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20589939 No.20589939 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any writer who makes leftists seethe more than Lovecraft?
They either get up and arms about his racism and disregard his entire works or make a lesson about "separating the man from his writing"
It's not like the racist parts of his stories were meant to convince anyone. It's *comically racist at worst, just read this lmao

"The negro had been knocked out, and a moment's examination shewed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon."
- Herbert West - Reanimator, H.P Lovecraft

>> No.20589942
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and this

>> No.20589950

Its even funnier because he was ab atheists. Dislike for niggers > Dislike for god

>> No.20589984

And what the fuck are you doing then

Leftist here. I enjoy lovecrafts books. I don’t need to write a long paragraph to justify myself. Is good stories.

>> No.20590017

lovecraft expressed deep shame and regret about his racism, admitted he was a clueless shut-in chud and spat on his own younger photo

>> No.20590026

Still married a jewess kek

>> No.20590043

What story should i start with? I got the "complete fiction" book.

>> No.20590093

Is there any 14yo edgelord faggier than OP?

>> No.20590104

>anyone who isn't a twitter moralfag is an "edgelord"

>> No.20590131

> I don’t need to write a long paragraph to justify myself
I wasn't referring to you then.

Never happened. Everytime i hear someone use the word "chud" i automatically think of an overweight person or some dysgenic freak.

I'd say start with the shorter stories, many of them are like 10 - 20 pages, then read some of the longer and more notable ones. It doesn't really matter desu, but that's how i went about it.

nothing i said was edgy.

>> No.20590151

yes it might even be fair to compare him to your average /pol/cel these days in that his social darwinist views seem to have grown partly out of extreme isolation and general alienation from society. also, even if people are right in saying he was 'especially racist' for his times I'd argue that isn't even his greatest sin in writing... which would be how repetitive he is!

>> No.20590217

I agree, i generally enjoy most of his long-winded prose but sometimes he can be a bit repetitive. He also uses the same words and phrases a lot, but it has a certain charm to it. You know it's Lovecraft when everything is "hideous", "daemononical" or "gibbous".

Ever read the King in Yellow? It's a very good weird fiction / horror book but it turns into a french romance in the end which bamboozled the shit out of me. I kept reading it until the end, waiting for something unnerving to happen.

>> No.20590691

Leftists (and coincidentally Alt-Right tards) love Lovecraft because he's also a neurotic effeminate pussy, actually.

>> No.20590711

You're a fundamentally childish character, spooked as fuck and barely capable of mustering serious self-contemplation. Work out in the fields, meet new people for once, just get out of your head and letting memes control your life.

>> No.20590783

you're a faggot

>> No.20590810

,>it might even be fair to compare him to your average /pol/cel these days in that his social darwinist views seem to have grown partly out of extreme isolation and general alienation from society
How do "social darwinist" views arise out of "alienation from society"? I am not seeing the connection. Seems more likely that having unacceptable views would result in alienation than vice versa.

>> No.20590818

Unlike the normie vax injecting knee taking wamen believing masculine ubermensch.

>> No.20590871

>It's a very good weird fiction / horror book but it turns into a french romance in the end
It's a collection of short stories from an author that mostly wrote short stories about young bohemians in Paris. If anything the first few stories (and poem)are outliers.
Didn't Lovecraft lament in correspondence that Chambers should have written exclusively weird fiction, though? I seem to remember hearing that ages ago.
Apparently ST Joshi compiled The Yellow Sign and Other Stories: The Complete Weird Tales of Robert W. Chambers; that's probably what youd want and something I'm going to look into now that I know about it.

>> No.20590946

Read it all the way through from beginning to end, that way you won't miss some of his very good but relatively unknown stories. "The Cats of Ulthar" and "The White Ship" are worth a read.

>> No.20590947

Shut the fuck up pseudo-intellectual midwit. Nothing you say relates to what was said.

>> No.20590961

Khazar milkies. simple as.

