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20592200 No.20592200 [Reply] [Original]

danaerys chapter skipping edition

real talk, am i missing anything by just skipping this boring bitch?
she never interacts with anything in westeros apart from tyrion right?
im halfway through ACOK and have never read a single word from her, i skipped all of her scenes in the little of the show that i watched.
why is she so dreadfully boring? i literally feel like im reading Brandon Sanderson tier shallowness.

>> No.20592207
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this also doubles as a brandon sanderson HATE thread

>> No.20592249

>she never interacts with anything in westeros apart from tyrion right?
She interacts with the grass by squatting in it once.

>> No.20592254

I want to have sex with this woman

>> No.20592281

i wish she'd squat on me once

>> No.20592286

Sir this is 4channel.

>> No.20592297
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why am i being pointed out but >>20592254 isn't? i didnt even say sexually, i just said i wish she'd squat on me. he literally said he wanted to have sex with her

>> No.20592357

It could have been frigid sexual intercourse for the sole purpose of recreation. Your squatting was very lewd, the same way as some outfits women wear are more sexual than just being naked.

>> No.20592375

The chapter where she shreds the face of the boyfucking totally-not-an-Arab-do-not-steal slavemaster in the face with his own whip is pretty cool, but otherwise you can skip them, yeah.

>> No.20592702

this is animal abuse

>> No.20592836

>im halfway through a cok

>> No.20592849

No posting breedable b*tches on /lit/ plz
I'm on nofap.

>> No.20593239
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They seem ok with it.

>> No.20593456

>It could have been frigid sexual intercourse for the sole purpose of recreation
I am the sex anon. She's hot as fuck and the sex I had in mind was not frugid, in fact it was the most lurid fantasy where my cock goes into her every fuckable place at an industrial pace.

>> No.20593469
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squat anon here.
4channel anon may be singling me out for some reason? he assumed the best of you and the worst of me even though i just wanted her to sit on my face non-sexually

>> No.20593482

Your desire to be sat on is much less assertive than my desire to drill her into the ground.

>> No.20593485
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her sitting her pussy on my nose and mouth is not submissive

>> No.20593536

I'm wrapping up a Clash of Memes right now. Skipped every Dany chapter, been a very fun read. Is it worth reading the series and then going back to read all the Danaerys chapters in one slew?

>> No.20593564

Honestly you're not missing much besides her cool visions in the House of the Undying and Quaithe, but you can read about that online. I can sum up her entire story in one sentence : Gives birth to dragons, does absolutely nothing with them and go free some slaves.

>> No.20593633

i am also brapping up clash of farts right now.
u wanna be friends?

>> No.20593842

Her story is vaguely interesting but her chapters definitely come at inopportune times and are tonally very different. There are some hints of background scheming in her chapters and in the later books loredrops which are relevant, but yeah, you can skip her and read later.

>> No.20594731

it is though

>> No.20594770

I posted this in another thread, but anyway. I feel like Myrish Swamp scene was disappointing. Cersei just tugged Taena's nipples a bit, fingered it and that's it. While fanfic writers make it hotter and better.
Also, minor characters (Taena, for example) always seem more interesting than most major characters that have POVs.

>> No.20595016

> Also, minor characters (Taena, for example) always seem more interesting than most major characters that have POVs.

Probably because there are more blanks to fill out with your imagination so they naturally end up more engaging

>> No.20595291

>I feel like Myrish Swamp scene was disappointing. Cersei just tugged Taena's nipples a bit, fingered it and that's it.
It illustrates that Cercei has gotten so used to sex as a tool of power and manipulation over others that she straight up forgot how to have sex for love and fun.

Jaimie was her last connection to her own humanity, and by then she had lost him.

>> No.20595385

Yes you're missing a lot.
Her trip into the warlocks house in book 2 is one of the best moments of the books.

>> No.20596387
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Why were they, specifically Aegon, so incompetent?

>> No.20596424

>Preferring Rhaenys’s skanky pussy to Visenya’s martial prowess
It was over before it began

>> No.20596559
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I can't believe Seth Fagmclane used to be able t stick his tongue in this bitch's butthole