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20557182 No.20557182 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that /lit/ is just an echo chamber of midwits larping and recommending books that they dont even read or understand? Literally nobody outside of this place knows or cares about Evola or Guenon.

>> No.20557184

Shut up fag

>> No.20557207

why do you feel so threatened by people pursuing their interests

>> No.20557209

>When did you realize that /lit/ is just an echo chamber of midwits larping and recommending books that they dont even read or understand?
Whenever I check the catalog

>> No.20557242


>> No.20557297

So sick of le ebin esotericism

>> No.20557305
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>When did you realize that /lit/ is just an echo chamber of midwits larping and recommending books that they dont even read or understand? Literally nobody outside of this place knows or cares about Evola or Guenon.
Every time I see a post like this.

>> No.20557310

Years ago. This place is absolute trash is

>> No.20557383
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>> No.20557387

There is only person, and its "you"

>> No.20557392

Then I suggest reddit might be better for you and your "I heckin love science" cohorts.

>> No.20557393

This place’s shitposting is much more creative than what you’d see on /tv/ at the very least

>> No.20557394

literally me

>> No.20557409

>he thinks anyone who dislikes obscurantist larpers is a bugman

>> No.20557418


There's going to be LARPers everywhere in any subculture.

I've personally read a good amount of Evola & Guenon before becoming Orthodox and spending my time reading patristics & the recent Saints instead.

I found the people who LARP about Evola the most are /pol/ types who don't care at all about metaphysics, but just want to find something that BTFOs the lefties and acknowledges modernity as bad, without actually ever abandoning their modernist frame of mind. They're too optimistic about the possibility of good political action in the modern era.

The people who LARP about Guenon the most are people who want to make up and believe whatever they want, instead of joining into and committing to believing the exclusive truth of a legitimate tradition, because they reject the validity of discursive expositions as pointing to actual truth, despite the fact that all of Guenon's writings are literal discursions. "I can ignore every explanation I don't like by virtue of the fact it's an explanation" while they just accept the explanations that they don't ignore. It's arbitrary.

>> No.20557417

Napoleon A Life was extremely successful, same with the Secret Teachings of all Ages
Idk what they're doing on that image

>> No.20557423

Fuckin obsessed

>> No.20557434
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midwit is such a pretentious word. how about YOU read instead of complaining about a website that is apparently not worth your time

>> No.20557439

Eh? It’s just Rich Evans.

>> No.20557440
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/tv/ is such a fucking disaster... pic more or less related

>> No.20557470
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sounds like you got filtered

>> No.20557496

If you are a tranny type than why be on this website at all? Literally every other website will not allow racists

>> No.20557512

>tranny type
I'm not, but I am comfortable with my views being challenged, and I'm obviously aware of what to expect from this site in general. /tv/ is an embarrassing cesspool though, irredeemably corrupted by /pol/ overflow and empty circular shit-flinging.

>> No.20557529
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>Literally nobody outside of this place knows or cares about Evola or Guenon.
Couldn’t care less t b h

>> No.20557539

Who's the fourth statue next to Dugin?

>> No.20557542

/pol/ backwash isn’t even the worst aspect of /tv/

>> No.20557543

Evola pbuh

>> No.20557546

>Napoleon biography
>traditionalist esoteric

>> No.20557549

>I found the people who LARP about Evola the most are /pol/ types who don't care at all about metaphysics
This is big cringe and I agree
I always tell pol fags to read Guenon first

>> No.20557555

Is the Napoleon biography a meme? I was planning to read it

>> No.20557574

>no call of the crocodile

>> No.20557599
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>Napoleon A Life

>> No.20557600

No, its actually pretty good

>> No.20557604

No it's probably the best single book you can read as someone with only passing knowledge of him.

>> No.20557653

Occultists view Napoleon with such respect while he is despised by trad catholics. Some claim he was a freemason that might have been initiated in Egypt while in his Egypt campaign, he also sent lots of french scientists to research a bout Egypt.

>> No.20557676

I've never heard of occultists focusing on Napoleon in particular, but I could definitely see tradcaths autistically seething over him despite being pretty irrelevant to contemporary politics, which I think gives away OP's inclinations.

>> No.20557677

Pretty much immediately.

>> No.20557687

He fucked up with the whole Sanhedrin stuff

>> No.20557704

He fucked up wasting his troops invading Spain and thinking he could implement the Continental System despite England being the cradle of industrialization.

>> No.20557801

>I found the people who LARP about Evola the most are /pol/ types who don't care at all about metaphysics, but just want to find something that BTFOs the lefties and acknowledges modernity as bad, without actually ever abandoning their modernist frame of mind.

Correct. It’s an arbitrary casting about for something that condemns modernity and thereby justifies their suffering and impotence in it. Le epic unabomber man and edgy italian fascist guy are readymade solutions for these people. Almost all of the Evola shills here are clueless adolescent /pol/tards for whom Nietzsche has never existed.

>> No.20557984

>Le epic unabomber man
refute him

>> No.20558007

Don't start the autism war. Don't do it.

>> No.20558169

Literally a Rockefeller psyop to turn the west away from christ

>> No.20558187

According to Guénon he was initiated into Sufism and received the name Ali in Egypt.
Everything you say here is true, just ignore the LARPers, people who are LARPing and not living have not truly read either they are still in the reading phase trying to figure it all out,

I have seen many misappropriate evola to justify fascism and materialistic racism, all underlain still by a sort of rationalism,
And I have seen Guénon used by people who want others to associate him with them, and who espouse anti-christian rhetoric, many neopagans pretend to have read both. They try to show people up with guénons anti-rationalistic arguments and then that's when they try to infuse people with their rubbish ideology.

>> No.20558192

A good indicator of someone's familiarity with Guénon is if they just dwell on the biographical details like guénon practicing Sufism to the end of his life, and so on.

>> No.20558226

>turn the west away from christ
What do you even consider to be the west? America and protestants made a joke out of crhsitianity, for you fags going to church is now going some random stadium to listen to a televangelist priest multimillionaire living in a mcmansion tell you to donate your salary to Israel. Catholicism is also a cancer but at least it still keeps lots of its original traditions. Christianity is not a western religion, its an oriental/mediterranean hebraic religion with mainly Greek and Roman influence, you can even discuss all the possibe influences in Judaism or Greek thought that most likely trace back to Egypt, Persia Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Assyria and some even claim India. Christianity was a syncretic religion from day one.

>> No.20558277


America had more decent, family-based Christian piety prior to the massive attacks on it in the 60s, where the Rockefellers & CIA funded psychadelics/Hindu cults to push the American culture away from basic Christian morals & beliefs.

If you look into the McChurches that you rightfully condemn, you will necessarily find fed influence.

>Christianity was a syncretic religion from day one.

Stop interpreting history like a Marxist.

>> No.20558283

This is actually a great chart to introduce people to these great works. Thanks for posting

>> No.20558381

>I am comfortable with my views being challenged
>except when I can't win