No.20596593

Possibly the best SFF female author and among the best overall.

>> No.20596598

Great writer.

>> No.20596600

Have you checked the archives?

>> No.20596601

The Dark Elf Trilogy from what I remember. I tore through like a dozen of the Drizzt books in middleschool.

>> No.20596609

I just started The Forever War last night. Can't believe he gets to cuddle with a /fit/ tomboy gf every night.

>> No.20596611

Ha ha, just wait.

>> No.20596624

I read the D&D/Forgotten Realms books a lot as an early teen too, but I don't remember them being especially good. According to a few anons a couple of threads ago, the Planescape novel is actually decent though.

>> No.20596625

Only the current thread exists. There is no past or future, only the present. Even if they did exist, they do matter. All is ephemeral.

>> No.20596633

I got to the part where they encountered the three legged things last night before I went to bed. I think I'm going to finish the rest of the book tonight.

The part with the girl in the crater and when the guy fell on his back and damaged his heat exchanger fins was incredibly tense for how short the chapters are. Can't believe we had extrasolar colonies in the 1990's and nobody told me.

>> No.20596650

You're probably right, but I've read worse.

>> No.20596661

Some of her work, like A Woman's Liberation, is insufferably pozzed. Most of her stuff is great though. Left Hand of Darkness is one of my favourite books.

>> No.20596696

You have an odd sense of determining what is your meme word or not.

>> No.20596716
File: 95 KB, 269x400, Akuramalice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEED goth mommy Malice gf lads.

>> No.20596771

Fuck off to whatever phpbboomer site you came from.

>> No.20596794

>bawwwww why can't my newfag ass ask the same questions in every single thread?????

>> No.20596813

Do you think that the guys who were writing sci-fi in the 60's and 70's that are still alive today are disappointed?
We're not even hurtling towards ready player one, at least they have cool VR, we're still smacking blocks around and vomiting when we move in game.
I don't think there's going to be a one world government either, not any time soon, especially not since that image where a guy in a UN helmet projects aliens to the sky and the 2 betas with their mouths open are pointing at the aliens.

>> No.20596860

That hasn't changed current day writers from being putting their future settings so close to the present and still expecting so much.

>> No.20596919

This is going to be a retarded question.
But do you guys get anything out of books like I, Robot, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Time Machine, 1984, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and Lovecraft?
I feel like it's so prevalent in our media that I don't need to read them, that I've already ambiently absorbed them.
But at the same time I know better because I read Treasure Island. I didn't even want to start it because I rush to hasty conclusions like, "What can I get out of this? They go to an island, find treasure and fight pirates, who cares?" But now I've read that book more than once.
I feel like I won't be awed when I read those books I mentioned. But I'm trying to sit here and build a library of things I should read and going through the /sffg/ images.

>> No.20596988

Public perception of classical works is basically the "We have X at home" meme. Stop making excuses and go read the classics.

>> No.20597002

jolenta booba glistening with sweat & severian pondering the aroma

>> No.20597025

Keep in mind that the charts are just arbitrary selections by random individual anons.

That mindset is rather silly though.

>> No.20597066

I haven't read Cradle, but Malice is the name of a Drow Ranger/Cleric ebin donutsteel NPC in the game of 5th edition D&D that I currently run.

>> No.20597071

>he posted it again

>> No.20597115

I started to because I thought it would be kino daoist-esque fantasy but it was just such "young adult" trash that I couldn't stand it and dropped it.

>> No.20597128

Doesn't sound too far off. In Cradle she's an immortal sorceress tyrant who rules over half the continent with an iron fist and is fighting a forever war against a group of dragons that want to enslave humanity.

>> No.20597148

Way of Kings is really good so far. 200 pages into hardback. Saw anons in the archive call it soulless and video game rpg level tier of exposition. Haven't had any instance of outright autism level of info dumping besides a small moment in the second prologue which has been the only combat scene ive had up to this point. Great high fantasy so far that doesn't feel tolkien/dnd. The struggles Kaladin and Shallan have been through so far have been great, loved the scenes. Looking forward to reading more later tonight.

>> No.20597154

I've really only read The Lathe of Heaven all the way through and I enjoyed it thoroughly I recently started A Wizard of Earthsea and its inoffensive enough, pretty amateurish IMO but I haven't finished it so I'll withhold my judgment for now. She was a hardcore feminist which is cringe but she was also a based daoist so she's alright by me for the most part. I won't read any of her hardcore fem shit like left hand of darkness or whatever however.

