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/lit/ - Literature

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20584973 No.20584973 [Reply] [Original]

As any naive fucker i tried to get into his literary world because everyone hailes Ulysses as "the greatest novel of the 20th century". Reading Portrait of the artist now and i cant understand how anyone can like this little faggot. Legitimately i havent read a more boring taigs in my life. Am i insane, started off on the wrong foot, or is this guy legitimately a no-nose-MUH-STYLE-FREE-INDIRECT-SPEECH-no-brainer sex fiend. Please help me atleast with some advice to finish this monstrosity or else i wasted my fucking money buying it

>> No.20585070

Should have started with the Greeks

>> No.20585277

You should stop thinking you're wicked smart and that reading Joyce or "disproving" Joyce is an intellectual feat. Then you might understand.
Right now you're too blinded by "muh intelligence" to actually appreciate anything.

>> No.20585289

Joyce is a case where I think you genuinely need to do some pre-reading to appreciate his work. if you know next to nothing of The Greeks, catholicism/protestantism and Irish history, it will probably be confusing and alienating.

>> No.20585305

dubliners has like 2 or 3 stories worth reading but the rest of his work sucks balls yeah

>> No.20585320

yes youre very unique and provocative, op

>> No.20585327

i never read Portrait but Ulysses is pretty great. idk what to tell you, the man just writes pretty sentences and is able to communicate thoughts that are hard to put into words. Ithaca was the best chapter

>> No.20585372
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but the greeks arent going to help lol the correspondences to the odyssey are overblown and theyre not based on the homer version but a boiled down kid's version j man read growing up which is closer to the order of episodes

it took a genius like op to finally point it out he has a penetrating mind he can see through the labyrinth of bullshit but
will we listen?

>> No.20585378

possible, makes sense why there's such a cult of his in Ireland. I guess ill try to gain a bit of knowledge first then try to continue this then ulysses. Thanks for the advice mate

>> No.20585393

Im missing an eye. Should i wear an eye patch too. Will it make me a better writer? Asking for a friend.

>> No.20585402

>why there's such a cult of his in Ireland
this isn't a thing lol
it's france and america

>> No.20585774

Eyepatches are cool, I say go for it.

>> No.20586325

Anytime I've shown this book to someone who doesn't know its reputation but likes literature, they think its excellent. Anytime someone who does know its reputation reads it, they tend to find it pretentious and boring.

>> No.20586383

I don't know who that is.

>> No.20586433

You should start with Dubliners and Portrait

>> No.20586604

Remember when Waldun wore an eye patch?

>> No.20586695

Start with Finnegans Wake. Once you understand that, everything else will be child's play.

>> No.20587024

you should put a lollipop in your eye socket and whenever you see a child take it out and offer them a lick. that's what i would do