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20578818 No.20578818 [Reply] [Original]

“B-but only Christians don’t like Nietzsche!”

Lord Russell is as anti Christian as they come yet he blasts Nietzsche out of the water with analytic precision

>I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-consistent ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings, but we may hope that it is coming rapidly to an end.

>> No.20578830

why was russell such a redditor?

>> No.20578838

>I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die.
based Nietzsche.
where do I start with this guy?

>> No.20578842

What ideas has Russel contributed to humanity exactly? The only time /lit/ ever discusses him it's someone talking about his "takedowns" of other philosophers or some analytic seething over the fact that continentals don't even remember he exists.

>> No.20578861

>being this impudent
He’s literally the first philosopher taught after Plato in most English language schools

>> No.20578869

Why are Anglos so retarded? They always seem to have the shittiest, most milquetoast taste possible.

>> No.20578889

>the first philosopher taught after Plato in most English language schools
What does Descartes have to do with any of this?

>> No.20578902

Russell is generally used as a foundation for the purpose of philosophy. Descartes for the introduction to how do philosophy wrong, then contrasted with Hume for how to do it right, then back to Russell

>> No.20578905

Cringe Anglo

>> No.20578908

Patently untrue and a desperate cope.

>> No.20578918

Russell didn't know himself. One Nietzsche's key refutations of "objective men", who incidentally are easily taken advantage of and fooled by cunning women. Russell labored until the self-delusion that everything he did was out of universal love, yet he doesn't even see the obvious contradiction in his contempt for Nietzsche. "Universal love" is self-deception with regards to one's actual intentions. The first step to having anything to say AGAINST Nietzsche is psychology, the second step is being wary of your own self-asserted intentions...

>> No.20578933

Religion is cringe, and yet Russell
is somehow worse.
Anglos are inherently Reddit

>> No.20578934

You are wrong, this is right after Plato in many or most faculties

>> No.20578942

>Lord Russell
Why are the British so cucked? It's the current year+7 and they not only still have nobility but they give their nobility a completely separate parliament from the "commons." It's shameful is what it is.

>> No.20578948

every phil prof is a post hegelian copehard, you are dead wrong

>> No.20578956

>Canadians try to teach phil
Makes sense now

>> No.20578982

Russell wrote a few good things, but he was mostly one of the earliest members of the cringe Nu Atheist crowd

>> No.20578985

The original redditfag

>> No.20578990

The First Redditor.

>> No.20578995

It's more correct actually to say that Russell thought he knew himself, which is more erroneous than simply not knowing. According to Nietzsche, it's a presupposition of "being yourself" that you not know what you are.

>> No.20579011
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Russel is based, Christfags seething yet again

>> No.20579032

It's a glorified retirement home for good goys

>> No.20579063

Thus spake zarathustra > beyond good and evil, really just jump anywhere.

>> No.20579068

Who copied all the manuscripts of Plato?

>> No.20579073

This. Read the Kaufmann translation though. The older translation is pretty difficult to read imo

>> No.20579076

thanks lads!

>> No.20579078

I only love particular things

These particular things may be reflections of a univeral form in the platonic sense, but i love my family more than others. I love particular women. I love particular novels and particular films.

>> No.20579085

whats your favourite dicktator?

>> No.20579091

>"Guys, guys, you know what's worse than being misunderstood? BEING UNDERSTOOD. ISN'T THAT SO DEEP?"
Neetshee is embarrassing. Worse than a reddit edgelord.

>> No.20579095

neetchay is too based for this culture, honestly.
hated by both the bugmen and the christians. interesting.

>> No.20579097

Russell was a perverted wretch. What's the point of a philosophy if its own proponents are degenerate and useless sub-humans? It brings to mind Chinamen who endlessly drink potions but remain stunted slant-eyed bipedal lemons; their medicine evidently doesn't work.

>> No.20579130

The older translation is the superior one in terms of expressing poetics if you learn its language

>> No.20579140


>> No.20579189

Russell was a wishy-washy bewilderer of the masses. He preached universal love but abandoned three wives. What did his 'love' come to there? He was an arrogant dog and lived 97 more years than he should have.

>> No.20579226

>Cares about facts
>Appeals to emotion
So this is the best angloid philosopher? ANALyticals will never make good philosophy.

