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File: 219 KB, 1080x1003, poetlaureatebtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20589830 No.20589830 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20589833

She misspelled handmaid

>> No.20589841
File: 358 KB, 1600x1050, bloomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have no standards left

>> No.20589843

Ma'am, this is an Arby's.

>> No.20589868

we chad aryan masters
of the purest white race
will take down you bastards
we will not be replaced

gas chambers were fake
but real ones we'll make
it tastes better than steak
jewish faggots to bake

we will resist you and take you to court
it is you evil semites that are voldemort

>> No.20589875

Also, "We will not be masquerade" is wrong. Unless maquerade is being used like woke is nowadays.

>> No.20589879

That's her faux blackness coming through. It's also why she fucked up the rhythm by saying "be masquerade" because adding be/been/being before every verb is "black".

>> No.20589883

Just stop having sex. Is it really so hard for women?

>> No.20589894

Rome had Vergil, America has Amanda Gorman

>> No.20589907

i love women so much

>> No.20589922

>This is the best writer to come out of Harvard in the last decade.
Have our elite institutions failed us?

>> No.20589925

they've been shit for a while now and seem to be trying every method to become worse

>> No.20589936

This so good lmao

>> No.20589943
File: 213 KB, 1016x1024, 1638801745685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want you dead. Yet many still think they can he reasoned with.

>> No.20589966

They aren't chimping out like people did over George Floyd. They aren't gonna do shit. They're just going to moan until Roberts, Thomas, or Alito retires.

>> No.20589977

KEK, queering orthography

>> No.20589986

The women most interested in this live in blue states that will keep the same laws, but the real win is the donations from billionaires (Soros & Omidyar)

>> No.20589992
File: 178 KB, 1020x1024, hangingtree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have caused more damage to US infrastructure than any group in the history of US history. Foreign or domestic. Attacks on whites are also rising at alarming rates. This will only increase as more feral blacks are born thanks to the overturning of abortions.

Well done, the (((Right))) has once again caused terrible damage to whites in the US.

>> No.20590006

I want to shit on her but I feel bad since I like some of her poems. This one succs tho

>> No.20590018

Roasties wailing like a beast
With haunted wombs consumed with yeast
For the billion souls that are deceased
We have ended Moloch's feast.

>> No.20590019

unironically how do you get to the point where you are this retarded?

>> No.20590028

Doesn't scan, poor form.

(Banning abortion is gay btw)

>> No.20590052

I often think about actually publishing my poetry and other writings and seeing how I'll do, then I remember that she's supposed to be the shining new star of American poetry and I realise that none of it fucking matters.

>> No.20590077

In terms of poetry, it's dogshit. The writer just about understands rhyme but doesn't know anything about form or meter. Because it's in an imitation of regular stanzas and rhymes it's clearly meant to be formal and not free verse, so that isn't an excuse. Looking at the scansion:

we chad aryan masters
of the purest white race
will take down you bastards
we will not be replaced

gas chambers were fake
//- -/
but real ones we'll make
it tastes better than steak
jewish faggots to bake
/-/- -/

we will resist you and take you to court
it is you evil semites that are voldemort
- -//-/-/-/-/

No pattern or attempt at prosody, it reads as prose with a mix of rhymes and slant-rhymes. What's the purpose of the rhyme scheme? It looks like something shitty thrown together for a laugh (which presumably it is, nothing wrong with that), so why do you think it's good?

>> No.20590087

You won't get published by an actual publisher lmao, don't delude yourself. Post your stuff on poetry websites like allpoetry, or just share them with friends and family. You don't need to be a big shot to enjoy writing.

>> No.20590088
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1634555669905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shining new star of American poetry
No way

>> No.20590094

White race are ones that are majorily okay with abortion.

>> No.20590153

I can't believe a 4chan shitpost cobbled together in half a minute actually paid no mind to prosody. What was the author thinking?

>> No.20590168

Perhaps because someone thought it was "so good" and I explained why it wasn't, faggot

>> No.20590178
File: 36 KB, 640x696, 1652510394011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part is incorrect, Rabbi? I suspect you will not answer but instead swarm my response with petty character attacks and strawman arguments.