>> No.20597163

They're all gone now. Sad times, sad times..

>> No.20597171

Question for people who have read the Wheel of Time. I am only in the middle of the second book and it looks like Rand is getting a love square thing going on. As a f/a/g I have an autistic hateboner for haremshit and my question is how prevalent is the that angle going to be in future books?

>> No.20597180
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Need something to listen to at work give me recommendations

>> No.20597181
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Volume 5 is where the real stuff starts, told you so. Btw, what do you mean by polemic part with Laken? The banquet might be the least memorable part of the volume, even though Fae were fire as fuck that night.

I recall one specific moment, around halfway through the volume 5, where after the climax of one of the arcs I was like, 'Damn, this is now fucking amazing, how much do I have left?' and then I saw I still have the entire volume 6 to read with a few V7 chapters. You will have not only that, but 7 and 8 as well. You cannot imagine how spoiled you are.

>> No.20597183

Read the Lovecraft's biography, against the world, against life. Where should I start with him? Chronological order of the great texts or is there an entrance point more suitable to newcomers?

>> No.20597188

>As a f/a/g I have an autistic hateboner for haremshit and my question is how prevalent is the that angle going to be in future books?
Extremely prevalent. Just know that Elayne is best girl, Aviendha is an animal, and Min is for faggots in denial.

>> No.20597198

library at mount char

>> No.20597225

Pitch it to me Pls

>> No.20597230

I enjoyed 1984 for what it was, Lovecraft is generally shit across the board as far as I'm concerned because of muh "OH NOOOOOOO, I'M LITERALLY GOING MAD BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I SAAAAAAAW" and "IT WAS JUST TO HORRIBLE TO DESCRIBE BRO" and his brand of story has been done better by modern authors, check out Laird Barron if you want some decent cosmic horror.

I've tried to get through 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea two or three times by now but it's just.. uninteresting at most, it's supposed to take place UNDER WATER and I think they spend the majority of the novel on a fucking ISLAND.

All that being said, I've thoroughly enjoyed plenty of old timey sci-fi to be able to recommend them War of the Worlds is fine, I enjoyed Frankenstein but The Isle of Doctor Moreau is superior, Dracula is a fantastic read there's plenty of old sci-fi that while maybe "out of date" are nonetheless solid reads. There's much to be said in favor of the classics just pick the ones that seem interesting to you.

>> No.20597243
File: 25 KB, 640x480, F3074485-276D-4CD7-B1B1-C327C49F855E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20597249

I aint gonna lie to ya chief, the romance subplots only get more prevalent as the series goes on. If it's specifically the "will they won't they" aspect of the harem that annoys you I will say that goes away after a while. He dates all three at the same time.

>> No.20597253

Wizard of Earthsea and I might break down and read Cradle idk

>> No.20597271

You been smoking crack nigga? Elayne is absolute dogshit.

>> No.20597276

All right thanks. I'll keep reading because I like the series so far, and try to plow through those parts.

Well at least RJ didn't pussy out so I give him that.

>> No.20597296

I was forced to read Childhoods End in school and I fucking hated every minute of it but I went back years later and read it on my own as an adult and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Is this a thing?

>> No.20597302

I am also a gay and fell in love with early-middle books Rand. Don’t believe the other anon btw, Elayne is shit and the only one deserving of late books Rand

>> No.20597317

>most of Greg Egan's stories are self-published
there's hope for us yet selfpublishbros

>> No.20597326

SFF novels with multiple layers and puzzles the reader has to figure out? Stuff like Gene Wolfe, 'Gnomon', 'House of Leaves', 'Dictionary of the Khazars', etc. Preferably stuff that does not rely on introducing dozens upon dozens of characters for complexity (e. g., Malazan, ASOIAF).

>> No.20597337

Wheel of time sucks so much ass. It should be called women bitching

>> No.20597345

Good point about X at home.
Good intel. I'm also glad you mentioned Frankenstein because that one feels exactly how I felt about Treasure Island.
I'm fine with that. I've relied on 4chan gestalt consensus for other things.

All in all I just need to get over the public perception and judging a book by it's cover (and title).
I just need to READ MORE and stop fucking browsing 4chan and being content watching YouTube.

>> No.20597361

Yes. I did that with Wuthering Heights and Great Gatsby.
Both are fantastic. Gatsby is cool and Catherine in Wuthering Heights is the most furious I've ever seen a woman be for 2 whole pages and it's amazing.