>> No.20591040
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>> No.20591582

which is best story?
reading Mountains of Madness and the suspense is great

>> No.20591619

The Shadow of innsmouth obviously

>> No.20591636

I liked Colour Out of Space better than Innsmouth

>> No.20592343

music of erich zann is the creepiest short short story

>> No.20593027

Post yours
>The Alchemist
It's alright
>The Tomb
Just regular. Not good
I like it. One of my friends who had never read Lovecraft before said she liked it as well
>A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson
I don't think I've read it. If I have, it's forgettable
>Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Ordinary but has an interesting concept
It suffers from being too short. It's ok
>Old Bugs
I don't think I've read it. If I have, it's forgettable
>The Transition of Juan Romero
Very strange. Maybe I shoul read it a third time. I didn't understand the point of it
>The White Ship
I'll tell you a secret. I don't like the dream cycle that much. Too metaphysical and trippy for me
>The Doom that Came to Sarnath
Haven't read it yet
>The Statement of Randolph Carter
Not good. Very normal
>The Street
An uncomfortable read. You'll like it only if you're ultranationalistic or a New Englandboo like Lovecraft was. Adds nothing to the "mythos" or his fame as the father of cosmicism
>The Terrible Old Man
Ooo an old man who's a murderer. Below average
>The Cats of Ulthar
We know Lovecraft loved cats. This is just an average story
>The Tree
I like this one despite it being sort of mediocre
I already said I don't like the dream cycle and this one is no different
>From Beyond
>The Temple
Mediocre. Having known Nyarlathotep from other pieces of media and descriptions, I expected more. This is his first appearance, so I shouldn't be too harsh
>The Picture in the House
Ooo a cannibal
>Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family
Incredibly based
>The Nameless City
>The Quest of Iranon
Strange. Didn't like it
>The Moon-Bog
>Ex Oblivione
Below average
>The Other Gods
First mention of the concept of Outer Gods. It's alright
>The Outsider
Surprised me at the end. The rest of the story is unremarkable
>The Music of Erich Zann
Not that good
>Sweet Ermengarde
Haven't read it
It's sort of good
>What the Moon Brings
Didn't like it
Mentions what is basically capital G God. It's just ok
>Herbert West–Reanimator
Really good story. Doesn't involve alien gods and shit, but it's good
>The Hound
It's alright. I liked the ending
>The Lurking Fear
Good one. Felt bad for the Martenses somehow
>The Rats in the Walls
One of his best stories. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get into Lovecraft
>The Unnamable
Omg a monster attacked two men. Ordinary
>The Festival
Below average
>The Shunned House
Bizarre and interesting, but ordinary
>The Horror at Red Hook
Kinda good
>In the Vault
Ordinary, but interesting. Could have been longer
>Cool Air
A great one. Another story I recommend
>The Call of Cthulhu
I expected more from the face of the "Cthulhu Mythos". I know it's a posthumous name, but Cthulhu being rammed by a boat and going back to sleep sounded underwhelming to me. Great buildup though
>Pickman's Model
Another very good one that I would recommend

