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/lit/ - Literature

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20560801 No.20560801 [Reply] [Original]

Anons who think Kant was autism incarnate are just coping with being midwits who got filtered. Also coping with Kant actually having a social life unlike the filtered midwits of /lit/. That is all.

>> No.20560812

Most self described "autists" are just undiagnosed low IQ retards, not even midwits.
t. "autist"

>> No.20560818

Kant is immensely overrated, and all of his philosophy is based on the flawed thought that reason is anything more than an emergent property that allows active deliberation instead of just following instincts. Kant was the guy who made reason the holy grail of metaphysics and declared it to be some devine core that would lead to infalliable rules. Apparently he never talked to people because he would've quickly realized that reason was not created equal in people and is certainly not some perfect concept detached from the natural world. His "categorical imperative" is literally the simplest form of ethics and only appeals to little children. And his redefinition of the word "noumenon" is merely a repetition of platonic forms. Scratch that, it doesn't even apply to children. If morals are necessity without condition, that means you're always being moral. People do things which morally conflict, and therefore aren't always being moral. Ergo, morals are not a necessity without condition. QED. Even a child knows you can lie. Since you can, it's not a necessity to tell the truth. Imagine if someone said that it was necessary to stop every time you saw a stop sign; Kant sees people run the stop sign and says "that couldn't have happened!". He's fucking retarded.

Kant is overrated and had no impact on politics. German philosophy is overrated shit, the only exception is Nietzsche.

>> No.20560828


>> No.20560986

Kant wasn’t autistic.

>> No.20561002
File: 94 KB, 256x256, crying nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20561015

>meme is meme that's meme meme. only meme is meme meme meme meme.

>> No.20561026

I remember being 15.

>> No.20561032

>German philosophy is overrated shit
>the only exception is Nietzsche
lmao even

>> No.20561033

decent bait, little too on the nose though

>> No.20561048

Not. An. Argument.

>> No.20561101

Noumenon is not a repitition of platonic forms. Unlike forms its not perfect or sublime

>> No.20561116

al dente