>> No.20590190

What doggerel . This is getting ridiculous . It can't be real
>We will not be delayed?
Delayed for what? By what? What is doing the delaying?
>We will not be a masquerade
> To the tale of a handmade
Putting the incorrect grammar and spelling aside, what could this mean? A masquerade is a voluntary act in which participants go incognito for a party.
>We will not let Roe v Wade slowly fade.
There is no slow fading. The SCOTUS ruling was immediate and instantaneous and became the law of the land as soon as the decision was made.
>Because when we show up today
>we're already standing up
>with the future we made
Again, the grammar is jarring. Somehow past, present, and future tense are all squished together at once. The future cannot already be made. This is not clever. It's disingenuous

>> No.20590195

Embarrassing post, try a different board.

>> No.20590205

don't post shitty poems on /lit/ faggot

>> No.20590229
File: 79 KB, 786x600, Maxim_Gorki_in_1930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teach infant to tie shoes
>Understands basic idea
>Ties each end of lace in seperate knot
>Does not understand the purpose is to secure the shoe in place
>Keeps trying
>No improvement
>Suddenly asked to tie shoes for president

When will poetry be taken away from them? It is all terrible. Objectively, aesthetically, emotionally and grammatically.

>> No.20590230

We be kangz

Red states have zoomers who spend too much time on twitter. And even though they don't have sex they think it's an atrocity that Roe v Wade is gone.

just call it post-modern and the kids wont complain

>> No.20590276

>slow fade
Retard it stopped rather abruptly.

>> No.20590331

Yup I rode by the protests in my city and it was a joke compared to niggerino lives matter. Only thing I saw was femoids carrying signs, some dumb tranny singing on top of a van and a bunch of gross old homos riding their bikes while naked and the minorities laughing and talking shit to them. Pretty weak compared to the summer of Floyd.

>> No.20590427


>> No.20590719

you have autism

>> No.20590738

she forgot her paypal.me

>> No.20590766

Imagine the grift. I wouldn't be able to show my face in public if I wrote shit like this and shared it.

>> No.20590779

That's what the link at the bottom is.

>> No.20590793

Note the link in the tweet

>What Can You Do?: The most impactful thing you can do at the moment is to donate money.

>We're sending love to all of our pregnancy-capable friends

>> No.20590797


>> No.20590800

>To the tale of handmade
LOL, Roe vs. Wade being overturned made it so that each state much decide weither to keep abortion legal or not correct?

>> No.20590809

I literally have goosebumps though

>> No.20590816

yeah but don't expect much from burgers who get their news from clickbait article titles and twitter

>> No.20590817

She's not self aware, she actually believes she is good.

>> No.20590844

I hate being American. It’s so fucking cringe.

>> No.20590858

>we will not be masquerade
It'd be pretty funny if it weren't so sad. This brain-trust of a gorilla read poetry at a presidential inauguration.

>> No.20590860

You aren’t American

>> No.20590883

I am born and raised in Pennsylvania.

>> No.20590905
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Snapchat-290222065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but isn't saying "all Africans are stupid" actually racist though?

>> No.20590924

You believe everything you read on 4chan?

>> No.20590938

obviously so

>> No.20591020

Only if you value someone's humanity based solely on their level of intelligence. Taken in aggregate blacks have lower IQs than other races (save for Australian aboriginals). If you don't construct social programmes with such in mind they're doomed to fail. Striving toward a false utopia and vilifying the institutions that brought us this far gives weight to the argument that you're an ideologue who doesn't actually care about real people--their suffering is distant and theoretical and you just want to feel good about yourself.

>> No.20591087
File: 35 KB, 1034x233, fsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20591096

oh you hysterical bitches
you have me in stitches
we're not saying you can't
to be blunt
put whatever you want
into your cunt, but
if you solicit a seeding
that's not in your butt
but facilitates breeding
you better prepare
to take care of that runt


>> No.20591175

Why the fuck did we kind of teach themEnglish?

>> No.20591231

>Okay, but isn't saying "all Africans are stupid" actually racist though?
No. It's incorrect but not racist. Implying that all Africans are of the same race is also incorrect, ignorant, and borderline racist though. There are many races of black Africans. American blacks are also not Africans, not anymore.They have, on average, just under 40% admixture from other races. There is no "racism" proper against them because they do not constitue a race, they're a distinct ethnicity composed of many races, African and otherwise. Compared to many other black African groups and black Africans as a whole, they are less intelligent. They are however more intelligent on average than the Sub-Saharan West African races that they largely came from.

