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20576453 No.20576453 [Reply] [Original]

So far I've been really enjoying the book and I haven't had any trouble with the dialogues. Then I reached Part II, Chapter 1, subparts 2 and 3 - basically where we have Stepan Trofimovich recall what he talked about with his son Pyotr Stepanovich, and then the dialogue between Pyotr Stepanovich and Nikolay Stavrogin.
I re-read some parts several times and I just couldn't make sense of a large chunk of what was said. I sense a great deal of anxiety and agitation in both Stepan and Pyotr, and while this state is somewhat natural for Stepan, it was still odd seeing him speak so disjointedly - I could only glean some sense from his words when he was talking about something revolutionary, but it was still really vague and unclear.
Pyotr had, so far, spoken eloquently and to the point, and seeing him flustered, shifting his weight from foot to foot and waving his hands while babbling incomprehensibly was jarring.
My question is - am I right in thinking that Stepan feels intimidated by Nikolay Stavrogin and that he wants something (vaguely alluded to) from him which makes him act like a fool and babble on and on without seemingly getting to the point, or is there something about the dialogues that has evaded me so far?
Pyotr meandered his way to a few clear sentences at the end of part 3, those about atheism, the Internationale and Fedka, the convict from Siberia, whom Pyotr seems to hint is a possible tool for doing something illegal and untoward, but were these parts clearer on purpose or did I get filtered by the rest of his speech?
tl;dr - I was just blasted by pages of anxiety-ridden dialogue about something-but-nothing in particular (Part II, chapter 1). What's happening?

>> No.20576457

No one here reads.

>> No.20576462

pyotr is a weird chaotic weasel

>> No.20576466

Just to add that I did notice Pyotr explain to Nikolay "instance: I always talk a great deal, that is, I use a lot of words, and I talk very fast, and nothing ever comes out of me. And why do I use so many words and nothing ever comes out of me? Because I don’t know how to talk." and it seems that this particular dialogue serves to demonstrate it, but I fail to see the reason why he's babbling just then, in front of someone who he's supposedly spent a long time with abroad and in Petersburg. >>20576457
I do

>> No.20576480

he just babbles and confabulates, he spews fucking bullshit nonstop as a tactic to disorient people. it's a weird power play that disarms people

>> No.20576481

I'm starting to think that, but he presented himself in an entirely different light when we met him on that fateful Sunday at Varvara's.

>> No.20576486

of course he did

>> No.20576487

I'm starting to see, thank you!

>> No.20576516

"am I right in thinking that PYOTR feels intimidated by Nikolay" not Stepan, sorry

>> No.20576523

christ why cant you people just read the damn books instead of stopping asking stupid questions like a woman staring at her phone during a movie

let me be perfectly blunt: pyotr is an utter fucking lunatic and what you are describing is his mask slipping, which happens particularly when he is alone with stovrogin because stovrogin is basically his muse and the key to his deranged political fantasies

>> No.20576546

Asking if I'm being filtered and therefore should learn a thing or two before continuing is not a stupid question.
Reddit spacing is quite cringe, mon ami.

>> No.20576577

everything you need to learn is in the fucking book

>> No.20576595

kys nigger, it's not his fault you're a chronically angry 35 year old still living with his parents

>> No.20576640

>character in private shows a different side of himself that isn't the generic polite face most people use in public spaces

>> No.20577934

If you had to ask if you were filted you were already filtered to begin with

>> No.20577944

>everything you need to learn is in the fucking book
Pleb plot reader found

>> No.20579427

checkd and kekd

>> No.20581275

The real demons were the political ideologies we made along the way

>> No.20581340

literally everything OP wants to know is clearly layed out in the book