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File: 29 KB, 867x315, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20569079 No.20569079 [Reply] [Original]

Does Zizek explore this idea more in any of his books? He has about 40 books and idk where to start.

>> No.20569082

Less than Nothing

>> No.20569106

Peace talks immediately would have helped, but bojo talked them out of it till after the 45billion blood money got approved. The world has gone insane

>> No.20569197

Who the fuck is Zizek?

>> No.20569228

The system's neatest trick
>Today, one cannot be a leftist if one does not unequivocally stand behind Ukraine. To be a leftist who “shows understanding” for Russia is like to be one of those leftists who, before Germany attacked the Soviet Union, took seriously German “anti-imperialist” rhetoric directed at the UK and advocated neutrality in the war of Germany against France and the UK.

>> No.20569238


Slavoj Zizek is a living Slovenian philosopher who has been fashionable for at least the past twenty years, in the tradition of "fashionable" philsophers such as Foucault and Derrida. Although Zizek has written several philosophical works and pieces of cultural commentary which show familiarity with Marx and Hegel, he has also adopted political opinions more closely aligned with (neo)-liberalism, to the annoyance of the Left.

>> No.20569251

>petite-bourgeoisie academic has petite-bourgeoisie opinions
I don't know who the 'left' is but whoever they are they must be pretty stupid as to be bothered by that.

>> No.20569275
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>The highest heroic effort of which old society is still capable is national war; and this is now proved to be a mere governmental humbug, intended to defer the struggle of classes, and to be thrown aside as soon as that class struggle bursts out into civil war. Class rule is no longer able to disguise itself in a national uniform; the national governments are one as against the proletariat!

>> No.20569346

as usual, western dissidents idealize russia for their own ends and get confused and angry when eastern europeans who have real experiences of what a nightmare russia is don't play along with the fantasy. thanks, i'd rather take my chances with nato

>> No.20569872

>western dissidents idealize russia for their own ends
No one idealizes Russia except tankies (a minority of the Left) and there are no "ends".

>> No.20570240

Any Westerner who supports Russia is a weasel and a traitor who will never understand why Socrates drank the hemlock when he could have saved himself.

>> No.20570261

>Grass will be greener
As a fellow eatsern european, stop trying to replace your old master with a new one and try to become independent.

>> No.20570300

The thing is, America isn't on the doorstep of eastern Europe, doesn't have a history of occupying them, trying to destroy national identity, or flood then with ethnic Americans to try and annex them. It's a marriage of convenience, America is a much lesser threat to eastern Europe than Russia.

For a mirror image of the relationship you can look at Cuba, they've been directly threatened by the USA who invasion and assassinations. To them, Russia is no threat because it's far away and doesn't want to invade Cuba, so it makes sense to keep them as a powerful ally to ward off the USA. It's pragmatism.

>> No.20570377

Russian puppet.

>> No.20570425

Nato/US puppet is what that is.

>> No.20570434

Current Russia? Why would they?

>> No.20570439

Nato bombed various Balkan countries, the equipment given to Ukraine is in the form of a loan, Ukraine owes money to imf. They are still slaves but the master is far away.

>> No.20570464

.05 kopecks have been deposited into your account

but you might have to share it with all the other brainwashed shills itt

>> No.20570470

NATO stood back while the likes of Srebenica went on in front of them in the Balkans. NATOs greatest crime has been its ineffectiveness, but even so its soft power has probably done far more to keep the west intact that is obvious.

>> No.20570472

>doesn't have a history of occupying them
America occupies the world which is precisely why holdouts like Russia or Iran must be ostracized and punished for not bowing down before American hegemony.

>> No.20570492

Polish cockroach butt hurt?

>> No.20570504

>NATOs greatest crime has been its ineffectiveness
But the wars were exactly what it wanted to remain relevant. But it seems to be making a huge overreach with Ukraine and China and has shot the west in its collective foot. Wrecking the EU a part of the plan? I doubt it. Though parting the UK from it was their intent

>> No.20570507

> Nooo you have to be idiotically loyal to the people trying to destroy your country and bloodliiiine!! If we don't have nuclear war over a made up country to cover our leaders' greed, ambition, and crimes you are a heckin traitor!!!

