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20580293 No.20580293 [Reply] [Original]

what's with all the... kid stuff?

>> No.20580318

supposedly some kind of commentary on America's depraved relationship/obsession with Shirley Temple

>> No.20580328

never heard that before, but makes sense. where'd you pick that up?

>> No.20580352

Pinecone is a (satirical) ephebophile. One of the first things that happens in Mason & Dixon is that they stumbled into a 'Beguiled' scenario where they're staying with a bunch of horny teen girls at a house in the middle of nowhere

>> No.20580391

it's also more specifically a reference to the infamous graham greene article about shirley temple being some sort of man-baiting little turboslut.

>> No.20580399

every other writer was an "ephebophile" until a couple of decades ago because lusting after teens was not yet pathologized

>> No.20581345
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why "satirical"? how does that make any sense

>> No.20581657


>> No.20582019
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>> No.20582109

Being attracted to post-pubescent young women isn't a pathology despite the reeeing of old, childless cows, it's simply nature. Not be be an apologist for "ephebophiles", old guys shouldn't be dicking western or westernized high school or jr. high girls today, but that's only a result of the modern practice of infantilizing teenagers. They aren't mature enough now to handle the expectations that have been placed on them in every time and place throughout human history, by nature itself. Froma purely biological standpoint it's antinatalist and antihuman by way of being detrimental to healthy and normal human reproduction, and so in line with virtually every other modern social movement and particularly feminism, to deprive whole societies of their women's prime childbearing years.

>> No.20582145

>find a 17 years and 364 days old woman attractive
>okay you can do a porno with 30 niggers now!!
I have a schizo theory where this was pushed so that women would be forced to disintegrate their sense of loyalty to a man by fucking random uncommitted strangers throughout their youth instead of marrying someone

>> No.20582684

in the book they're 11 & under m8 idk what's goin on

>> No.20582757

Uhh, no?

>> No.20582932

>Bianca's a knockout, alright: 11 or 12, dark and lovely
And Pointsman doesn't need elaboration

>> No.20583148

nope, read more

>> No.20583329

there is some bad math on the pynchonwiki that you're using as the source
oh well

>> No.20584619

Bad how?

>> No.20585038