>> No.20593129

>>The Quest of Iranon
>Strange. Didn't like it
Filtered desu

>> No.20593154
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>The Strange High House in the Mist
Below average for me. Too trippy
>The Silver Key
Interesting concept, but average story
>The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
I know I said I don't like the dream cycle, but this story is good. Another must-read
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
I lent to friends interested in Lovecraft a book with this story. It's a great starting point if you can get past the autismal describing of New England architecture and shit
>The Colour Out of Space
Got filtered the first time I read it, but came to really like it the second time
>The Descendant
>The Very Old Folk
I admit it's average, but I liked it
>History of the Necronomicon
Too simple. Le book is making me mad save me niggerman
>The Dunwich Horror
Incredible and almost peak Lovecraft. I dare to say it's necessary to read it if you want to get into his works
Don't remember it
>The Whisperer in Darkness
Good one. Would recommend
>At the Mountains of Madness
My first Lovecraft story. It holds a special place in my heart and shelf. Like Dunwich Horror, reading it is a must
>The Shadow over Innsmouth
One of the most famous stories, judging by how it has inspired multiple games, movies etc. I liked it especially midway through the end and laughed to myself when I found out HPL wrote it upon discovering one of his ancestors was Welsh
>The Dreams in the Witch House
It's above average
>The Thing on the Doorstep
I know for sure I read it, but I forgot what happens
>The Book
Haven't read it
>The Evil Clergyman
Average, but interesting concept
>The Shadow Out of Time
Another peak Lovecraft piece. Very good
>The Haunter of the Dark
Great buildup. It's good
>The Haunter of the Dark
Great buildup. It's good
There are more, but I'll post only the ones I remember reading
>The Curse of Yig
An alright ending. The rest is average
>The Electric Executioner
Very average or even below average
>The Horror in the Museum
Apparently forgettable. I mean, I have this book and I don't remember what it's about
>Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
It was made for/with Houdini or something and is surprisingly good
>The Mound
One of my favourites. Recommended to everyone
>Out of the Aeons
Good short story
>Poetry and the Gods
I don't like poetry
>The Thing in the Moonlight
Too short and ends up "abruptly"
>Through the Gates of the Silver Key
Sort of confusing, but good
>Till A'the Seas
Depressing. It's not that bad, but left me sad after reading it
>In the Walls of Eryx
Very, very good. Got me hooked up from beginning to end

>> No.20593178
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>> No.20593193
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>married a Jewess
>made antisemitic jokes/comments at all of her dinner parties and social engagements
>refused to elaborate on the unspeakable horrors
He was a visionary

>> No.20593455

Pickman's Model is GOAT and nobody can change my mind.

Dunwich Horror, At the Mountains of Madness, and Shadow over Innsmouth are all a given as well.

Celephais and the Dream Cycle stuff loses me at times. Probably should reread.

>> No.20593503
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He's probably Top 10 Best Human Writers Ever.
Once you read his best works together, it's like one big red pill of literature. Everyone has been influenced by him and he was a recluse and broke in his time...
Makes you wonder if he really knew something in those dark reclusive moments in the his attic study along with Nigger the Cat.

>> No.20593515

yeah right and anton lavey converted to catholicism on his deathbed

>> No.20593516

Lovecraft hated evil and just shat on it. His sex must have been kinky because he left it out of the books.

>> No.20593871

Its unreal how /lit/ards are the people who read the least , Lovecraft proclaimed himself as socialist and attributed his racist ideas to ignorance

>> No.20593880
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>> No.20593963

Doesn't matter, he wasn't writing about politics seriously, just making observations.

>> No.20594014

it's clear that he never truly develop a constitution for math

>> No.20594018

>Is there any writer who makes leftists seethe more than Lovecraft?
Not really because he said all that reactionary stuff was horseshit right before he died which he believed because he was a birdbrained idiot

>> No.20594037

I didn't mean to imply that social darwinism would arise organically from living in isolation, more that since his political views were influenced by this, I imagine him living in isolation and focussing obsessively on his writing would probably have prevented these views from being challenged. But you may be right in saying that him holding these socially unacceptable views would contribute to that alienation from society in the first place. I'm not intimately familiar with Lovecraft's life, just the broad strokes.

>> No.20594039

I haven't, but it's been on my list. I've also wanted to read other 'weird fiction' writers like Clark Ashton Smith, not only for their own merits but also to develop a clearer view of that kind of writing outside of just Lovecraft.

>> No.20594042

I don’t think anyone takes his racism seriously because it was on some autistic schizo level. He hated basically every other race (even other whites) and I’m fairly sure he was absurdly afraid of human interaction in general.

>> No.20594047

>get up and arms
I'm disappointed nobody else called out OP for this, on a literature board no less.

>> No.20594049

Nta but lovecraft grew up a social outcast and spent most of his youth in isolation shut in his grandpa library developing q penchant for colonial literature and seeing that world disappear is likely where his racism stemmed from, particularly against immigrants. There's a bunch of his earlier stuff that shows how enamoured he was with an America that was long gone and he has only ever read about
His racism against nigger is more peculiar but I think it may stem from considering them as the cause for the civil war and in turn the destruction of traditional south, something akin to Griffith and birth of a nation

>> No.20594059

Italians are not white

>> No.20594080

> Is there any writer who makes leftists seethe more than Lovecraft?