>> No.20570518

>Yeltsin invades Chechnya in a much more brutal war than we've seen in Ukraine for a much worse pretext
>not a peep
>no-one in the west gives a shit
>Putin invades Ukraine in response to a military coup and an enemy alliance on its doorstep
At one point you need to take a step back and look in the mirror and wonder why you're only compelled to care when the Russian leadership says no to international interests.

>> No.20570545


>> No.20570567

You could read the book he wrote about the pandemic where he says that communism is just doing what the WHO says.

>> No.20570626

The hatred for the invasion of Ukraine has a lot of reasons behind it. It's why Russia isn't being supported much by their allies.

1.It allows Russia to control a large chunk of the world's export food supply, blackmailing the third world and China

2.It allows Russia to cannibalize Ukraine like Hitler did Czechoslovakia, basically a large fear of the snowball effect causing WWIII. If China joined in opportunistically a lot of people would be dead now, many thought that would happen (thank god China was smarter than that)

3.Basic hatred of eastern-oriented slavs as a people and the bullshit they do, combined with NATO hatred of revanchism

4.The last time Russia seized Ukraine they starved 1/4 of the population to death, seized all the the other breakaways eventually with the help of Nazi Germany, and then let them be ravaged in WWII

5.Fucks up the world economy at a critical junction, ruining literally everyone's plans for the future (but especially Europe's)

>> No.20570643

Only a weak person, a real runt of the litter, would feel enough resentment against the society that bore him to search out and believe the wacky nonsense that you do. You're a failure who blames society for your resentment, but in the end you have nothing to blame but yourself.

>> No.20570711

Are you a shameless leftist hypocrite pulling the "ultra patriotism" card to try to get the people you otherwise attack and hate to do what you want, or are you a brain dead conservative zogbot who thinks "patriotism" is doing whatever the USG, Biden, Pelosi, etc tells you? Curious which direction you are coming from.

>> No.20570759

Everyone acting like Ukraine isn't a corrupt shithole, owing them this, needing to give them that. It's ridiculous. Russia should be put in their place, but Ukraine can suck this one right up and get over it.

>> No.20570770

The US love creating welfare queens abroad, first Israel, now this.

>> No.20570948

I'm a westerner who loves the western values that formed me, because I have succeeded in the West. You're loser who has to spend every hour of his life on /pol/, engaging in a loony cult of resentment to make himself feel better about his own failures. You're a typical slave-invalid filled with Nietzschean ressentiment because you tear open your own wounds and blame the rest of the world for your pain.

>> No.20571047

Zizek supports Magna Evropa? B-but you guys told me he was Reddit!

>> No.20571054

Buck status =

>> No.20571057

Yes. Heil Evropa, heil Spencer. Dissidents, fifth columnists and traitors face the wall.

>> No.20571060

Slovenians are some of the trashiest and stupidest people I've ever met. I think they're a fake country like Ukraine, but they were raped so many times by both Western Euros and Slavs that they can't tell what they are anymore.
>I'm a westerner

>> No.20571062

“Evropa”fags are literally 30 iq

>> No.20571082


Sorry I don't know what that means, I was too busy enjoying my life in the West to find out.

>> No.20571098

It means you're a Jew.

>> No.20571103

Yes, I am Jewish. And? Cry about it more.

>> No.20571123

It wasn't hard to tell, icchantika.

>> No.20571127

I bet you also could've told me how I was trans huh?

>> No.20571180
File: 166 KB, 590x747, adorno123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Hegelians love carrying water for Americans? Is there a passage in Phenomenology that explains it?

>> No.20571200


>> No.20571227

>vatnikes are reduced to shilling on /lit/
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

>> No.20571232

By "Jew", I assume you're referring to an imaginary concept you use to blame all your personal failures on.

