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File: 379 KB, 1428x2048, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20591227 No.20591227 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest thinker in human history, without question. Kant, Aristotle, and Plato need to kneel.

>> No.20591253

call me when "karl" tells us to take queen elizabeth's property and redistribute it to the people in need

oh wait, he would never do that because he's a british agent

>> No.20591262
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>> No.20591270
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>> No.20591418

clown can't even spell "Carl" and we're supposed to care about his faggot opinion

>> No.20591717

wow simply epic, this /pol/ false flag was totally necessary!

>> No.20591727

He was just some Rothschild yid who plagiarized Proudhon and never had a real job in his life.

>> No.20591733

you keep making commie bait threads, go do something actually fun like read or hang out with your friends

>> No.20591734

>wrote one book
>makes Marxists seethe for 200 years
That speaks for itself

>> No.20591753

Capital is by far one of the most relevant critiques in philosophy. Crazy to think how its still applicable in 2022

>> No.20591759

Böhm-Bawerk refuted Marx just after he died. Its never been applicable.

>> No.20591760

indeed, damn those capitalists controlling our central bank and printing fiat currency to give only to black people so they can burn down private businesses while flying a communist palestian flag sponsored by george soros and outlawing religion

wait a minute

>> No.20591766

gibs me dats for free

>> No.20591770

Low quality bait, if you want a discussion try to say something more substantial.

>> No.20591776
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>> No.20591788

>doesn't even comprehend the difference between production-value, exchange-value and use-value, terms Marx didn't even come up with
Austrian "economists" pissing in a cup and telling everyone it's lemonade yet again

>> No.20591827

They call it false consciousness because you are completely detached from reality

>> No.20591832

Private corporate business can easily write off a few destroyed shops. They have insurance for that shit anyway. Its the smaller mom and pop businesses that suffer but big corporate wants to end them anyway.

Meme commies and liberal "leftists" have actually failed to bring any reform, infact they support the establishment wherever they can. Biden is barely left

>> No.20591836

the only thing getting detached is your head from your neck after the feds ask you where you put atlantis

>> No.20591935

what was he actually correct about?

>> No.20591950

Marxist "economists" explaining why capitalism hasn't collapsed yet, explaining why Stalin had to defend the profit incentive in the Economic Problems of Socialism while pretending ECP doesn't exist. Marxist "economists" explaining how the Holodomor wasn't their fault.

>> No.20591985

Marxists "economists" explaining how value isn't subjective, but making distinctions between socially necessary labor time and unproductive labor. Marxists "economists" explaining how communism could totally work when every country that tried it failed. Marxists "economists" explaining why price controls wont' cause inflation.

>> No.20592012

>Marxist "economists" explaining why capitalism hasn't collapsed yet,
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism by Lenin
> explaining why Stalin had to defend the profit incentive in the Economic Problems of Socialism
Socialism evolves out of late capitalism
Russia wasn't even early capitalism, after WW1 and the civil war they had backslid from the early capitalism of the Witte boom back into feudalism. What little MoP they had was ash.
>Marxist "economists" explaining how the Holodomor wasn't their fault.
I could go on about the economic conditions that brought about famine, the propaganda surrounding it, the historical consensus on it and so on but you probably don't even know the names of the worse things the west did, like the bengal famine or the US military's involvement in the mass killings in Indonesia

>> No.20592024

Marxist "economists" explaining how antiques, land, and housing can have their value increase without any labor being applied. Marxist "economists" explaining how market value is exploitation.

>> No.20592039

shouldn't you be busy blowing up an antediluvian wireless power plant because the pope told you it was heretical, you retard?

>> No.20592045

>Marxists "economists" explaining how value isn't subjective, but making distinctions between socially necessary labor time and unproductive labor.
Yes, value has multiple forms and can be measured in various ways. Read Adam Smith (the father of economics) for definitions of use-value, production-value and exchange-value.

>Marxists "economists" explaining how communism could totally work when every country that tried it failed.
vuvuzela iphones winnie da poo +100000 social credits
>Marxists "economists" explaining why price controls wont' cause inflation.
jesse what the fuck are you talking about

are you going to explain any of these in any amount of detail or is this just you gish galloping through a prageru video you saw once

>> No.20592051

>Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism by Lenin
So a plagiarized propaganda pamphlet with no evidence connecting it to the real world? Apparently, to a retard like you, imperialism has only existed until very recently. Its also a really stupid argument... it wasn't even profitable for a country do colonization. The British Empire was famous for being unprofitable, retard. Even the Soviet Union was dividing up countries - but that's good evidence imperialism in inherently tied to capitalist countries.
>Socialism evolves out of late capitalism
And we haven't seen that? We've seen the failures of communism, with the revolutions of 1989 do away with that system while the remaining "communist" countries maintain and move towards private property and wage labor.
>I could go on about the economic conditions that brought about famine
Yeah, you could just ignore how it was a result of centralized planning, in contrary of the evidence. Nobody cares because you're only the retards who dispute these facts, and no one else.

