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/lit/ - Literature

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20565698 No.20565698 [Reply] [Original]

>recommended to me as hard sci fi
>fucking vampires

>> No.20565801

Agreed. It was dogshit, fuck the anons who shill it

>> No.20565871

i was about to buy it but vampires sounds fucken gay now way i would finish it

>> No.20565874

> Autism= superpower
> MPD = superpower (and heckin gender non-binary to boot!)
There are a lot of cool parts of the book but Watts tried to cram too much lore into too small a space. The level of mid-00's cringe emanating from it is sufficient to not recommend it.

>> No.20565929

Echopraxia is way worse, Blindsight is actually enjoyable.

>> No.20566876
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they even got wikipedia in on it

>> No.20566930

"science fiction" means there are things in it that don't really exist. "hard" means the presence of the made-up things is """explained""" by a bunch of fake science that doesn't really make any sense but looks serious because it's verbose and studded with jargon. "here's ten pages about the science behind vampirism" is pretty much the most "hard science fiction" thing you can put in your book. you got exactly the genre you asked for, it's just that the genre is a little dumb.

>> No.20566942

I liked a collection of his short stories on libgen. They throw you into a story without explanations in a way that can be pretty fun.

>> No.20567192
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Bamboozeled barely begins to describe it. It’s the weirdest book I’ve ever read and it’s not even a contest.

And no. I haven’t read Call of the Crocodile yet. Just this one. But dammit I am tempted to because of how fucking ridiculous this was especially due to the “twist” I kept seeing shilled here.

>> No.20567228

Idk. CotC is the only one I read. But you’re in for a wild and retarded ride. It’s The Room of /lit/

>> No.20568608


>> No.20569469

The TSS what you get for reading Canadian authors.