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/lit/ - Literature

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20571451 No.20571451 [Reply] [Original]

Traditionalists and Vitalist Nietzscheans own this board. Yes, we may not agree on the course of action but we certainly diagnose the same problem. If you’re a leftist shithead, you should know you’re on our turf

>> No.20571463

Sing with me comrades!
>Arise, wretched of the Earth

>> No.20571478

Hitler was not a traditionalist. He was very much a product of his industrial times.

>> No.20571486

Retard. There is no such thing as 'traditionialism' by the way. Idiots on here cannot even agree whether the warrior or priest class should. The only thing the traditionalists have in common is resentiment.

>> No.20571498

This is Evola?

Did I get it right?

>> No.20571501

>warrior or priest class should
Should rule. Evola thinks one can be both whereas guenon denies this

>> No.20571534
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I like /lit/ precisely since it is a place where you can discuss philosophy without having to swim through a sewer of Marxist cultural studies fags and animal rights activists
There is also nothing sadder than seeing someone posts "Lenin BASED!" on /lit/, really shows the untermensch reddit mentality

>> No.20571541

/lit/ is a vegan board

>> No.20571548


>> No.20571556

>seeing someone posts "Lenin BASED!" on /lit/
Whenever I see leftist try to infiltrate this board I cringe so hard because their attempt to make leftism “cool” is so contrary to everything this place stands for. Their attempts will never prevail as long as this place has free speech because our voices will forever drown out theirs

>> No.20571559

What's an Anti-Vitalist Nietzschean, then? Someone like Blanchot?

>> No.20571570


>> No.20571577

The correct interpretation of Nietzsche is vitalism. Nietzsche was a vitalist himself who believed in a strict regime of excessive and diet to overcome illness. However, French intellectuals of the 20th century have perverted Nietzsche so much that we on the right have to point out which interpretation of Nietzsche we adhere to

>> No.20571606

>leftist shithead, you should know you’re on our turf

Bro most leftist today are vitalist,a nd no one here is a traditionalist most people in 4chan jerk off to tranny porn and gore rekt vids, this is the most degenerate anti trad place on the internet

>> No.20571621

>The only thing the traditionalists have in common is resentiment.
and that's a core Nietzschean principle, the love for a trascendental principle in traditionalist is born from resentment and fear of the inherent cruelty in reality
if you're a vitalist, you're by deffinition anti-traditionalist

>> No.20571631

traditionalist are so fucking pathetic and retarded they have to take refuge on anime imageboard because they have been banned from anywhere else lmao

>> No.20571657

>defining yourself with an -ism

How embarrassing.

>> No.20571719

There are currently 12 threads about Nietzsche, Guenon or Evola, out of 150 total threads
The only others that come close currently are Jung (3 threads), Stirner (2 threads) and Tolkien (2 threads)

>> No.20571749

Honestly this. You are are Nitzschean disapointments

>> No.20571759

Wtf is a “Vitalist Nietzschean”? Nobody has ever been able to explain Goethe’s vitalism easily and Nietzsche’s positive nihilism was an insane and unsustainable cope.

>> No.20571767

It is easy. Warriors should make up aristocracy (warrior poets)
One philosopher king out of the warrior-poets is elected by them.

>> No.20571771
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This is my board.

>> No.20571789
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>> No.20571792


>> No.20571794

No you don't. no one takes any of you fags seriously, as none of you people live by your retarded ideals.

Apply your ideals to yourself first, then start talking, bitch

>> No.20571800

Hitler got drip?!?!

>> No.20571824
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Black Lagoon I think (not a weeb)

>> No.20571829


>> No.20571842
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>Ja heil auch!


Warrior class takes over tasks of worldy administration. Priest caste only provides guidance. However, warrior class without said guidance lacks legitimacy.

>> No.20571851

>fantasizes about the warrior class
>has never been in a war

You people are pathetic

>> No.20571859
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You do display little understanding of the meaning of the term "warrior" as used here, little one. A bisserl mehr kunnt er si scho anstrenga. :)

>> No.20571861

>fantasizes about becoming a woman
>has never and will never be a woman

>> No.20571863

how about you dont play roleplaying games then?
how about you stop reading fictional books since they wont ever happen?

>> No.20571944

Absolutely based.

They are fundamentally in agreement, since the pontifex reunites both castes, the Red and the White. Evola claims that in the West this role falls to the Warrior, Guenon insists that it is the Priest. Guenon is technically correct just looking at doctrine, but in practice, at least in the West, it would seem that Evola is also correct.

>> No.20571957
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>retard who knows nothing about Traditionalism tries telling others about Traditionalism

because their ideology poses a threat, unlike marxtards.

