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20552045 No.20552045 [Reply] [Original]

I've started listening to Chapo Trap House and getting more into politics, specifically leftist politics. What are some good books (on theory or history, even fiction) that would help me learn more about this subject? I know the hosts wrote a book and I just bought it on Amazon, but what are some others that you would recommend?

>> No.20552046
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552049
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552050
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552074
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>>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552077

Reject politics, make up your party

>> No.20552081
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>>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552128

It's an accessible, funny way to learn about progressive subjects and critiques of capitalism and neoliberalism. Why are you guys making fun of me?

>> No.20552133
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552140
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552145

All 3 volumes of Capital
German Ideology
State and Rev
Collected works of Stalin

>> No.20552148


Because /lit/ is irrationally jealous of anyone who can make a living doing the same kind of shitposting you can find in any thread on /lit/

Rev Left Radio is another really great podcast that cuts back significantly on the cum jokes and irony poisoning. Worth looking into.

Otherwise Howard Zinn is often considered a decent entry into leftist politics. A People's History of the United States and so forth. Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine is also really good for framing America's particular brand of Chicago School capitalism within a broader historical and cultural context.

Don't feel the need to dive right in to the stuff that's more explicitly political theory. There's too much theory and not enough materialism in the modern leftist movement. Buncha poli sci grad students jerking each other off over who's read the most obscure Russian political theorists.

Which is another reason people don't like Chapo. That and the fact that they earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year podcasting while also disparaging the work of real activists actually out in the community trying to build class solidarity. In a lot of ways they're centrists in Bernie masks.

>> No.20552152

Howard Zinn was a crakkker zionist
Read Settlers

>> No.20552162
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552173

Based. /lit/ is an unapologetically tanky board. We need to run these rightoid mystic obscurantists and centrist cucks out of here and hoist the flag of hammer and sickle.

>> No.20552197
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>he thinks people are actually jealous of Chapo soibois

Yeah, I'm definitely jealous of some glorified children who mentally masturbate each other to an audience of unquestioning pseuds for a living.
That's not even to say anything about their politics. I've tried to listen to them before and they come off as impossibly smug and obnoxious, just like their listeners. You would have to pay me an unbelievable amount of money for me to do that.

>> No.20552201
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If you're not being ironic, read Engels':
''Principles of Communism'', ''The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State'' and the first 40 pages or so from ''The Condition of the Working Class in England''

Then you should start reading Marx:
Critique Of Hegel's Philosophy of Right -> Thesis on Feuerbach -> Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 -> Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte -> German Ideology -> Civil War In France -> Critique of Gotha Program -> Das Kapital (or an abridged version of your choice)

have fun

>> No.20552208


>> No.20552244

Watch leftism today or Pilleater, chapo is fucking gay

>> No.20552279
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552283

Chapo is pro-violence. They're just a bunch of faggot Marxists who leech off of their dumb fans who give them over a million USD monthly to make some shit podcast where they let their brains leak out into their microphones. OP Is a fucking idiot. Stay the fuck away from ''Leftists'' the same way you should stay away from their right-equiveland. They're just leeches who want money, they don't believe in what they say or they are actually mentally-ill.

>> No.20552290
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>> No.20552300

It's honestly laughable how people engage in ''revolutionary'' ideology today, as all the manpower and intelligence needed to actually achieve such now rests on a cough working 9-5. Nobody gives enough of a shit to do anything, nor is there really any reason to do such and so; in the sense that the revolutions people stride for today are irrelevant and their tactics and thought are backwards. Somebody has to write a proper book on ideology, the modern day and the modern man especially; A way of thought that will rid the modern man of his sickness, whilst also cleansing him of the filth which is stained upon him from the distant past

>> No.20552305 [DELETED] 

It's for twelve year olds with tree genders, anon.

>> No.20552311

>>20552128 #
It's for twelve year olds with three genders, anon.

