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/lit/ - Literature

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20567813 No.20567813 [Reply] [Original]

Now what

>> No.20567816

>I have a good idea for a book
you thought

>> No.20567824

Choose your word processing software of choice and start writing. Establish daily or weekly goals in terms of pages or word count. Make sure you know your story/subject and have all the chapters planned out. Read your sentences out loud to see if they're making sense. Establish a writing style. Have another pair of eyes that you trust look at it to provide feedback. Worry about publishing when it's done and edited.

>> No.20567825

I don't think you have a good idea.

>> No.20567827

Keep it to yourself until you die. We have enough books already. Like, seriously: There are just too many books. How is anyone supposed to even read all that shit? Just STOP

>> No.20567832

do some outlining, dont get too caught up in outining though. then down some aderall/ritalin/caffeine pills/other stimulant and sit down and write

>> No.20567850

Isn’t there like no point in publishing? I want to write a successful book but I’m scared my book is just going to drown in a sea of other stories and novels and I don’t want to waste my life writing a book that isn’t successful
>take some adderall and write
That’s what Im doing rn lol

>> No.20567968

write about it?

>> No.20567979

what's it about (you can be vague, i'm just curious)

>> No.20568135

post apoclytpic coming of age story based around a group of friends growing up in a wasteland where as they age and get older, society begins to heal and rebuild itself. Kind of like a mix of Stand By Me and Fallout/Mad Max)

>> No.20568146


>> No.20568154

Tell people the short version of it.
I mean verbally. Tell your friends. Your family. Watch their eyes, their body language. If they get bored, improvise or go back and change it. If they get excited or lean in at some points, then embellish it. Take this feedback on boad, adjust and tell other people. Refine and repeat this until you have a well-oiled exciting anecdote. Now write this as an outline and plan the chapters. As this anon said, >>20567824 set weekly goals.
If you're like me, try and write out the first draft as quickly as possible, don't worry about syntax, grammar or even plot-holes. It's easier to write a polished second draft if you have a messy first draft. Then repeat. Get trusted second opinions, maybe even from someone who liked your oral telling of the story: see how their reaction compares - what was lost? what was gained?
Most importantly get that first draft completed. Most anons will never finish the first draft and fewer still will see it to some kind of completion, giving up with a quarter length 10th draft.

>> No.20568181

>i have a good ide-
no no no you're doing it all wrong that's how you know it's a terrible idea back to the drawing board boyo

>> No.20568940

>be me
>check my goodreads stats
>dots show publishing dates of books I read
>range goes from 500 BC to 2022 AD
>most dotes are on the upper end
>just a few in the Middle Ages and Ancient times
I'm only scratching the surface

>> No.20568959
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Make an outline.

>> No.20569287

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20569302

You have a couple of options
>1. Mentally jerk yourself off, but do nothing
>2. Attempt to write. Fail.

>> No.20569335
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5 runs, i tried 5 times to write my favorite topic. I finished during i cant write on my favorite topic 1 500 page book. Wrote 700 pages on its second part, created countless drawings, and poems. But i cant finish my favorite topic. Does this happen in your country?

>> No.20569441

Focus on compiling what you did write (or draw) into something final. You felt the urge to write it for a reason.

>> No.20569579

Yeah i published my fox drawing after 250 hours. Now i am unhappy and start working again. It never ends.

How ever the sifi i cant end, i tried to make it like an ode, (with out being rhythmic all the time ofc) And it crushed my Characters to sth. pitifully and broken, like from an action comic. I tried to give every line a meaning with out loosing the core of my story (the start of an post apocalyptic world.) I mad so much afford to combine symbolism with naturalism and poesy, that my characters got crushed to insignificant points in an meaning rich landscape. They feel flat insignificant and with out purpose, the bad as well as the good. They feel all like being driven by instinct and have no value in them self. Jet i chant change it or I loose my descriptions of the environment.