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File: 2.25 MB, 880x1521, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20575556 No.20575556 [Reply] [Original]

>there's literally no counterargument to this.

We just keep on winning Guenon(PBUH) / Evola bros. Its starting to catch on with the normies. The future is ours.

>> No.20575593

>homosocial and closeted gay misanthropes are the future
i guess you can rent wombs but without children the future is mostly someone else's

>> No.20576174

ultra based fellow magapede! Updoot!

>> No.20576684

It's afraid.

>> No.20576696

Happy Pride Month

>> No.20576717

Mfw I’ve been memed

>> No.20576733

i don't think it's good if it spreads too much

harvest the energy my friend

>> No.20576740

Pride is an error, esoterically speaking. Exoterically it is a sin. Know your place, dark shudra dog.

>> No.20576742

why would i be afraid of some limp wristed chinlet chud

>> No.20576759

>it's still replying
Haha SEETHING leftcuck

>> No.20576763

because you're a noodle-armed antifa tranny that thinks tucker carlsen is a fascist

>> No.20576764
File: 78 KB, 678x564, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the bumps

>> No.20576774

post hog, chud

>> No.20576781

god really gave me the old monkeys paw when i prayed for fascism to come back a decade ago, it's come back alright, but entirely in the minds of zoomers who talk about it like they're building a pokemon card deck

>> No.20576786

go back, no one here actually talks like this. Mother fucker in that youtube video name dropped this board so now scum like you are gonna come here thinking its /pol/ kys

>> No.20576793
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1842267816721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begging to see my superior BWC
>left wing memes

>> No.20576796

>Bowden pic
Now I feel the need to listen to his Nietzschean Testament speech for the 42nd time

>> No.20576805

post hog or chin, larping rightoid

i lift 250, what do your limp wrists lift?

>> No.20576822
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4D7B5739-CF1D-41E2-956C-C525E72AFB72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Guenon(pbuh) reader

>> No.20576831

>i lift 250
i can't believe leftcucks think this is worth bragging about. you're like a strong 15 year old.

>> No.20576839

Ye that one and the Evola are also good. Such a good orator

>> No.20576856

Whoever made the image in the OP is extremely LGBT, esoterically speaking. Exoterically it is obvious too.

>> No.20576874

>mind of a child
>thinks it knows what is esoteric and exoteric
thanks for the laugh, retard.

>> No.20576879
File: 402 KB, 1907x715, 2423525235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might as well be speaking a different language if I don't prime you on every aspect of this elaborate cipher

are Americans really this stupid? I mean really.


I'm losing hope for people again

>> No.20576881

Guess I'm gay then.

>> No.20576900

That's all well and good, but where my Zollachads at?

>> No.20576938
File: 98 KB, 1424x1080, 1655565879717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not gay because I use my special tradlarp vocabulary to describe my lust for the male form

>> No.20576953

That literally doesn't even mean anything. Do you really think saying "have principles" is in any way something unique to Evola? It's retarded.

>> No.20576961

May I please have a link anons

>> No.20576978
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1500499091210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based Evola vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aa8_dLpmk4&list=PLAag1DyihPXalqtvNaGBpsefAIoDPi00U&index=28

>> No.20577054
File: 26 KB, 450x622, daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this might be useful.

If you want an into to Evola: watch these videos in this order. The last one is a book guide so that should help you go strait into reading. Having a "feel" for Evola's kind of thought will really help you understand his writings.


>> No.20577076

>midwit so utterly BTFO he resorts to shitty psychoanalysis

>> No.20577077

Seems like they’re here, >>20576099

>> No.20577080


>> No.20577089

>not saving pictures of naked men to your phone is midwit
based lgbt poster

>> No.20577097

for the love of god don't mobilize this shit, You are 100% some sort of tranny false flagger. The movement and it's ideas were growing just fine naturally, for the love of god don't make an effort to spread it faster than is required. It comes at the cost of grifters and others with bad intentions that bog down the whole movement. Traditionalism will have it's day, for hte love of god don't undermine it, that's literally how breadtube fell apart, too much pride and ego

>> No.20577105

>he thinks LGBT is le based
tie the noose tranny

>> No.20577119

The audio is kinda shit so here's a transcript

>> No.20577124

Ye Its more just a meme cos I made a le funny image and needed an excuse to post it. Traditionalism is on the rise. It will have its day.