>> No.20571306

I agree, these pro ukraine fags must be going insane getting news about the ongoing genocide. World would be a better place if all slavs died a gruesome death.

>> No.20571353

>hack shills for the billionaires
big surprise

>> No.20571370

The biggest enemy of "western values" is the American government and globohomo regime you retard

>> No.20571373
File: 64 KB, 500x464, giy3rfxkc3251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is getting ostracized because it invaded a sovereign nation.

>> No.20571389

...while not being the global hegemon.

>> No.20571404

At this point I'm convinced the convenience of being le funny orthodox marxoid at every event has gotten to him to be ready to write psyop articles for the powers that be in exchange for a comfy payroll. Happens every single time in history.

>> No.20571405
File: 367 KB, 492x376, pro shitposting skillz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree but ironically ;)
Bro, I can't get mad if the bait is this stale.

>> No.20571418

At least that cokehead finally admitted he's a full blown globohomo and there isn't a red bone in his body. Respect his grift.

>> No.20571422

Did he get fired from RT or something

>> No.20571427

Ya took it though, thanks for the (you). First part is a twist on what you said obviously, but I do think slavs dying out would be an improvement. May it be America's next forever war pet project.

>> No.20571443

Yet you blame le capital for all the world's evils. Lol lmao even. Only reason you got a (you) was because you had gods given fortune to beat the odds and not be born in Africa or most of Asia.

>> No.20571482

No, it's fifth estate schizos like you.

>> No.20571490

>Yet you blame le capital for all the world's evils

Where did I say that? Rent free.

>> No.20571499

It's not "fortune" that led the West to be better to live in than Africa or Asia, it's a history of making good decisions.

>> No.20571507

>No one idealizes Russia except tankies
Are you retarded? There's an significant portion of permantly online rightoids who idealize Russia because they think it's an hecking based and tradpilled nation when the exact opposite is true.

>> No.20571518

Hell, even Tucker Carlson said he was rooting for Russia when they first invaded.

>> No.20571533

if tucker says it, russia must be the good one honestly

>> No.20571561
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> its real
what a fucking hack, abiding by the prescribed "conversation"; what happened to dialectics? Can I say I've grown to hate NATO, western puppets, and still despise the Russian Government, because one has no bearing on the other,

"You hate this, so you must like that" rhetoric is so tired and obvious propaganda, I understand the general populace being this oblivious and I have empathy for them, but supposed "academics" who do this shit I truly despise

>> No.20571566

I have friends an family in Russia and Ukraine. I want the Russian government to crush themselves cripple and still subjugate their like brother government Ukraine. I've been to both countries and have no idealized notions about either off those shitholes.

>> No.20571569

It's basically finance and the misdirected will of the huwhite man.

>> No.20571603
File: 176 KB, 680x645, 4zw7p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like the Russian "culture" and "people" they see online and through multimedia not necessarily the Government, but they are still hypocrites who just love power-trips - like rooting for a heel but on a global scale

>> No.20571639

its called geopolitical hegemony

>> No.20571669

Basically, Russia is in a historic corner so its taking the whole world down with them

>> No.20571681

>sovereign nation
The nation that does not choose its own presidents or national policy is called a puppet.

>> No.20571687

Just look at who is on which side.
I'm positive that THIS time Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, CNN, and reddit are right!

>> No.20571696
File: 35 KB, 624x421, _78511927_yanuandputin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukraine decided its president. That's why Russia invaded them the first time.

>> No.20571717

The golfing "site" all parties are meeting at when their public appearance season has ended?

>> No.20571816

Who exactly are these fifth estate schizos? People online saying bad things about Biden and Zelensky? This to you is the "biggest threat to the white race"?

>> No.20572098

You have mistakenly assumed that Slavoijs view is a permanent one. How do you know he is not speaking of i.e. doing this only once, so that they could establish good conditions for achieving absolute pacifism? There isn't even a date on that image, I hope you didn't assume the temporal setting of the quoted opinion.