>> No.20597368

I don't think too many people have complaints about Way of Kings, it's the later books people really have issues with. Way of Kings' main issue is, as ever with Sanderson, just pacing.

>> No.20597382

Its great except the third book drags

>> No.20597385

A few threads ago a couple anons mentioned something about Laken having a somewhat controversial part in V5 and that they hoped that I'd be on the right side, but I don't think I've reached that spot yet.

>> No.20597406

I HATE I DESPISE I LOATH fucking STAR WAR. Society abroad needs to SHUT the FUCK UP about FAGGOT ASS JEW WARS AHHHHHH!! it's fucking SHIT!


>> No.20597408
File: 64 KB, 500x534, dracula readers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be one of these "people"

>> No.20597423

...... The global IQ continues to plummet.


>> No.20597427

Women are fucking disgusting

>> No.20597452


>> No.20597457

Women are the most metaphysically interesting creatures in existence, they're the only thing in the entire cosmos that makes me go "why did God create this?"

The universe is like a beautiful painting where everything has a place and everything seamlessly fits together and then taking up 20% of the total painting there's a magic seeing eye picture that makes your eyes hurt to look at, and the longer you look at it the worse and uglier things you see. I just want to ask the painter so badly, why did you do this?

>> No.20597468



>> No.20597492

Do incels REALLY?

>> No.20597500

>Gets rejected by his crush in middle school
>Like, why do women even HECKIN' EXIST bro?

Jesus fucking Christ...

>> No.20597530

>no autokitchen
>no autodoc
>no levitating cars
>no space stations, moon bases, asteroid mining

>yes, social media, wokism, elon musk

I’d certainly be

>> No.20597536

>What is the ISS

>> No.20597539

>not picture of Greg Egan exists on the Internet
What is he hiding?

>> No.20597547

That's wrong though. After the rights revert back to the author they sometime publish their works again in a new edition.

>> No.20597548

>God created parasites that bore inside human eyeballs and lays eggs
>Muh hecking woman are God's sole mistake
Incels should be shot on sight.

>> No.20597553

A glorified rusting tin can that can’t even house more than 7 people

>> No.20597560

Holy fucking shit HAVE SEX lmao

>> No.20597561

>book 2 of DCC
>finally learning who Ferdinand was
That entire sequence was fun.

>> No.20597564

I get it he's insane but you dont gotta samefag gawd dayum

>> No.20597574

>post more than three sentences long
>angry crossboarders come out of their hives and buzz in anger

>> No.20597582

>Holy shit women r liek, heckin' BAD!

Shut the fuck up you limpwristed little faggot lol

>> No.20597588

conclusive proof the destruction of these threads was a collaborative work of touchy troon schizos

>> No.20597594

Can your rebbit ass stop spamming shit? Maybe neck yourself? We don't give a fuck what that autist wrote and neither should you.

>> No.20597598

>Not having an all-consuming hate boner for the opposite sex in anno domini 2022
>It's those heckin' TRANNIES maaan...

Literally mentally unstable as FUCK

>> No.20597599

Confirmed triggered by a meme word

>> No.20597605

He's just a boomer reveling on rebelling against big tech

>> No.20597639

>Faggot posts wall of text cringe
>Gets called out for his schitzo babbling
>hahaha... s-stupid rebbit TROONS l-lol

Can't make this shit up...

>> No.20597652

classical works have much better prose, even simple prose is miles above modern authors, nowadays it seems modern authors can only speak like urban youths or liberal trannies.

>> No.20597663

>typing like a rebbitor is a meme word
>you caught me I was only pretending

>> No.20597672

>old english
Why the fuck do people spout this bullshit? I hear it a lot about Tolkien as well, it's so hard cause muh old English. It's all perfectly modern English, those "people" are just borderline illiterate.

>> No.20597677

>samefags three posts
>tries to pretend ythey aren't a butthurt female
>tries to pretend they aren't from rebbit
>tries to brush it under the rug after they are caught

>> No.20597685

You got triggered. Please, continue to tell me about how I came from a website I've never used before, I'm sure you'll BTFO out of me based memelord.

>> No.20597690

This conversation is going to end with the thread being deleted. Just as they planned.

>> No.20597699

Didn't care for the Hainish books.

>> No.20597707

Yes, all threads are eventually deleted. Very perceptive.. fucking retard.

