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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2056844 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading Kindle on the bus
>Chav says through his music "IS THAT ONE OF THEM THINGS WHAT YOU READ OFF OF"

>> No.2056854
File: 43 KB, 567x519, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that one of them things what you read off of

>> No.2056853

>Live in Australia
>Followed by, 'Yeah. nah, you're alright mate.'
>Friendliest people in the world

>> No.2056859 [DELETED] 

>reading kindle on the bus
>hipster strumpet sitting next to me keeps checking out what I'm reading
>'yeah that's right baby, reading ulyssys'
>due to arousal at my intelligence and rugged charm, and possibly the vibrations of the bus she starts to get wet
>it starts to flow freely, like niagra falls, down her thighs and starts to cover the floor of the bus
>start reading aloud to her on the crowded bus
>she starts moaning
>I lay a hand on her leg and she quivers with anticipation
>she looks deep into my eyes, tearing up somewhat
>biting her lower lip
>she stutters out '...y-y-es...?'
>I calmly say in my deep husky voice 'excuse me ma'am could you move please? this is my stop."

>> No.2056867


>> No.2056882
File: 32 KB, 600x456, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that one of them things what you read off of?

>> No.2056885

op finish the story, how many times did you & the chav have sex that night?

>> No.2056898


You used public transport, everyone knows they're crawling with chavs.

>> No.2056903
File: 104 KB, 634x543, 1309372372169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading book on the bus
>Chav says through his music "IS THAT ONE OF THEM THINGS WHAT YOU READ OFF OF"

>> No.2056915
File: 18 KB, 310x206, City-Worker1-310x206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading parliamentary briefings on the omnibus
>chav says through his broken teeth IS THAT ONE OF THEM THINGS WHAT YOU READ OFF OF?

>> No.2056916

At least answer the poor man! Would you leave a blind man unanswered if he asked what a sign said, having ran into it? Chavs can't read after all. Neither can bogans.

>> No.2056920

>Reading on the bus while listening to music
>"so I can listen to music and read?"

>> No.2056921

Isn't "off of" a largely American phrasing?

>> No.2056925

I think you mean "off in", a very popular saying amongst your mothers clients.

>> No.2056926

>Reading Ulysses on the train
>Train pulls to a stop
>Guy sitting opposite me on the train gets up
>Turns around
>"Good luck with that."

>> No.2056935
File: 73 KB, 650x812, Reading-Ticker-Tape-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading ticker tape in office
>stock broker screams on his way down past my window IS THAT ONE OF THEM THINGS WHAT YOU READ OFF OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo....

>> No.2056936

Yes. If you even knew what a chav is, you'd know that they consume plenty of American culture and probably absorb the grammar.

>> No.2056938

>American culture

>> No.2056939
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 1305833608450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting on the bus reading infinite jest
>Girl comes up to me and says she adores DFW
>Tells me how he is a master at meta-fiction and getting the reader to think about literature
>I tell her I agree, but I'm trying to read
>She continues on about how DFW is her favourtire writer alongside Joyce and Pynchon
>She then says she has to get off, but first she grabs my book and writers her number on the back and says I should call her.
>After she gets off the bus I get my tipex out and cover up the number.

Pic related, but she was perttier and less slutty.

>> No.2056941
File: 9 KB, 210x240, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading book at home, alone.
>Nobody says anything.

>> No.2056943
File: 148 KB, 604x528, ladysovlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah blud, ya dun know shit 'bout being a badman.

>> No.2056944

Sup buddy. Give me that number, right now.

>> No.2056962
File: 67 KB, 640x855, 1314865547971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played.

>> No.2057032

I have an entire set of that girl.
She has nice tits.

>> No.2057044

no you don't

>> No.2057092
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>> No.2057106
File: 1.35 MB, 2000x1199, kindle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon's new marketing campaign.

>> No.2057109

Why must chavs ALWAYS speak in propositions?

>> No.2057110

The irony in that is that she probably reads better, more poetic shit than you that music would spoil.

>> No.2057115


Excellent post. I miss early 2011.