>> No.20552312

see this is why no one likes leftists. if any working class person points out communism fucking sucks and the people that promote it are all douchebags, they pull rank and start bragging about how much more money they make than you or how elite their eduction is compared to you or whatever. they need to take a diversity and inclusion workshop to learn how to listen to marginalized voices, like, you know, the working class.

>> No.20552319

>they are just jelous
Amerilard debating tactics.

>> No.20552324

the workers are just jealous of all our money the communist said unironically

>> No.20552326
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

>> No.20552329
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No one likes leftists because they're extremely autistic people who praise dictators who killed trannies like them. When you're so mentally ill' you make defending the holodomor, and Stalin molesting a 13 year old girl your identity - nobody wants to be your friend or listen to you.

>> No.20552345

We only like Stalin because he killed all the right people - Jews, Communists and Homosexuals

>> No.20552352

This. The attitude of modern leftists is the biggest detriment to the spread of their ideology.

Nobody likes capitalism and nobody trusts the ruling class. The problem is that discussing leftist ideology has become a tool of the bourgeoisie and millionaire champagne socialists insist on dividing everyone by race, gender identity and sexual orientation.

>> No.20552357
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>> No.20552359

basically anything by Marx
conditions of the working class of England
The marx-engels reader

>> No.20552367 [DELETED] 

the left started that because communist economics was a total failure so they had to pivot to identity shit to try to undermine the west because some guy in the teamsters who owns his own house and car has no "material" interest in communism.

>> No.20552519

I listen to it occasionally and it just seems like they haven't thought through any of the issues they talk about. I know it's not supposed to be a wonky podcast or anything but it just gets tiresome.

You shouldn't want any of these things. Lurk more. If you have to consoom product in audio format maybe check out radio war nerd, the funky academic, and auron macintyre

>> No.20552598

just admit you don't know any real socialists/communists, anon

>> No.20552628


>> No.20552635

don't worry OP, these chuds are the kind of folk who get made fun of on the show... i find it empowering in a way, since we're surrounded by THEM online and irl

>> No.20552649
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do tell us about it

>> No.20552675


>> No.20552688 [DELETED] 

i assure you i've known more "real" communists that you have

>> No.20552741
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>> No.20552746
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I haven't heard anything of them in so fucking long, I'm curious, di they go full FSB shill mode since the Ukraine invasion?

>> No.20552755

Alright after this post the only plausible scenario is you actually started listening to Cum Town and thought this would be a funny shitpost.

>> No.20552762

jeez oh man yeah i sure am peanut butter and jealous of the Fake Kommunist Kontent Krew and would definitely prefer to run a blue dog dem react stream and/or unfunny podcast over a much cooler & less degrading CIA job somewhere else yeah man you got me there

>> No.20552776

>In a lot of ways they're centrists in Bernie masks
Exactly, they are an edgy Pod Save America.
Spending years making fun of liberals only to end up spending four hours on Hasan's stream trying to convince Christian Walker that trans women are real women - the average libtard wouldn't even bother. Making fun of inflation and supply chain issues by calling them treats the same day as Jen Psaki.
Millenials leftists wanted to vote for Dems but were ashamed and Chapo helped hem.

>> No.20553497


>> No.20553528

>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House [...]
It's already over for you. Might as well order estrogen pills and some nice sturdy rope to complete the internet leftist's life cycle.

>> No.20553554

Literally just read Marx and Engels. Start with the communist manifesto and then move onto Marx's smaller works like critique of gotha program. Capital is a bit dry for a newcomer. Ignore everything contemporary until much later on, and especially ignore everything written by an american, they're retarded and they filter everything through their retardation.

>> No.20553577


Kill yourself, lefttard swine.

