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File: 79 KB, 674x506, arthur-schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20592178 No.20592178 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan, who reached the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense. This nonsense has been noisily proclaimed as immortal wisdom by mercenary followers and readily accepted as such by all fools, who thus joined into as perfect a chorus of admiration as had ever been heard before. The extensive field of spiritual influence with which Hegel was furnished by those in power has enabled him to achieve the intellectual corruption of a whole generation."
Uh, based department?

>> No.20592273

Schopsisters...we won

>> No.20592319

How many times have we had this thread

>> No.20592724

Pretty based, fuck hegelians.

>> No.20592814

it's a general now

>> No.20592818

Schopenhauer hated Hegel for being successful. Hegel didn’t know who Schopenhauer was.

>> No.20592878

Hegel didn't know a lot of things.

>> No.20592937
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>Those who have cited his influence include philosophers Emil Cioran, Friedrich Nietzsche[26] and Ludwig Wittgenstein,[27] scientists Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein,[28] psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud[29] and Carl Jung, writers Leo Tolstoy,[30] Herman Melville,[31] Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse,[32] Machado de Assis,[33] Jorge Luis Borges, Marcel Proust[34] and Samuel Beckett,[35] and composers Richard Wagner,[34] Johannes Brahms,[34] Arnold Schoenberg[34][36] and Gustav Mahler.[34]

>> No.20594088
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Did Schop wrote any actual refutation of Hegel's positions or just the occasional barrage of insults?

>> No.20594096

Hegel sucks ass, the danger haired trannies keep referring to him (even though i'm sure 99% of them did not even pick up a single book of Hegel's) so that should be a good enough indicator of his quality overall. The hegelian dialectic is poison and also erroneous

>> No.20594481

Who's Hegel and why should I care about him?

>> No.20594488


>> No.20594765

I've held this position for awhile

>> No.20594986

Yes. See his second edition of his FFROSR.

>> No.20594991

Denying the law of non-contradiction is heckin organic and based though

>> No.20595049


>> No.20595108

Imagine be so mad.

>> No.20595224

He didn't do that you hecking r-slur-arino.

>> No.20595232
File: 3.20 MB, 544x6960, 1549303390293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposter who went too far.

>> No.20595239

a filtered incel. No wonder this board loves Schopo kek.

>> No.20595352

the left really can't meme

>> No.20595489

Most Hegelians are happy to discredit philosophers based on their class interests, so it should be fine to use such a critique against Hegel himself

>> No.20595816

>or just the occasional barrage of insults
You say that as if a barrage of insults wasn't a legit argument

>> No.20597211

Someone take the boomer/zoomers meme who can’t sleep with shoppy bullying Hegel.

>> No.20597319

>illiterate charlatan
with his writing style Hegel wouldn't be able to finish 3rd grade at any half-competent high school, so at least this is 100% correct

>> No.20598829

is the implication that reading Hegel forces you to adopt some political logos?

>> No.20598941

Hegel i reddit before reddit.
Hegel was a piece of shit know-it-all redditor and wanted to have a career by larping as an intellectual while not being viewed as a has-been christian scholar, so Heglel had to find a way to get people believe that his work is ''verifiable'' like a scientific work and he hopped in the secular rationalist train. A common trait of the atheists is to idolize lawyers, they think they are elite because they squeak a few random latin words in, so he became one and was acclaimed by other lawyer drones.
The best way to do this is by being an atheist, ie a guy who is obsessed with the atheist society and crams as much logic and rationalism into this atheist narcissistic analysis of the society. Heglel is the Deleuze of the french revolution. He is horrendous.

Don't forget that this piece of shit of hegel literally wanted a new religion which was popular and rational. The asshole literally said this. Like any franc mason bugman from the revolution, he was very antichristian, something very helpful to have a career, and he just swapped the one true god for the god of reason. Pure room temperature IQ. And people loved him for this. Muh I saw Napoleon today, look at me! Hegel would have made an insta story with this.

Hegel the piece shit physicist literally said there can't be any more planets that was discovered at the time. This is the power of the atheist who fucking loves science and yet suck at it. EXACTLY LIKE KANT...He was proven wrong and never touched maths and science ever again. Literally BTFO by a planet. FUCKING REKT. He never recovered. He knew he was a fraud who would never be seen as a scientist if his audience was educated, so he went full guru voodoism in front of gullible bourgeois (read germans and females).

After this mental breakdown, he wanted to systematize all this shallow hype of french revolution through the rationalist ultimate goal of unifying intellectual spooks and other dichotomies, and of course he completely failed. His whole oeuvre is a pile of bulky books full of jargon and word salads moving the goal posts all the fucking time. He was Lacan, Foucault and Derrida put together and deluding himself he was kant's true heir.
Now wonder a jew neet like Marx who fucking loves materialism and yet gets triggered by derivatives idolized this piece of shit. 100 years later all you get is this narcissistic crap about dialectical materialism and all marxists as their sole defense claiming that Marxism works but it has never been tried. ha yes very scientific, assholes.

Heglel is r8ddit. He is a pure product of the french revolution and the deification of the allegedly rationalist public servants. Heglel proves that Atheism is narcissism and sterile intellectualism which was created only to include the atheist scholars in the ruling class, instead of the priests.

>> No.20598996


>> No.20599201

Hegel can’t loose.
Can’t even

>> No.20599344

The Indians in the last panel made me chuckle

>> No.20600056

>jew neet like Marx
I heard that Marx was originally a Christian. True?

>> No.20600141

Schopey was a proto-robot

>> No.20600198

So you don't just judge him by the people who read him, but even those who haven't even read him?

>> No.20600253

this is the greatest shitpost I've ever seen
>the jews at the end fearing america
and bait too, a veritable Bayeux Tapestry of autism