>> No.20591244

Off topic, but anyone find how the media framed roe vs. Wade being overturned interesting? A lot of people say shit like "abortion has been banned in America" when the reality is "Abortion is no longer legal on a federal level, so it is up to states to ban or not ban it". Standard phrase simplification, but I've met people who truly belive abortion has been banned everywhere or in most states when in reality only a small fraction of conservative states flat banned it and most have multiple rape and medical exceptions. The miss understanding could account for the drama
Also phrasing the overturning because of conservative worldview and not roe vs wade simply not having a good justification is fanning the flames. Other details is the average person seeking an abortion isn't a rape victim, rape victims account for 1%<, and is instead, from what's been implied, the "keep your legs shut" meme, previous child, single mom, poor, etc. Abortion debates gloss over these significant details.
Most irking part is "they'll go after interracial and gay marriage" because those two are better argued the the constitution and if they were overturned no state would make it illegal.
Finally most states abortion is flat out illegal in already soft banned abortion when roe vs wade was legal. The only difference is paper

>> No.20591259

>Most irking part is "they'll go after interracial and gay marriage"
best part is how both sides love the slippery slope argument while accusing the other side of using it in bad faith

>> No.20591293

The media has a liberal bias. The hyperbole helps the Democrats who are lagging in the polls for the upcoming midterms. A lot of Democrats also want to stack SCOTUS; the truly interesting thing is how readily media figures and politicians are undermining one of the three branches of government for the sake of a power grab--they're quite literally attacking one of the pillars of democracy and delegitimizing its role as an absolutely fundamental institution (but then again, these are the same people who have been feeding the idea that institutions are systemically rotten for the last 14 years or so).

>> No.20591296

Not really. The federal government reeees anytime they're stripped of any power, especially ones that never belonged to them in the first place, and the Democrats' singular tool for getting real people to vote legitimately is ragebait.

>> No.20591302

Nothing's going to happen. The left larps as hard as the right. The only difference is they have the political advantage at this moment in history.

>> No.20591358

They'll probably quickly forget because the main powerhouses of the outrage rn live up north or can afford to travel up north.

>> No.20591482

You fucked up your scansion though. It should look more like this:

We chad aryan masters
- / / - / -
of the purest white race
- / - / /
Will take down you bastards
- / / - / -
We will not be replaced
- / - / - /

I'm not doing the rest, but rest assured that your scansion of the other lines is also completely wrong. Did you seriously think putting a stress on "of" at the beginning of a line was correct? The meter of this poem is actually not bad, there's three stresses in every line, and they use a lot of spondees, (two stresses in a row) which gives the poem a stronger, more assertive feeling. It's excellent work.

>> No.20591555

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.20591685

Here's my poem bros. I will call it "Modern Poetry: An Absolute State"

The absolute state of modern poetry
I can find better writing from MTV
Suffocating on its own pretentions
These authors have only bad intentions

Let us not forget the grand poets of yesteryear
Who have brought us many a laugh and cheer
But these modern poets with what they have written
Causes only the sensible men to become sicken

One must wonder what the endgame will be
The inevitable conclusion to modern poetry
Will it be left in the flames of scorn and ridicule
Or end up being flattered by the mindless tasteless fool

Time will only tell what modern poetry will bring
But I will stand by and watch it with endless suffering
For those who will join me in this pain I must very much implore
That time would be much better spent slamming your head against a door

>> No.20591722

Based and doorslammed

>> No.20591740

Your scansion is missing a syllable or two there, unles you think "of the" is one syllable. Just mentioning spondees doesn't make it good. The poem a chaotic mix of spondees, pyrrhics, and iambs because it's written without a sense of rhythm.

>> No.20591794


>> No.20591835

Removing is/are/were etc. are also very common. If there's any remotely consistent underlying rules there they're not obvious, least of all to African Americans.

>> No.20591873

Yes, they're already trying to stop history and critical thinking being taught, removing basic rights, have gerrymandered so many states, pretend antifa is violent or even really a thing at all (nevermind how batshit crazy it is to try and pretend that being against fascism is bad thing at all when their grampas were literally antifa in WW2), trying to arrange insurrections, and in general spreading dumb propaganda like that pic to trick the gullible and stupid.

>> No.20591917

Leftists are retarded. It is known
>inb4 >leftists

>> No.20591932
File: 73 KB, 695x831, pain_is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20592456

I collapsed unstressed syllables into a single drop because the person I was responding to did the same and I didn't want to cause unnecessary confusion. Scholars who approach meter by the line rather than by feet (ie a scholar of old English poetry) will typically do that anyways

>> No.20592466

what's the slut gonna do, exactly?