>> No.20594093

If he was alive today he'd be a top tier shitposter

>> No.20594385

>H.P Lovecraft

>> No.20594855

I'm not a native english speaker, i know three languages so the joke's on you.

> I don't like the dream cycle that much. Too metaphysical and trippy for me
It's one of Lovecraft's best
>Ooo an old man who's a murderer. Below average
He wasn't a "murderer", it is implied that the old man was something other than human because of his eyes and that he was keeping the souls of his victims in the jars with names. It's a good story.
>Herbert West–Reanimator
If i remember correctly that was one of Lovecraft's least favourite stories, but i agree it's pretty good.
>The Lurking Fear
one of the best in my opinion, it implies a lot about the martenses without revealing too much, the ending is great
>The Rats in the Walls
I agree, and also his eldest cat niggerman makes a cameo in it
>Cool Air
Very, very good.

>The Music of Erich Zann
>Not that good
very unbased opinion.

A lot of the other ones you mentioned aren't exactly "mediocre", only a few of Lovecraft's stories are truly mediocre or below average but none of them are bad. At least compared to the average horror fiction there is.

>> No.20594882

I don't get the people who are saying that Lovecraft reprented for his racism or something before his death. He become slightly less racist and changed his views on a few things but he never became "not-racist". It's like with Martin Heidegger, where some libs for some reason believe he "discarded" his nazi sympathies in the end which never happened. I guess it's just a way for liberals to cope with liking the work of a racist man.

>> No.20595171

It's based on my personal enjoyment. I'm not a professional literary critic or anything like that, so even if they were "good", I rated them as average
>The Music of Erich Zann
It's very well regarded here in 4chan, but I read it four times already and didn't enjoy it much. The implications of the story at the end are thought-provoking, but it's just not for me
>none of them are bad
Don't tell me you read The Street without cringing

>> No.20595234

Fair enough.
>Don't tell me you read The Street without cringing
I don't remember cringing but was The Street that boring story where Lovecraft kept referencing places and history without much happening? What was it even about?

>> No.20595251

Except they both did express regret for their bullshit views, which is what people are actually saying. A more apt point would be how liberals never fail to bring up the usual talking points about Lovecraft being racist, for social credit points.

>> No.20595254

>old New England good
>new New England bad
>shitalians and le nigres keep shitting up my street boohoo
Here you go. I get what went on in HPL's mind and how his life shaped him to be the man he was at the moment he wrote The Street, but it's just boring

>> No.20595262

yeah. orson scott card

>> No.20595267

>tom-tom poundings
OH IS 'THAT' where that phrase came from.. hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaha

>> No.20595275

holy shit i'm the only person who even noticed 'tom-tom' in this thread xd

>> No.20595285

kind of dull author after a few reads; tends to ave been popularized 'as an author' in the style that stephen king is - that is: read by young lower middle class pre-college adults* who haven't got anything better to read.

wwhhoowwww i'm scared in innsmouth wwhooww it's spooky here and the local working people in this nice new england harbor are demon trolls wwhhooeeeww such spooky

>They either get up and arms about his racism and disregard his entire works or make a lesson about "separating the man from his writing"
>It's not like the racist parts of his stories were meant to convince anyone. It's *comically racist at worst, just read this lmao

AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THOSE READERS* WILL DO WITH WHAT THEY READ. better not be read at all than be read by them and have them do these weird autistic ideological gymnastics with bits of the story.

>> No.20595320

>wwhhoowwww i'm scared in innsmouth wwhooww it's spooky here and the local working people in this nice new england harbor are demon trolls wwhhooeeeww such spooky
i.e. paranoia-confirming shit, in other words, for the pre-formed cognitive structure and social terror of the adolescent brain, particularly the adolescent female brain.

>> No.20595382

Lmao neither of them expressed regret for their "bullshit views". Get your info from somewhere other than reddit or some retarded media journal.

>> No.20595402

>The Terrible Old Man
I really enjoyed it. It’s super short but the atmosphere is great. Probably my favorite of his.

