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/lit/ - Literature

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20582241 No.20582241 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Sally Rooney? For me, as a novelist, she's among the best currently living.

I look forward to following her career as she matures as an artist.

>> No.20582243

Would you read her books if she was a man? If not, you're a simp, and her work is probably average at best.

>> No.20582248

>Would you read her books if she was a man?

Next question.

>> No.20582251

>Sally trooney
No thanks. I do not read industry plants

>> No.20582257

Please explain why you think she is among the best living novelists. Tell me about your favourite of her books, and why you think it is good.

>> No.20582262

He’s just some discord faggot who shills this schlock along with Ducks, Troonburyport

>> No.20582264

>What are your thoughts on Sally Rooney?
conversations with friends was a bit messy and immature, but a promising start
normal people was genuinely great portrait of a young relationship. the writing is super readable but without being dumbed down. it's really all I could ask from a best selling novel aimed at the majority, rather than one with a specific literary audience in mind
haven't read the newer one

>> No.20582623

kek you are never not seething

>> No.20582637

you can always tell when it's the trannies doing their usual because they make 2-3 threads at once like retards

>> No.20582646

I've read some Tao Lin, then I tried reading her stuff, but in terms of prose it seemed highly bland by comparison.

>> No.20582648

>it's not me, kek you're so mad at me

they do this every week anon, it's some sort of epic trolling the chuds quasi raid, don't even bother engaging

>> No.20582659
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>posting the most famous living novelist on a board dedicated to literature is "raiding"
yeah, i'm thinking schizo on this one

>> No.20582667

i said quasi, quasi means apparently but not really, like how you're a quasi woman on the internet but a man in real life and in pictures

>> No.20582673

She's yet another indictment of how millennials are the most creatively bankrupt, forgettable, peaked in high school generation. Every other generation has produced worthwhile shit. You can't name even ten great millennial books, movies, paintings, whatever.

>> No.20582680

i blame the internet

>> No.20582690


Millennials cannot create, only rehash and reboot Gen-X/boomer properties and lust nostalgically at those they can't do either to. The internet is their hugbox to bleat on about how everyone else but them is degenerate or problematic or an NPC or whatever because they've had it pointed out to them. Seriously, how many millennial books are "Mean Girls, but it's SAPPHIC!" or "Infinite Jest, but it's BASED!"?

>> No.20582696
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Tranny reporting in! Great thread OP.

She's one note, but she does that one note very well. Her intimate portrayal of modern relationships are unrivalled; you can find great Romances through Austen and Byron but they do not reflect the current landscape like Rooney does. Pynchon is reddit, McCarthy I won't even dignify with a reason, and other than those two, I don't see many novelists worth commenting on.

Hello again anon.

>> No.20582698

True. It's fucking obvious.

>> No.20582704

No posting pictures of podcasting camwhores lately? You seem like the sane one, where's your more mentally ill friend, the one who obsessively posts threads of that Mexican girl?

>> No.20582710

>Millennials cannot create
why do you think that is. i feel like you're sitting on a theory
based lanatranny

>> No.20582733

Byron is more apposite than Trooney will ever concoct even with all the help of ghost writers her parents provide for “her”

>> No.20582744
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I'm off all meds, I got a job and I'm dating a girl I like a lot- so I've moved on from my previous antics and I'm trying to be on my best behaviour. Also I was posting Dasha for a reason but I won't go into it- there was more to it than me being an annoying tranny, I promise. It is a little embarrassing looking back on it now though.

I also have no relation to that other poster either. I do not know who that person is.

Yes, she is very different, but she's not trying to be the same. You're stupid and there's no bother in explaining further so I'll let you alone.

>> No.20582782

>Sally Rooney
yeah, that would be NO from me, b
reading female writers is the dullest thing you can do

in person, she's so pozzed it's hard to believe

Czech women actually surprisingly (based) hate this bitch. Don;t know why

>> No.20582799
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>> No.20582806

>I’m off all my meds
>posts a picture of a fat retarded pig-faced grifter
Think you need to get back on your meds, m8

>> No.20582816
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You sound just like my mother!