>> No.20579247

The English are the best students of the Jews. They are experts at bamboozling people with nonsense.

>> No.20579252

I'll give it another shot.


>> No.20579315

no, scandinavians and Germans are

>> No.20579325

the worst philosopher
I loathe nietzsche

>> No.20579329

Because you have no arguments against Nietzsche, so you seethe.

>> No.20579356

>Man does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman does that

>> No.20579388

>religion isn't so bad because it gave us calendars
You couldn't write a statement that better sums up the arid barrenness of English thought if you tried.

>> No.20579425

>Christianity ain't that bad, I will use BC and AD from now on.

>> No.20579426

Russell is often annoying, but History Of Western Philosophy is nicely written and gives a decent historical overview, if you can allow for his biases.

For an hilariously unfair 'analysis' of Nietzsche, check out Robert Graves' 'The Crowning Privilege' (a collection of the lectures he gave as Professor of Poetry at Oxford University). It's basically an anti-German rant:

— Germans have a way of protecting themselves from an awareness of their own incoherence by telling themselves lies. Nietzsche piled lie on lie, but in the writting of *Ecce Homo* he must have come to understand himself, for the sequel was the madness which he had so long deferred...

— [...] This bathing and swimming metaphor for spirituality is common to all Nietzsche's writings; as all Germans give a spiritual significance to bathing and swimming. (Tacitus remarked on how much bathing the Germans did.) The Germans are also mountain-mad. By climbing they metaphorically express hatred of themselves for living in what Nietzsche, speaking in spiritual terms, calls the Flatland of Europe.

— Nietzsche felt strongly in himself the German dietetic dilemma: the choice between the two extremes of 'bestial' meat-gorging and drink-guzzling and the 'nonsense' of vegetarianism, to which he lent himself for a time. The guzzling and sousing is the natural German habit — Tacitus commented on it — and Nietzsche rightly linked it with German intellectual barbarity.

— Nietzsche, in his attitude to women, is divided between a desperate need for their society and a fanatic desire to stand alone. One of the strongest German traits is the recourse to women in time of anxiety...

Graves wrote some good poems but when he talks about other writers he's as catty as a teenage girl.

>> No.20579444
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>> No.20579481

Good response. The will to power is a will to the self, and to be the self it must differentiate from others.

>> No.20579705
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>read Thus first

Am I fucked?

>> No.20579760

>What ideas has Russel contributed to humanity exactly?
He’s one of the main founders of analytic philosophy

>> No.20579865

It really doesn't matter. Neech isn't the sort of Philosopher where you have to read him in a specific order to iteratively build up a whole architecture.

Just enjoy reading it as you have rather than fussing over order.

>> No.20580414
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Human-sized image

>> No.20580425

>Lord Russell is as anti Christian as they come
Yet if you follow his ethics your behavior would be indistinguishable from that of a Christian, except you'd let other men fuck your wife

>> No.20580428

Kek this. Modern Atheism is just another religion, just with god replaced with le science

>> No.20580440

Kek. Do you have any particularly egregious statements of his to mind?

>> No.20580450

He mad significant contributions to logic, metaphysics, and the philosophies of language, mind, and mathematics.

>> No.20580452

can someone post the letter that almost made Russell kill himself?

>> No.20580455

It's well-known he had an open marriage (and to be fair he himself also had a lot of affairs)

>> No.20580471
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Only Christians can truly understand Nietzsche.

>> No.20580488

Is it true that in his autobiography he mentioned that he was practically a chronic masturbatory?

>> No.20580494

I think that Nietzsche has some valuable insights into the development of aesthetics and ethics, but I also think Russell is ultimately right about his more prescriptive writing.
It's rather telling that Nietzsche's greatest adherents today are those who either ignore half of his work or delusional young men who believe themselves to be much greater than they actually are or could ever hope to be.

>> No.20580566

How many layers of cope do you operate in?

>> No.20580572

Russell was nominally anti-Christian, but his morality takes for granted elements of Christian morality with the lame argument "b-b-but basically everyone regardless of religion agrees." He questions morality only to the extent of it getting in the way of what he takes pleasure in (polyamory, cheating) but never explores any further the grounds for his morality, likely since he'd discover himself as a monstrous hedonist dressing his tastes up as "universal love".

