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File: 287 KB, 831x1008, Ayn_Rand_(1943_Talbot_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20581264 No.20581264 [Reply] [Original]

>Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value-judgments. Man’s profound need of art lies in the fact that his cognitive faculty is conceptual, i.e., that he acquires knowledge by means of abstractions, and needs the power to bring his widest metaphysical abstractions into his immediate, perceptual awareness. Art fulfills this need: by means of a selective re-creation, it concretizes man’s fundamental view of himself and of existence.

>> No.20581279

*plagiarizes Nietzsche*

>> No.20581312

>art is a reflection of the personality of the artist
damn, groundbreaking

>> No.20581470


>> No.20581544

Where is the music of Beethoven found in reality

>> No.20581557

In the music of Beethoven.

>> No.20581564

If the music is a recreation of reality where is that reality

>> No.20581570

Sounds right. If not extremely insightful.

>> No.20581635

Do you like Beethoven's music? Do you think it sounds right? Then, according to yourself, the reality of his music is the same reality your life exists in. If not, then it's the reality other people live in, and you might not.

>> No.20581697

In the moment the notes reach a sentient beings brain and get analyzed and interpreted, judged and weighted, scored and valued

>> No.20581750

What the fuck are you even talking about. Op is saying art is imitation. Music cannot be imitation. The proposition that art is imitation is thus refuted.

>> No.20581756
File: 30 KB, 768x479, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This brings us to the subject of music.
>Music cannot tell a story, it cannot deal with concretes, it cannot convey a specific existential phenomenon, such as a peaceful countryside or a stormy sea. The theme of a composition entitled "Spring Song" is not spring, but the emotions which spring evoked in the composer. Even concepts which, intellectually, belong to a complex level of abstraction, such as "peace," "revolution," "religion," are too specific, too concrete to be expressed in music. All that music can do with such themes is to convey the emotions of serenity, or defiance, or exaltation. Liszt's "St. Francis Walking on the Waters" was inspired by a specific legend, but what it conveys is passionately dedicated struggle and triumph-by whom and in name of what, is for each individual to supply.

>> No.20581774
File: 869 KB, 1900x2820, romanciere-publizistin-und.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fundamental difference between music and the other arts lies in the fact that music is experienced as if it reversed man's normal psycho-epistemological process.
>The other arts create a physical object (i.e., an object perceived by man's senses, be it a book or a painting) and the psycho-epistemological process goes from the perception of the object to the conceptual grasp of its meaning, to an appraisal in terms of one's basic premises, to a consequent emotion. The pattern is: from perception-to conceptual understanding-to appraisal-to emotion.
>The pattern of the process involved in music is: from perception-to emotion-to appraisal-to conceptual understanding.

>> No.20581792

Look at this bitch, that who FtM therapy was developed for, so she can join the 40% before it can vomit the filth on it's mind unto pages

>> No.20581801

>Op is saying art is imitation
Far from it. In fact, Rand condemns art that is purely imitative as "naturalistic" (a word which she used in a pejorative sense and not in the usual sense art criticism uses).

Art is a concretized form of man's ideas about reality, about what is important in reality, about what is good and evil in reality. It is, thus, the concrete representation of your IDEAS first and foremost, even if those ideas ultimately had their origin in reality. But even surrealistic or abstract art is art by Rand's criteria, even if she would judge it to come from a degenerate sense of life.

Music, for her, is the concrete representation of the emotions the composer associates to something. Beethoven's music is the result of Beethoven giving concrete form to his appraisal of some fact of reality (the theme of a given composition), based on his sense of life.

>> No.20581812

>But even surrealistic or abstract art is art by Rand's criteria
I'm going to just add a quick retification before some smartass comes along: I actually think Rand herself doesn't consider abstract art to be art in the light if it being non-representational. She also doesn't consider photography art because she doesn't consider it re-creative of reality. I think she's being inconsistent with both of those, as they do fit her criteria with art. Abstract art in particular would just be art that comes from, as I said, a degenerate sense of life that sees reality as a chaos where nothing makes sense and which is impervious to reason.

