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20578592 No.20578592 [Reply] [Original]

It really is awesome

>> No.20578676

Loving this read right now though did find it hilarious he considers and immediately disregards the (now known) reason for the Nile's backward flooding season

>> No.20578701

I love it. One can read it as "fantasy" by assuming Herodotus is fallible (and deliberately embellishing) but essentially correct about his world, or as a historical document to apply historiography on. So many cool mysteries to ponder about either way.

>> No.20578722 [DELETED] 
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I love Penguin covers.

>> No.20578755

Or when he finds the Phoenicians' story of sailing around the south of Africa and having the sun on their right hand side a one hard to believe.

>> No.20578774

This is a great cover concept, maybe add a full croc at end

>> No.20579435

I loved it. The part about the harvesting of cinnamon got a sensible chuckle out of me, and as a whole, the tangents from the narrative regarding the Greco-Persian Wars really make the book

>> No.20579454

you didn't read it, you read some incel's fanfic

>> No.20579496

Does anything even come close to this? Thucydides and Xenophon were quite boring in comparison.

>> No.20580446


>> No.20580487

What does it talk about specifically? Things happening during his time or things that ocurred in the past relatively to him?

>> No.20580534

I actually found Thucydides to be more entertaining. Especially the speeches of the war generals

>> No.20580565

Livy is better tb h

>> No.20580870


>> No.20581269
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literally ordered a copy today, the Everyman's Library one

>> No.20581569

it's soo comfy. people are usually wrong about herodotus

>> No.20582693


>> No.20582819

How bad is the Oxford translation of the Histories? I was skimming through the Walsh translation of The Golden Ass and saw
>Peter Pan
as a placeholder for perpetual youth. I don't appreciate that kind of anachronism in translation.

>> No.20582961


>> No.20582995

Oxford (Robin Waterfield)
>Here are presented the results of the enquiry carried out by Herodotus of Halicarnassus. The purpose is to prevent the traces of human events from being erased by time, and to preserve the fame of the important and remarkable achievements produced by both Greeks and non-Greeks; among the matters covered is, in particular, the cause of the hostilities between Greeks and non-Greeks.

Penguin (Aubrey de Sélincourt)
>Herodotus of Halicarnassus here displays his inquiry, so that human achievements may not become forgotten in time, and great and marvellous deeds – some displayed by Greeks, some by barbarians – may not be without their glory; and especially to show why the two peoples fought with each other.

>> No.20582999

I'd like to shit in Robin Waterfield's mouth right now

>> No.20583002

kek why?

>> No.20583008

Wrong, Thucydides is better

>> No.20583021

Why do I get the feeling that Oxford translations are incredibly sanitized and sterile? I bet in a few years they'll be changing shit like "breastfeeding" for "chestffeeding" or some of that woke nonsense.

>> No.20583080

You Are Wrong, And You Have Autism desu senpai

>> No.20583114

He's actually correct unless you explain why Herodotus is better.

>> No.20583154

Herodotus is the father of history.
His history is grand in scale and he does not waste time trying to attack other historians like thucydides does

Oh and of course herodotus' history is actually entertaining

>> No.20583167

Attacking contemporaries in a historical account does seem quite autistic

>> No.20583184

Thucydides is the truth itself.

>> No.20583198


>> No.20583354

thucydideez nuts LMAO

>> No.20584235

Good taste. The footnotes were all written in 1850's England so it's a hell of a ride; lot's of quoting Biblical texts as primary sources: very fun.

>> No.20584598

penguin chads can't stop winning

>> No.20584627

I prefer the earlier parts where it's a lot of crazy stories about random peoples and places, before it bogs down into the war stuff

>> No.20584686

But it's a cool war with plenty of drama and great characters.

>> No.20585346


>> No.20585354

sounds like a boring pastime book

>> No.20585363

do people really feel smart for pointing this out? it isn't news to anyone. you're still going to read translations despite their inherent imperfection.

>> No.20585368

My favourite so far was probably the revolt of the Magi, culminating in Darius et. al. taking them on in the capital.

>> No.20585429


>> No.20585936

No thucy is a butt hurt Athenian who wrote a dry piece of nothing and had to have xenophon finish it cause he couldnt himself

Meanwhile chad H daddy got cheered when he read his work. And said work made thucy seethe, just like it does modern historians as herodotus is proven right and they wrong
>Egyptian bull cult
>great zigguret
>ant vs marmot translation error

>> No.20586784

Melians btfo

>> No.20586850

Yes. Definitely on my top 10.

>> No.20586863

Waterfield states clearly that he goes for fluency.

>> No.20587118

awesome read on so many levels. i have landmark version for both. not sure how the literature compares to other versions but loved it for the maps on every other page. same w thucydides.
this. epic speeches showing the arguments for the different sides.

>> No.20587160

Go to bed, Robin.

>> No.20587249

Where do I go after H > Thuc > Xeno? Was considering Arrian since I had thought he wrote using sources contemporary with Alexander

>> No.20587340

Plutarch’s Lives

>> No.20587357

Livy, Ab Urbe Condita

>> No.20588620
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Just ordered this book, a friend was recently reading it and it came highly recommended
I like history but I haven't read the Greek primary sources yet. I've mostly read about the Bronze Age from academic sources and Rome from primary authors

>> No.20588647

More of a travelogue. Read it, you’ll like it.

>> No.20588729

look up ancient Greek historiographers, there are dozens. Same with Rome. Some are more widely known and read of course.

>> No.20588734

What in the world is going on with the top version? Why the purple prose? Was it like that in the original Greek? I find it doubtful.

Aubrey de Sélincourt. It flows so well.

>> No.20589948

Yeah Alexander is where you go after, just be sure you pick up something that talks about his dad phillip
Demosthenes speeches discuss macedons expansion but it's probably not the well rounded picture you want