>> No.20580676
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>> No.20580722

If anything I have respect for Russel for adopting a better attitude towards war as his life went on while still protesting against the ones he opposed.

>> No.20580730

What's rather telling is that nobody has any arguments against Nietzsche or anything he has said. Ad hominems and appeal to emotion are not arguments.

>> No.20580782

Nietzsche literally forms the ideological bedrock of the present age

>> No.20580836

Anyone can take Nietzsche's philosophy and apply it a million different ways. From postmodernists to nazis to jews to feminists. Nietzsche is like a hammer, how it is used is up to the person.

>> No.20580846

He's self-refuting, much like his post-structuralist progeny. The desire to escape resentment, reaction, etc. could only ever--in the most technical of senses--be animated by resentment, reaction, etc. "Truth" (in N: that space free from resentment) is dissolved in resentment and the the life falls into relativism.

>> No.20580869

Yes, and the Jews, feminists and pomos who are currently wielding him are doing so very effectively. How curious that they have such an affinity for him

>> No.20580900

and life*

>> No.20580930

Nice word salad that doesn't say anything. You haven't even read Nietzsche. Back to university ANALytical baby.
Should've read Nietzsche, my chud friend.

>> No.20581318

>Russell's view was that parents should remain married but tolerant of each other's sexual infidelity, if they had children. This reflected his life at the time – his second wife Dora was openly having an affair, and would soon become pregnant by another man, but Russell was keen for their children John and Kate to have a "normal" family life

>> No.20581485

I think there's plenty of people have rightfully pointed out that Nietzsche's life advice is immature, impractical, rooted in delusion and only appealing to the delusional.
What's shocking is that there hasn't been an real defense of Nietzsche's prescriptive work. It's always the same mantra of "you just don't get it,man."

>> No.20581523


>> No.20581537

Lol Nietzsche said something about Englishmen only liking pleasure than pain

>> No.20581607

>immature, impractical, rooted in delusion and only appealing to the delusional.
We're talking about Nietzsche, not Christianity.

>> No.20581700

You mean he set aside his own personal interests because he thought it was best for his children? Women gonna women, but once you have kids you gotta do whats best for them. But I'm sure all you single, virgin, larpers would have handled that situation much better.

>> No.20581745


>> No.20581754

It's pretty funny but it is the more responsible thing to do

>> No.20581782 [DELETED] 

Russel never wrote anything good. Hw wrote on a lot of topics and ranges from abysmal to terrible. Yes, that include all writings on mathematics. Not to mention the literal cuckoldry apologetics.
On Denoting is the only single interesting thing in his collected work and even that is tainted.

>> No.20581786

Russel never wrote anything good. He wrote on a lot of topics and ranges from abysmal to terrible. Yes, that includes all writings on mathematics. Not to mention the literal cuckoldry apologetics.
On Denoting is the only single interesting thing in his collected work and even that is tainted.

>> No.20581791

The Analysis of Mind
Inquiry into Meaning and Truth
The Problems of Philosophy

>> No.20581793

It is the best thing to do, for his wife and her son, that is.

>> No.20581807

Analysis of Matter looks interesting too, but I can't seem to find a decent copy.

>> No.20581828

Russell's best work is definitely within the scope of mind and matter, especially with neutral monism and such

>> No.20581831

>The desire to escape resentment, reaction, etc. could only ever--in the most technical of senses--be animated by resentment, reaction, etc.
Did GPT-3 write this?

>> No.20581839

False. The most responsible thing to do is to kill all of them and make a new family.

>> No.20581855

This is correct. Of course, ideally women would be beaten, if necessary collectively, to enforce monogamy; but we have to accept the world we live in, its boundaries and necessary insanities. Remember: The world can remain insane longer than the average human life.

>> No.20581861

This. Of course now it isn't an option, with no fault divorce and all, but sacrificing oneself for the sake of one's kids is the height of chivalry.

t.life destroyed by infidelity.

>> No.20581870

The jokes just write themselves

>> No.20581881

Why is it, as we see with you and Russell both, do men conveniently come to ''believe'' philosophies which provide the maximum coping ability for the troubles in their lives? Do you not find it contrived?