>> No.20553685

The capitalists infiltrated the left wing with race and gender ideology and they infiltrated the right wing with libertarianism. The working classes cannot vote left wing because doing so means their country will be flooded with low IQ barbarians, their sons will have their penises chopped off, they will be constantly moralised and purity tested (totally contrary to historical left wing movements such as USSR which made homosexuality illegal). And they cannot vote right wing either because the right supports their economic exploitation. It’s perhaps the greatest psyop in history.

>> No.20553723

Communism just means kike, and communism biggest kike psyop. Karl Marx was a Rothschild agent.

>> No.20554083

>getting more into politics, specifically leftist politics


>> No.20554353


Don't forget the episode where they were interviewing that Rolling Stone writer and Matt Christman said--with a straight face and complete sincerity--that the police are working class comrades, actually.

Amazing how money can change a person.

>> No.20554359

Being anti-autistic is a good reason to genocide normalniggers

>> No.20554366

Read Hayek, Mises, Sowell et al

>> No.20554372

Why has communism totally collapsed on /lit/, bros? Even just 2 years ago we were fairly influential here.

>> No.20554390

I blame the division of leftypol desu.

>> No.20554400

Chapo was pretty funny and is still OK sometimes. Just don't take them too seriously. If you're interested in political philosophy you should go for a well-rounded approach: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill etc. There are charts on /lit/ that are actually pretty OK. Also, unironically read >>20554366 . You won't truly understand how profoundly soulless and evil the enemy is until you read what they actually believe.

>> No.20554405


>> No.20554413

>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House
Jesus Fucking Christ how did you miss reddit or whatever forum they're on right now ?

>> No.20554762

if he reads any of these imbeciles he will definitely become a leftist.

>> No.20554851
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imageboards are filled with neet Lumpenproles who divide into fascism or anarchism

Early 4chan was like v for vendetta, deep web, julian assange bit coin anarchism

then pol ruined everything with fascism

but there is still anarchist influence through max stirner and uncle ted threads

>> No.20554861

>chapo is vacuous glowie trite/shitty propoganda

Yeah the US sucks but douchebag leftist groups like chapo are the controlled oppositon meant to suck energy and resources from any genuinely subversive worker efforts.

>> No.20554881

Do they go after the WEF?

>> No.20554888

>worker efforts
The "workers" are all right wing and supported Trump and hate the WEF, they don't want socialism or bigger govt, since bigger govt is the tool megacorps use to keep them from growing their own business and getting out of poverty.

>> No.20554893

Wow lit has become very right wing. What are the trannies doing? They have completely failed at defeating pol, if anything they made things worse and pushed pol on to other boards.

>> No.20554955

imagine believing this
read some non-fiction ffs

>> No.20554976

No, they even make fun of people for even caring. Just like they made fun of people for complaining about inflation. They spent years talking about neoliberalism just to end up pushing austerity in favor of the dems.

>> No.20555039

Grundrisse. Ecology of Freedom. The Class Matrix.
Grundrisse is shorter than Capital, and is made up from the notebooks Karl Marx wrote before preparing to write Capital. It’s more Hegelian than Capital, and there’re various ideas discussed in there which are more applicable today than what you’ll find in Capital is (cuz he didnt finish capital ofc, it was supposed to be wayy longer and cover a lot more ground!). For example he discusses automation. Read grundrisse, before Capital if you want to read that too, but Grundrisse is the most important marxist text. Bookchin’s important cuz ecology kinda is today, and it’s clear that to cope with climate change we’ll need to change society pretty fundamentally, and bookchin’s prescriptions are pretty decent, plus he’ll help you break out of a liberal mindset about what society should ideally look like. In the Class Matrix vivek chibber despite having a morrowind name decided to do something good AKA underscore that modern leftism’s preoccupation with third world movements and «identity politics» isn’t particularly useful for making a revolution happen, especially, Mr Chibber argues, because Marx was wrong about Capitalism’s labour distribution being fundamentally undstable (marx argues this makes a revolution «inevitable», mr Chibby says this isn’t true, and that’s why ideology and organizing is important, because that’s how you’ll bring about the revolution, basically).

