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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 228x348, Kingsley_Amis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2058380 [Reply] [Original]

why does the literary establishment dismiss Science Fiction?

>> No.2058386

Because most of it is shit.

>> No.2058389

the very phrase "Science Fiction" is an oxymoron.

>> No.2058393

It doesn't for the most part

Robert Helein
William Gibson
Phillip K Dick
Issac Asimov
H.G. Wells

Those are the ones the literary establishment supports. All others are dismissed.

>> No.2058395

They don't really. The /lit/ hivemind just has the same critical POV as your 70-year-old high school English teacher.

>> No.2058398


>> No.2058401

oh wait, you're serious?
entry level
try harder

>> No.2058412


The /lit/ hivemind actually has the same critical POV as what the average college kid thinks a 70 year old English teacher believes.

>> No.2058676

2 members of the /lit/ hivemind telling us what's what, folks

>> No.2058679

pretty freakin' much. and it's true that /lit/ doesn't actually hate science fiction, there's just a significant portion of it that does, and that's willing to make drive-by posts about SCIENCE FICTION IS FOR IMMATURE NERDS. tbf a lot of sf&f is dumb and a lot of sf&f fans don't really have great taste, but still.

>> No.2058684

I think most of the peoople who make those posts actually enjoy a few science fiction and fantasy books and are probably just trolling you

>> No.2058889

Why should anyone care about the literary establishment? Not like anything I've read or am planning to read gets any more or less interesting just because some faggots decided it was or wasn't noteworthy.

>> No.2058959

kinda maybe ok
>phillip k dick
nope + he's a jew
Another jew
Really old and dated.

Anyways Sci-fi is the best genre, the literary establishment "dismisses" them because they are all liberal faggots who want to write about irrelevant bullshit. I don't even know... is there such a thing as the literary establishment?

>> No.2058981

Reported for antisemitism.

>> No.2058982

reported for appeasing the eternal enemy.

>> No.2058988

PKD was not respected until the late 80's and 90's when his novels and short works where being republished.
The best reason why the literary establishment dimissed Science Fiction is that they on a whole look down upon genre works. Most genre works are written for money. That is why they dismiss not just Science Fiction but most genre work.

>> No.2058989

What are the best science fictions?

>> No.2058994

>Most genre works are written for money. That is why they dismiss not just Science Fiction but most genre work.

>> No.2058997

the best science fiction are when the author realizes it's supposed to be Sword and Sorcery but in space.

Do you want me to suggest individual books? Cuz a lot of that is just preference and i can't remember which books i liked best....

>> No.2059003

Of course there are exceptions like Herbert, le guin, Tolkien. But the literary establishment tends to look down upon writers that came from the pulps.

>> No.2059012

Literary fiction is written for money too

>> No.2059045

I am glad to see have a grade A literary critic in the thread that can dismiss authors with reasoned criticism such as "nope" and "he's a jew".

>> No.2059046
File: 55 KB, 350x524, ben_johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wasn't it Jonson or some wanker like that who said that if you write for any reason other than money, then you're a cunt?

Words to that effect, anyway.

>> No.2059052

The two things most writer hope for, at least those that want a nice big paycheck. Someone buys the rights to make a film or TV show based on your book and doing the college lecture tour. They can make around 5-10k for college lecture.

>> No.2059056

OP has trolled everyone in this thread. His picture is on Kingsley Amis, a significant member of the British literary establishment who was an advocate of science fiction. With Robert Conquest, he co-edited the five "Spectrum" anthologies. He published "New Maps of Hell", on of the first critical studies of the genre. He even write "The Alteration", and alternative world SF novel.

>> No.2059064

>implying that Kingsley Amis was at all successful in his efforts

>> No.2059083

I don't read subversive propaganda because it rots the mind.

Heinlein is a polygamist who espouses the virtue of having an open marriage. That's what most of his books are about.

Except for starship trooper which espouses the benefits of fascism, so that was kinda good, i liked it.

>> No.2059086

The film adaptation was superior both aesthetically and ethically

>> No.2059088

yes i liked the film too. Too bad the sequels have been terrible.

>> No.2059164

What about Vonnegut?