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File: 7 KB, 220x195, 220px-Christopher_Hitchens_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2056637 [Reply] [Original]

Will any of you guys be going to this?

I love the fact that Hitchens will be speaking but I'm not sure if I can justify the exorbitant prices.

>> No.2056638

Forgot the link:

>> No.2056640

I was thinking about it, but the dates look like they might clash with the Global Moronic Dogmatist Convention. I feel like I'm being torn in half. I didn't know Hitch was going (I thought he must be dead by now; maybe the prayers of the faithful are working) so you might have swayed me OP. I'll have to wait until I find where Dawkins is speaking though.

>> No.2056641

Why the fuck would I want to attend a Global Atheist Convention?

I mean, I'm an atheist, but I also don't believe in leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy. You don't see me attending any global conventions for people that don't believe in leprechauns.

You give religion more power when you start holding conventions for people that don't believe in its goofy bullshit.

>> No.2056643

sounds like the mecca of the atheist world...people who believe that there is no god getting together and celebrating their shared belief...paying respect and homage to the celebrated figures within their movement...

>> No.2056644

Well I'm a big admirer of Hitchens oddly enough, I think Dawkins is a conceited, smarmy fuckwit.

At the risk of looking like an obnoxious non believer, I think it would be great to see Hitch talk live.

>> No.2056646

Neo-atheists are so cute. They're having their own revivals now and everything.

>> No.2056651

I have no interest in such a thing, but since you mentioned prices I looked them up, and yeah, that is pretty steep. Also, it's in Australia, and I don't want to be torn apart by spiders.

>> No.2056657

If I have to start attending conventions for everything I DON'T believe in, I'll never get anything else done.

Anyone know when the Global Bigfoot Skeptics Convention is being held?

>> No.2056665

You're so edgy, I bet you do well on weekends.

>> No.2056667
File: 8 KB, 250x322, hitchens5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well he really be speaking?

I heard he had to cancel the one in Australia because he lost his voice or something?

>> No.2056669

>lost his voice

You mean satan stopped whispering in his ear??

>> No.2056671

Yeah, he's going to physically be there. Not just via live feed.

>> No.2056672
File: 40 KB, 560x432, haha_oh_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good one

>> No.2056670

I hate those smarmy anti-neo-atheists, they're the worst

>> No.2056673

A whole convention hall filled with athiests?
This is a horrible idea. Outspoken athiests are the worst fucking people on earth. Seriously, fuck you guys.

>> No.2056675


I guess in Scotland it's not so much of an issue but certain parts of america and other parts of Europe I think it's pretty hard to be an Atheist.

>> No.2056678

it ain't hard anywhere, you big dummy.

>> No.2056680

The way you constructed your sentence leaves ambiguity on the subject of whether Europe is part of America or not.

>> No.2056684


i hope you're trollin


I meant other parts of europe than Scotland

>> No.2056685

everywhere is a part of america

>> No.2056699

I know what you meant, but your sentence was poorly constructed. I also know I'm being an ass but what else have I to do this morning? Not much, sir. Not much.

>> No.2056709

ITT: Deeply butthurt religious faggots.

>> No.2056728

>people discussing as to whether to go to the convention or not in a civilized manner
>butthurt religious faggots
How does it feel being a 14-year-old who just left Catholicism?

>> No.2056737

Oh yeah, I'm definitely going. I went to the last one and it was awesome, but there weren't nearly as many notable speakers that time. Still, had a good laugh. Learnt a lot. Seeing all four horsemen at the one convention justifies the price for me. I doubted I'd ever see any of them in my lifetime since nothing interesting ever comes to Australia, but apparently we have a pretty sizable secular community, which gives me hope.