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20592717 No.20592717 [Reply] [Original]

No schizophrenia, please.

>> No.20592737


>> No.20592768

why is this book legitimate and not schizo?

>> No.20592774

Charles Upton
it's by far the best with the exception of Jacques Vallee
ur welcome

>> No.20592778

OP I'm curious too.

>> No.20592788

>omg an unidentified object in the sky
>it's aliens 100%
>why would the government lie lol
>it's not like they have secret aircraft or something
The mental gymnastics of True Believers are impressive, I'll give you that.

>> No.20592794

it does seem suspicious the government is more willing to talk about ufo's then who killed JFK.

>> No.20592861

You obviously haven't read it, retard.

>> No.20592880


Multiple case studies with corroborating physical evidence. Interviews with dozens of high-level witnesses (not just government officials). Radar data, government documents, aviation reports, etc. They don't speculate that they're from space but the evidence strongly suggests they come from there and especially like to hang out around our oceans.

>> No.20592888

Valley seems way too out there for me. He believes pretty much everything he hears, no matter how outlandish it is.

He's just a bit harder to swallow for me.

>> No.20592894

>He believes pretty much everything he hears, no matter how outlandish it is.
nah he is the best deboonker of such people (e.g. Bill Cooper)

>> No.20592901

UFOs are such an interesting subject, but it really boils down to it mostly being classified govt. technology.

Other than that, who knows. They make up probably 2% of all sightings and MIGHT be alien in origin.

>> No.20592907

I haven't read it precisely because I'm not a retard. That all of the evidence over nearly 100 years amounts to anecdotes and shakey videos and just a little bit of common sense tells you pretty much everything you need to know on the subject.

>> No.20592919

>believing the disinfo
I've heard Planet Dirt is nice this time of year.

>> No.20592927
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i read the one on afterlife by the same author
she goes all in on psychics and shit like that had a hard time getting through it even though i dont see myself as a skeptic

>> No.20592935

>forward by john podesta
what world do i live in??

>> No.20593115
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Forget about UFO sightings; it's a moot point and a distraction. Look into the research of people who took abduction accounts seriously. If you're not handicapped by scientific dogmatism and capable of considering the evidence, it's very spooky.


>> No.20593142
File: 33 KB, 252x498, william-bramley-the-gods-of-eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mankind is somewhere between a race of slaves and cattle, for the benefit of extraterrestrials.
Thoroughly footnoted, too.

>> No.20593158

Jacobs? C'mon man. I listened to him on Art Bell for years. His stories are ridiculous.

"I took a human alien hybrid to a baseball game!"

Its poison pills like Jacobs or Lazar that take away from any rational discussion, which is probably what it was designed to do.

>> No.20593161

>"I took a human alien hybrid to a baseball game!"
Hey I saw that X-Files episode too.

>> No.20593179

kek, but really, he has all of these patients under hypnosis that feed him all of this bullshit and he either never doubts it or is a bad faith actor.

I heard him tell the baseball story on C2C. Apparently it didn't understand jerseys or something stupid.

>> No.20593192

Where does this portrayal of Ayys as mantis-like originate from? I just went on /x/ for the first time in forever and they're obsessed with it.

>> No.20593210

>Apparently it didn't understand jerseys
Mmhmm I know bad fanfic when I see it.

>> No.20593226

>Mmhmm I know bad fanfic when I see it.
That's half the problem with all of the /x/-tier stories. I've made threads about this. Its not the big unlikely thing (I've seen aliens, I work at Area 51, etc.), its the 500 unlikely things that precede and follow it.

Most of the whistleblowers are extremely gifted, solved some government test faster than anyone before, was recruited at 15 by the CIA, was descended from Imhotep II, blah blah blah...

... so by the time they get to whatever it is they're also lying about, any reasonable person has long since tuned out.

>> No.20593231

>it sounds silly so it's not true
Shitposting about books you haven't read. Consider looking at his methods and results yourself, or don't.
They're sometimes seen on board and they seem to be overseeing the work of lesser grey ayys who are just worker drones. No one knows obviously, but it seems to me that the greys themselves might be a genetic hybrid between them and ourselves. It makes sense that they would rather create a workforce on site instead of hauling all of them across space.