>> No.20582825
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>why do you think that is. i feel like you're sitting on a theory

Well, to summarize it, boomers were right about millennials all along, albeit not fully. But if you'd like me to elaborate, the problem is that millennials are so emotionally and mentally stunted in adolescence that everything they "create" reads accordingly. Millennial women who try to write always end up like picrel, while millennial men always end up trying to be a poor man's John Green or David Foster Wallace. Both tend to try to "own" the Other rather than come up with meaningful stuff with substance. Millennial writers always like to appeal to older properties: it's Jane Eyre, in space! It's Frankenstein, but he's trans! It's Moby Dick, but Ahab is based and redpilled! Blah, blah, blah. Millennial "literature" is essentially the end result of the cultural gentrification of Gen Z spaces...

>> No.20582851

>the problem is that millennials are so emotionally and mentally stunted in adolescence
what do you think caused this?

>> No.20582889
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>what do you think caused this?

Deadbeat parents, charisma vacuum teachers, incompetent governments, shitty economy....the list goes on. Again, why do you think every single millennial cartoon devolves into muh adulting? Why is every millennial written YA book about authorial self-inserts living the exciting lives the authors desperately wish they had? Why did a bunch of millennial women gang up on Brooke Nelson, a Gen Z student? Why do millennial male writers feel the need to jam their books full of tryhard edgeposting to own randos who won't even read their fucking tripe? Here, read this book 4chan's /lit/ had written long before the millennial fragility really kicked in. You don't get this shit anymore.

>> No.20582895

It's funny you wrote all that but Sally Rooney does not fit into your make believe theory at all.

Quit using twitter goober.

>> No.20582922


I don't use Twitter. Also, Sally Rooney does indeed fit into it; her writing is so pretentious, her characters so unlikable, and her overall style so entitled, self-absorbed and self-indulgent, that everything she writes makes me want to wash my eyes with bleach. She is the quintessential millennial author. She complains, complains, and carries on complaining. Where's the real plot? Where's the character development? As always with white millennial women from her class, it's pretentious and poorly written with as much snobbery as a middle/upper class people can be while pretending to be Marxist from their ivory tower, munching on caviar and drinking champagne. Just like how millennial men from the same class will write as if they're actually characters in Sinclair's The Jungle, but they spruce it up with liberal uses of slurs to obscure their own fundamental immaturity. It is what it is. Millennials cannot write because their generation is so self-absorbed and they can't get over adolescence.

>> No.20582923

>aging millennial women acting like their best approximations of hip Gen Z girls
Hahahahaha I discovered a new dimension of pathetic today, thank you for this realization, can't believe how true it is and how I never thought of that

>> No.20582930


What's even funnier is that aging millennial men are acting like their best approximations of those same aging millennial women.

>> No.20582949

> You sound just like my mother
Well a mother’s devotion to her children— even if they turn out to be massive fucking losers—is nearly infinite despite underlying relationship constrained simply for the fact that her kid is a mentally deranged, but still wants the beat for them

>> No.20582960

>Well a mother’s devotion to her children— even if they turn out to be massive fucking losers

I know, right? And how do anons here repay them? Exactly.

>> No.20582962

Apparently, by not taking their meds like they are prescribed

>> No.20582986

A lot of this and that anon, but no actual evidence- you can say the writing is pretentious and the characters are under developed all you want but it doesn't make it true. Why don't you prove that you aren't apart of this millennial cohort and write a criticism that isn't utterly empty?

>She complains, complains, and carries on complaining.
Shallow and surface level analysis. The lack of a solution is suggestive of a generational helplessness, as there is no real solution at all. If you can solve the housing crisis and if you can make sexless men meet women then you deserve to be Prime Minister yourself. You are asking way too much of Rooney to provide a solution.

An exploration of this anxiety in the form of intimate and Romantic stories is the best she can offer- and she isn't pretending to offer anything more. The development of Connell and Marianne from adolescence into adulthood is a perfect representation of how Romantic idealism is destroyed by the modern world you poorly described. While you are arrogantly providing an ugly commentary, Rooney is showing beauty and intimacy.

>Just like how millennial men from the same class will write as if they're actually characters in Sinclair's The Jungle
What world are you living in lmao? where does this happen?

Guys, if met my mother you would understand. She's more neurotic than I am.

>> No.20583022

I don't know any millenial or zoomer who isn't chronically online and saturated in entertainment stimulus constantly. Developing and artistic voice was always going to be easier decades prior with less distractions and more time to focus. Life is way more expensive, pop culture has been well mined, common values are way shallower, and there are shiny objects everywhere.

Don't believe me. Take a break from the internet for a week and watch your ability to focus come back and your anxiety shrink in half.