>> No.20555060

Why? That's what the data shows. And all the working class people I know are that way too, only the petit bourgeois (although their children are often right wing or far right) and dumb women with weak husbands are liberals/leftists, and it's more of a fashion statement/conformity than true conviction. Why would this not be the case? The global elites shill leftism as hard or harder than antifa cucks, because they understand that it is in their financial interests to have centralizations of power to surpress the economic liberties of the lower classes. They "pull the ladder up from under them" and the petit bourgeois types, who are still in the game, lap it up. You're just stupid.

>> No.20555064

So they sound useless at best, and like glowies at worst.

>> No.20555070

Wow what a pathetic pseud virgin.

>> No.20555072
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>I've started listening to Chapo Trap House

captcha: KYKDD

>> No.20555094

Like he said, read some nonfiction.
>The global elites shill leftism as hard or harder than antifa cucks, because they understand that it is in their financial interests to have centralizations of power to surpress the economic liberties of the lower classes.
Yeah right. Like these megacoprs need the government's help to squash some shitty little store. Large businesses destroy or absorb small businesses because large businesses can provide better service for lower prices.

>> No.20555095

>Chapo Trap House

Google this thinking its a music genre, read this on the wiki.

>The podcast is aligned with the dirtbag left, a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of a more casual—and often vulgar—speaking style.

So there is such a thing as civil leftists? What does a civil leftist podcast sound like? 80 year old unionists and labourist talking about gardening?

>> No.20555106

>So there is such a thing as civil leftists
It's the default. Watch any centrist/liberal news network. Civility is generally very important to the centre-left, and to liberals in general.

>> No.20555111

the most important leftist authors are Chomsky, Lenin, and Trotsky, in that order
literally don't bother with reading Marx directly. You can read a little but don't get carried away. Reading Marx might turn your brain into mush, like ice cream left out in the sun. You also run this risk by reading German Idealists. Lenin has enough excerpts from Marx to have you covered, without the risk of ice cream brain.

only autistic larpers read capital. Secondary sources are much more clear.

revleft radio is good except for anything involving the USSR post Lenin, they defend absolute clown historians like Grover Furr

>> No.20555131

Thats not an argument though, you cant promote mass immigration and wokeness and expect people to follow you.

>> No.20555136

>Like these megacoprs need the government's help to squash some shitty little store
Yes, look no further than the on-the-ground effects of the pandemic response by governments.
>Large businesses destroy or absorb small businesses because large businesses can provide better service for lower prices.
That's a nice little theory that is true only in part. You have no ability to think critically, you just memorize theories and are motivated by emotion.

>> No.20555147
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fuck marx and fuck hegel. Read chomsky and lenin

>> No.20555153

>cable news is the default for this dumb leftist cow
Yes, I'm sure le dirtbag left is very edgy, they promote LGBTQQAIP2SAI+ Pride butbat the same time they vape and swear (but don't be homophobic or racist, that's going too far). You delusional little pansy.

>> No.20555159

>Read chomsky and lenin
I'd rather learn something important than schizophrenic, anti-White jew poz.

>> No.20555169

I said civility is the default for liberals, and provided cable news as the example. You have the brain of a squirrel. No wonder you people can't read anything longer than a sentence.

>> No.20555171

lol anon I was once like you. cheers and enjoy the right, it's more fun

>> No.20555188

>Yes, look no further than the on-the-ground effects of the pandemic response by governments.
Small businesses got plenty of gibs too. But yes, they're not nearly as good at milking the government for gibs as big businesses are. Yet another reason why large businesses are more competitive.
>That's a nice little theory that is true only in part
It's one of the least controversial things one could say. All you have to do is look at pretty much any industry in the last 200 years and you'll see consolidation and a tendency towards monopoly.

>> No.20555199

>I said civility is the default for liberals, and provided cable news as the example.
Highly censored media dominated by a small clique, the default. Wut.