>> No.20593238

>Shitposting about books you haven't read.
I heard it come out of the man's mouth and if you'd like to pursue the issue I can post the exact C2C appearance.

>> No.20593281

From here:

>> No.20593313
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that foreword was written by THE John Podesta?

>> No.20593321

>I just went on /x/ for the first time in forever and they're obsessed with it.
you should have seen the cat aliens they made up

>> No.20593340
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This is not a meme.

I repeat, this is not a meme.

>> No.20593341

It doesn't matter if it sounds silly or like bad science fiction. Reality isn't obligated to be a good story.
>we exist so aliens might exist, we don't know what's out there
>they might be millions of years ahead of us and we don't know what technology might be possible
>they might have motivations we can't even conceive of
>apparently they come here and make hybrids
>the hybrids need to learn the nuances of how to be human because they're raised aboard UFOs
>baseball is something humans do
What's ridiculous? We should be wary and at least put some resources into investigating if there's even the faint possibility that this is really happening because we might be doomed. Why shouldn't we be wary of other species in the universe?

What makes the whole thing spooky is the accumulation of evidence, the consistency and how widespread it is. At the very least there's no question about whether people are experiencing it. It's fascinating and worth investigating either way.

>> No.20593364

>We should ... at least put some resources into investigating if there's even the faint possibility that this is really happening
Okay, but there isn't.

>> No.20593367


>> No.20593379
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I don't know what to say really

>> No.20593381
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Because the details framing the extraordinary claim are badly fabricated.

I found the baseball story. It starts on 167 of "Walking Among Us." Its just bad writing. I mean c'mon, use some judgement.

>> No.20593395
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>> No.20593396
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We come in peace?

>> No.20593405

>Its just bad writing
It's a transcript of a conversation, dipshit.
Pro tip: it's fine to not have opinions on things if you're not interested enough to actually learn about them. You don't have to keep defending your ignorance.

>> No.20593427

>It's a transcript of a conversation,
Well aware, captain open fucking mind. The problem is its a bad storyteller (If "Bernard" exists at all) selling a badly written story to a gullible or malicious retard. Its loaded down with too much cliche "Our values, your values, we have a lot to learn, but we are not so different, you and I" dime store sci-fi bullshit.

Someone is full of shit here.

>> No.20593508

>"Our values, your values, we have a lot to learn, but we are not so different, you and I"
No, they're just learning to blend in. There's no impression that they're actually trying to become human. It makes sense in the context. If you read the books instead of just one page, then you actually could use some judgement as you said. I have and I don't sense the kind of disingenuousness you're accusing. If it is all bullshit then the error is somewhere else; I haven't seen any reason to doubt his integrity. Instead of insisting on holding an uninformed opinion, I'd recommend saying "I don't know and I don't care".

>> No.20593530

I think you're protecting a faith you have in this. I'm not trying to take that away. Jacobs' sincerity in the interviews is frightening, but there are just too many "tells" for me to hold on to this one.

It never fails. Terry Lovelace has an insanely convincing abduction story that he tells the same way every time. But now he's claiming his iphone recorded an altitude change during one of his modern abductions. Maybe they sprinkle something sincere with some bullshit because, I don't know, the government threatened their family.

Thing is, "its made up" is going to be the safe bet.

>> No.20593543

i love schizo threads!

>> No.20593560

I think the safe bet would be to dedicate at least a little bit of resources to seriously investigating any rumours of alien species messing with us, so we at least have a chance at defending ourselves, especially given the scale of this. If it's not happening then it's an interesting psychological phenomenon. If it is then we might be held down and fucked in the ass forever as a species. Who knows what an alien civilization might want to do with us. We don't know shit about the universe and it's stupid to assume this kind of thing is impossible, or hold on to some idea that if aliens exist then they must be enlightened beings who will openly contact us.