>> No.20577126

>incapable of following the thread
the closet gay tardlarpers don't even know they're being made fun of—the best insult possible

>> No.20577134

incredible... zoomers don't even know about Charlottesville

>> No.20577160

What a retard lol

>> No.20577195

>i say ur gay therefor ur gay
You have the mind of a child.

>> No.20577198

is that where that fat pig had a heart attack after a guy panicked when antifa started hitting his car and hit the gas? why are leftcucks such snowflakes?

>> No.20577201

I'm not Ameri*an. It does not interest me.

>> No.20577214

>BELIEVE ME NOW? That’s right, we got the chuds!
Lmao that’s not what 2666 is even about. This is what happens when you listen an illiterate retarded e-celeb docutuber.

>> No.20577215

fair enough, but please for everyone reading this, I've seen too many movements on the internet fall flat because of pride and petty internet drama, let's not repeat what happened to the breadtube trannies

>> No.20577226

>lovecraft was a white supremicist
Dropped. This guy is so fucking dumb

>> No.20577228

I don't save pictures of naked men holding books or edit them to be used as pro-whatever memes.
It's the thing where a rally in defense of confederate statues was morphed by its organizers into a pan-schizo "Unite the Right" carnival, as if the purpose of demonstrations is to address competing organizers' pet ideologies and branding as opposed to... demonstrating for or against something specific. All the seeds of that kind of rancor already exist in this latest phase of tardlarping. Your Christian wing will be the largest thorn, perhaps followed by the fringe of Islam sympathizers as neither of these play well ideologically with anything else because they are already total systems.

>> No.20577231

The comments on that video are a real blackpill

>> No.20577238
File: 43 KB, 680x680, 1632189341062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is honestly the stupidest video I've ever watched next to Buck Breaking

>> No.20577242

I think in time, as the forces of modernity grow stronger and its effects become more and more viable, Evola will only get more and more relevant. Like Nietzsche, he is a writer of the future, his time is only just arriving. And people will turn to him, as we do now, for answers, for an explanation to the world they find themselves in. He will remain relevant, because he speaks truth. And eventually that truth will prevail.

>> No.20577331

modernity is already over, which is why you can call up any ideology from a database and play dress up with it

>> No.20577410

thanks for the mental retard take buddy

>> No.20577439

Wasn't Guénon quite different from Evola? Guénon wasn't an extremist.

>> No.20577485
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>modernity is already over

If only you knew.

>> No.20577493
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90% of you will just LARP and forget about it as you slowly accept the way of life. 9% will actually try to resist it but fail. And the remaining 1% will probably become useless criminals or terrorists who hurt others for this meaningless LARP ideology which will increase state repression.

And zero of you will actually read.

>> No.20577540

>meaningless LARP ideology which will increase state repression
literally the only possible outcome for, the last what, forty or fifty years?

>> No.20577551

My lust for the male form is reserved for fictional shemales

>> No.20577592

thank you for ruining the board
t. guenonfag

>> No.20577609

Almost all major traditionalist authors are fully aware of how it’s essentially impossible for these beliefs to fully come to life, it literally only motivates people further. This argument isn’t going to work

>> No.20577655

If the modern world is Rome about to fall, it will be because the sheer volume of tourists of all domains turned everything into an amusement park, all the great works and untouched clearings nothing more than centerpiece artifacts for those with front row tickets to the circus of desperation, as it stomps every last precious wildflower into dust, a civilization starves to death as it grinds everything that could save it into flour like haitians making dirt pancakes instead of planting seeds because they need to keep their hands busy for the cameras.

>> No.20577793

>he's not starting his own business, making 6 figures in crypto and working towards independence from the system while following a tradition

>> No.20577807

only from your perspective which is empty of truth - what is truly important

>> No.20577817

He believed in a caste system ruled by Priests and upholding Tradition, so that makes him an extremist by today's standards.

>> No.20577829

So you think I should be a good goy and work in a career where 40% of my meager income goes to taxes for corporations and foreigners? and then in my off-time I can watch netflix and pay for uber eats or whatever? No dude, that's gay.