>> No.20581915

>Music, for her, is the concrete representation of the emotions the composer associates to something.
Why can't all art be that way? The content of art is fairly immaterial compared to the form. It is very limiting to say that the plastic arts must be imitative. Compare Renaissance painting with Baroque painting. The form of Renaissance art was perfect proportion where everything is perfectly outlined and colors are never mixed. Everything stands alone. But the form of Baroque painting is movement. Baroque painting replicates what the moving eye actually sees in an instant. Unlike the Renaissance, outlines are now blurred and colors are mixed. The aesthetic idea, proportion, movement, governs all, which can be seen in how differently two painters from different periods can depict the same thing. It doesn't matter what they depict, it's how they depict it. All art is musical in the sense that form is paramount.

>> No.20582141
File: 441 KB, 426x521, revolvvlvs – crepuscular (ef)fusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comprehension implies personalistic appropriation; through experiential transversion, one texturally recontects/resynthesizes/recreates the essence of what is external to one into one's comprehension/imperience, adding its form to one's mindspace —to one's "belt"; under one's "petal".

Consensus of texture; contecture of pressure.

>> No.20582351

Why be so obscurantist?

>> No.20582374

he took rei's mundus project way too seriously and decided to base a tripcode personality around the style that rei used there

>> No.20582410

definitions like this always attempt to be all-encompassing, but really they're just ridiculous if you actually think about them, 90% of "art" is just advertising and signaling for businesses. is anyone really contemplating the metaphysics of the three quarter shot and the 10 seconds of sampled tame impala in the latest toyota yaris commercial?

>> No.20582443
File: 334 KB, 265x584, whisp&tekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If what I wrote seems obscure to you you can always research the etymology, or ask to explain something.

>> No.20582621

>Why can't all art be that way?
In the Romantic Manifesto I think I remember her saying that music was special due to it jumping straight from perception to feeling as the sounds themselves aren't inherently symbols for anything. A sound can sound sad without associating it to anything specific, unlike a picture or even a color, therefor no interpretation of it as art needs to happen for it to be fully appreciated as art.

I can show you a happy painting with a sad song behind it, and the painting would look sadder, the audio overpowers and undermines the visual in a way that doesn't happen the other way around. There's no painting I could show you that would make the sad song sound deceptively happy.

>> No.20582814

I don't pay attention to ugly people or women. They are always bitter at the world and their arguments are really long-winded ways of asking for gibs.

>> No.20582818

Music is a craft not an art

>> No.20582824

Metaphysical value-judgments aren't "personality"

>> No.20582836

Art most certainly is imitation even if it is not a visual representation. Art imitates the general system of nature. Music as mathematical universality, etc., and the allowance of artists to 'perfect' the accidental to approach metaphysically purer forms

>> No.20582882

If you consider what the different Italian schools were trying to get at with representation, including its rules, then form very much falls under the guidance of content. They're not so easily separated.

>> No.20582896 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1440x1045, Millennials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incidentally, Ayn Rand also was in syncord with this type of style; I have categorized & termed this autistic orthogrammatical/fashionstyle: "A N G E L T E C H" : Martial (Millennial) Techleisure; it is characterized by convertive correction, and perfect precision.

>> No.20582916
File: 365 KB, 386x489, areaniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incidentally, Ayn Rand also was in syncord with this type of style; I have categorized & termed this autistic orthogrammatical/fashionstyle: "A N G E L T E C H" : Martial (Millennial) Techleisure; it is characterized by convertive correction, and perfect precision.

>> No.20583651

Literally refute this. I'll wait.

>> No.20583656

it took two years, but you finally got a laugh out of me
good one

>> No.20583855

She's right.

>> No.20583951

>More like Ayn RANT am I right?

>> No.20584259
File: 1.24 MB, 3464x2872, Shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she make low achievers seethe so much?

>> No.20584435

They both come from the same place (the body) regardless