>> No.20593568

>seriously investigating any rumours
This is why you're not in a position to do that.

>> No.20593609

Since we realized that stars are suns with planets in orbit, alien invasion should have been a legitimate concern. It's as if we fail to actually believe that the universe is as big a place as it is and we don't know what lurks out there. We're wasting resources on far more frivolous garbage than defending ourselves against aliens.

>> No.20593638

>It's as if we fail to actually believe that the universe is as big a place as it is and we don't know what lurks out there
The universe is, at best, 99.99% empty and at worst that number rounds to 100. We have understood this since almost as long as we have understood that stars are suns with orbiting planets.
There's actually no reason to investigate the possibility of extraterrestrial life at all if you look at the long game.

>> No.20593640

And I think there is more attention to this subject than we know. Its just I've always been pretty good about when someone is telling a story and someone is recounting an event. Not helpful for everyone, but it serves me well.

There are just too many snags and flags in most of the publicized accounts. I'm not ruling-out anything. I don't rule-out a hyper-terrestrial explanation, that there are things out there just as Earthly as we are but leagues above us. After all, the human-ant gap is there, why not scale it up? There is nothing in nature saying this can't be so, and we would have just as much if not more difficulty classifying their exact nature as the ants have ours.

Sometimes a too alien heavy account throws me off.

Be nice. This is 4channel. Our first duty is to kindness.

>> No.20593743
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"Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future" is mandatory reading for anyone who wants to know about the UFO phenomena from a Christian perspective, and the place of UFO phenomena in New Age/NWO/glowie-sponsored religion.

>> No.20593997

Aliens are djinn/aos sí. If you are ever abducted, invoke the name of Jesus Christ and they will be powerless against you. Just say "In the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God I command you to leave" or something similar.

>> No.20594000

Look up Johnny depps birth chart and see what star was conjunct Venus. Then look up the meaning of that star. Then look up what Venus symbolises. Then ask yourself does his life reflect a combination of these things.

>> No.20594003

I like UFOlogy but yeah its pretty suspect.

>> No.20594513

No, schizo shit?

>> No.20595031 [DELETED] 

>Book about UFOs
>Foreword by John Podesta
>New York Times Bestseller
I guess all of this is really interesting and there is certainly something going on, but why the foreword of that politician child fucker? Why is it recommended by the biggest Jewish journal?
It looks like the establishment doesn't care about this issue so much, but why? It has pretty big political implications.

>> No.20595040

>>20592717 (OP)
>Book about UFOs
>Foreword by John Podesta
>New York Times Bestseller
I guess all of this is really interesting and there is certainly something going on, but why the foreword of that important politician? Why is it recommended by one of the biggest American journals?
It looks like the establishment doesn't care to conceal this issue so much, but why? It has pretty big political implications.

>> No.20595077

UFO sightings are inconsequential. Nothing can be really learned from them. That's why they push that aspect out to the forefront until everything else is drowned out.

>> No.20595176

I don't think any of it is actually real but with that said the only actually interesting books on it I found are by Jacques Vallee (Passport to Magonia) and John Keel (Operation Trojan Horse, Mothman Prophecies). If there was any truth to UFOs at all their modern folklore theories would make a whole lot more sense than any bullshit about actual space aliens from some galaxy light years away

>> No.20595387

My simple guess is that it's a power play to either show off what they have or to show off what they know other countries have.

>> No.20595715
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>there are things out there just as Earthly as we are but leagues above us
There are, but it's not aliens. Investigate the real gnome/elf rabbit hole. The gnomepill is the final pill. I won't say any more because the thread might get deleted.

>> No.20595824

john podesta is a ufo nut, hes advocated for disclosure of govt knowledge on ufos
nyt bestseller just means it sold over 100k copies, its not an endorsement

>> No.20595887

Were they hot?

>> No.20595922

some have been identified as secret objects yes, but there are many instances of them still being left unknown.

Check out the Maelstrom Incident, why the fuck would any reasonable defense official allow a craft to hover over a sensitive nuclear missile site

>> No.20596230

is the blind owl good?