>> No.20592053

Again use-value, exchange-value and production-value are not the same thing and do not measure the same thing

>> No.20592056
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How'd they do it bros?


>> No.20592059

>If I repeat myself like a sperg eventuallyy argument will become true

>> No.20592068

>Yes, value has multiple forms and can be measured in various ways.
Yeah, labor theory of value is worthless. The value of a commodity isn't determined by the amount of labor you put into it. Its subjective. So, there's no basis for Marx's theory of exploitation. Marx was just a poor man's Ricardo.
>vuvuzela iphones winnie da poo +100000 social credits
So case studies of your ideals failing practice isn't evidence against it? Good job proving to everyone you're a retard and solipsistic.
>jesse what the fuck are you talking about
You fucking retards defend price controls all the time. You retards think that rent control makes housing cheaper. That price controls on oil will lower the price of gasoline. These are your retarded ideas.

>> No.20592069

>So a plagiarized propaganda pamphlet with no evidence connecting it to the real world? Apparently, to a retard like you, imperialism has only existed until very recently. Its also a really stupid argument... it wasn't even profitable for a country do colonization. The British Empire was famous for being unprofitable, retard. Even the Soviet Union was dividing up countries - but that's good evidence imperialism in inherently tied to capitalist countries.
So you haven't even read it I take it? Lenin outlines how imperialist powers are able to export capital to maintain their economy, I encourage you to read it for free! Here it is for free


>And we haven't seen that?

The Soviet Union didn't.

>We've seen the failures of communism, with the revolutions of 1989 do away with that system while the remaining "communist" countries maintain and move towards private property and wage labor.

How many French revolutions did it take to get rid of feudalism once and for all? How many centuries did it take?

>Yeah, you could just ignore how it was a result of centralized planning, in contrary of the evidence
Why come free markets did worse famines like the bengal famine?

>> No.20592070

Why shouldn’t we apply Occam’s razor to we can trim our three values into a single theory of subjective value preference? What does subjective value miss?

>> No.20592078

That's right, it's completely free! I know you think it's propaganda, and your towering intellect can surely parse its lies, for free! This information by the evil lying communist Lenin is free to read right at that link

>> No.20592081

Again, you don't understand that value is subjective. You don't even need to apply labor for something to gain value. Its all individual based. Stop being retarded and learn some basic economics. Read about what your ideas lead to, and the shit holes it created in Eastern Europe. Stop pretending you know what you're talking, when you don't.

>> No.20592088

Occam's Razor is not "make things dumber", it cuts out unanswered questions. Making all values one value begs the question, "why is production value not the same as what an object is traded for", so occam's razor says keep the extra distinctions in. "Value is meaningless and subjective" is infinite questions about why each individual atom in the universe is traded, produced and used at what values and why, so again occam's razor doesn't help you there

>> No.20592092

Production-value can be measured, it is not subjective, I can't go outside and decide I'm going to create 100 Nissan Sentras at a production-value of $0 today

>> No.20592095

He doesn't outline anything. Its just propaganda.
>Export capital
Yeah, trade is imperialism. Epic.
The Soviet Union didn't.
Yeah... the Soviet wasn't imperialism because we say so! The Molotov-pact and the occupation of the baltics wasn't imperialism because we say so! Lmao, get the fuck out here retard. You already discredited yourself. There's no need to even waste time with you.
>Bengal Famine
Yeah.. its really strange how the communist countries have their famine during peace time while capitalists have famines during war time. Woah. I can't believe capitalism would do this, bro.

>> No.20592107

Indeed! This true genius has managed to deduce all of Lenin's writings by reading both the title AND the sentence-fragment summary I provided! You yourself can read it for free at the link I provided! Again, that's


>> No.20592113

Also the """holodomor""" wasn't during peacetime, it was first """reported""" by the germans in ww2. If you're going to go to bat against me and you don't even read what I'm referring to could you at least read a history book?

>> No.20592114

if you want to understand marxism play XCOM and pay attention to the bad guys

>> No.20592117

>I can't go outside and decide I'm going to create 100 Nissan Sentras at a production-value of $0 today
Yeah, because the price of parts to build cars are static, and never change, based on consumer preferences. You're totally right. The fact that products could never fall within my range, but in someone's range of value, means subjectivity of value could not ever exist.

>> No.20592127

>anticommunist theory: video games

>uhhhhhh just because in that one case value is a priori provable doesn't mean there's not a place in my head where it isn't
oh ok cool
>consumer preferences
Ah yes, the "exchange value", what about it? You do realize exchange value has nothing to do with production-value, right?