>> No.20555223

>>20555199 (You)
Anon asked if there's such a thing as a civil leftist. I responded by offering liberals on TV as an example. When most people think about left-leaning/progressive media, they think about a well dressed asshole in makeup sitting in front of a camera. In that sense, they are the default for liberal discourse. Was that really so difficult to understand?

>> No.20555315

Civility is the default for everyone you halfwit, it is implied by the word itself.

>> No.20555330

>You can read a little but don't get carried away. Reading Marx might turn your brain into mush, like ice cream left out in the sun.
Facts. Just look at leftcoms.

>> No.20555336

>Small businesses got plenty of gibs too. But yes, they're not nearly as good at milking the government for gibs as big businesses are. Yet another reason why large businesses are more competitive.
Small businesses were destroyed at a rate rarely seen before in US history directly as a consquence of the government response, while megacorps thrived and billionaires increased their wealth by trillions. There really isn't more to be said, you're just wrong and a total pseud, incapable of thinking for yourself or thinking critically.

>> No.20555356

Covid was just an acceleration of a natural process that took place over the course of centuries.

>> No.20555379

Yeah, civility in politics is the norm for both centre-left and centre-right. But we were talking about the centre-left specifically.

>> No.20555477

Peter Dale Scott lol

>Small businesses were destroyed at a rate rarely seen before in US history directly as a consquence of the government response
That's like... very wrong? Obviously during the great depression and even early 80s recession you say way more carnage... most of the moaning about government intervention is about all the "zombie firms" being propped up because of government policies. Anyways the more problematic thing from a liberal perspective is new business formation before COVID was already around a historic low... I think it actually got a boost from COVID but crypto scamming has drawn most entrepreneurial initiative

>while megacorps thrived and billionaires increased their wealth by trillions
That's the norm? I doubt you seriously believe laissez faire can eliminate all benefits of scale and create a more progressive wealth distribution.

>> No.20555579

>Peter Dale Scott

>> No.20555593

gonna cry?

>> No.20555605

this is how I've viewed it always. Which is why you see trannies spout crap like "fuck the workers"

>> No.20555608


>> No.20555620

>Ummm that's... like... ummm? Really? Really sweetie? Uh? Okay? Yeah..... Riiiiight.... K? Uh?

>> No.20555625

>civil leftist
>can't stop whining about Trump
not very civil of them

its funny they make fun of spergs like me but if you say "faggot" or "nigger" they spaz out. wish people were more logically consistent with slurs but that's asking too much

>> No.20555630

You are such a fucking faggot

>> No.20555639
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>> No.20555681

They're whining about Trump precisely because he doesn't give a shit about decorum and civility, which as I've pointed out is something regular libs care about a lot. This is the main difference between the "dirtbag left" and mainstream left-wing/centre-left media. The former is irreverent, whereas the latter places a huge emphasis on decorum. You're retarded for not understanding this very simple point, and I'm even dumber for responding to you.

>> No.20555701

I don't get whats so Stoic about being a constant complainer but okay

>> No.20555707

also, you're a faggot. I will rape you.

>> No.20555793

You have much less of an argument than I do, your personal experiences of meeting snobby, upper middle class whitey trotskyists are not trustworthy evidences of how an entire group of people around the world behave. The leftists you refer to are scarecrows and you know that.

>> No.20555802

I second this, but also read Lenin and Mao

>> No.20555806

muh Settlers

>> No.20555852

Can you name one legitamately good point that chomsky has made? Everything I've heard him say is retarded outside of identifying manufactured consent.

>> No.20555893
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Nothing is certain, Nothing is impossoble, chud-san

Pic unrelated

>> No.20556054

>don't engage with Marx directly to form your own opinions. just adopt someone's opinion of his work who did read him
Absolutely retarded.