>> No.20583034

I saw that marxist dialogue in one of her novels and I thought it was the worst shit I have ever raed in a modern novel.

>> No.20583384
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She's the opposite of an industry plant

>> No.20583391

Wow a shitlib with a stance on BDS, stunning and brave. Still an industry plant

>> No.20583394

I'm going to plant this dick in your ass

>> No.20583399

You would like that huh, Trooneyfag?

>> No.20583722

>most famous living novelist
Maybe I’ve been living under a rock but I’ve never heard of her. Sell me on her.

>> No.20583734

If she used a male pseudonym she would have never even been published
Like 99% of women

>> No.20583750

But you would have read her.

Sell yourself. Read a synopsis and see it the theme interests you. I like George Saunders.

>> No.20583751
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Coomer here. the fact that they cast an actress who looks like a more attractive version of her for the nood scenes in the tv adaptation makes me hard for some weird abstracted reason I can't understand.
I have not read her books or watched said show and the fact that she keeps getting shilled on here so aggressively only makes me double down on this. (make your own "double down... on mah dick" puns)

>> No.20583762
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This hack actually has me rattled so badly. Every single time somebody makes a thread on her I have to post or reply, even to complete bait, on why she's so fucking shit. It's like a disease. Ever since I had to read her dogshit for undergrad and then like some sick joke compare it to Joyce I have actually never recovered; then the droves of people who latched onto Normal People after that cancer inducing show had me completely tilted. It's probably the closest I will ever get to that state Nietzsche felt when he seen the spread of nihilism.
Sally Rooney writes to satisfy her own sad fantasies on what being a young adult was. The characters are not Irish but yanks with Irish names. She lives vicariously through her main characters because she longs to be that quirky girl that always gets the upper hand on people, the Romana Flowers of Ireland. She spends pages and pages just randomly and abruptly having these pointless dialogues on philosophy which are always wrong but she obviously has no idea because she never read the source material. She attacks our great artists like Yeats and belittles him when she can which no doubt turns her little equally retarded fans against what is essentially the closest anyone has ever gotten to Shakespeare since the man himself. Her entire body of work essentially acts as this machine where everything somebody may be proud of that is Irish is destroyed and all that remains is a world where everybody are little puppets that Sally can use to live out her sad headcanon on what college and early-adulthood was like. She will always make me seethe and she is the reason I write, so I can with the grace of God become popular myself and have my own work fucking bury her in obscurity like she deserves.

>> No.20583765

never read her but she can sit on my face

>> No.20583771

There are more books available than I can realistically read in a single lifetime. Why should I prioritize hers? Serious question

>> No.20583809

Rooney isn't exactly top tier lit but she's way ahead of that boilerplate incel screed of yours.
>she is the reason I write

>> No.20583819
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>using incel

>> No.20583837

Left eye fucked up due to moon being afflicted by Pluto in birth chart - shows that her mind is perverse and sexually warped. Left ear also shows signs of perversion. Avoid.

>> No.20583846

Why does every defense of 21st century shitgruel writing involve the word incel?

>> No.20583860

because surviving to reproductive age in any epoch before, and not yourself reproducing was pretty much a paradox. How could someone be healthy and well fed enough to make to adulthood, and yet not fuck someone? It was unheard of. Now we live in such a luxurious and well provided time that people who would have never made it to adulthood, sickly types who spent sheltered childhoods indoors, never learned to socialize or fend for themselves are living past the age of majority but lack the life-skills to even have a fling with someone else.
tl;dr - because if you survived when times were tough, you were fucking

>> No.20583868

>Posts coomjack
>trying to shame people out of using “incel”

What is it with you zoomie? You invent a slang term and then try to make it uncool six months later. Had some nazi try this on me when I called him a chud.
Stop using jacks and frogs. They’re trash and really really old trash

>> No.20583871

>Had some nazi try this on me when I called him a chud.

>> No.20583875

>Bobbi and I first met Melissa at a poetry night in town, where we were performing together. Melissa took our photograph outside, with Bobbi smoking and me self-consciously holding my left wrist in my right hand, as if I was afraid the wrist was going to get away from me. Melissa used a big professional camera and kept lots of different lenses in a special camera pouch. she chatted and smoked while taking the pictures. She talked about our performance and we talked about her work, which we'd come across on the internet. Around mid-night the bar closed. It was starting to rain then, and Melissa told us we were welcome to come back to her house for a drink.
This is what you consider to be some of the best contemporary writing, OP? Any MFA could have written this. There's zero soul or artistic expression. It reads almost like a damn movie script.