>> No.20581937

Don't worry, I'm sure once you grow up you'll realize that it is impossible to be "cucked" by doing what's best for your own flesh and blood children. Unless of course you prefer having no kids, which I'm sure is way less "cucked" somehow.

>> No.20582028

This is meaningless drivel, not some substantive critique.
>Nietzsche believes things I don't believe, therefore bad.
How the fuck do you retards take this seriously?
Gödel and Wittgenstein shut him down, and his proofs in Principia Mathematica aren't worth shit.
>how to do it wrong
The sheer pseudery.
This is the issue of enculturation. No atheist escapes this simple rebuttal, because their Humanist moralism is derivative.
That would be a selection of Sociologists/Anthropologists, actually.
>Lewis Morgan
>Lester Ward
>Franz Boas
>Max Weber
and so on. Weber and his cohort are responsible for the antipositivism which generated the Frankfurt School specifically. Morgan is responsible for the communitarian interpretation of Natives that Engels adopted, and those spores have infected everything.

>> No.20582065

Why do you types imagine that Christianity emerged from a void and that any similarity to it's values by atheists is some kind of proof that atheists owe Christianity their morality? Christianity itself is literally an amalgamation of tons of previous traditions, and many of the core "virtues" are basically just Greek virtues. You might as well say that atheists owe their moral foundations to the Greeks, which would both be more accurate and more acceptable.

>> No.20582072

Have you read Genealogy of Morals?

>> No.20582073

Russel's Paradoxon has shaped set theory in mathematics, one of the most important fields in maths.

>> No.20582082

I've read Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spake Zarathustra and find Neetchee to be contemptible, trite, and massively overrated.

>> No.20582086

So you couldn't debate, or even comprehend, Nietzsche, and resorted to another (lower) philosopher?! You must have a big brain!!!

>> No.20582090

You didn't read him right, then

>> No.20582094

Nietzsche purposely made himself hard to understand because he states himself he was more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood. He is essentially the biggest pseud in history.

>> No.20582097

"Read him right"??? He blathers on about how certain languages are more musical to him so they must be superior languages and thus, originate from superior people. It's just laughable.

>> No.20582110

Sorry you don't get it.

>> No.20582131

Consistency is important, anon. You don't get to derogate and deride Christianity and enact the normative ethic simultaneously. Calling attention to the patchwork syncretism doesn't magically make your conduct any more sensible. What you say is entirely true, but you need to make a more nuanced argument than "Christianity bad." Pascal addresses a few of these issues in the Penseés, as does Spinoza when addressing the ontological arguments to justify his pantheism in Ethics.

>> No.20582193
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>I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die.

Then you're gonna hate me.

>> No.20582464

>I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain
What a pussy.

>> No.20582574
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>Russell was a cuck

>> No.20582669

Scandis maybe, Germans are autist anons. Anglo "thinkers" are always Reddit.

>> No.20582678

Why it isn't there the Will to Power in this chart?

>> No.20582682

>English x schools
Kek, you said what?

>> No.20582685

This is a sound critique and yet the "Nietzcheans" write it off as word salad of all things. Hilarious

>> No.20582689

Threadly reminder that Russell cucked his own son.

>> No.20582833


>> No.20582899

>You don't get to derogate and deride Christianity and enact the normative ethic simultaneously
I can and I will. Christianity places HUGE emphasis on revelation which I roundly reject as a basis for any belief (see >>20582874). In fact, all metaphysical claims which are unfalsifiable can and should be dismissed until they can be substantiated. The normative ethic that I enact has to do with recognizing consciousness in myself and others and that certain states of consciousness are more and less desirable than others and that the organization of action both from myself and others can either produce overall better states of consciousness or worse. No appeal to the supernatural or metaphysical needed, and might I add a great deal more humility since I am open to refining my knowledge and being proven wrong, something that many religious people are entirely unable to do, like Dosto who claimed that if Christ was proven to be outside the truth, he would forsake the truth and stick with Christ.

>> No.20583072
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>> No.20583489

Probably because it wasn't published by Nietzsche himself, so purists don't like it being classified along with the others. To an extent, I kind of agree, but I also think many of his most important ideas are in WtP. So it should be included, probably at the end of the chart.