>> No.20573262

>meanwhile in reality

>> No.20573942

>You have mistakenly assumed that Slavoijs view is a permanent one
Of course it's not, his view depends on whatever the ""International Community"" says.

>> No.20575003

>Slovenian is pro-NATO

>> No.20575014

That sounds like left communism

>> No.20575040

>Fucks up the world economy at a critical junction, ruining literally everyone's plans for the future
good goy, this is definitely the fault of Russia and definitely not the fault of our own politicians panicking for 2.5 years over chinkcoof

>> No.20575063

viewing politics as being about assigning blame to the correct politicians is absolutely pea brained. you are an utter drone.

>> No.20575079

>the correct politicians
>our own politicians
read it again and think before you call others pea brained. Protip: the word and sentiment I never even implied is 'correct'

>> No.20575081

in what way? left communists don't call for people to stand behind Ukraine and they never took "anti-imperialist" rhetoric of bourgeois states seriously
and if it's just about agitating against taking sides in imperialist wars and for class war, then that's just regular communism: >>20569275

>> No.20575148

>And this is the real Facism, today.
I think this guy appends this phrase to random sentences as a joke

>> No.20575489

He praised Nato before many years ago.

>> No.20576422

Not realistic. There are almost no independent nations, western Europe is not independent either.

>> No.20576433

wow so zizek is volunteering to fight in ukraine? wow that's so brave! oh wait, he means YOU should get blown up in ukraine while he chills in his luxury condo.

>> No.20576501

>having objections to pointless death and violence towards young men forced to fight a pointless war is "idealizing"
the absolute fucking state of moralets. even ancient protohuman cavemen had higher empathy than these faggots. absolutely shameful

>> No.20576507

Are you retarded? 'Peace talks immediately' is basically a full capitulation to Russia. Fighting back was the only sane option, unless your a russian boot-licking sodomite, which it sounds like you are.

>> No.20576513

>don't want to suck russia's boot
>end up sucking on america's boot while russia fucks you in the ass and europe watches in the corner disapprovingly

>> No.20576522
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>Nietzschean ressentiment
I cringed out of my skin.

>> No.20576527

it is nothing but fortune that led to the white man's success, not decisions or other such free will nonsense, just being born in a certain place

>> No.20576543

how the fuck are peace talks capitulation you retarded nigger monkey, can you actually explain why you hold this dogshit opinion? will you explain yourself, or will you respond with tiresome shitflinging once you cannot defend your stupid ideas?

>> No.20576544

wow so pro-life man is volunteering to carry babies to term? wow that's so brave! oh wait, he means YOU should carry a baby to term while he chills in his wombless body.

>> No.20576572

so don't have sex then

>> No.20576616

God damn you're stupid.

>> No.20576680

Yeah what would really have helped Ukraine is peace talks at the exact moment when Russian territorial gains were at their maximum.

>The BTG strategic imperative is to control terrain to shape post-conflict negotiations

>> No.20576690


>> No.20576692


>> No.20576727
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>> No.20576737

>Russia takes terrain
>”Peace talks” lead to ceasefire
>Ukraine now unable to counterattack
>Russia consolidates positions along new front line
>Russia breaks ceasefire in a couple of years and invades more Ukrainian territory

It’s only happened twice !

>The BTG strategic imperative is to control terrain to shape post-conflict negotiations

>> No.20576754

>The thing is, America isn't on the doorstep of eastern Europe, doesn't have a history of occupying them, trying to destroy national identity, or flood then with ethnic Americans to try and annex them. It's a marriage of convenience, America is a much lesser threat to eastern Europe than Russia.

not but they will infest your country with niggers and sandniggers, make speeches against "hate crime" among other ridiculous things, why do you think politicians such as Orban exists in the first place?

