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20576421 No.20576421 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being a womans toilet haha are there any books about that? haha

>> No.20576438

DSM V, the section on paraphilias and fetishes

>> No.20576454

The closest I've got for you, OP, is The Human Chair by Edogawa Ranpo.

>> No.20576475

not sure but you image reminded me of one time after i first saw jake paul's much maligned 'it's everyday bro' music video then i went to piss and for a moment vividly imagined if jake paul were trapped in my toilet bowl and forced to take my piss and shid every day bro

>> No.20576552

people who can't even have sex normally should be obliterated

>> No.20576709
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I think OP's looking for non-fiction.

>> No.20576749

1984 was interesting haha it was so cool how the mistress stringed along the protagonist like a bad dog haha on all fours like a dirty boy haha

>> No.20576785

He looks like he's in pain

>> No.20576797

It's not too late man. You don't have to live with this. You can still pull yourself together and live the normal, healthy, well adjusted life you're supposed to be living.

>> No.20576998

How do people turn out like this

>> No.20577131

The 120 Days of Sodom
It's funny: guys would come to a brothel and go to a room located below the toilet; then the prostitute would lead another man to the toilet and make him shit—on the other guy’s face. Basically, they make no use of the woman, and neither party is himself a prostitute; they could’ve done this for free elsewhere, but it’s the brothel that brings these libertines “together”.

>> No.20577354

It seemed impossible but I knew she had had mustard today. Mistress, or Goddess if I was allowed, would use me as a regular toilet for her pee at least 3 of her four regular urinations of the day and all of her defications. The best part was the texture. I think at some point, before I was in the toilet, I had a name or something like that. I had purpose, drive, and a vague awareness of the divine Law subtending all morality but now I just chewed. The best days were the wet ones. Mistress, I had taken too long to swallow and cough during the morning urination so Goddess wasn't allowed that day, had left filth on my face, my cheeks, and my nose and she wouldn't let me move until every last drop had been licked clean. One day, you eat the same caloric diet when you are a toilet but just denser food as your stomach was filled, she decided that for every bite she'd kick me in the balls. I writhed. Every kick brought me to the precipice of the void via pain, filth, and shame and very object, the image of an image, of my pleasure was used to remind me that my soul was for Goddess's sadism. I was her demon's canvas and she was nobody.

>> No.20577380
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>> No.20577383

Mistress wasn't cruel at all but somethhing better - she was the opposite of good without being dead. She hated my friends, my family, by very having had a birth, life, and death, and everything was just meat-paper for her to torture me and bring me closer to the final ecstasy where my soul would become her spitoon. I fantasized about her nail cliplings, her shaved hair, and her eyebrows - I wanted it all, in me, now. I didn't hate nor love myself but I merely became a slab of being on which rot would be left to fester until it broke. I was glorious because I was alive and did everything wrong. Her feces came down like hot globs of rain and her urine bleached my nostrils with the poison of her intent and the purity of her difference. I was leftover dust to her and she wanted me to be a spec. The lower, the more insignificant, I became the better I felt that Mistress would not love me, no, but would hate me and think less of me because of it and keep me around so that each morning she'd tort my balls and call me filfth. I was free because I was almost dead and I was not dead because the lower I went, the more hidden the pleasure was, that this demon-woman could torture me, and yet my love for her would always win.

>> No.20577395

You're introduced to something weird that tickles your fancy through the internet and you keep going back to it creating a feedback loop where your interest in it grows as you're more exposed to it. Eventually you try it in real life, probably within the context of a dominant-submissive relationship that functions the same way as a cult only on a 1-to-1 level, which is itself a feedback loop only more explicit since the dominant is often using sexual and psychological carrot and sticks to ensure your compliance.

>> No.20577418

A just world would give both of these people exactly what they want, annihilation.

>> No.20577424

that's oc nibbuh chill

>> No.20577430

So a scat and piss drinking fetish book?

>> No.20577463

I'm not your nigger. A fitting end would be to drown men like that in feces. Throw them into a septic tank and seal it.

>> No.20577484

lmao seethe

>> No.20577514

it seems less like a fetish and more like someone abusing the mentally ill

>> No.20577555

Probably his mom farted on his face for punishment when he was a kid

>> No.20577561

A thirst for annihilation? Or just for pee?

>> No.20577613

Iced pee sounds refreshing right now

>> No.20577637

I wish I could have popsicles of a girls first pee of the day