>> No.20583569

Find the lie.
Krauts are an inherently hysterical people.

>> No.20583574

Anyone that makes it a point to follow a specific creed is inevitably someone with an inflated sense of importance.
The only types that potentially wouldn't be are 30 year olds that read Meditations and embrace being a cog in the machine. But those types are potentially worse than any others.

>> No.20583606
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>> No.20583621

>I le read Russell's intro to philosophy and nietzche is btfo XD
>no I've never read nietzche before
Low iq monkey. Go back to Twitter. I use to think you were smart but it's clear you're just autistic and a charlatan.

>> No.20583653

>how to do it right
>how to do it wrong
What are you a preschooler?

>> No.20583677

>living in what Nietzsche, speaking in spiritual terms, calls the Flatland of Europe.
Is Germany like the Midwest of Europe? This description is oddly relatable.

>> No.20583831

Russell himself slept around a lot as well.

>> No.20583858

>Anyone that makes it a point to follow a specific creed is inevitably someone with an inflated sense of importance.
In all fairness to Nietzsche, he did write against people treating his work like that. I think he would hate all of those who claimed to admire his work after he died, but I also don't know if there's any way someone could have engaged with his work that would have pleased him.

>> No.20583879

>Making "objective" value judgements while not appealing to the metaphysical
Peak Midwit Atheism in action

>> No.20583936

>loses debate to priest in your path

>> No.20583943

You don't need metaphysics to make objective claims. You just need a physical universe.

>> No.20583950

You have to be a special kind of retard if you think the Christian God can be PROVEN to exist, as Copleston does. Christians never seem to exhaust the ways to embarrass themselves.

>> No.20583957
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>Nietzsche literally forms the ideological bedrock of the present age
Really ? We are literally the last men :)

>> No.20583983


I'm a pretty materialist/physicalist sort but even I have to give a Hoo Boy at this one.

>> No.20584024

I didn't say it was nonsense. There's some truth in it. I said it was hilariously unfair.

— Too sweeping. "All Germans this" & "All Germans that".
— Exaggerates N.'s (and German) faults.
— Completely ignores their virtues.
— Presents the mountain-climbing / self-hatred thing as if it's mathematical fact, instead of conjecture.
— Saying N. went mad because he finally realized what he was. (It was almost certainly a brain tumour.)

There's more stuff in this vein elsewhere in the essay; e.g. the usual canard about syphilis. If you read the whole book you see RG does similar things to everyone else (Milton, Pope, Pound, Thomas, etc etc) he doesn't like. For example, he picks Pope's verse to pieces and triumphantly pounces on what he claims are disastrous faults in craftsmanship. But Graves' own verse contains dozens of far worse errors. It's fine not to like Pope, but claiming he wasn't competent at what he set out to do is just childish.

>> No.20584035 [DELETED] 

Nietzsche literally forms the ideological bedrock of the present age
No, he doesn't. Look up "literally" in a reputable dictionary.

>> No.20584045 [DELETED] 

>Nietzsche literally forms the ideological bedrock of the present age
No he doesn't. Look up the word "literally" in a reputable dictionary.

>> No.20584060

it is impossible for man to create
the hierarchy of things proves that discernment is finite.
once you have to affirm life, it already ended

>> No.20584134

"Metaphysics" is just a sideshow that people use to smuggle their own pet beliefs into arguments as if they have merit. They don't.

>> No.20584142

Ok then, the physical universe is your pet belief. Guess I'll just assume it's wrong then.

>> No.20584150

Ah, going the ole' suppositional route of "since you won't allow me to just assume God, I won't assume anything exists". Go ahead, but it means no one will bother engaging with you upon hearing that. Suppositions are, by definition, opportunities for error to creep into your worldview, and as such they should be kept to an absolute minimum. If you can't see the difference between assuming your perception of reality is based on there being a reality in existence and assuming you know that there is an entity "God" and you know detailed facts about the theology surrounding him, then there is no help for you.

>> No.20584158


>> No.20584168

>Quotes a woman who says he had a mean face so he must be a liar and a big old meanie
Is this what passes for based now? DHL sounds absolutely deranged in that letter.

>> No.20584171

It's not what I'm doing, it's what you're doing. If you reject any belief which isn't de facto already held by yourself there is no point having a discussion with you.