>> No.20592546

I thought that the meter was supposed to be shit on purpose, to mimic that of the OP.

>> No.20592556

Common among modern "people" who wish they were black.

>> No.20592568

>Splendid! Splendid! It truly demonstrates the internal struggle of the oppressed LGBTQUIA+ class under white western moral imperialist capitalism. Truly, how can the object of one's love, penis in butt, not cause pain when these feelings must be kept enstrangled by secrecy? A modern prose masterpiece!

>> No.20592588

leddit moment

>> No.20592589

How many more days until the next current thing?

>> No.20592594

Very based

>> No.20592599

News cycle is about two weeks following an event.

>> No.20592617

Are you the guy whos never left philly

>> No.20592622

>Abortion is no longer legal on a federal level
Even this is incorrect. The real statement is that abortion is no longer considered a constitutionally guarenteed right

>> No.20592641

Okay so about one week left until they stop writing bad poetry about abortiom

>> No.20592652

That guy isn't American. He's just another 3rd world shit poster

>> No.20592685

Unfortunately no. The point of the two week news cycle is that that's how long it takes to create a habit. It will slow down and get less attention, but the people whose habits have been formed will continue until something else significant enough comes along to displace it or until it's no longer an effective attention-seeking behavior, whichever comes first.

>> No.20592735


The US media turned a violent criminal who died of a drug overdose into a martyr for justice not two years ago, and then claimed that a child molester killed while trying to murder a teenager during a riot was a fallen hero. They have something of a track record in politically motived lies.

>> No.20592769


>> No.20592881

>>then claimed that a child molester killed while trying to murder a teenager during a riot was a fallen hero
>defending Chudyle Chudenhouse who lied about the college he is attending

>> No.20593028 [DELETED] 

>Head of DNC caught undermining Bernie Sander's campaign (a jew who, get this, was trying to spread anti-semitism to take him out)
>[no stories on this and no one batted an eye when she resigned and was instantly hired by the Clinton campaign...she's a congresswoman now]
>Steele Dossier is totally real
>[no reporting on the fact the Clinton Campaign financed it and spied on POTUS]
>Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian Hoax
>[0 stories on it and sharing info on it was a ban]
>Clinton lawyers caught lying to FBI
>[0 stories on the trial]
There are just so many; we could keep going for hours.
Killed 2 felons (one who raped children with a long record of violence and another who was also convicted of a violent felony) and wounded another (stalking, B&E, burglary, ) in self-defense. Congrats--you're an NPC and you probably didn't know all three of the people Rittenhouse shot were violent convicts. Yeah--he's a chud though, better to align yourself with a chud than a sodomizer of multiple children with a history of violence, a woman beater, and a stalker. Good look, faggot.

>> No.20593045
File: 366 KB, 680x593, d1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Head of DNC caught undermining Bernie Sander's campaign (a jew who, get this, was trying to spread anti-semitism to take him out)
>[no stories on this and no one batted an eye when she resigned and was instantly hired by the Clinton campaign...she's a congresswoman now]
>Steele Dossier is totally real
>[no reporting on the fact the Clinton Campaign financed it and spied on POTUS]
>Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian Hoax
>[0 stories on it and sharing info on it was a ban]
>Clinton lawyers caught lying to FBI
>[0 stories on the trial]
There are just so many; we could keep going for hours.
Killed 2 felons (one who raped children with a long record of violence and another who was also convicted of a violent felony) and wounded another (stalking, B&E, burglary, ) in self-defense. Congrats--you're an NPC and you probably didn't know all three of the people Rittenhouse shot were violent convicts. Yeah--he's a chud though, better to align yourself with a sodomizer of multiple children with a history of violence, a woman beater, and a stalker than a chud though, right? Good look, faggot.

>> No.20593140

Not that anon but Rittenhouse couldn't have known that they were ex felons, so why celebrate him? Further, why can't someone be against both sides here? Retarded excons getting shot by a child practically inviting an altercation; I can't sympathize or even give a shit about either and anyone lionizing either side of the issue is clearly only doing so as performative rightthink

>> No.20593551

You sound like a colossal faggot
Someone who can't even take a side in the clearest example of right versus wrong is sick in the mind

>> No.20593603

Yes, you're all fucking insane
The people cheering for violent rioters are just as disgusting as the people that support children shooting them dead in the streets

>> No.20593634

Coward pussy faggot
If you don't hate evil you're a bitch no matter how superior you pretend it makes you