>> No.20556083


>workers don't want socialism

This is your brain on NEETbux

>> No.20556310

manufacturing consent is crucial it's a funny thing to gloss over off handedly, but setting that aside he has an autistic savant memory of declassified and leaked American foreign policy stuff, and he uses this to paint an incredibly clear picture of how the pentagon, state department, and the CIA function, what really went on during the cold war, etc.
Also he is known as the father of linguistics and has apparently made contributions to analytic philosophy

>> No.20556323

>later thinkers never improve and clarify the works of earlier thinkers
>earlier thinkers always present the highest and best form of their own school

>> No.20556417

Why would you ever listen to Chapo Trap House when you could listen to Cumtown

>> No.20556442

Chapo is pretty funny when they ridicule the blend of cruelty and stupidity that characterises the American upper classes. Their CPAC episode is pretty fun.

>> No.20556483

Chapo Trap House and all other progressive podcast are not worth your time. They are fun to listen to but they don't really teach you anything properly and using them as a source for information is just building you up to being laughed at if you ever talk to someone who actually studies whatever topic they are talking about.
Chomsky hates the US intervening anywhere in any way and will oppose them even if it means denying shit that obviously happened.
To him a justified US intervention anywhere is literally impossible.

>> No.20556549

lmaoing at all the cope this inspired. you’re doing god’s work anon, keep it up

>> No.20556564

leftist politics = we have to get rid of white people
right politics = we have to get rid of non white people
This is the spiritual essence, everything else is noise

>> No.20556567 [DELETED] 

>In a lot of ways they're centrists in Bernie masks.
how do you think they got so popular? it's not because their hp lovecraft jokes are so hilarious. it's because they help to divide and weaken the democrats. where do these hundreds of thousands of dollars really come from? has anyone verified that all these big bux are coming from random baristas in brooklyn and not some conservative pac? there's no transparency, you're just let to believe it's all organic cuz "patreon" as if anything on social media happens by accident.

>> No.20556581

My political movement isn't dead in the water so I don't understand how I'm the one coping

>> No.20556944


>> No.20556978

reddit spacing

>> No.20556990

>early 4chan was like v for vendetta, deep web, julian assange, bit coin anarchism

>> No.20557032

you are definitely correct about right politics

>> No.20557043

sorry mean to say left politics here >>20557032

>> No.20557050

no, esp. in the west its the truth. stop being terminally online and touch grass homo

>> No.20557070

>and will oppose them even if it means denying shit that obviously happened.
and when has he done this?

>> No.20557080

if you showed workers a list of a socialist program they would want it. if you asked them if they want socialism they'd say they don't

give it some time and go touch grass yourself

>> No.20557154

Read Marx/Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky.

>> No.20557157

In addition to what was already recommended, read Lasch.

>> No.20557424

So you’re a leftist right? What if I’m very sympathetic to leftist economics but I fundamentally do not like trannies and gay people? As in I wouldn’t care if they’re in my society but I hate their social theory and stuff, they should be marginalized and they should not be tolerated for who they are.

>> No.20557471

>What if I’m very sympathetic to leftist economics but I fundamentally do not like trannies and gay people
Then you're the average American right-winger. Campus Conservative, libertarians, pedosatanist millionaires, landlords, fat assholes who own a small business and a boat and all the other nasty little gremlins who genuinely believe in right wing ideology are a minority. Most right wingers are people like you who will not support a political project that makes life better for people because (a) they are cynical and don't think it will work, and (b) it might make life better for people they hate so they don't want it to work.

>> No.20557490

It isn’t just me hating them. You can’t admit to me that the overwhelming majority of marxists online are idpol riddled fags? I’m not white and had marxists in my family tree who stood for something, I respect them because they were nationalists at heart who even if they believed in the ‘international socialist’ project loved their people and fought for self determination. They had values. I don’t feel myself having anything in common with the average marxist in the West

>> No.20557504

Why do you hate them?

