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/lit/ - Literature

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20590501 No.20590501 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else a little suspicious of occult literature? Shouldn’t it be a little harder to find deep esoteric knowledge than paying 20$ and waiting 3 days?

>> No.20590570


>> No.20590574


>> No.20590580

Just because you're reading it doesn't mean you will understand shit.

>> No.20590607

Yeah it's much harder than that. Read one book and it will all go over your head. Read a hundred and come back to the first and it'll click. You also need lots of contemplation about your own life and experience and a well-rounded education in the humanities. Yeah it's not so easy but in the end you know it's all real.

>> No.20590609

I had very negative experiences when I was reading a lot of occult literature and I tend to warn people to stay away now.

>> No.20590660
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Occult literature is just sophisticated self-improvement.

>> No.20590673

>Yeah it's not so easy but in the end you know it's all real.
Okay schizo midwit faggot. Just admit you're too stupid and/or childish to take a respectable career path in STEM.

>> No.20590682
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Same. I tried to get into the occult in my teenage years because I thought it was cool and edgy, and I'm still feel some dark energy haunting me. When you turn your attention to the supernatural, it also turns its attention to you. I never dabbled too much, but I still had that realization way too late. Some brash people may not take my word for it, so I warn them: when you do get into this occult crap, pay attention the energy you feel around you. Just reading about any sort of demon can alert them to your presence. Unless you're really prepared to get into that shit, just stay out of it.

>> No.20590688

Have you tried prayer or potentially exorcism? I alleviated most of my issues.

>> No.20590697

Its not real OP. Just read it for entertainment

>> No.20590724

I'm suspicious of it for the opposite reason.

Truth is impossible to hide.

>> No.20590734

Want occult lit? Go to /lit/, read Greeks, modern novels, economics, essays, philosophy. Congrats you are now enlightened and understand how the world works.

>> No.20590737


>> No.20590861

The whole of contemporary occultism is a scam: a subculture where people vie with one another over whose self induced trance state and subsequent visions are highest?
Buy a cheap occult book?
It's written in reddit speak and offers nothing. If charging for sigils worked, then why aren't hardcore occultist mega rich people.
Buy le ultra special telesmatic, that is, cummed on, edition of the Cultus Crapati "Liber Draconum Penii" by Ultralogos Dullchiliconcarneni Al-Jizzir for 5000$?
An autistic edgy hodge podge of Hindu Tantra, Vajrayana, Manichean and Mandean trivia pilfered from Shambhala and Religious Studies books written by a guy in his late 20-early 30 who barely functions in the material world.
If you want some real occult secret material - material which is even the main working core of contemporary occult excreta - go into marketing and research how words and images influence people. By this alone you'll achieve more power than all the occultist of 20th century ever wished.
See here:
>when I was reading a lot of occult literature
>Just reading about any sort of demon can alert them to your presence.
That's what mere words on a page, or even a screen, can do.
If you want spiritual enlightenment, go East. Most occult systems, from the democratic Thelema, to ultra authoritarian Cultus Sabbati, have stolen from Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism and Daoism, anyway, so don't bother with these excremental copies and get to the real thing - it's simpler, cheaper, and actually delivers if you do the work.

>> No.20590969

Eastern religion as it comes to us is often demonic

>> No.20591013

Not that anon, but I disagree, it's that western people are demonic and demon-possesed, you can only open yourself up to demonic influence by being in a passive unbalanced state, challenge your views a bit, relinquish your egotistical tendencies, you don't have to tell anyone about it.

I would say an independent study of eastern doctrine and religion, cannot open a person up to demonic influence, I have felt all my fear leave me, doubts and superstitions from studying the Hindu and Buddhist doctrines, inb4 you say instead that I am actually possessed by demons and they've tricked me into forgetting that I should fear them, yeah okay.

>> No.20591030

Demons are illusions, infact all of reality is a magical display, and I am just watching it from a place far above, demons cannot harm someone who realises his sovereign self, i have never ever felt the slightest bit of mental instability in my life, those people who do psychedelics and such chemicals are the ones who end up in psych wards not sattvic people who study metaphysics, I mean I could do psychedelics but I don't think it would effect me if I am to just be.

>> No.20591037

Demons aren't real, grow up.

>> No.20591038

Have you ever tried confronting the demon head on and seeing him for the bollocks he is?
t. buddhism

>> No.20591077

All esoteric techniques are really more ordinary than people who have never studied them or have been initiated into them realize.

They include for the most part, only two things Speech, Thought, and Action, the only way you can hurt yourself is if You hurt yourself to begin with.

Visualisation and Mantra, that's what the highest tantric techniques consist of, as well as Breathing methods, postures (which are honestly optional), contemplation up until a point aides by instructions, done.

That's all magic is, Sufism, Vajrayana, Hindu Tantra, that's all they do.

Maybe they consume ritual substances like semen on occasion and bless it with some ritual Mantra, or "focus" there attention and manipulate the winds and drops, chakras, in the body which is just for generating bliss, energy etc.

Anyway that's all there is to it, you are instructed in very specific types of thinking, like the sort of visualisations and ideas you should associate with the Mantra, or link it to certain mandalas in the body or visualised etc. With seed syllables in your body, etc.

But really it sounds all quite ordinary, in actuality going then beyond the thinking mind so to speak, is the whole goal, going beyond the senses, all approaching that sort of divine nonmanifestation, where you seeing the spirit, seeing light, that's it, that's what it's all about the practices are all just there as relative advice, unless you grasp the experience the occultist is just larping.

There are obvious applications for bodily health and such - but once you reach a peak state of conciousness you can manipulate your body, "direct" energy to it, make your body feel like it's floating, heat it up cool it down, issuing commands from your third eye so to speak, but yeah, that's all there is to it.

>> No.20591118

How you start interacting with all states of life changes, your dreaming etc. You can if you want control them, you're always fully lucid and aware in all of them just by deciding "it is so" you become the law,

Next there is a "presence" I can look at people and sort of pump my energy from my third eye - start beating, and I can feel that person in a weird way, this is all on the psychic plane I guess, I don't try to influence them, but I feel like I know them inside them, I look at a wall from a distance and I can feel the wall, I can make this presence of flame go around the body and identify as larger than the body, this sort of thing,

I am yet to see any extraordinary "magic" like they put in movies, with flames and such, but I can generate flames in my body, I can remember what it felt like to feel flame and feel flame just by thinking, water, earth, space, and wind,

Perhaps the most enjoyable thing is that I can transport my body to places I've never been before, like I imagine myself floating in a warm ocean and I just feel like I'm floating blissfully, that's it.

The main thing though is losing identification with body with "I" all this happens to "Me" only by grace, I am not desiring or actively willing any of this,

But when I get in that state of stillness it is so.

>> No.20591139

>The main thing though is losing identification with body with "I" all this happens to "Me" only by grace, I am not desiring or actively willing any of this,But when I get in that state of stillness it is so.
This is the key to all of this magic, psychic, and so on, you need to get into deep states of meditation where nothing exists, you are in this like "Primordial state" I have seen it best described as one of the stages of samadhi, then you exert this "Primordial state" Being and presence and you can alter reality.

I know it sounds crazy, but if you have ever entered a state where it felt like you no longer existed and there was no need to do anything, not even breathe, etc. You feel like you have been ripped from your body but you still operate the body without effort, i have been in this state, but I never have the balls to "alter" reality as in such a state you leave ordinary existence, and totally lose all desires for that, such "magical considerations" seem totally mundane

>> No.20591169

If you consider the Levant to be eastern, I wholeheartedly agree