>> No.20592129

Lenin was such genius. He implements war communism, causes a famine in his own country, and uses capitalism to bail his country out of his terrible policies. He is such a smart guy. Only someone as smart as him would argue the US Postal Service, in the State and Revolution, was an example of socialism working in practice.

>> No.20592134


yeah retard i'm sure the archons have humanity's best interests at heart as they force us to mine gold and cut off our cocks

>> No.20592140

>He implements war communism, causes a famine in his own country,
Yes this can happen in a civil war dipshit.
The opposition was literally an enormous train of rape and pillage cossacks, why do you think the reds won?

>> No.20592144

the dictatorship of the proletariat will NEVER bring about a classless stateless society where the workers own the means of production

>> No.20592146

Right, right because my willingness to exchange money for a good and not save if has nothing do with my subjective preferences. You're totally right - the capitalist knows what I want. That's why they don't have sales, and keep the price of goods constant. Because they know so well about how much I'm willing to business with them for a profit. You marxists are so fucking smart. How come you people never get Nobel Prizes in Economics you're so fucking intelligent and well-established in economics. You guys should be running so many successful countries with all your wonderful knowledge.

>> No.20592148
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>I know what you're about because I played a video game that said you were bad
ok i am defeated i am an austrian economist now

Gorky was right about the gays

>> No.20592157

> You're totally right - the capitalist knows what I want. That's why they don't have sales, and keep the price of goods constant.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth?

>> No.20592162

Right, right it was just a civil war he caused by launching a coup. We're so dumb to blame him for his actions. We should just forgive him because he was a good boy who dindu do nuffin. Using chemical weapons on peasants because they need their food and shooting striking workers who want free elections? He was such a wonderful guy, just like ChapoTrapHouse told me.

>> No.20592171

What's the point. Not a funny post, zero potential to give rise to funny posts, zero observed funny posts so far. No potential for discussion, just people talking past each other with the one specific Marx-related thing they have an opinion on or know the slightest bit about - or, worse, their gotcha talking point. No possibility of a new angle on something or of focusing in on an actually interesting detail or implication. Just a stillborn post crawling with the wormlife that inexplicably have an endless appetite for this kind of stuff.

>> No.20592184

No, buddy. Losing multiple elections, overthrowing a government, and establishing a secret police and banning elections is proof Lenin was totally not responsible for the bloodshed. You see, you should have no problem with people who do violent revolutions, usurp political power, and kill the political opponents. Because that's the basis of all stable political systems - every communist project shows this. That's why so many people love communist countries today, and that's why they never collapsed. I'm about to go on vacation in East Germany because Marx was so right about everything.

>> No.20592186
File: 98 KB, 1023x429, DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a nigger is a tragedy, but being a space criminal is a choice

>> No.20592201

Marx was right. That's why everyone fled to the Warsaw Pact, and why so many communist countries were better off than capitalist ones. People who lived in Eastern Europe lived longer, had more wealth, and lived in more technologically advanced societies than anyone in the US. I would have totally wanted to live in East Germany instead of Western Germany. It sucks so bad I couldn't grow up in the USSR where everyone was rich, where no classes existed, and we had abundance.

>> No.20592224

Marx was right. We can see his ideas are doing so well in places like China and Cuba. China is the wonderful stateless, classless, and moneyless society everyone loves to talk about. China is such a wonderful place to live. Who fucking needs the right to strike or join a independent union! That's only for shitty capitalist countries. And having the government pay for your healthcare? Fuck that too, in China, we do private insurance just like Marx said. We also love our communist wage, our communist rent payment in Shanghai. Now go start a business and make a profit for the party! Don't forget to take your suicide net to work for that 996 work week, comrade LTE's stock holders need those socialist profits!

>> No.20592250
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not humans

>> No.20592280

also notice that george soros's glorious "open society" never tries to flood a nationalistic sectoid police state with nogs

apparently fascism is okay when reptiles do it

that old homo needs to be in a mass grave in minecraft

>> No.20592484


This is American propaganda at its finest. Capitalism is a giant scam and a disgrace to humanity in a world of post scarcity. You have been drowned in consumerism and Hollywood and vanilla discourse to such an extent that you can't fathom genuine dissent.

>> No.20592504


>> No.20592635
File: 247 KB, 1533x2560, 71UOJPMXTtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refuted by Ellul.

>> No.20592642

Based LaRouchean

>> No.20592820

cope: the post

>> No.20592859

i said "in minecraft"

>> No.20592873

By lying about statistics, like soviets did it.

>> No.20592905

>makes obvious observations that anyone could come up with simply by living in a capitalist system

Yeah, such a revelation.