>> No.20578123

Thank you for saying it.
t. The guy in OP’s picture

>> No.20578236

>Someone actually thought it was a good idea to click "Post" on this

>> No.20578249

>most people in the past were "right wing extremists"
they also thought digestive problems were caused by excess phlegm
you are, like your beloved ancestor, a primitive retard on a direct course towards total obscurity

>> No.20578252

>2666 (lmao)
Bordering on schizphrenia

>> No.20578269

the best case for rightoids is being purged by boehem when another great populist tide and by then supernational movement arises and overcomes NA, EU or EA.
You're paris commune, the monarchist movements, the völkisch in 1904 to the 1933 NSDAP. No one will join a fringe group. Powerful movements do not wait to bloom, they embrace (ergreifen) all that lies in waiting for them. You can be sure you're on the wrong train when after literally a decade of trying your hardest you're still the fringe badguy incel no one outside deranged leftoids sees as a threat.

>> No.20578270

What is a woman? Digestive problems can be caused by excess phlegm too so kys fat dyke

>> No.20578273
File: 93 KB, 262x276, 4chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The forces of the counter-Tradition are afraid.

>> No.20578292

pigman histrionics

>> No.20578293

Guenonfag here; stop pretending to be me faggot; dago and the evola-anon he posted are based

>> No.20578362
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>> No.20578442

>they also thought digestive problems were caused by excess phlegm
Only profane retards who didn't understand sacred science thought that, taking things literally. Shudra confirmed, post your brown hands now.

>> No.20578715

No point in lifting, if wars involve long distance weapons and months hiding in trenches.

>> No.20578932

yes faggot. As in, you are literally the biggest faggot ive ever seen.

>> No.20578939
File: 676 KB, 1006x968, choose-your-warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your path, young reader.

>> No.20578944

You were asking for it kek

>> No.20578955

Thespian modernist on his way to undo "everything" minorities "fought" for. Get your neghole pozzed or something and stay away from kids.

>> No.20579053

who's the sperg on the left?

>> No.20579156

Chasing money like they will never get you initiated into anything. Your soul is rotting bit by bit

>> No.20579285

Money is just the means, not an end.

>> No.20579474

This brand of right-wing politics had its' peak from around 2014 ("anti-SJW" content becomes popular; the European refugee crisis) to around 2018 (the Charlottesville debacle; deplatforming campaigns begin on social media).
You're deluding yourselves if you think it's still on the incline in our Lord's year 2022.

>> No.20579477

the bible

>> No.20579536

Genuinely curious, why is Guenon popular here given that he liked Islam? I'd assume that he'd be rejected by this eurofag circlejerk of a board

>> No.20579759

>he doesn't know about the right wing ---> islam pipeline
Oh no no no no...

>> No.20580036

Guénon is not really explicit, but basically he thinks peoples should not mix themselves. You can quite easily read Guénon as a white sharia apologist. And given the way islam works, if you decide to ignore the screeching of sandniggers, you can have an exoteric islam that is quite close to christianity (reminds me that Guénon explicitely said that Jesus died on the cross and ressuscitated, which would make a lot of exoteric sandniggers mad but is a valid take among many sufis)

>> No.20580057
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>> No.20580060

you have no idea what you are talking about, I am done with this website

>> No.20580067

hylics r seething today

>> No.20580227
File: 24 KB, 473x266, E8FEF258-C663-40B7-B501-3C074A7AB1F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hitler (pbuh) said islam was cool

>> No.20580413

You have never read Guénon nor talked with sufis I bet.

>> No.20580421

No normal people like or care about this autism

>> No.20580430

Revoltchad’s pic had me thinking of your pic from last summer and I couldn’t remember which book you used to cover up your privates.
So i went through my folders and laughed out loud when I saw it was King of the World kek
Ur a legend

>> No.20580432

How old are you? You sound like a pepe worshiping zoomer shithead. Try to wait 10 more years before you start talking about mysticism.

>> No.20580551

I am not OP btw
same autism tho

>> No.20580839

Listen, Guénon is quite explicit when he talks about 'races' . By this he means something more akin to homogeneous ethnic groups than race in an anglo-saxon way, but it is very clear that in his mind, the two are linked somewhat (you just have to see what he says about the chinese/yellow race).