>> No.20596265

Have you ever looked into who built all those little tunnels all over Germany. Also you shouldn't mention those little fucks by name. They take it as a provocation to fuck with you.

>> No.20596274

What if I want to make friends with them? Do they like cookies?

>> No.20596320
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I know. They say you especially shouldn't take about them during summer when they're more active. They're already been gnoming around with me for a while though.
Supposedly you can leave inconspicuous gifts of certain foods (porridge, bread, blueberries, milk, etc), tobacco or alcohol to appease them. But they say that the little folk don't like being offered things directly. Maybe they view it as if you think that you're their master and you're rewarding them, or maybe they don't want to owe anything to corporeal creatures. If you see one, the wise and polite thing to do is to turn away and apologize. Don't disturb their favourite spots or try to record them unless you want to get gnomed hard.


>> No.20596383
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Anyway this guy definitely got GNOMED. He suddenly stopped posting after an attempt at outright communication. This is what happens when you mess with them a little too much. They probably whisked him away to the fairy realm where he already lived to old age and died long ago.


>> No.20596464

Crazy stuff. Any more recomendations for the gnomepill? Here in Sweden people took them very seriously back in the day (even now it's a tradition to leave out rice porridge for them on Christmas). In one story, one got mad so he grew to something like 9 feet and took a cow and walked off with it.

>> No.20596523
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>> No.20596549
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>but there are many instances of them still being left unknown.
well shucks i guess it must be them damn aliens huh. i mean that's the only logical thing left, visitors from light years away who just come here for no reason at all and have never left anything positively identifiable behind. that's it. gotta be. yep.

>> No.20596618
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>Since we realized that stars are suns with planets in orbit, alien invasion should have been a legitimate concern
yep that's rite. cuz them aliens, what with their ability to harness the power of stars to fly out all this way, what they need is right here on earth. just cuz they aint never took none of it or tried to invade in 100 years don't mean nothin. they prolly just planning they're invasion still, ya know cuz their stupid. shit maybe they just came all that way, suckin' up stars for energy and warpin' spacetime, just to put stuff in our butt holes, ya know? yep. makes sense to me.

>> No.20596655
File: 323 KB, 1686x2046, cia nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing you're someone who doesn't need aliens in order to stick large cumbersome objects up his ass, right?

>> No.20596683

What the fuck is that video?

>> No.20596685

>Ask for no schizophrenia. Get gnomed

>> No.20596741
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>good thing you're someone who doesn't need aliens in order to stick large cumbersome objects up his ass, right?
yep that's right. as a bonafide lisensed ufo hunter i have ta stretch my anus every day, keep up that ee-lasticity. ya know, just in case them little green space men fly all the way back here from beetlejuice or some such for a little ol s&m.


>> No.20596743

If they're foreign tech then it would be the greatest intelligence failure of all time on the part of the US. Russia certainly doesn't have these capabilities otherwise we may be seeing them now in Ukraine. China repeatedly steals US tech and doesn't really have the edge. Not to mention that the major sightings occured in the 1960-70s.

Do your research rather than going straight to debunking

>> No.20596759

Beware of the fake alien invasion

>> No.20596776
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mhm thas what i'm sayin' boy. gotta be them damn aliens from the bunghole iv system. gubbermin aint got no reason ta lie bout somethin like a intelligens failyure or seekrit weppuns. yep thas jus conspiracy theris nonsins. don't make no damn sense i tel ya. oveosely they flyin' some 160 million lightbeers sos we can take highly questionable pictures of them aint they. yep.

>> No.20596861

Thank you for your concession

>> No.20596871

>what reason could they possibly have to come here!?
Who knows? Do you realize the arrogance it takes to say there's no possible reason? Effectively you're making claims about a highly advanced alien civilization in response to the question of whether they're here in the first place. Try to realize the absurdity.
>why haven't they taken over yet?
If you ask me, covert infiltration might be the best way to take over this place. We have lots of nukes and who knows what kind of shitshow might unfold if they revealed themselves. This way it's safe and clean. Maybe they don't have weapons of mass destruction because they almost got filtered by them. Speculation aside, the main point is still: "who knows?" You can't say that what they're doing makes no sense because it's like a chimp wondering why humans do any of the things we do.