>> No.20557505

>What if I’m very sympathetic to leftist economics
Why would you be that stupid? Left-wing economics objectively clashes with reality. To be a left-wing economist would mean you think the laws of supply and demand do not apply to reality. You're the type of people who support bat-shit retarded policies like price controls, rent controls, and high taxation

>> No.20557517

Having government-subsidized programs isn't the same as socialism though.

>> No.20557527

Honestly, both leftists and right-wings are idpol faggots who are too invested in the culture war. You both share the same economically illiterate views regardless. With the "right" you get tariffs, with the left you get price controls. With both, you get profligate social spending.
It is considering socialists support those policies. You people just lie about your intentions. There is a single socialist party in this world that does not push for government subsidization - be it food stamps, social security, pell grants or whatever government handouts can be thought of.

>> No.20557548

Are you fucking retarded? the whole point is the govt response to the pandemic helped billionaires earn 10s of trillions more and shut down small business at a rate not seen since the great depression. The argument is government enabled this, which it absolutely did, and you even agree with it. How are you on the left but don't even care that the government response basically robbed small businesses blind and made billionaires more money in 2 years at a rate higher than ever before? you're a fraud who doesn't actually care about "the workers" or whatever, you just say it because it makes you feel good, but when it comes to actually fighting for them you'd rather sit inside and theorize and call them racist instead of going after the people actually oppressing them.

>> No.20557554

>You can’t admit to me that the overwhelming majority of marxists online are idpol riddled fags?
I don't know. Probably. Social media brings out the cruellest, dumbest, most thoughtless aspects of people. But what difference does it make? Politics don't have to be about belonging to a group. The way I see it is this. I live at the mercy of the idiotic whims of global capitalism and an increasingly unstable global political and economic order. My enemies are faceless corporate entities that put carcinogens and other garbage in my food, water, and air. They're all those finance goblins whose bullshit is the reason why thousands of people lose their jobs, or why I'll never be able to afford a home without paying off a mortgage for 30 years (if I'm lucky). I think the left, such as it is (I live in Canada and we don't really have even that) can offer at least a small measure of protection against all these liars, cheaters, schemers and scammers. I don't like or hate trannies. They're ghoulish and ridiculous and pitiable but frankly I've only ever seen one in real life. I don't understand why this social issues stuff is so important to people.

>> No.20557566

And centralized govt enabled it.

>It is considering socialists support those policies
But they also support a bunch of other retarded policies that nobody wants, which keep the working class down.
>There is a single socialist party in this world that does not push for government subsidization - be it food stamps, social security, pell grants or whatever government handouts can be thought of.
Who is it? oh you mean there isn't one. You can say the same thing about most mainstream parties that aren't socialist, that isn't saying anything substantial, which is typical of socialists.

>> No.20557569

>he argument is government enabled this, which it absolutely did, and you even agree with it. How are you on the left but don't even care that the government response basically robbed small businesses blind and made billionaires more money in 2 years at a rate higher than ever before?
The initial argument was about whether government is chiefly responsible for the decline of small businesses. One line of reasoning was that government intervention is what is destroying small businesses, and how they responded to covid is proof of that, while the other is that big business is naturally more competitive and that covid just accelerated that trend.

>> No.20557576

>I think the left, such as it is (I live in Canada and we don't really have even that) can offer at least a small measure of protection against all these liars, cheaters, schemers and scammers.
All they will do is give you handouts as they flood your country with 3rd worlders and call you racist and shill tranny freaks everywhere, absolute brainlet take. And they'll shut down your energy, making everything more expensive, and you'll end up a slave in a pod. The best answer is anarchism or the most limited amount of government possible, unless you can get a divine spiritual monarch (utopian I know). Become totally self-sustainable which is also the best for the environment, if you are stupid enough to believe in "climate change". I just care about the environment, climate change is a meme

>> No.20557585

All the sides are kike sides, Welcome to modern world since the Enlightment.