Guénon is also very explicit in saying 1)every people adapts the Tradition in its own way because they have different mentalities (part of this innate) and 2) mixing people of different mentalities inevitably results in corruption and incomprehension.

Therefore, I maintain that Guénon is basically in favor of a white sharia that would be tailored for the Western mentality while cutting out the degeneracy of modernity.

The other poster asked what appealed to right-wingers in Guénon since he was pro islam. The truth is, right wingers appreciate muslim values, but dislike muslim (read : arabs) themselves. Islam without muslims is both a right-winger's dream and perfectly compatible with Guénon.

(Also, Guémon is not really about mysticism, but rather metaphysics, that may seem like a pedantic distinction but it is quite important in his works)

>> No.20581004

Okay. That may be good for sociopolitical stability, but I don't think it has any value in regards to apprehending nonduality or actual praxis for practice. I don't understand why you mentally ill & narcissistic channers are always shoehorning your polarized politics into every discussion as if you have any real power to oppose the globalist elites who keep getting stronger.

>> No.20582229

would be based without the nazi worship, didnt evola reject the core beliefs of hitler and only prized national socialism since he saw that it may serve as a vessel for tradition?

>> No.20582253

Evola on the Third Reich summed up
>Hitler was possessed
>Himmler didn't have what it took to be Reichsführer-SS
>Purely biological racial outlook is limiting
>NSDAP were no true elite
>German Nationalism
>Plebeian tendencies of the Volkstaat
>Crude form antisemitism

>SS (particularly the Waffen-SS)

>he saw that it may serve as a vessel for tradition?
only if the state could transform itself from a NSDAP-led Parteistaat to a SS-led Ordenstaat

>> No.20582263

do you have any idea how insane you sound

>> No.20582306

This board is weird

>> No.20582349

>The leader cult, the Fuhrerprinzip, was flawed, though. He should have restored the monarchy. Not Kaiser Wilhelm, he was a spent force, but the Crown Prince. The Nazi Party was no true elite. The SS might have been but unfortunately Himmler was not up to it. Unforgivable he should have allowed the SS – the Death Head Units - to become concentration camp guards. A jailer’s job! How could an order of warriors ever get mixed up with that? It shows you how muddle-headed the Reichfuhrer was. Despite all the posturing, his petty-bourgeois origins came to the fore. In the end, he conspired against Hitler. He showed himself a traitor. Not for higher reasons (a hint at the Roberto case, I felt), no. He simply wanted to save his skin. It did him no good...The man who had spoken of fidelity, unconditional fidelity – “My honour is my fidelity” was the motto – turned out to be faithless.

>> No.20582371

People nowadays are as retarded as before. Hence my "what is a woman" question. In the name of progress we go back to being barbarics from Ur. Also, enjoy acting like a retard so that normal minorities get seen as these vicious rapists killers and child molesters again.

>> No.20582450

According to the traditional views, only in the elites, in the aristocracies, is the true race manifested and realized.

>> No.20582566

Ye he admired the ss for there blind devotion to an ideal and a set of principals, and probably agreed with the core ideas of fascism but he hated there populism, there worship of the "German people" and also there obsession with biological race, preferring a spiritual view of race himself.

>> No.20582708
File: 823 KB, 3264x2448, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painfully out of touch 30 something year old
>thinks Traditionalism is the same as anti-sjw youtube content
comedy gold

>> No.20582721

he BTFO you and his posts are way better, you worthless faggot.
idiot dike

>> No.20582812

I just found out a collection of Schuon's letters have recently been published.

>> No.20582826

why do atheists keep being infatuated with the state. why cant they base their lives on something else than being told what to do by the public servants?

>> No.20582831


you have the POV of an atheist. Since atheist is basically saying all pre-atheist codes are useless and oppressive and ignorant and man made, and all atheists codes are better an true and liberating, as long as the plebs remain consumming wageslaves, ie do not conduct military affairs, there is basically no code and men are stuck at competing for women 24/7. So they try to gain back some realization of their fantasy of masculinity and they all double down on lifting and homosexual activities, saying it's peak masculinity.