>> No.20576762

>blackmailing the third world and China

so? fuck the oriental world

>> No.20576844

>why do you think politicians such as Orban exists in the first place?
Because people whose lives are shit will gravitate towards populist (left or right). There are very few racial minorities or immigrants or any leftism in Hungary AT ALL. Your brain is seriously infected by /pol/ worms if you think that these are real problems that people in Hungary face and not just bullshit 'culture war' talking points invented to allow radical forces to take power.

>> No.20577901

Zizek really cracked during this last decade, he really becamer a chomsky-tier establishment whore.

>> No.20577926

>There are very few racial minorities or immigrants or any leftism in Hungary AT ALL.
Right, because Orban doesn't let Jews flood niggers into the country that he rules over and is on Putin's good-boy list so he won't flood it with Russians. What's your point?

>> No.20577959

why would you care about someone who is recommended by youtube algorithms? He is too old to be relevant, just some Lacanian who keeps rambling about Chesterton, theology of the Dead God and how evil D.T.Suzuki is.

>> No.20577963

Every leftist is a liberal in disguise. Every single one.

>> No.20577974

Ziel ist a rambling idiot without the guts to position his stance on an issue either in the "as is" or the "as it should be" - he chooses to jump between idealism and realism which makes his ramblings sound smart to a halfwit but the moment there is any actual decision to get to in response to reality he folds and becomes a moderate lefty who thinks communism is bad hmkay but society and capitalism should be a bit nicer to mumbling retards.

Zizek if you read this: I really enjoyed listening to you when I was about 20 but the world is a much harsher place and no whites aren't at fault and yes other people are as cruel and insane and I'd say the west is the best with full conviction because look at the fucking options we have.

>> No.20577980

unironically, not wrong lmao.

>> No.20577987

ehmmm sweetie, thats called eurocentrism, so like chill ok.

>> No.20578086

There's no point arguing anything online because (especially here) beliefs are so entrenched as to be immutable and any contrary evidence to one's point is either ignored, willfully misinterpreted, or "countered" in an intellectually disingenuous way
You are all pissing into the wind and coating everyone and everything with your mediocrity
Nice thread, OP, but you should have used a twitter screencap for maximum efficacy

>> No.20578092

No one under 40 in your shithole country has any significant memories of the USSR, Tadeusz.

>> No.20578117
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>> No.20578127

>Zizek if you read this: I really enjoyed listening to you when I was about 20 but the world is a much harsher place and no whites aren't at fault and yes other people are as cruel and insane and I'd say the west is the best with full conviction because look at the fucking options we have.
Man, same feels. He was very relevant when I was young leftist 10 years ago and Occupy was going on, but at what point do you just take your own side as a white man?

>> No.20578186


He has put out essentially the same book twice a year, every year for the past decade. Take your pick.

>> No.20578204

where is this from?

>> No.20579655
File: 104 KB, 720x1080, 720px-Robespierre_IMG_2303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is what I don't understand, isn't globohomo the "west" and it's logical conclusion?
Isn't it a clear line of development from greek-pedos and roman-universalism, culminating in the davos/world bank/imf pedos of today?

>> No.20579706
File: 90 KB, 443x609, adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strange death of Marxism.
The translated Jager book is available online on archive for an hour loan. Pic rel is one of the pages, but it goes on about how clueless Adorno and Horkheimer were clueless during that project.

>> No.20579811


>> No.20579834

I love how even the modern "dissident intellectuals" get away with supporting status quo global imperial-capitalist hegemony.

>> No.20579847

Neoliberal corporate bootlicker.

>> No.20579869

>The highest heroic effort of which old society is still capable is national war; and this is now proved to be a mere governmental humbug, intended to defer the struggle of classes
Lel, sure thing Marx

>> No.20580262

Imagine being touted as one of the foremost intellectuals/philosophers of your time and your take on one of the biggest historical events in decades is exactly the same as literally everyone else, big media, academia, big business. just LOL. Sounds like all your years of "thinking" and studying are all for nothing, all the wisdom you're searching for is just right there in The Atlantic and the Times