The only course of action that makes sense is collecting and reviewing evidence to answer the question of whether they're here. Speculating about whether it's possible or not is retarded and worthless.

>> No.20596899
File: 27 KB, 581x579, kbaizd5bpvf51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son i ant sellin no cracker jacks up here you mussa got me confuse for the snack bar. now if yall want some real fake alien ardafax or a wife beater with my ficial alien hunter logo on it then we can do some business. otherwise yall need to mozy on from back a my station wagon yous crowdin out the wears sos fokes cant sees em. yep.

>> No.20597018
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>Do you realize the arrogance it takes to say there's no possible reason?
mmhmmmm yep thats why i prefer the unlimited convenience of never posin no rashunul esplainations. fokes dey smart enuf to think fo themselves ya know what i mean? prolly jus fillin up they big gulps or doin butt stuff anyway like some kina cosmo truck stop. i dont complain none cuz its good fer business boy. yep.
>If you ask me, covert infiltration might be the best way to take over this place.
yep thats right mister i tell ya yous got it all figured out. yous one a da smart ones. aint even arrogance neither when you speculate boy cuz you jusa smarta dem space aliens i bet. hell yous prolly is one. some kina hybreed or sum damn thang. theys jus onna 500 year plan thas all. they gots all that fancy technologies to travel cross them stars n what not but exterminiminatin another race of far less sophistimicated creatures like ourselves thas a hole differnt ball game son. we just better than them i guess. its prolly thanks to fokes like me in tha alien hunter community keepin em at bay. yep they scared boy i tel ya what. yep.

>> No.20597075

There's never been physical evidence. Just blips on radar, blurry pictures and so on that can all be misinterpreted.

Lots of eyewitness sightings but that doesn't mean much, given that we still have 600 eyewitness sightings of Elvis every year.

>> No.20597116
File: 91 KB, 321x350, 3548do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of eyewitness sightings but that doesn't mean much, given that we still have 600 eyewitness sightings of Elvis every year.
boy dont ya know? thas the aliens favorite thang to do, dressin up like the king. summa dem come all that way just to fake elvis sightingsn n nuttin else. told me themselves with their ESB mind control beams. thas four i made me a tinfoil antenna hat to block em outta my mind on accounta tryna still all da top seekrits bout dem i keep up ther. yep.

>> No.20597140

Elvis wasn't an alien, moron

>> No.20597168

hey now you cant prove that boy. thas a unfalsable claim son. you just tryna hurt my bidness. course he a space man. shakin his hips like some kina homo sensual. aint no real man does that.

>> No.20597169
File: 153 KB, 746x900, gnome-meeting-richard-yoakam-2979216534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA nigger obviously trying to bury the truth about gnomes with shitposts. You won't flimflam those in the gnow.

>> No.20597209
File: 28 KB, 540x538, tumblr_pi1jmqXWWF1qcm6hn_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mhmm thas right i usa work for da cia, for da fbi , for da fda, da dmv, the atm, all them. but they done kick me out on accounta imtoo smart n stuff. they still always tryna infultrade my mind for all the seekrits i got up ther just like dem damn space aliens do i tell ya what. yous a damn liar and a 007 secret agent if you says aliens aint real boy. they tryna cover all that alien stuff up boy thas why they tell us all bout them ufos intha firs place. yep.

>> No.20597229
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>> No.20597259

mmhmm i know this feller he an alien hybreed and a secret 007 too i tell ya what. you can tell plain as day from that hat he wearin to hide his big bald space alien head. yep.

