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20588561 No.20588561 [Reply] [Original]

If you read this book did you like it why or why not??

>> No.20588589

I read it, I liked it. It's a bit weird and unusual, kinda spooky but not straight out scary. I didn't care much about the formatting of the last pages, because I was reading an ebook version and it was just completely ruined during the OCR, so I think eventually I just stopped reading it and right now I don't remember what happens in the end.

>> No.20588593


I remember I was trying to read this book when I was 14. I actually don't remember why I picked this book out, nobody recommended it or anything.

Anyway I come home from school one day and put it on the table. My dad comes along and asks what it's about. I'm trying to explain to him it's some psychological horror when he flips to a random page and starts reading out loud

Well he just happened to flip to the page where the narrator is getting his cock sucked by a black chick and he cums all over her face. He read the entire page out loud and then told everybody I was into black chicks.

RIP dad.

>> No.20588598


>> No.20588610

Not a good sell
Your dad was gay and thought it was weird a guy liked getting his dick sucked by women and over reacted. RIP to your gay dad

>> No.20588617

its an awful waste of time. i really dont understand those who defend it as flawed/cringy but passable YA or pulp horror. it will dissapoint you no matter what your expectations are. none of the mysteries are intriguing or satisfyingly solvable. you really get a sense that the author had no idea what he was doing composition-wise. heres everything pale fire does better than it
>insane unlikable sexually charged protagonist
>narrative framed as commentary to another narrative
>haunted house section
>intentional mistakes
>hidden treasure hunts
>hints at a single author
>chase sequences

>> No.20588682

Johnny's story is so shit it ruins anything the book had going for it. Not worth the time, better shit out there.

>> No.20588714


Nobody loves you faggot!

>> No.20588730

I've disliked many aspects of books I've tried reading written after Modernism but they usually at least have cool aspects, that could've been made into a interesting film (since everyone writes so shit now), but I thought this book had nothing going for it.

>> No.20588731

I liked the navidson(?) Report.
Hated the bret easton ellisesque shite with trent(?)

>> No.20589987

Your gay dad loved my penis when he was alive

>> No.20590122

Haunting. Beautiful. Enlightening.

>> No.20590215

first time i tried to read it i had the worst nightmares.
the Minotaur is also a really good psychological metaphor. i can relate.
Have the superior full colour version