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/lit/ - Literature

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20560652 No.20560652 [Reply] [Original]

>Barry tried his best to help us cope with the theft of the election from Vladimir Putin. We didn't know at that time about the more sinister plot to undermine our Democracy by the foreign agent Donald John Trump. He had been there under our noses all along, orchestrating things from small to big, always seeming to be there whenever something went wrong.

>We had tried to pass the Medicaid Bill, granting a tax free grant of $50,000USD to every United States citizen with an express statement that we would no longer stand by whilst Wall Street played fast and loose with the nations investments. But the bill had been blocked. There had been a blackout of it on all major television and web publishers. Nobody even knew it existed. What happened?

>Vladimir Putin happened, although we know this now only in retrospect.

>I remember meeting Donald John by chance one day as I was buying a pita from a street vendor outside the Russian Embassy.

>"Well hi, Don," I started to say, "how's your young son?" But Donald John cried out when he saw me, and there was money just falling out of his pockets, "what're you doing Hilary?" he shouted at me, falling onto his backside and scrabbling backwards with his feet, his hands waving as if to push away invisible enemies. "Don," I said, telling the orphans I was taking for ice cream that day to just hold fo a moment, "what's the matter?" and he screamed, "code red! code red! Moscow Moscow! golden booby imperiled, repeat, golden booby imperiled," and then Russian stormtrooprs cme pouring out of the Russian Embassy battering United Sates citizens with the butts of their rifles, kicking them with their black plastic boots, screaming and screaming and they dragged Donald John back behind the safety of the Embassy Gates.

>I thought little of it at the time, as I always think th best of people, but it ought have been obvious that Donald John Trump had been, and would remain, an enemy spy for Vladimir Putin.

>Wisdom often comes from the mouths of children, those of us unjaded to the truths of the world.

>The little orphan girl was named Svetlanka and she pointed her finger in silence at Donald John, and I asked her why, "he's a bad man," she said, "I can sense his aura and it is black."

>And I crouched down and hugged Svetlanka, tears falling from my eyes. Children are so wise.

>End of Chapter Three.

>> No.20560662

forgive the few typos, I had to retype this by hand from my hardback copy.

>> No.20560664

HRC is so KINO. Perfect foil to Trump. Biden is decent at best, mostly dull.

>> No.20560686

I fucking love Biden. Esoteric Bidenism is rising.

>> No.20560694

I’m planning to vote Biden again because it’ll piss off MIGQtards.

>> No.20560802

This belongs to /pol/

>> No.20560970

it's literally literature.

pol isn't satire.

>> No.20561206

I'll post the first piece of Chapter 4 when this post gets 100 replies - unless someone beats me to it,


>> No.20561215

I am far right and I'm voting Biden, I'd rather have a hateable and highly visible enemy at the helm than a do-nothing figurehead like Trump

>> No.20561251

I'm far right and voting for Biden for as well. I figure if we all vote Biden then we'll have something to complain about.

>> No.20561268

I'm not even memeing, I don't want more fucking Con Inc. cocksuckers. Trump and that toned down Trump replacement from Florida can blow me. Elect an Instagram celebrity and stuff the Supreme Court with 19 year old trans activists already, let the charade at least be an open charade.

>> No.20561279
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Oh yeah? War in Ukraine? Afghanistan fucked over due to a hasty retreat? You're not conservative, you're just backwards! What did Drumpf not do that Biden is doing?

>> No.20561298


same person here:
I don't support Trump btw but I'm curious what Biden has actually done.

>> No.20561476


Honestly this has nothing to do with our book club meet about Hillarys spy novel.

>> No.20561480


>> No.20561485

I don't normally use the word "cope" as I debunked it but this is just massive levels of it on an unprecidented level.

>> No.20561486

It’s accelerationism. The point is that Biden is bad, which is why he’s voting for him.

>> No.20561494


Oikiophobia. seek help

>> No.20561505

accelerationism is just pure nihilism. seek a higher purpose and create something instead of destroying something. Nietzsche would hate you guys.

>> No.20561512

Electing a retarded puppet man with dementia is based because it emphasizes how democracy is a failed illusion. Trump fueled globohomo by having a strawman to endlessly attack while he accomplished nothing in reality. It is better to promote the worst version of clown world until we all become slaves to Big Gay or the normies crack, Biden is the true far-right vote. If people can't see reality yet their kids deserve to be raped by state mandated drag queen groomers, maybe we all deserve to die.

Heil Biden!