People who dont give a shit about atheism keep conducting military affairs and they can't give a shit about regaining masculinity codes and they certainly dont give a fuck about how they look in the eyes of the atheists

>> No.20582834

holy based...!!!
Rama Coomaraswamy said that some of the best Schuon writings have never seen the light of day
perhaps it will be contained in these new letters...

nice find anon

>> No.20582898

requesting sufifags for advice >>20582785

>> No.20582906

holy shit imagine being this much of a cuck to 100 billion people

go against the grains anon and say fuck you to them all, just go fucking off and say fuck u to the leftists too, be urself anon

>> No.20582912

Make sure to read Sanai’s “The Enclosed Garden of the Truth”, its short but excellent

>> No.20582940

I'm surprised you don't have Masnavi or The Conference of the Birds. I'm reading Dick Davis' translation of Conference right now, and it's kino so far.

>> No.20583040

word, thanks anons
expect a lot of islamic threads (on weekends) over the next month or two by yours truly

>> No.20583091

btw Yuga Labs sued Ryder Ripps

BAYC responded too

>> No.20583092


>> No.20583108
File: 609 KB, 742x966, guenon antisemite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
I just realized the bit where the YouTuber says
>Guenon preached Traditionalism, which consisted of extreme antisemitism
was because of picrel meme

>> No.20583236

without money you cant do shit

>> No.20583257
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 18261338297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.20583303

the flavor of right wing politics you are talking about still believed in democracy, it was basically just edge lord neo-cons. This is a breed that seeks to move away entirely from modern life, it is beyond larping as there is legitimate discussion of how to move away from current world this time.

>> No.20583649


Only the initiated know that Alexander Slavros is the culmination of all prior Traditionalist thought.

>> No.20583850

If you think that people are increasingly subscribing to your particular flavor of esoteric fascism, then you're the one who's painfully out of touch. This entire "movement" is maybe 20k (globally) seething /pol/cels.
Don't believe me? Then name a single advocate of this neo-traditionalism who has a significant following, IRL or online.

>> No.20583857

no one is claiming this is mainstream, it's more so confidence that one day it will have a place in our discussions

>> No.20583900

>it's more so confidence that one day it will have a place in our discussions
I don't think it will, because this entire movement is a contradiction. It proposes the rejection of technological society and a return to an oldschool way of life, with a warrior-elite class, like medieval knights and aristocracy and whatnot. But in reality, all adherents of this aesthetic are intellectual guys who spend too much time on the internet. The few people who actually live "traditionally" have never in their lives heard of Evola or Guenon. That's why people say it's a LARP. I know it is, you know it is, everybody in this thread instinctively feels it's a LARP whether they admit to it or not.
Now - there's nothing wrong with LARPing. Especially when you're young and still figuring shit out. But you shouldn't allow it to take over your head and your life.

>> No.20583906

Do you have a discord I can join?

>> No.20584046

Fascism has always been a web of contradictions propped up by a kind of aesthetic indifference and cold brutality at its core, though, and that didn't stop it from going critical before. Totalitarianism can take over and eat up entire societies from the inside before it collapses under the weight of its self-destructive incoherence.

>> No.20584193

There are several sentiments that reflect the acknowledgment of this issue by man traditionalist authors, the main idea that anons on this board probably follow is the fact that there is nothing you can really do to change the way things are going. Your best shot is is to live by your principles where you can and wait for collapse, completely disassociate with the modern world. It is well known that no one here has the power to warp us back to the Bronze Age.
>you shouldn’t allow it to take over your life
I agree with this, most politicians and activists are generally hideous and disgusting people inside and out and that is because they think of politics all day. Keep your passions and strive to work hard where you can. As for me, I’m going to wage like a dog for a few years to support my family and probably move to the countryside, hopefully fleshing out my passion of being an author and writing stories about the sentiments I feel

>> No.20584203


>> No.20584226

Is there anywhere else to discuss Traditionalism online? I enjoy the threads, but /lit/ isn't well suited to in-depth discussions. Don't say Twitter, because I'm not going to communicate with teenagers with anime avatars who change their beliefs every month or so.

>> No.20584232





>> No.20584374

"O Alexander, the cause of the downfall of the kings of Babylon was no other than this, that they extracted too much revenue from the people and seized their property"
Aristotle, to Alexander the Great (Secretum Secretorum).

