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/lit/ - Literature

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20578140 No.20578140 [Reply] [Original]

How can a single mediocre writer and German monk from 500 years ago make this board seethe so hard?

>> No.20578165

Yes, your "church" is temporal. Yes, protestants aren't Christians. No, you won't get food at my house. Now fuck off chud and go to work, Emanuel. The EU neetbux will dry up this decade, and it will still become federal, and you will have no way to protest. Asian master race will be protestant, africa will be protestant, everywhere else WILL be a shithole. And in America it was always WASP and not WASC

>> No.20578173

Who hurt you?

>> No.20578181

because he is credited with starting religious war, which was really caused by development in military strategy.

>> No.20578213

Same reason CWC made the internet shit it's pants. Fat retards with autism that's over 9000 will always exist and achieve this.

>> No.20578224

implying it wasnt caused by development of communication technology

>> No.20578290
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>> No.20578304

Please put something like “church” or “Protestant” in these posts in the future so my filter catches them, thanks

>> No.20578815

I thought it was Frederich Nietzsche that made this board seethe uncontrollably?

>> No.20578857
File: 174 KB, 871x1200, 0609B953-7B93-403E-9A89-3DFEDFEAC86D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We ‘seethe’ because he is no different than Arius, Nestorius, Muhammad, Joseph Smith and many other godless heretics from history, and all have contributed to leading people into various degrees of heresy and schism from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Luther was a coomer madman.

>> No.20578950

>Catholic church
>Not a heresy
lmao cognitive dissonance level 9000

>> No.20578964

What can you expect from g*rmanics. Nikocado Avocado's of their time but everyone took em too seriously.

>> No.20579359

Because they're infantile LARPers still in that pathetic recent-convert phase.

>> No.20579365

Because they are the negative of Whig historians.
Whig historians see reformation as the source of all good, /lit/ sees it as the source of all evil.

>> No.20579383

Separating works from faith is enough to discredit your religion. Literally not Christianity, just a response to late medieval Catholicism, which is also not Christianity because of papal infallibility. Just two pagan sects fighting each other.
>inb4 worshipping icons! deifying Mary! theosis denies the trinity!
Yes, your criticisms are dishonest because you're not actually Christians and have no interest in the truth.

>> No.20580044

>Having anything to do with the first millennia and a half of Christianity

>> No.20580651

I dont know what gunpowder has to do with communication, but sure.

>> No.20580826

>having anything to do with the original christianity as it existed in 33 ad

>> No.20580828

Half the board are neetzscheans

>> No.20581040

>mediocre writer
His sermons were great, idk what you are talking about, and I'm a catholic

>> No.20581262

your Asmodeus in Rome has nothing to do with Christianity nor the first millennia and a half of Christianity. The evil spawn of the devil being the Roman Catholic Church has brought naught but tragic and malicious manipulation of the innocent people of this world. You are dragging them to Hell. Though I may disagree with them, I respect Protestants tenfold to the RCC and understand their protest fully against your satanic teachings.
t. eastern orthodox (the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church)

>> No.20581278

Cringe fatmerican larper lmao

>> No.20581437


>> No.20582214

the worst thing to happen to Catholic Church, fucking Christianity.