>> No.2057572
File: 78 KB, 500x511, cutiemarkcrusaders(via Baby Dashie by ~MaximillianVeers on deviantART)AHHHHHHBUBUBUBUBBU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.2057646

I believe that it's a fair mistake for those that may not be completely familiar with aforementioned electronic nicety. The chav maybe have simply been curious, though, forgetting the name, or not being enveloped by information about the said e-reader, could only manage recognise it by purpose. And yes, the Kindle is a thing that you read off of.

Another example is... my Nan, of all people. She is a clever lass that, having gone to university to read chemistry, went on to successfully fill multiple research positions. Although, when, one day, she asked me to stop playing with my mobile, to which I told her it was not my mobile, she responded with "oh is it you music... thing?"

I propose that this is not stupidity at all, in both cases; in fact it is accurate physical deduction with comprehension of the accessories operation. They are only missing complete recognition.

My second proposition is that you, OP, are a prejudice bell-end.

>> No.2057651

cool classism, britfucks

>> No.2057691

OP was just scared that the chav was going to start on him and steal his pricey electronic shit, which is a fairly reasonable deduction to make, and it is that fear which motivates hate.
That, and they're irritating.

>> No.2057698


like i said, cool classism, britfuck

>> No.2057700

Problem, officer?

>> No.2057708



>> No.2057712

kill the poor

>> No.2057716

eugenics for teh freakin win... ppl should really google ayn rand... when are people going to learn that ppl are poor for a reason... (because they have evil souls i.e. hitler in past life and/or bad genes)

>> No.2057718

can't tell if troll or not

>> No.2057720
File: 40 KB, 306x446, euromad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american
>walk in a bar
>bartender says
>hassit gooin bruster pull yerself up a seat an wheel see if weh caint pour yout sem pisen yeh like jack? anna way got pokes a tobaccer or packs iffin yer fancin to em, AY CHET TURN UP DA HANK WIYUMS
>it's going to be a good day

>> No.2057726

if we do that then the lesser rich become the poor


>> No.2057730

It's not a troll, it's a joke you worthless idiotic 4chan cunt.


>> No.2057740

I mean I genuinely mistook you for a retard.

>> No.2057756

Cool racism shitfuck.

>> No.2057758

I took you correctly for one.

>> No.2057778

You strike me as awfully upset just because I didn't 'get' your joke.
Histrionic at all?

>> No.2057788

I don't see it as a personal insult that you didn't get it, just that you are quite obviously retarded because you take everything at face value. Why don't you stop being shit at everything?

>> No.2057795

I never said you took it as an insult, just that you're upset because you're not getting the kind of attention you were looking for. Are you a woman? You sound like a woman.

>> No.2057813

You're talking some shit about "histrionics" when it has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've said. You're doing some weird projecting bullshit based on someone you know. That combined with you taking everything literally shows that you should probably get checked for autism.

>> No.2057815


lol british is a race?

>> No.2057833

Based on what you've said? Of course it is. Based on your reactions, you're clearly very sensitive.
Histrionic little bitch.

>> No.2057839
File: 106 KB, 682x400, dad13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he was planning to get one for his kid

>> No.2057858

Histrionic is what you call an attention seeking drama student who won't stop yelling all the time. You don't know what you're talking about because you know nothing. Why the fuck are you on a book board? We don't discuss Andy Mcnab or sports autobiographies here.

>> No.2057870

Okay well lets see here:
I'm more pretty than you; I have more friends; More people like me; I have more fans. Yeah and all that shit.

>> No.2057873

fans of what?

>> No.2057875

Lol my trip of course.
Can anyone guess which tripfag I am?

>> No.2057882

Gonna take a guess and say it's one of the shitty ones.

>> No.2057883


>> No.2057884

>implying I'm wrong.

>> No.2057886

>implying outside of /g/

>> No.2057889

>Implying it's only a /g/ thing.

>> No.2057895

>implying it isn't a /g/ thing

>> No.2057897

4chan brand of human toilets

>> No.2057899

oh u

>> No.2057902

epic win

>> No.2057906

Keep /b/ out of /lit/

>> No.2057908

what a lulzy troll... fail troll is epic fail....

>> No.2057911

Why are you still posting in this thread? Are you retarded?

>> No.2057916

cant tell if serious or troll -_- xD xD xD

>> No.2057921

You're not the person I was originally trolling, are you?

>> No.2057924

I, VeiL, quite envy your style. I offer my invitation to you.

Join the VeiL Brigade.

>> No.2057931

invitation accepted