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/lit/ - Literature

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20572608 No.20572608 [Reply] [Original]

BAP read a powerful passage out of Plato's Gorgias, quoting Callicles. BAP called him the Hitlor of the ancients. He said that the ancients treated him the same way we treat Hitler today.

Strikingly, if you wouldn't have told me he was reading from Plato, I would have assumed it was a passage straight from Nietzsche. When people say that all of philosophy is nothing but a footnote to Plato, this seems evidently correct. All ideas have already been discussed and exhausted.

The passage is so accurate of everything we know about the human condition today, I cannot believe that it was written down 2500 years ago. Some truths truly are eternal. Liberalism is a sick and twisted aberration in human development, it needs to be removed like a cancer. We have always had the formula for greatness, it has only been hidden from us.

>> No.20572646

Plato was topped by Aristotle. You sound like an eternal bitch

>> No.20572653
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>Plato was topped by Aristotle.

>> No.20572671
File: 79 KB, 768x485, OIP.plRWxBHK2z9dJr9qzf7sOAHaEr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fucking timeline somewhere where you can discuss philosophy on /lit/ without referring to contemporary social media /pol/brains and I swear by God if I have to strangle the Demiurge himself for him to actualize it it will be done.

>> No.20572677

Plato was inside his own cave bros

>> No.20572685

I agree. /pol/tards can't understand that if university Professors and smart people with degrees don't espouse it then it's not a correct philosophy.
Where can I discuss everything that Academics say except in my own words besides imageboards?

>> No.20572702

Fuck off.

>> No.20572723

What? That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that any philosophy that is outside of the accepted academic circles is obviously false and we need proper speech regulation to prevent the retarded /pol/brains from shitting up OUR board with their de facto false "ideologies."

>> No.20572729

>I'm saying that any philosophy that is outside of the accepted academic circles is obviously false
shut your mouth you stupid fucking shill

>> No.20572910

Shut up incel. We refuted your ignorant little authors 600 years ago.

>> No.20572966


>> No.20572987

Why would you make this thread without even linking to the passage in question?

>> No.20573028

I randomly listened to some of Gorgias the other day while going to sleep and started laughing out loud at the bit where Socrates brought up the metaphor of medicine vs. pastry making.

Imagine a pastry maker and a doctor are competing to win the trust of a bunch of children, or adult simpletons with the minds of children. The pastry maker will make delicious beautiful confections and will absolutely dominate the doctor, who will try to convince people to eat foul-tasting medicines to cure their ills. The doctor will end up starving to death and the pastry-maker will win completely, even though the pastry-maker's creations are absolutely worthless for everyone's health.

>> No.20573181

>he fell for idealism during capitalism's death throes
c'mon incels lets stop looking inward and create some materialist harems

>> No.20573185

Not the own you think it is bud, because your ecelebs are just your version of the academics.
I think Jesus once said something about this.

>> No.20573192

Ecelebs have more value than academics, which is not meant as praise of ecelebs

>> No.20573196

You’ve never read Aristotle flailing twitteroid, go back and never return

>> No.20573197

You're so enlightened and transgressive dude. You're so enlightened that you need an eceleb to think for you.

>> No.20573200
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>BAP called him the Hitlor of the ancients.

>> No.20573201
File: 74 KB, 1920x1080, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler cunny sneed

>> No.20573208

>He said that the ancients treated him the same way we treat Hitler today.

What ancients? The ones that came after or his contemporaries? Seemed like Socrates & friends had no problem hanging out with him.

>> No.20573288

You know it's funny you faggots finally made me look it up and Greeks didn't even have anal or oral gay sex.

>> No.20573325

Only one of us wants a safespace because his babby's first philosophy can't hold up to anon's post.

>> No.20573932

Hitler was all about his racial cause while Callicles wanted NO causes at all. He thought all politics in general held no meaning at all and it was just used to dominate others. He would not have supported Nazism or any ideology which was not centered around him personally benefiting solely.

>> No.20574439

So BAP's a retard.
You're just figuring this out?

>> No.20574800

what the fuck was the passage