>> No.20584180

You contradict yourself and cannot hold on to the thread of the conversation. Sad.

>> No.20584386


>> No.20585088

Doesn't make it any better. If I were a thief and someone stole my property I'd have the same emotional response as if I were an honest man.

>> No.20585422

> Nietzsche's life advice is immature, impractical, rooted in delusion and only appealing to the delusional.
isn't true at all
You just don't get it man :^)

>> No.20585477

I disagree with most of you. Russell’s Esrly work is great.

But these quotes aren’t even philosophy. It’s free form poetry. Not useful or insightful except for an emotional reaction.

>> No.20585690

His dad was a willing cuckold, he was raised in a mentally ill, atheist, british aristocratic family.

>> No.20586007

>— Too sweeping. "All Germans this" & "All Germans that".
>— Exaggerates N.'s (and German) faults.
>— Completely ignores their virtues.
These are all perfectly fair things. There's no such things as being uncharitable to Germans.

>> No.20586119

Wait until you meet Quine. Every time there some retarded take to be made on the SEP, Quine is there making that retarded take.
And we know he is only brought up because Anglxs are kikes and SEP is an Anglo encyclopaedia.

>> No.20586460


>> No.20586542

only one level under the nietzshean marxist

>> No.20586558

No, it is hilly and has many mountains in the south and east. Russia is the Plain of Europe, as most adjacent regions.

>> No.20587197

>why was russell such a redditor?
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.20587380

He was a little homosex who got cucked and decided cuckoldry was therefore right. His life constituted 97 years of coping. Everything he "concluded" just so happened to be firmly within the Overton window, the only exceptions being that which allowed him to indulge in perversions. He was guided by public and penis. He denied the supernatural but promoted objective morality, that we might have him, the almighty faggot, determine how we live our lives. He refuted Nietzsche by saying: 'I don't like him', though for the entirety of his career otherwise he promoted reason and denigrated appeals to emotion.

>> No.20587409

There is no way to make "objective value claims purely with the physical universe.

>> No.20587413

What is a good "state of consciousness"?

>> No.20587468

If you define "values" as subjective, that would be true. I do not.
You already know

>> No.20587488

>You already know
Eudaimonia? Victory? There are many ways to reach that state but they may not fit for all. I define values as objective. It's just that Russel's values are bad and must be extinguished in warfare.

>> No.20587496

Identify exactly which value of Russell's you find "bad" and explain why

>> No.20587546

You already know them. His society would characterize itself based on fear and hatred of suffering. One of a man placed firmly on life-support so he may never grow in his own way. His overbearing love of weakness. All life is a struggle for existence in the end and his values are doomed to fail. But it's ok because people like Russell always turn out to be hypocrites.

>> No.20587552

Also, Russell was an egomaniac

>> No.20587563

Life is a struggle which tends to be won by tightly knit collectives working for synergistic benefit.

>> No.20587596

Collectives which are guided by a handful of individuals and impose their wills through war. Everything is always ruled by someone. Sovereignty is conserved. The state of nature is that sociable relation between master and servant. And what 'benefit' do you mean? Food? Flatscreen tv? Drugs?

>> No.20587605

Getting cuckolded.

>> No.20587610

You neglect to mention how he treated his actual wife like shit. I wonder how well his children felt with his selfish decadence.

>> No.20587613

I think it's more Nietzsche saw our age coming, but I don't see his beliefs genuinely represented in it. I see last men ruling the world, potential overmen snuffed out early by addiction and ridiculous ideologies that inevitably leave them hollow, living their days as consoomers and wagies. I know for a fact I'm nothing but a self conscious wagie and consoomer who is not actually in the business of childlike creation Nietzsche wanted to see.

>> No.20587752

Which one?

>> No.20587935

I posted the "I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain" quote a couple of days ago in a Nietzsche thread where some midwit redditor tried to argue that Russell's opinion on Nietzsche was taken seriously by anyone. Why are you now recycling my post after I raped your cold take on Nietzsche?