>> No.20561524

Who gives a fuck about Nietzsche lol. I always see people saying “Nietzsche wouldn’t like X!” as if he’s gospel.

>> No.20561565

>it's literally literature.
It's literally not.

>> No.20561621
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itliterallyis /

>> No.20561692

Why are you guys talking like voting in a presidential election does anything? Further, I was under the impression that a good portion of the so called "far-right" believed that the election was stolen so what purpose does willingly having your useless votes be made even more useless serve?
At the end of the day, it's Congress that has the power and makes the decisions, why give a shit about the executive branch outside of memes just as impotent as the branch itself

>> No.20561757

MAGAboomers are not far right. They're totally distinct groups.

Democracy also doesn't matter, but not because the election was stolen, but rather that choice is an illusion and the president is a glorified spokesman.

>> No.20561772

Technically all written words are literature when they form a cohesive narrative.

>> No.20561823
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>> No.20561840

Good to see the return of
>Hail my fellow right wing chuds. Here is why I am voting for Le democrat over drumpf

>> No.20561880

Doesn't matter, my point still stands. Read more.

>> No.20561891
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so tiresome

>> No.20562174

>I was sunning myself on the roof of the White House in around 1996, when I still had my figure and I noticed Barry had climbed up on the roof to join me.

>"Hi Barry!" I said, flicking off my sunglasses, and he said his hellos. He was clad from head to toe in a large turban and a black arabian costume and was carrying a Koran under his arm, "wow," I said, "I hear that's a real good read," and we sat on the roof discussing the Koran for several hours.

>By the time the sun began to set over Capitol Hill I felt that I had become englightened, and I stood up in my bikini bottoms and cried aloud, "allah hu akbar!" and Barry joined me. He was slapping his turban with the Koran and dancing in a circle, in the manner of his traditional customs. I picked up my own magazine and followed suit, bouncing as I went.

>It was around this time that my husband was committing adultery with his intern. A fact that I would not discover until later that year.

>> No.20562559

You have a hardback copy?

>> No.20563242

Do you have a single logical counter argument to this?

>> No.20563291

>Back in 1997, when I was acting as first lady, something happened that I wish could be scrubbed by my memory. I was decorating the White House with my good friend Jeffrey Epstein when secret service came flooding in. "Dr. Clinton! Dr. Clinton!" They shouted. "Get down! There's a goblin in the panic room!"

>> No.20564060

>. Trump fueled globohomo by having a strawman to endlessly attack while he accomplished nothing in reality
This is kind of true - but it exposed more how the office of President has no real power to change anything. After suffering five or (how ever long it was in total) of having more than half of all incoming news be all about "omg look how bad trump is" I kind of agree with the election of Biden, or someone like Biden, who doesn't interfere with things.

It doesn't solve the Senate and Congress problem, obviously, but that's why there's direction election for Senators in the first place - who are overall far more important.

>> No.20564068

direct election*

>who doesn't interfere with things.
I mean: someone who may as well not be there. The personality attached to the cause tending to harm the cause, this kind of thing.

>> No.20564087


Assuming this is a quote from the book, amd man does it seem like it does, it's amazing how I can't distinguish between something she'd say in an interview, something written by a ghostwriter, and something an anon'd write for the sake of fucking with her.

And Christ, what a phony anecdote. What kinda Russian orphan speaks English? And everybody knew about DJT's unsavory Ruskie ties long before he won the election. They weren't a secret. He made Salvador Allende look subtle.

>> No.20564139

It seems like it'd be an itneresting read but really each chaptr ends up in the same way; she discovers Donald in one comprisong situation after another; he "falls to his backside and scrabbles away waving his hands" each time, and she feigns obliviousness and asks how she can help him stop being so anxious, whilst various characters around her point their finger at Donald and tell her that he's a bad man.

It's a hilarious book, to be honest. Very cleverly put together in a kind of cartoon sense of surrealism.

>> No.20564162

>telling the orphans I was taking for ice cream that day to just hold fo a moment

>> No.20564198

>I'm curious what Biden has actually done.
Made fuel more expensive.

>> No.20564880

No, he was a good man.

>> No.20564897

The Republican is both Smart and Retarded.

>> No.20565260
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>> No.20565267
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Wow, a fake excerpt. Nice fanfiction OP. Now go back to /pol/ with the politics shit and get off of /lit/.

>> No.20565277

that's an unfounded allegation, anon.
and your orange face has been noted.

>> No.20565567

Ridin with Biden ;)