> The Shadow over Innsmouth
It was alright. But i think it’s kind of overrated mainly because of the info dump in the beginning.

> The Colour Out of Space
It’s a cool story. To me it’s has this folklore aura wich i think is extra cool. Retroactively it reminds me of thomas ligotti’s story The Shadow at the Bottom of the World. Probably because it has farmers like this one does.

> The Outsider
Very gothic, I enjoyed it.

> Herbert West–Reanimator
Don’t remember much but i remember it being goofy.

>call of cthulhu
I agree with you, it has a great buildup. Though the ending is kinda of a let down, i felt there might be some optimism for humanity to have a fighting chance in this story. But im just pulling that out of my ass.

>The shadow out of time
Neat story, really liked the concept.

There’s other stories of his I’ve read but can’t seem to rember them. Like there’s one where the narrator comes into this guy’s house and something spooky happeneds. I only remember this because someone made a video game adaptation of it.

>> No.20595410

How about you provide an actual counterargument and back it up with evidence rather than lmao'ing like a retarded child?

>> No.20595413

The burden of proof is on you, fucking imbecile.

>> No.20595425
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also: lol, lmao

>> No.20595443

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved that story. It's never talked about, but it's really one of his absolute best.

>> No.20595445
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How about you read the thread for an example of Lovecraft expressing views which contradict his earlier racism. Actually read the fucking thread you're posting in if this isn't too much of a stretch for your pathetic 2 brain cell incel ass. Whether or not he actually changed his mind in any significant way remains to be seen, but the fact is he did express views which indicate regret, which is what I originally said, and you know it. The same goes for Heidegger. No-one is stupid enough to act as if he "discarded" his nazi sympathies which is how you tried to frame it here: >>20594882
but it is true that he called his nazism a mistake one time. You're trying to frame it as if people are attempting to excuse Lovecraft's/Heidegger's racism completely which isn't the case, then when I replied to you you got defensive. That's about it. No amount of lmaoing will save you from the abyss of retardation into which you plummet further with each sweaty keystroke. It's over anon, surrender your keyboard license immediately.

>> No.20595447

It’s funny because in the Iliad, Zeus (Jove) and the rest of the Olympians thought highly of black people and ancient Greeks believed the Gods created black people first

> “Only yesterday Zeus went off to the Ocean River to feast with the Aethiopians, loyal, lordly men, and all of the gods went with him.” - Homer

> “The Aethiopians (Ethiopians) are highly favored with the gods, they were the first of all men created by the gods and were the founders of the Egyptian Civilization.” - Diodorus Siculus

>> No.20595456

You've heard the story about how he started a shit flinging fest in what was essentially the comments section of The Argosy before he started writing prose fiction, right? This nigga was out there dabbing on people in *verse* for being illiterate hicks. Some of the funniest shit I've ever read.

>> No.20595470

I find it annoying how people try to seperate the man from his fiction, completely ignorant of the reality that he couldn't have written the stories he did if he didn't believe all he believed. The Shadow over Innsmouth could not have been written by someone who wasn't racist.

>> No.20595483

slight correction, I meant to say that he expressed regret over his previous reactionary views broadly speaking, not racism. he maintained racist views his entire life as far as I know.

>> No.20595516

My point was that he never became "not-racist" or discarded his racism even if he changed some of his views to less racist or controversial. How hard is this to understand you fucking amoeba? Am i supposed to know you specifically meant his views on nazism from the vague bullshit you posted?

>pathetic 2 brain cell incel ass
the only pathetic thing here is your reading comprehension.
>No amount of lmaoing will save you from the abyss of retardation into which you plummet further with each sweaty keystroke.
I bet you were basedjak smirking while writing this. I know for a fact that if you knew me personally and tried speaking to me like this you would be nervously shaking and stuttering. You are are a cretin, and a living manifestation of the dunning kruger effect.

>> No.20595567

>Best Human Writers
The monkeys finally wrote Shakespeare?

>> No.20595653

To clarify, both Lovecraft and Heidegger had expressed sympathies for Hitler and Heidegger towards nazism more broadly. Lovecraft's positive comments about Hitler were brief and insignificant. Heidegger distinctly had a black book containing all his amtisemitic and national socialist views, which he kept hidden from public. Any expression of regret from Heidegger was purely social as indicated by the black book and the fact that there was never an apology in the slightest.