>Kaufmann translation
Cringe midwit retard
Do NOT read the Kaufmann translation

>What ideas has Russel contributed to humanity exactly?
Very few, his entire philosophical "career" revolved around refuting other people's ideas and not writing anything original. He was essentially a reddit-tier atheist who became a self-proclaimed socialist and pacifist after being a hardcore liberal. He seethed about Christianity despite the fact it was already dead in his day.
>He’s literally the first philosopher taught after Plato in most English language schools
>Russell is generally used as a foundation for the purpose of philosophy
Some sort of appeal to authority, or common practice, is not an argument, and even Russell himself would be able to recognize this considering his only arguments were usually fallacy cascades
>Descartes for the introduction to how do philosophy wrong
This is laughable, I'm going to assume you go to university in the USA or UK
Because of analytic philosophy

>> No.20587993

The peerage system and House of Lords was fundamentally good before it got subverted in 1911 and then destroyed by Tony Blair in 1999. The German and Japanese empires had a bicameral legislature too, before they got pozzed. In an ideal world (pre-1911) Russell would not be receiving a lordship for his services to pozalytic philosophy. Peerage and nobility on their own are beneficial.

Objectively wrong, if you like Nietzsche, Plato, Kant or anyone of worth you will also dislike Russell, it isn't a matter of Christianity.


This age is the complete opposite of what Nietzsche said we should do, and is instead the age of the Last Man. Thanks for confirming you have not read him

Correct, I like the way you think. Too many people disregard the lives of philosophers themselves considering it "ad hominem", as if the way they live isn't either a reflection of the quality of their philosophy or just an egregious example of "do as I say, not as I do". Nietzsche's terrible health provides genuine authenticity to his writings because he understood the value and nature of health and vitalism. Russell cannot even stay with a single woman and expects us to believe he understands love.

Hilariously, he got retroactively refuted by Nietzsche on the value of religion, but not just Nietzsche, and has also been refuted in the modern day over and over about the value of religion

>History Of Western Philosophy is nicely written and gives a decent historical overview, if you can allow for his biases.
What is the point in even considering someone's goodreads-tier book review of books he most likely got the summary of from his friends and didn't even read? Anyone can provide a criticism of a philosopher's entire life work in about 3-6 pages by having their friend who has read it sum it up for them. Not talented.

>> No.20588049

Graves was seething and jealous. His obsession with the feminist mother goddess of poetry should tell you all you need to know about his psyche.
This is Graves: "Very thin, very nervous and with about four years' loss of sleep to make up, I was waiting until I got well enough to go to Oxford on the Government educational grant. I knew that it would be years before I could face anything but a quiet country life. My disabilities were many: I could not use a telephone, I felt sick every time I travelled by train, and to see more than two new people in a single day prevented me from sleeping. I felt ashamed of myself as a drag on Nancy, but had sworn on the very day of my demobilization never to be under anyone's orders for the rest of my life. Somehow I must live by writing."
A vicious, insecure, anxious, neurotic wreck.

There's already multiple issues with these condensed ADHD/zoomer tier reading charts. "The Anti-Christ" is a good example of why not to trust older translations, because it's based on bad translation. An accurate translation is "the Anti-Christian", along with "The Joyful Science" or "The Genealogy of Morality". These translations reek of Kaufmann.


>I think that Nietzsche has some valuable insights into the development of aesthetics and ethics, but I also think Russell is ultimately right about his more prescriptive writing.
Let me guess, you haven't even read Birth of Tragedy
As the person you replied to just said, what's rather telling is that nobody has any arguments against Nietzsche. Ad hominem and appeal to emotion are not arguments. You're just a pseud repeating what others have said in their silly semantic language games to make yourself seem smart. This word salad is verbose, mystifying nonsense and means nothing at all. "post-structuralist progeny" "most technical of senses" - you just tried to argue about the state of Nietzsche's adherents today as if that is some sort of critique or refutation.
Nietzsche's life advice is "immature" is completely meaningless. Why do you think you deserve a refutation of something that was just stated without evidence, without argument, without even a citation of a specific passage? Nobody who has engaged with actual reading of it will just accept your assertation that it's immature, impractical and delusional without you even bothering to explain why, and you don't deserve to have your stance taken seriously.

>> No.20588112

>You might as well say that atheists owe their moral foundations to the Greeks, which would both be more accurate and more acceptable
This is absurd and laughable. Modern atheism is a rejection of Christianity, not a rejection or inversion of the Greeks.