>> No.20571965

Hitler was literally a social darwinist and nationalist who wanted to make Germany like America in terms of industry. You cannot get more anti-traditional if you tried

>> No.20572004
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Hitler was a Wagnerian Grail Knight first and foremost
that is /trad/

if you read picrel you would know that Perceval manages to reach the Grail despite not going about it in a Traditional manner. He literally curses God and forges his own path.
And Hitler had a mystical experience after attending Wagner's Parsifal.

>> No.20572011
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We are all warriors of KEK

>> No.20572047

I think, I'm a leftist and a Nietzschean, but my definition of leftism is kinda lonely.
And you "traditionalists" can die in a ditch, for all that I care.

>> No.20572048


>> No.20572060
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>> No.20572112
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Based and Grail pilled

>> No.20572362
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Why do oldschool police wear capes and look like this?

>> No.20572479
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>Traditionalists and Vitalist Nietzscheans own this board.

1. So...high caste Zoomer bugmen?

2. Why did you attach an image of Adolf Hitler to your post?

>> No.20572481

unironically also a better place to discuss history when compared to /int/ because most people have reading comprehension and bait threads aren't most of the catalogue

>> No.20572495

but you are still right
despite it all, because of his anti-traditional tendencies and pseudo-initiatic experiences, Hitler and co. are responsible for much of the errors that have spread since 1945
however, there is a /trad/ element to Hitlerism that cannot be denied and it's all about bringing this out and discarding the anti/trad/ cringe

>> No.20572512


see you on tranny tradcath twitter

>> No.20572521

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.20572528 [SPOILER] 
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don't (You) me unless you were a First Meme War veteran

>> No.20572539
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/lit/ will become a Bataillean board

>> No.20572549

it's been over for a long time, Bataillechud

>> No.20572552

It never even began.

>> No.20572574

Don't see it happening. Been on /lit/ since 2017 and it has pretty much been dominated by Evola/Guenon & Nietzsche since 2019

All in all, I really wonder what will come of this. Years of intense discussion on these "dangerous" thinkers must lead to something... right? Or will it all be to no avail? I figure that most guys here are in their 20s and average IQ must be somewhere around 115 so I wonder if we will ever see the result of all of this in action in the coming years.

We are truly the real dissidents, I mean where else on the Internet or real life are discussions like these allowed, tolerated or even had?

>> No.20572578

>All in all, I really wonder what will come of this. Years of intense discussion on these "dangerous" thinkers must lead to something... right?
Our Traditional Ubermensch Führer will arise from /lit/ and conquer the world

>> No.20572596

eat my ass

>> No.20572617
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>Why did you attach an image of Adolf Hitler to your post?

What kinda question is that even?

>> No.20572623

The best you'll get is more violent incidents of Supermarket Sweep, and these are only ever used to enlarge the coalition against surplus males. That's the real value of all your output, target practice for your enemies.

>> No.20572627

Noticed that no-one can refute them, they just have to say you're larping? Seems like there might be some truth to the tradlarpers.

>> No.20572654

I voted for Trump twice, and I'm closing /lit/ for the day because of this post.

>> No.20572787
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>> No.20572838

blumpf is still good to vote for, his flailing idiocy undermines respect for liberalism globally and he seems to seriously frustrate cosmopolitans

>> No.20573134

Literally meme.

>> No.20573151

What better way to condemn the people I hate in Washington by voting for the person they hate most to be their boss?

>> No.20573154

cmon man, real trads dont vote
trump went to shit after he parted ways with Trad Lord Stephen K. Bannon

>> No.20573156

Stephen K. Bannon's Favorite Book:
>Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta

>> No.20573402
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>Traditionalists and Vitalist Nietzscheans
These two couldn't be more at odds, unless by "traditionalists" you mean pagans, in which case you're correct.

>> No.20573418

Checked and you sound like a fag, try being less political.

>> No.20573435

>Bro most leftist today are vitalist

>> No.20573462

>All in all, I really wonder what will come of this. Years of intense discussion on these "dangerous" thinkers must lead to something... right? Or will it all be to no avail?
Most people come here because they are neets/incels/socially maladapted/undesirables so no, nothing will come of it because the same inaction that lead them to be how they are will stop any movement from actually ocurring.

>> No.20573467

>The only thing the traditionalists have in common is resentiment.
Guenon and Evola are actually the opposite. They basically embody the values put forth in the Laws of Manu, which Nietzsche considered the prime example of non-resentful aristocratic Aryan morals, which were transcendental in themselves but still "life affirming." The transcendental aspect only adds to the affirmation of life by making life itself transcendent.