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File: 152 KB, 716x453, GreekGods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20594198 No.20594198 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here a pagan? I'm interested in hearing about people who still follow the Hellenic Gods. I checked leddit and the sub for Hellenism was just full of teenage girls and strange LARPers (I know). I want to hear from people who truly follow the Gods and the reasons why.

>> No.20594202

Teenage girls rule supreme
Anon rage and scream
LARPers rule in might
Anon cower in fright

>> No.20594208

I think you are better off going to /his/, they used to have threads for this and a dicksword server. Just be prepared to be hassled by larping abrahamics and atheists when you are in those threads.

>> No.20594214
File: 20 KB, 736x616, B21F2CE3E99E69F659289B45E993CB75-21417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interested in hearing about people who still follow the Hellenic Gods
>wants to avoid larpers

>> No.20594218

>I want to hear from people who truly follow the Gods and the reasons why.
That subriddit.

>> No.20594223

/his/ is complete shit now though, I actually like here and have had good threads and discussions despite the shitposters and retards
The same way I would ask a devout Catholic about why they follow Catholicism more than somebody who goes "Christianity is about being vaguely nice to eachother". I want to hear from people who follow it more than just aesthetics.

>> No.20594238

I'm someone who truly follow the Gods, I will allow you to hear from me, what questions are troubling your mind so bad that you went to leddit and asked teenage girls for guidance?

>> No.20594251

If you're not shitposting or baiting.
>What got you interested in them
>How do you worship them
>Do you have a partiular personal deity that you follow more e.g Apollo, Athene
>Have you ever believed you have been subject to intervention from the Gods
>Has it impacted your routine or life in anyway
>Do you take the myths and stories (Hesiod, Homer etc) as facts, allegory or a mix of both?

>> No.20594257

Honestly, what is larp anyway. I could say that my grandmother is devout, faithful Catholic, but she knows little of her own religion, just some basic things and prays a lot and listen to what the priests say. She doesn't read bible. Not even going to talk about other people, who mostly just put up a pretence of faith or just interact in social aspect of religion with no actual faith at all.
I do live in post communist state however, so that might add to my perception, but if people want to to go back to paganism, they should larp away for all I care.

>> No.20594267

I could tell you a place where you could learn all the rituals and worship shit as they did back in the day. And something else that's very interesting. But I won't because I care about the salvation of your soul. Read St Augustines City of God in its entirety.

>> No.20594273

I'm not converting lol. I'm a fairly devout Christian that borders on Orthdaox in terms of traditionalism.

>> No.20594281

As someone who truly follow the Gods I will let you my reasons

>>What got you interested in them
Greek history
>>How do you worship them
>>Do you have a partiular personal deity that you follow more e.g Apollo, Athene
>>Have you ever believed you have been subject to intervention from the Gods
Yes, they sent me teenage girls from leddit to fuck
>>Has it impacted your routine or life in anyway
Yeah, my life consist of fucking teenage girls from leddit
>>Do you take the myths and stories (Hesiod, Homer etc) as facts, allegory or a mix of both?
A mix of both

>> No.20594291

>people...should larp away for all I care.
I agree. But I can't help but roll my eyes when people who want to get into a very fringe activity worry about being perceived as a larper or condemn others as being larpers, i.e. somehow inauthentic, compared to themselves

What is a larp? doesn't it mean people who dress up and roleplay characters with others? naturally they know they're not really a knight, they're just playing. a religious larp would be a person who doesn't believe they're actually christian/pagan etc. but plays as one. if OP really believes in fuckin' Pallas Athene or whatever, it's not a larp. better? perhaps not...

>> No.20594303

What if you understand the importance of mythology and want to participate in the religion despite not believing the stories to be literally true? Is that genuine, or larping, or somethingbin between?

>> No.20594313

I wouldn't call that larping. There's no pretense.
The epic schizo larpers that plague the board on the other hand are larpers because they're not mentally ill nor do they believe they are, it's just fun. They're roleplaying.

>> No.20594322
File: 379 KB, 716x369, zeus-and-ganymde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW Zeus will never kidnap me and make me his boyfu

>> No.20594343

Yeah, but I look at society and all I see is larpers in the first place, from regular church goers, to those who cope with loss of relatives of fear of death by being ''religious'' to cynical priests that drive teslas and buy expensive shit with donated money.
Unless you mean 4chan type of larpers, but this is another type all together.

>> No.20594346

>about people who still follow the Hellenic Gods.
You know nothing about Turkish history and the Millet system do you?

>> No.20594912

the truth is its not larp. the words and practices exist and can be done. one can pour libations, light incenses and say the sentences, none of these are "larp". its just doing what people 2000 years ago did.
the christians love to come into threads and spout "larp" and jesus stuff, but u know theyve been doing this shit for 2000 years, always the same shit, coming into people's lands, doing the forced meme, destroyed polytheists stuffs, and then finally now gloated "haha your the pagan practices can hardly be reconstructed anymore" but they were the ones who fucking destroyed shit.
its like if someone broke into your home, destroyed your family photographs, leave, then u DREW them back again based on faulty memories and non-burnt pieces, and then their sons came at the window and say "haha u are LARPing".
they began with 'ill give my other cheek' in history
to 'give me all your fucking cheeks'.

>> No.20595162


>> No.20595303

What religion are you? Not that guy btw

>> No.20595306


>> No.20595316

Because religion and /lit/ attitudes go hand in hand. It's basically philosophy.

>> No.20595347

they’re all larpers and schizos. the only greek pagans left is a small group of alexander’s descendents living in the mountains of pakistan

>> No.20595397

I follow Eris. I don't really have a reason, it just amuses me to worship the personification of chaos and discord. Her religion is just funny, and funny counts for a lot. Life seems like a big cosmic joke, so religion should be funny. Also, the idea that God is a petty, vindictive woman with a twisted sense of humor makes a lot more sense to me than the idea that God is benevolent and all-loving but hates queers.