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20574643 No.20574643 [Reply] [Original]

The more man experiences "progress", the worse off man seems to be...

>> No.20574648

Time to read The Reign of Quantity, lad

>> No.20574691
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>All in the long run is done with; even Voltaire’s Tragedie could not hold on, and the thing capsized. What has Science not pinned its faith to, and not so very long ago, that to-day lies on the dust-heap? The contrary with works of Art; alter, transform your views and sciences as ye will – there still stands Shakespeare, there Goethe’s Faust, there the Beethoven Symphony, with undiminished power!

>Physics etc. bring truths to light against which there is nothing to say, but which also say nothing to us.

>The most crying proof how little the sciences help us, is that the Copernican system has not yet dislodged dear God from heaven, for the great majority of men: here an attempt might haply be made from some other side, to which the God Within might lend his aid! To Him, however, it is quite indifferent how the Church may fret about Copernicus.

>> No.20574722

Re: Quote, "science" just means "knowledge". So this is just saying "Don't listen to people who think they're smart but aren't"
Re: OP, science in principle is fine, but expert worship has led to governments investing authority and power in scientists and scientific groups, which as a result has made many individual scientists corrupt and dishonest, while creating a bank of material for bootlicker scientists who wish to please their masters by producing dishonest studies which can be used to justify government actions.
As far as how man experiences "progress", simply think about the word "progress". Progress towards what? What is the goal? Look closely at what people call progress, and you'll realize man seems worse off because people are driving us towards forms of government that result in general misery to preserve an upper class group. It has nothing to do with a love of rational discourse or the advancement of science, but an a priori love of certain forms of government which must be forced at all costs.

>> No.20574771

>that result in general misery to preserve an upper class group.
Not really, the rulers firmly believe in what they're doing and preaching. The misery is just the cultural result of their beliefs and governance.

>> No.20574821

All I know is that it is now the official scientific position that white people are inherently evil, have a collective unconscious characterised by a rapacious lust for power due to being subject to monarchy for most of their existence and need to let their children be raped by transvestites in order to give reparations to People Of Color so yeah I'd say it's pretty bad