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File: 66 KB, 1024x962, helpersad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20592411 No.20592411 [Reply] [Original]

Life is an insignificant tragedy which ends in an inevitable death. During the whole time we are alive in this world we are slaves to our desires, as soon as we satisfy one, another appears in its place, and so we are perpetually in a state of dissatisfaction, and our very existence is a source of suffering to us.

>> No.20592424

My life is pretty dope. Must suck to live in a 3rd world country.

>> No.20592441

This. I'm happy, and I get really irritated when I learn that other people aren't because of muh abortion or muh starving African children or some other non-problem. Most problems in the world can be solved by (1) not having children--not supporting anti-natalism btw; I think everyone who can have kids should--or (2) working hard and developing oneself and ones environment. People who are depressive are just creating excuses to be lazy and masking it with pity for themselves and the world.

>> No.20592451

To add onto this, by 'not having children' I also imply not swinging your genitals around like crazy. Learn to reconcile your own desires and instincts with rational thought.

>> No.20592527

You're almost there friend. We're not slaves to our desires, we ARE our desires. The whole art of living is discovering our desires, making attempts to change our desires, valuing some desires over others, experimenting with our desires, etc.

>> No.20592600

Cope, seethe and dilate.

>> No.20592647

You are not your desires. Your desires come and go, therefore you are not them. Don't live in servitude to your desires, but don't ignore them either, Anon

>> No.20592669

>Your desires come and go
No, my dick cums and goes. My desires remain

>> No.20592672

Well, besides suffering there is also pleasure and contentment.

>> No.20592871

If you have no desires what are you?

>> No.20592879

tension and resolution are the founding principles of music. this isnt to say enjoy life like you enjoy music. a character in a play could never enjoy the play like his writer. 8ut you could write a play, or make music. your suffering wont cease, 8ut you will understand.

>> No.20592883

arrogance tempts god to show you otherwise

>> No.20592886


>> No.20592890

YOU witness your desires, choose to act on them or not, etc. So they are not you... Don't become glued to them, use them as a tool

>> No.20592908

>as soon as we satisfy one, another appears in its place
I wouldn't know about that part since none of my desires are satisfied. Sucks being poorfag with no gf, family and friends.

>> No.20592925

I wish god would smite me. I wish. But I've been incredibly lucky. Every fucking time things could go wrong, it ends up being okay, and I either improve from the experience or nothing happens. I wish just once I could really be put flat on my face, but at this point, I feel like it's never gonna happen. I think I'm just destined to be incredibly fortunate for the rest of my life, no matter what I do.

>> No.20592928

>choose to act on them or not
So the desire to act and the desire to not act

>> No.20592971

which is why everything else youve said is dogwater

>> No.20593215
File: 52 KB, 162x172, chronoverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that you do constitutes a postponement of death; do not lock into the replay of the chronical, but, rather, play to unlock the cordical; pick your tempo, and perfect your timing, and you will be able to properly gear the combinations of the chronological clock to the configurations of the cordiological lock.

>> No.20593220

Please post images that enlarge somewhat

>> No.20593440

you're right

>> No.20593441

Schopenhauer vibes

>> No.20593466

Imagine living a life without any desire. Use your desire rationally and make something good for yourself out of it.

>> No.20593486

this implies an individual is more consistent than their desires, when in reality people are hellishly inconsistent. the only thing that is consistent about people or anything in this world is experience, that is the only thing that doesnt change.

>> No.20593502

I wish more people thought like this. Like I cant understand why my coworkers complain whenever they get injured on the line - you're getting workers comp and time off, be grateful. Or my mother whining about medical bills to pay for her cancer treatments - that's what insurance is for, you probably should have invested better so you could afford it instead of begging me for cash. People just need to apply themselves instead of complaining about every little thing.

>> No.20593518

Life is an immense adventure, where every man is called to lead a great exodus of his people away from bondage and slavery into a promised land, impelled by love of their maker. I literally only need a woman and 5-10 family units, and together we'll march away from dying empires into hinterlands, carrying with us folk tales and legends which will become seeds of civilization

>> No.20593521

Pretty good bait

>> No.20593534

>I literally only need a woman
That's all you should have posted

>> No.20593618

woman is shit

>> No.20593662

You sound like a woman. I look out my window and see a tree lit only by a street lamp. The light giving this mighty maple the faintest glow. I see beauty in the most insignificant things. I've made mistakes, haven't we all, but the future is bright if only you try at it.

>> No.20593723

Life is the changing, embrace it OP.