Lovecraft was always racist but his racism had a decrease in intensity in the later moments of his life. I don't recall him ever renouncing or regretting any of his controversial views or statements to a considerable degree. A change in opinion is not "regret" even if it contradicts what was previously held to be correct.

>> No.20595728

>never an apology in the slightest.
why would this be expected? It was a popular supposition of the day and I doubt they thought very much about it, much less would've ever been in a position where they were demanded to recant their musings on the thing which were taken for granted.

>> No.20595791

I agree. I meant that no such apology was ever there to indicate regret or repentance for the views that he held, when some people say that he saw the error of his ways or something. There was even a popular philosophy video on youtube which erroneously stated that Heidegger abandonded his controversial views and sympathies.

>> No.20595823

Oh yeah, his prose is letters going back and forth and telegrams of people arguing back and forth or commenting and meeting up over long distances. Shadow out of Time was about shiposting across the telepathic space-time stream with intelligient beings in the solar system.
If he wrote today, he'd copy and past posts about someone shitposting about summoning demons until they accidently made contact with an Shoggoth that beheads them and mimics their body.

The monke can write more than we know.

>> No.20595938

>If he wrote today, he'd copy and past posts about someone shitposting about summoning demons until they accidently made contact with an Shoggoth that beheads them and mimics their body.
ha that'd be a good story - Jim becomes Twitter, kind of.

Oh I gotcha, I was remarking on the absurdity of anybody (people today) who would think these ideological stances existed very much or mattered at all in the lifetime of these authors.

e.g. statues being torn down for transatlantic slavery today, in 100 yrs could easily be torn down for soft and friendly overseas labor under the same reasoning of contemporary issues being projected back in time, at the expense of any real context of the time; where XYZ was just commonplace.

Like, a person in 1890 arguing for race mixing or homosexual marriage, for example, would have been put into a mental asylum or prison in most parts of America.

That said I don't see the same people making these complaints actually bothering to find the societies from the same period where this wasn't true, and making any great efforts to study and learn from them either, so..

>> No.20596108

People applying modern stances and moralisms to bygone days and ancient history is usually a form of virtue signaling. It's like they're trying to appear superior while peddling bullshit by proclaiming they know about history and if they had been in nazi germany they would have been part of the resistance. Also people who can't think for themselves filling their lack of thought and originality with pre-formulated viewpoints to cope. These people are terrified of coming to their own conclusions because it might alienate them.

>> No.20596272

Not the primary value here, but there is 'anthropological distance' to the observations he makes in that vein that alienate from hate outright to mere disdain; the inverse is not true of the neolithic primitives forced into the technical age and look upon the West and its inhabitants with just that sort of awe and resentment before an Eldritch monolith antedating our own 'high' civilization... In a mockery of two thousand years of Christendom, the deracinated Last Man insects on the downward sterile descent feels the decline of their type for lack of breeding (and guilt at being born, no thanks to modern infant mortality, these spiteful mutants), and align themselves with the seething helminthic Malthusian masses against their patrimony. Lovecraft unnerves those who resonate with the void in their own soulless vacuity, the Last Men intones, "'We have found happiness!' and blink." Hamsun was overly generous with his "mulatto stud farm" mischaracterization of America which suggests nature was at least turning out more physically robust, renewed type -- rather than the Innsmouth urbanite that will inevitably breed down into some beige urSocialiste chihuahua pygmy abomination.

No shame in going native in NYC to break into the publishing racket.

The 'cult' in The King in Yellow isn't far off, with algorithm mediated 'color revolutions' over social media.

>Like, a person in 1890 arguing for race mixing or homosexual marriage
The instinct is correct and healthy: these are obscene rationalizations of a sexually perverse, deficient character, which might actually have its terrain accurately diagnosed in a reductionist like Freud. This fetishizing Other worship is a laundered fear and ingratiation, false idols sacrificed to for covert self-payoffs.