>> No.20597266
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>> No.20597281

aint no damn difference gnomes n elves all aliens too

>> No.20597328


>> No.20597565


>> No.20597611

Why is this thread full of faggots who haven't even read the book? What a waste of time

>> No.20597736

Because it's less insufferable than the mentally retarded faggots that have

>> No.20597742

It's not even secret aircraft, it's just spic pilots mistaking weird light and lense tricks for aircrafts. See Mick West's take on the subject on YouTube. He just demolishes the whole thing completely.

>> No.20597786
File: 3.50 MB, 272x450, 1654643082868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird light and lense tricks
Don't forget weather balloons.

>> No.20597800

that gif just took down the entire nation of java's internet

>> No.20597933
File: 30 KB, 623x564, received_1101102673756962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mick West
>"Yes this object that trained Navy pilots with countless hours in the air, is in fact, a seagull

>> No.20598205

Gnomes are the rulers of the universe confirmed!

>> No.20598227

WRONG. These so-called "extraterrestrials" do not come from "outer space" they are extradimentional DEMONS. FALLEN ANGELS.

>> No.20598413

then look up what the word conjunct means

>> No.20598439


>> No.20598653

Is Field Guide worth reading?

>> No.20598709

It's neat. It's a collection of folklore, not a first-hand account, so there's bound to be misinformation, but there are always kernels of truth in legends. I'm pretty damn sure that the elves are real because I had a minor encounter myself. I'm glad that they're here and that the drab and mundane world we carved out for ourselves isn't all there is to this planet. It makes you want to reconnect with nature as much as you can so that you might have a brush with them. The little but strong, whimsical spirits of the earth.

>> No.20599019
File: 127 KB, 900x633, gorightly4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ here.
/lit/ is like little babby.
Watch this.

>> No.20599030
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>> No.20599037
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>> No.20599049
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>> No.20599054
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>> No.20599063
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>> No.20599068
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>> No.20599073
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>> No.20599078
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>> No.20599091

Confession to Conspiracy by Kerry Thornley.
It doesn't have a cover but it's on libgen.

>> No.20600357

You can make up your UFO story and tell it to him. And even if he knows you are lying he can use it for his purposes.
He is not interested in particular events, he is interested in the folklore produced by thousands and thousands of incidents, episodes, contacts with not-from-here beings. This folklore can be studied and analyzed so we can learn from it and having some interesting conclusions.
Since your UFO story is still using the same parameters than any other UFO encounter you are only adding only a drop in the ocean.

>> No.20600492


>> No.20600536

>allow a craft to hover
The Australopithecus noted our team of researchers and waved his antelope thighbone at them.

>> No.20600755

And if one of of you got too close the hominid could easily kill you with it.

I was once visiting a military museum and I stopped to look look at the civil-war-era weapons. I examined early Gatling gun and carbines on display. It suddenly struck me that all of these primitive firearms were still perfectly lethal. I became infuriated at the knowledge I'd be as vulnerable to a paper-cartridge breech loader as I would to a modern AR. But my injured sense of superiority changed nothing.

Pretty sure if these things are actually alien craft, and you shot one with a 50BMG, you'd still fuck it up no matter how advanced it is. If you launched SAM spam at one it would still have to move if it didn't want to die.

>> No.20600859
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>had a hard time getting through it even though i dont see myself as a skeptic
You want at least a fig leaf of rationality or skeptical inquiry when you read about this stuff. Otherwise it's just a few hundred pages of an author pulling shit out of their ass.

Pic related is a great example. I take the scholarship of Johnathan Ott quite seriously, and Terrence Mckenna was a guy with some interesting ideas that are at least entertaining. But when James Arthur cribs from them, and makes the argument

>when you squint all ancient temple architecture looks like mushrooms therefore the Eucharist is really Amanita muscaria!

I just want to punch the lazy retard.

>> No.20601083

John Mack did the same thing, Harvard psychiatrist who interviewed alien abductees to try and get to the bottom of it all, and went straight off into past life, near-death experiences and life after death stuff. Really sours the whole thing to be honest

>> No.20601477

It's a book. You read books, not watch them.

>> No.20602278

Nice dubs FOR A HYLIC.

>> No.20603343

I will read it for fun and I hope to become closer to the world around me!