Not what he said. He said "you didn't read him then, right". I do not believe you own either of those books either based on your review.
He was a philologist who could speak multiple languages and read ancient Greek and Latin, you cannot. Language is sound, so there is absolutely no reason why languages cannot be more musical or appealing than others.
Also, the idea that there is no "superior" language relative to another one is absurd, Romans themselves acknowledged that their language was poverty stricken compared to Greek. All languages are not equal because all people are not equal.

What's best for your children is for them to grow up seeing their parents lack restraint and decency to the point that they cannot stop having sex with other people? Get a grip.

Subhuman moment

Nietzsche lived in Basel for years, so Graves is a midwit who didn't even bother to research basic facts about Nietzsche's life. Switzerland is not a flat plain.

>> No.20588114

>their silly semantic language games to make yourself seem smart
Silly semantic games is how neetchan essentially developed his genealogy of morality, through philology.

>> No.20588186

You do realize in the Genealogy he argues that the contemporary morality of his time is nothing but semantic word games relativistic to every age, right?

The fact you argued he developed a "genealogy of morality" seems to indicate to me that you haven't read it, at all, and have wrongfully assumed by interpreting the title literally, like a midwit, that the book is him writing a genealogy of morality to be followed. Really, what do you actually think the Genealogy of Morality is? Do you think it's literally a genealogy of ethics?

>> No.20588199

Do you disagree that his slave/master morality dichotomy is fundamentally tied to philology?

>> No.20588315

It’s not, rather he sees the two moralities as impacting philology. Thus good becomes redefined by slave morality

>> No.20588334

You didn't answer my question regarding on what you think the Genealogy of Morality is.

Nietzsche thinks that Christianity has led to a redefinition of what is good and what is evil, which you would know if you had read it instead of getting your opinion from someone else.

>> No.20588336

So you agree that he tried to trace the overall development of slave/master morality through philology?
This honestly always came across as being incredible far fetched.

>> No.20588747

Russel worse than christian, he is a commie lmao. Cuckian 2.0

>> No.20588757


>> No.20589010

Russel is genuinely a retard and no one would know his name or publish him if he weren't an aristocrat. He has nothing intelligent or truthful to say.

>> No.20589114
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1647286178880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcucks are really so desperate they're skimming Russell's introduction to philosophy and using his brief opinion of Nietzche as some kind of all encompassing refutation. What a bunch of fucking retards. This is an age that needs Nietzsche, cope.

>> No.20589162

I dislike Neech and like Russel, Plato (less) and Kant.

(You) are a faggot btw.

>> No.20589212

once again, no argument, no discussion, just random ad hominem from some ESL shitskin who can't even read

>> No.20589356

>universal love

>> No.20589367

I guarantee I've read more of those authors than you have.

I bet your the sort to read Schopenhauer without having read Kant, faggot. Neech and his consequences have been a disaster for continental 'philosophy' for a century.

>> No.20589399

He was a retard. No omnipotent powers or prime movers. But laws of nature and universal love were real. Witty was right ti dismiss him

>> No.20589421

Christianity is bad because it takes oriental mythology and makes Europeans care about it. That's why it's bad.

>> No.20589429

If it works then sure, actually, but a lot of times this also doesn't work and people just fight. Also, there is a chance that if they stay together they will eventually forgive one another and remain married.

>> No.20589466

Not all people will like Nietzsche you know, I personally love him and think he's one of the greatest minds I have yet had the pleasure to read. But to each his own

[/spoiler] They're unfathomable cringe for not recognizing Nietzsche's genius though [/spoiler]

>> No.20589994

What's wrong with fighting? What's good about forgiveness? Retard.

>> No.20590201

Don’t read Kauffman, esp when it comes to nietzsche. I won’t even read his Goethe. Kauffman is a supercilious translator who claims to give unbiased translations in one breath and in the next tells you of the parts he decided to omit “to create an enjoyable experience for the average reader.”

>> No.20590978

I don't know much about this Russell guy, but he sure does sound like an annoying twat.

>> No.20590986

this isn't even a refutation, Russel is just saying "uhhhh religion bad and bad consequences" and "but it did some nice things". He doesn't even say why religion is bad in this qoute