>> No.20557608

Big government is used as a tool by megacorps to wipe out smaller competition, almost every leftist policy helps with this, especially environmental regulations. "Green energy" is not economically sustainable without billions in government subsidies. In oil for example, megacorps receive billions in taxpayer's money to build meme tech and get tax write-offs and other benefits, while the smaller oil companies cannot compete. What you say about big businesses naturally being more competitive is true only in part. The on-the-ground reality is small companies are often able to undercut and outperform their competitors, which is why the free market is so powerful, and why megacorps always intervene in the free market to hold on to their position of market dominance.

>> No.20557835

Chapo Trap House?
Is this 2016?

>> No.20557886

How old are you

>> No.20557889

You can tell for sure that this is lazy bait, by the way, because op added the extraneous detail that he bought the book on Amazon.

>> No.20558126

naomi klein
marx & engles
howard zinn
malcom x & mlk
w.e.b. du bois

>> No.20558203

>leftist theory
Retard pilled.

Start with Plato and Aristotle so you have some fucking sense. "political philosophy" is literally... LITERALLY... hot stinking garbage after Hegel and Kant. you are asking me to recommend to you what garbage you should consume, and I will not cooperate. get some fucking sense in your brain before ruining yourself.

>> No.20558969

Plato and Aristotle were refuted. No need to start with them.

>> No.20559034

Marxism is vapid historicism for losers who think material conditions precede social relations and other miracle seekers.

>> No.20559049

by who?

>> No.20559054

If you call ignorance a refutation then sure

>> No.20559349

Galileo Galilei for example.

>> No.20559362

Read Stasiland and stop being retarded

>> No.20559366

>critiques of capitalism
the patron saint chomsky was shilling for vaccines and lockdowns on behalf of aus rothschild
start by reading carl schmitt and you might get somewhere

>> No.20559389

Reminder that Marxism is a secularisation of Judaism. Which without the religious aspect makes it simply a death cult motivated by hatred for Western and Hellenic ideals.

>> No.20560089

What did Galileo say about Plato?

>> No.20560129

Because 4chan only knows how to be reactionary and right now being a big dumb righty is transgressive enough to give some people the push they need to get out of bed.

>> No.20560672

nothing. he's talking out of his ass. galilei wrote a book refuting aristotelian metaphysics

>> No.20560863


>> No.20561328


>> No.20561705

>makes political blogpost
>tags on "uhmmmm.... recommend me some books, I guess?
>160 replies
this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.20561882

Just admit you don't know any real working class people

>> No.20561889

I would be curious too. They always were spineless it's funny to see them get backed into corners.

>> No.20561966

The proles have always rejected your offers. You might not understand but real men want to work and have their own property. They do not want to live in your tranny kindergarten mommy state.

>> No.20561982

>ugh why does 4chan disagree with me!?
Literally insane, you are 4chan nigger you're in here with the rest of use.

>> No.20561993


>> No.20561998

You will never be a woman

>> No.20562042

lol u might as well pick up Marx

Here's some stuff
>Wage, Labor, and Capital
>The German Ideology
>Value, Price, and Profit
>Critique of The Gotha Progran
>Das Capital

I mean u can read Lenin and some other marxists, but honestly just stick to Marx

>> No.20562045

Its also very hylic

>> No.20562049

Pro-Pol Pot. As a flyover hick I appreciate the sentiment

>> No.20562135

leftist politics are about workers

>> No.20562146

Why come they all supported me not working if I didn't get a mega corporation shot? Them niggas is all gay too

>> No.20562185

Can't tell if I like the brown tomboy, fat tats, or the aryan ideal more

>> No.20562240
File: 141 KB, 1600x2416, 71rljvXXecL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh definitely the Case Against Socialism by Dr. Rand Paul.

>> No.20562273

Find a new identity to larp as. Perhaps a late roman German raider? That might be fun, grow your hair out, bathe in the river, etc