>> No.20597716

dumbfuck newfag playing stupid
just go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.20597718
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>> No.20597731

He's doing the old I was only pretending to be retarded routine because he got called out for being a schizo and the only way to deflect the shame is by telling himself it's all for the epic troll

>> No.20597750

I'm like 30 chapters into Lord of the Mysteries and while there's some interesting stuff I don't feel totally invested into the story yet. Anons who've read it would you say I've seen enough to make up my mind or should I keep going?

>> No.20597772

I've been here longer than you've been alive, faggot.

>> No.20597782

lmao fucking loser spending all day & all your free time on a sioux buffalo hunting message board
and all you have to say for it is
>i trol u

>> No.20597790

web 2.0 was a mistake

>> No.20597795

>Travis Baldree on TikTok about Beware of Chicken! (v.redd.it)
thinkign of u

>> No.20597823

>i trol u

I never said that. YOU said that. You PROJECTED that onto me you mindless meme spewing APE.

Shut the fuck up kid. We're all laughing at you for being a whiny, bitter little woman hating baby.

Cry more.

>> No.20597870
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Ah, a part so legendary its profound impact on community hasn't been challenged to this day. People still bitch about it.You are going to love it.

>> No.20597875

Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson. It started a bit slow with some knitting. Then it picked up and I consider it to be the best Star Wars novel I've read at this point. I'd take it over the Darth Bane trilogy any day of the week.

>> No.20597881

The Way of Kings + Words of Radiance is probably the best reading experience I've ever had, but I dropped the series at Oathbringer. Something about the way Sanderson tries to expand the plot and integrate the Cosmere irked me

>> No.20597898

lmao gottem
fucking faggot probably doesn't even read

>> No.20597919

Thanks babe. Tell him I hate him.

>> No.20597936

I thought somebody turned my old Stormlight Archive comments into copypasta with added hyperbole. Honestly though I really do like those two books and dropped the series at Oathbringer too. It's a shame. I'll be rereading the first two books, but I've lost all interested in anything else from Sanderson.

>> No.20597941

The fourth book is really good

>> No.20597949

Literally WHO?

>> No.20597950
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You guys read any of this guys smut fantasy series'? They're surprisingly well written for smut.

>> No.20597958

>That's few options when you're intent on excluding everything.
Thanks for making my point for me anon. There's not much epic fantasy to choose from that isn't deeply flawed in some way. Malazan is higher quality that most. It filters a lot of people and that's okay. You don't have to like every book series out there. Sour grapes and all that.

>> No.20597981

I read at work for the most part so getting horny seems counterproductive.

>> No.20597993

Have you read Warbreaker or The Emperor's Soul? They're pretty good standalone experiences. Warbreaker is practically required reading for later Stormlight, but it doesn't rely on anything itself.

>> No.20597997

The early Halo novels are good
The Splinter Cell novels are solid
Doom novels are ludo
Resident Evil novels are fun

>> No.20598000
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>Mike Truk
What a pull for a pen name.

>> No.20598016

Just report him instead of replying to him, you retard.

>> No.20598020

What defines 'surprisingly well-written'? Because I've tried some smut fantasy stuff and Dante King is the only one who's even remotely readable and I still never wanna read past the first book of any of his insanely long series. Everything else feels practically paint-by-numbers.

>> No.20598035
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I've only read TTTT but it's up there in my top series list (not just smut)
It's surprisingly well written indeed, specially after the first book

>> No.20598049

really enjoyed murderbot diaries: network effect, pretty easy going right up until the last quarter then shit got real
now the question is do i start on foundation with the list you niggas gave me, or continue with tltl 2

>> No.20598054

>now the question is do i start on foundation with the list you niggas gave me, or continue with tltl 2
Can't you decide for yourself? You're going to read the books, not us.

>> No.20598056

The series name is Terra Ignota.

>> No.20598058

Can I get a quick rundown on Travis Baldtree?

>> No.20598063

I thought the novel was relatively weaker. Should've stuck with the novella form. Though that may be the only one that's a novel. I hope you read the prior books on the series first.

>> No.20598067

Use google to find the answer, and stop being such a lazy fuck.

>> No.20598072


>> No.20598085

Then don't ask if you're not interested.

