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/lit/ - Literature

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20564787 No.20564787 [Reply] [Original]

It can be a full collection or just standalone stories. Classic or contemporary, you choose.

I'll start with:

> Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang
> Impossible Dreams by Tim Pratt
> Article of Faith by Mike Resnick
> Cash to a Killing by Manuel Gonzales
> A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury
> Guts by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.20565511

several of Borges' are essential for those interested in literature
but by no means *should* every human being read him, read anything or even be literate

>> No.20565552

Night They Missed the Horror Show by Joe R. Lansdale

>> No.20565627

>> Cash to a Killing by Manuel Gonzales

I just read this. I like this kind of story, and it was solid, so far as it went. But it wanted a better ending. In sum, engaging, fairly well-written, but not a great short story.

You want to read a great crime story? Try “The Weekender” by Jeffrey Deaver -- a twisty game of cat and mouse with a great ending. I might add that I've only read one Deaver novel, and didn't particularly like it, so I was *not* expecting to like this. But it's a terrific story.

Another excellent crime themed story: "The Last Spin" by Evan Hunter.

Wrt stories that everyone should read at least once: "To Build a Fire" by Jack London.

>> No.20565700

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities by Delmore Schwartz

>> No.20565755

What a trash list

Some real contenders:
Family Happiness by Tolstoy
The Good Brahmin by Voltaire
Apology of Socrates
Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.20565777

William Faulkner's Ad Astra was pretty crazy. It has this intensity you rarely see from him outside of his novels.

>> No.20565825

>Apology of Socrates
How is that a short story

>> No.20566469
File: 7 KB, 200x252, Maugham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should read the collected short stories of W. Somerset Maugham