>> No.20596398

>The instinct is correct and healthy: these are obscene rationalizations of a sexually perverse, deficient character,
This is possible but are you suggesting Lovecraft would have actually believed this extreme ideological 'other end' of the spectrum either? I think the same reasoning of "projecting back in time" can be said of both extremes, which are just extremes and not really something anybody alive at the time would've thought very deeply about or had any political reasoning to seek to oppose or advocate over; as these things didn't really exist at the time.

>These people are terrified of coming to their own conclusions because it might alienate them.
I think this is more applicable than -
> It's like they're trying to appear superior

I mean, if a stranger comes to you and demands you agree/disagree with something you've never cared about, or had any reason to care about, then you might decide to think about it and form an idea of the thing, but if they're threatening you with financial punishment if you disagree with them then you're most probably going to smile and nod out of fear; probably whilst adopting the contrary position to whatever they were forcing you to agree with. I think that's probably more where 'most people' are coming from on the things; they may proclaim a thing to advance themselves but they probably couldn't pass a lie detector test or make a case as to why the proclamation would be true or correct.

>> No.20596428

HP chudcraft

>> No.20596620


>> No.20596822

>The Outsider
The ending is a little obvious once he reaches the surface, but until then it's strange and mysterious, I like it a lot. I wish it ended when he touched the mirror and didn't have that bit at the end about him hanging out with ghouls.

>> No.20596883

Nah, Lovecraft's racism is great because it reveals just how pathetic race-hatred is - this is a guy who would spend the whole day cowering indoors because he might see an Italian.

>> No.20597203

A strawman if i ever saw one. Leftists are terrified of logical racists so they refuse their existence. Do i need to tell you about the MAO-A (short) mutation that predisposes to violence? Do i need to pull up disproportionate crime statistics? Average IQ's? Brain volume differences? Differences in brain activity? Ancenstral DNA differences? Do i need to tell you how enviromental evolution and epigenetics cause certain populations exposed to these conditions to become more violent and less intelligent by their very programming?

Regular racists are the runts, henchmen of the speakers who get their information from the intellectual racists. It's like a well-oiled machine, running like clockwork. The pendulum will swing again, and the truth will become evident.


>> No.20597579


>> No.20597619

Every time the pendulum has swung racism has taken a stronger blow. The white supremacists have been on a decline since 1800. First the slaves were freed, then nazi germany was exterminated, then colonialism ended. Each time racism gets hit.
The next time racists stand up, the rest of the world will be there to beat them down harder than ever before. This will result in a more spectacular collapse than nazi Germany or colonialism. Probably the end of the dominance of the west on the world stage

>> No.20598508

>makes leftists seethe

rent free

>> No.20599308

Some later Lovecraft quotes:

>“Actually, there are many persons of the highest character & most impeccable background who honestly think that a general communistic programme forms the only ultimate solution of the present breakdown of capitalism—a belief which they derive from the abstract & impersonal study of national resources & their distribution; & which does not, of course, necessarily involve any endorsement of the sudden social changes & absurd formal *ideologies* advocated by the orthodox Marxians & discontented European riffraff. Such persons do not wish to see all traditions & settled ways of living ripped up indiscriminately, but they do feel that mankind will not be able to continue its civilisation unless its stagnating inequalities of resources & opportunities are eventually diminished through some far-sighted plan of distribution & some adequate way of enforcing that plan. To them, some sort of communism (in each case suited to the history & traditions of the race involved) seems the only way to enforce a civilization-preserving economic plan—hence they believe it will have to come in the end … The number of these honest & analytical communists or semi-communists seems vastly on the increase…”


>“The nations of Scandinavia form a very hopeful sign—for there the plutocrats are gradually backing down under the combined pressure of increased government supervision & the competing system of consumers’ coöperatives. England is also well on the way. The United States has the handicap of a lawless pioneer tradition which exalts in individual gain to a grotesque extent—but even here the Northern-European temperament has softened the savagery of reaction.”