>> No.20598088

not sure is why i'm asking; i checked out the first couple pages of caves of steel and i dunno what i was expecting so i switched to murderbot

yeah but you knew what i was talking about

of course bro, i think it was the only selfpub thing i sought out when it was first spammed here

>> No.20598096

>What defines 'surprisingly well-written'?
A planned out story that doesn't drag shit out. Girls that don't just fall in love with mc's cock as soon as they meet and have actuall goals and characters arcs of their own. Male characters who are bros instead of just being fodder to show how cool the mc is.

>> No.20598098

It was never self-published. Murderbot Diaries, and her previous works for decades, have been published by TOR, the largest by far publisher of SFF. If you mean from that chart, there's a lot that was wrong with it.

>> No.20598108

The main character and setting really takes me out of it in this series and I couldn't get past the second book. It read like an edgy isekai to me.

>> No.20598110

Baldree is a book narrator for Audible who rose to prominence after doing A Thousand Li (entry book to Wuxia/Cultivation in the West) and Cradle (arguably one of the better attempts at the progression fantasy genre). Because of these two major titles, any progression fantasy author that gets an audiobook deal chooses him to narrate it. This is solely for visibility on the author's part, but it's inevitably led to him narrating over 250 titles. He has no range for male or female voices. Every single male MC in every single title he reads has the same dickish inflection and NO emotional range.

He's a fucking hack, but he's failed upwards due to being the first guy to get in front of a trending genre. Enlightened by all the tripe he's had to speak aloud, he decided to write his own fantasy series called Legends and Lattes. Naturally, it blew up in the Reddit scene so he is rising to all new heights in popularity. I've reviewed a few series in audiobook format but his narration caused me to drop them all together. Can't disconnect my HATRED for him and still review objectively.

Had to get that off my chest, sorry boys.

>> No.20598113
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Is this any good?

>> No.20598115

Read it and find out.

>> No.20598116

Get over here, bro.

>> No.20598117

If you want comfy repetition, then sure.

>> No.20598123

Then maybe stop using audiobooks and just read the damn books.

>> No.20598132


Think I mentioned that in the post, friend. If you were less stand-offish maybe you wouldn't speed read so much?

>> No.20598136

>Think I mentioned that in the post,
If you keep bitching about it, I doubt you did.

>> No.20598138

I was going to hug you but now I'm regretting my decision.

>> No.20598144
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So no one else here has read this series?

>> No.20598149

If you check the archive, you would know it’s been discuss before.

>> No.20598155

I haven't seen anyone mention this series besides one random Booktuber

>> No.20598158

Have you checked the archives? It's the first thing I do when I read a new book and want to talk about it with others.

>> No.20598166

Not that anon
It doesn't release until Nov 2022 and it hasn't been mentioned here before. I checked.

>> No.20598167

>reading old forum posts instead of having a discussion with other human beings where you share your own thoughts and ideas
I sure hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.20598179

>implying the discussion is any higher quality and will give you the information you want

>> No.20598187
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>> No.20598190
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who is the most supreme Booktuber?

>> No.20598197

Danmei Derangement Disorder

>> No.20598200

You're right, god forbid we discuss books in this general. We retread old discussion topics and that would... be bad... for some reason? We clearly need to go back to shitflinging about the culture war and calling each other faggot.

>> No.20598206

Finish the first book.

>> No.20598211

Just look at the state of this thread, at this point, reading old forums posts would be better.

>> No.20598213

It's more about how much the poster wants an answer or not.

>> No.20598217

I feel so much better knowing there's a name for my illness. Is this what I get for checking out Scum Villain's Self-Saving System?

>> No.20598289

Admittedly I don't come to these threads as often anymore since the Bakker schizos drove me off so I probably missed it. Just wanted to get /sffg/ on it since I wouldn't exactly call the series good, but there's something about it that keeps me coming back maybe it's just the unapologetic edge about it.

>> No.20598304

I mean, that's a low bar, but I guess it's smut. Are they, like, decent stories disregarding the smut, or is it just "porn with a story that doesn't suck as much"?

>> No.20598321

It looks like something, and I'm judging purely on the cover, that is written with a layer of ironic edginess that's thinly veiling a wedge of unironic edginess.

>> No.20598323

>Admittedly I don't come to these threads as often anymore since the Bakker schizos drove me off so I probably missed it.
Just report them, jannies and mods have been cleaning up /sffg/ for a while now.

>> No.20598335

Yeah you can skip the smut scenes and they'd work ad fantasy adventure series' one of them is about the mc and his companions who just happen to be females overthrowing a crime syndicate who rule over a city.