>> No.20583891

And what does that have to do with literary criticism?

>> No.20583901

Because there are clever/funny/incisive ways to write a critique, or even a takedown (we are on the lit board). With Rooney, it should be easy. Then there's the shrill harangue that thinks itself a cap-worthy effortpost, but just sounds like the same old shit on "wammin and society, bro".

>> No.20583905

There was a question asked, I replied to it. If you believe it is off topic, take issue with the post I replied to >>20583860

>> No.20583915

Any women kino that I should read before I die?

>> No.20583947

The Waves by Virginia Woolf is definitely kino

>> No.20584250

Forever thankful to her because her self insert in the TV adaptation of her book is outrageously cute

>> No.20584593

happy for you bro

>> No.20584600


>> No.20584622

Haven't read her last book because I get the feeling she's washed just from how before it she talked about how she might not write another book and how she wanted to do different things then when the book was announced it sounded like the same exact shit again

>> No.20584630

Yeah she really needs to self-insert herself into a massive lesbian orgy in the next one and hope that it gets adapted uncensored

>> No.20584775

Based pasta

>> No.20584802

Rachel Cusk is in another league to her.

>> No.20584803

>She spends pages and pages just randomly and abruptly having these pointless dialogues on philosophy which are always wrong
Can someone post an example?

>> No.20585118


>> No.20585508

will you have sex with me?

>> No.20585516

She’s a woman, she’s not going to mature.

>> No.20585524


>> No.20585539

Fuck you simp. People like you should be used to fertilize plants like the jews, nigger boy.

>> No.20585562

Go back.

>> No.20585635

Post your med shelf

>> No.20585661
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>> No.20585675

enjoy ur ban newfag

>> No.20585684

Fine with me if this board is pozzed

>> No.20585704

i know dude sometimes she looks like the cute next door that will break your heart and then in the same breath she just looks stunning.Saw her new film "fresh" and while beautiful she is not that good of an actress

>> No.20585709

Ignore the Rooney tranny. He gets his anime panties twisted every time people shit all over his little gimmick. He knows he will never be a woma

>> No.20585724

I don't think you know what this word means.

>> No.20585749

Turning your dick inside out so people can insert their dick into your shite hole is a gimmick that only faggots can pull off

>> No.20585761

Honestly, with how retarded you are, I genuinely believe you do not understand what a gimmick is simply for the fact that that you started seething over it.

>> No.20585766
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>> No.20585768

Who do you believe you are talking to?

>> No.20585776
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>Who do you believe you are talking to?

>> No.20585781
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>> No.20585784
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 906FAD4F-80BF-4349-9402-806A03DA76B6_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to yourself

>> No.20585788

meds now, schizo

>> No.20585790

this, but for >>20585749

>> No.20585795
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Alright alright. Break it up! Get out get out get out. Go for a walk. Read your book and stop thinking about this thread or this board. Out out out!

>> No.20585802

It's a real thing that you had done, fag. No refunds.


>> No.20585832

Literally obsessed

>> No.20585838

For me it's Margaret Atwood

>> No.20586417

Best writer that /lit/ will never recognize.

>> No.20586500

>every post the /leftypol/ tourists make in defense of themselves confirms they are /leftypol/ tourists
Why do they do it ?

>> No.20586592

Looking at this pic I'm trying to imagine what's under her skirt.
I think she'd wear sensible knickers. I'd imagine a trimmed but not shaven bush.
What do other anons think?

>> No.20586607

A penis

>> No.20586630


Jesus it's worse than I remember.

>> No.20586635

a reprehensible snickers

>> No.20587075

>every post the schizo makes confirms he's a schizo
o i am laffin

>> No.20587089

>Bobbi and I first met Melissa at a poetry night in town, where we were performing together. Melissa took our photograph outside, with Bobbi smoking and me self-consciously holding my left wrist in my right hand, as if I was afraid the wrist was going to get away from me. Melissa used a big professional camera and kept lots of different lenses in a special camera pouch. she chatted and smoked while taking the pictures. She talked about our performance and we talked about her work, which we'd come across on the internet. Around mid-night the bar closed. It was starting to rain then, and Melissa told us we were welcome to come back to her house for a drink.
Is this representative of her work?