>“I read the old *Communist Manifesto* many years ago; & even though then wholly out of sympathy with it, was impressed by some of the isolated points it brought out. Today I would sympathise on more counts—but even so, would not give it a 100% endorsement. There is no question of the vast intelligence & far-sightedness of Marx & Engels, & of the basic importance of the large economic principles they discovered & formulated. The only mistake is to think that every ramification they developed, & every inference they drew, is infallibly accurate & worthy of slavishly literal following under every conceivable set of circumstances. The major discovery as to general drift is sound … Some people seem never able to realise that no great discovery comes forth without attendant clouds of error & half truth.”

>> No.20599336

>My point was that he never became "not-racist" or discarded his racism even if he changed some of his views to less racist or controversial.
Your point was vague to begin with, and literally addressing an illusory strawman that didn't concretely exist in this thread until you threw it together with your impotent, sickly, effeminate hands. You know this, and when confronted with it you tried backpedalling and taking an intellectual high-ground that you cannot aspire to with your weak amphibious limbs. The irony of you accusing anyone but yourself of dunning-krueger would be obvious to you if you weren't terminally retarded beyond the threshold of self-reflection.

>> No.20599396

>and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets
lmao he would've been a great shitposter

>> No.20599407


As a non white person I don't care if he was racist or even right for that matter, in the end what do I have to lose ? I prefer knowing the truth about genetics than to pretend like we are created equal. Being incel really opened my eyes to the unfairness of life.

>> No.20599411

>You're a fundamentally childish character
>spooked as fuck
You're literally just a wigger

>> No.20599425

They like him for his stories, sperg

>> No.20599558

Racism is natural and normal in humans. The only reason it's so vilified now is because we have a global economy that tries to appeal to as many people as possible.

>> No.20599682

Æthiop literally means burnt-face, anon. But your intuition isn't entirely off: Ethiopians are to pure Bantoids as the Japanese are to the Thai.

>> No.20600086

there literally were people in this thread saying shit like "Lovecraft later realised he was a bad stupid idiot racist and admitted this", stop being willfully blind.

>impotent, sickly, effeminate hands
I can admire the creative insults but they do nothing when you're in the wrong and trying to gaslight me. If you weren't projecting you would have maybe replied to me with some article or text-citation that would have proved your point. At this point it's like a monkey has a disagreement with me. It can't say anything intelligent so it's just babooning aggressively.

>> No.20601345
File: 87 KB, 1024x576, 3F53DFD1-F730-4D55-AE6D-6CE346CC9EED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing up Lovecraft’s racism is the pseud version of
>“You know John Lennon hit women right?”
Which is the midwit version of
>”you know Martin Luther King Jr hit his wife right?”

It’s all post-modern “gotta destroy the heros of the past so everyone is miserable”

Or just failures in life who need to be the crabs pulling down other crabs

>> No.20601353

Probably Buddha.

>Identities are bad
>Hedonic lifestyles are bad

>> No.20601415

Is there any evidence for the second claim being widely held by the Ancient Greeks beyond a single author?

>> No.20601488

Ethiopians are some of the most respectable blacks. African-americans are some of the least respectable on the other hand.

>> No.20601503
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We all need more Terry A Davis in our lives.

>> No.20601723

>It's not like the racist parts of his stories were meant to convince anyone. It's *comically racist at worst, just read this lmao
A work does not need to be convincing in order for you to recognize it's still inherently morally wrong. Otherwise, anything goes as long as there's no practical harm. For example, cheating without your partner finding out.

>> No.20601730

The Street is one of his best. Probably the easiest filter that outs you as a soi.

>> No.20601731

why do trannies all argue this way?

>> No.20601734

This is such a pleb review. I'll give a much better one. Give me 10-15 minutes.

>> No.20601741

>Clark Ashton Smith
I am terrified that all the hipster types are going to latch on to CAS now that Lovecraft has become such a normie meme. It's that last thing he deserves.

>> No.20601750

Do leftists really seethe over him? A lot of basedboys are really into the mythos and have adopted it for their games and shit

>> No.20601783
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>> No.20601792

They incorporate a lot of diversity in their games as a stab at Lovecraft. I think he'd appreciate the added ethnic horror though.

>> No.20602070

We're waiting