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[ERROR] No.2059458 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I need your help!

There is guy in my colonial lit class that keeps mostly to himself, but takes his academics very seriously. Every time he contributes in a seminar, it's almost always very poignant and leads to deep discussions. He is sorta cute and we sometimes make eye contact, but try as I might, I can never get him to do anything more.

I want to give him a reason to come over and talk to me, so I want to be reading a book that he would be impressed with. One time I say sorta close to him and I heard him talking about War and Peace with some other male classmate.


>> No.2059461

Tell him you want to have sexual inter corse with him.

>> No.2059464

Cut the crap, ask him out. Girls never do, so it's attractive as hell when does.

>> No.2059466

>I want to give him a reason to come over and talk to me
>come over and talk to me
>talk to me

TALK TO HIM! Fuck, ppl, ain't no shame in making the first move.

"Hey, I really liked that point you made about blah blah blah" and then do the talk-and-walk and say you should have coffee sometime and get his number ETC ETC.

>> No.2059467


>> No.2059468

You don't have to play these games with men. Just talk to him.

>> No.2059475

Stick your penis in his vagina.

>> No.2059481

Pretend you need help with some assignment or something.

>> No.2059485

1. You are a troll.
2. Get back to /adv/

>> No.2059492

Guys, I'm thinking about Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. Do you think that would peak his interest in talking to me?

>> No.2059514

Tits, gtfo, kitchen.

>> No.2059516

>peak his interest

He won't be interested in you. Joking aside though, just talk to him about normal stuff - where you're from, hobbies, etc. He probably gets enough of Dostoevsky on his own time.

Also sage for /adv/