>> No.20584375
File: 69 KB, 850x400, AF528DE9-5470-4502-A607-D669BF7758A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire "movement" is maybe 20k (globally) seething /pol/cels.
That’s all we need

>> No.20584419

>before it collapses under the weight of its self-destructive incoherence.
You mean before it collapses after a global war where virtually all the nations rise up to oppose the - threatening - fascist regime, which holds its grounds on its own effectively until it no longer does.

>> No.20584428

You're hot

>> No.20584429

I think he meant
>before the fascist regime starts acting aggressively toward its' neighbors, eventually starting a war it can't win
Starting conflicts with other nations is not a bug in fascism. It's a feature.

>> No.20584434

>Starting conflicts with other nations is not a bug in fascism. It's a feature.
Surely you'll admit that starting wars doesn't necessitate losing said wars. Nothing is contradictory about this.

>> No.20584455

Of course it doesn't. But whenever you start a war, there are good chances you will lose it.
There are few examples of "fascist" governments after WW2. The right-wing military junta in 1970's Argentina is one of them. And the main reason why it was overthrown, was because they started a war against the UK and lost.

>> No.20584473

>There are few examples of "fascist" governments after WW2

>> No.20584481

>But whenever you start a war, there are good chances you will lose it.
Well, Germany wouldn't have lost most of the wars had there not been a highly exceptional, global alliance. Before the US joined, it was looking fairly grim for both Russia and the UK. The lack of contemporary examples of fascist regimes doesn't really, to me, show anything that's inherently "incoherent" about the world view itself, as the other anon suggested.

>> No.20584506

>Be a fascist regime before WW2 (Germany)
>Start an aggressive war for territory

>Be a fascist regime after WW2 (Argentina)
>Start an aggressive war for territory

I think it's fair to notice a pattern here.

>> No.20584510

>oversimplification of merely two instances to conjure a loosely connected conclusion
Why is it so hard to have a sensible conversation on here?

>> No.20584518

>Be a fascist regime after WW2 (Argentina)
You're referring to the military dictatorship that ousted the Argentinian fascists (Peronists) and started the war for the Malvinas?

>> No.20584527

You're right. I am converting to Islam.

>> No.20584535

Fascism is inherently militaristic and nationalistic - a combination which gives fascist regimes a strong inclination to invade other countries, which in turn often ends in the regime's demise. It's a legitimate issue with fascism and I don't get why you're so reluctant to admit this.

>> No.20584547

It's a crucial distinction, namely the one between potential and necessity. You use words, now, like
>strong inclination
>often ends in
which are potentiality and likelihood. You are not wrong here. And so your conclusion
>it's a legitimate issue
is true insofar as we speak of a danger and potential, which - even if granted - doesn't mean flaw.
On the other hand, the earlier statement was
>its self-destructive incoherence
and now we're in the realm of necessity. An incoherence is an internal flaw, a necessary reality. What was suggested was not "often" or "strong inclination", but a necessary trajectory of any fascist regime due to an internal incoherence. This is where you (or whichever anon wrote it) are wrong.

>> No.20584596

I'm not the anon who made the "self-destructive incoherence" post, so I'm not going to comment on that.

>> No.20584648

lmao based
didn't guenon say that the Kalki Avatar would likely be a Tatar?
Uzbek-Tatars are destined to rule the Galaxy in the coming cycle

>> No.20584669

Ah thanks bro. I’m thinking that was the basis for OP’s post

>> No.20584701

When did terminally online right-wingers get this insane and annoying?
Watch as half a dozen basement dwellers descend upon me with their word salad vocabulary

>> No.20584713

Which words exactly are scaring you?

>> No.20584770

Why the seethe?

>> No.20584883

when the culture war started escalating around the time of the 2016 US election this was the inevitable result. the situation we're in now is basically a repeat of the Weimar death spiral. >Evil resides in the very gaze which perceives Evil all around itself.

>> No.20584934

Patriot front was started to sell the shields from one of the teens dad's metal shop

>> No.20585002

Close the tab, you got destroyed.

>> No.20585008

I'm not even a fascist nor am I interested in getting more people interested in Evola or Guenon, you idiot. This is why I called you out of touch originally, you're so stupid and clueless and think it's about politics and popularity.