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/lit/ - Literature

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20551790 No.20551790 [Reply] [Original]

We are all anonymous here. Step forth and unburden yourself; confessions and unpopular opinions alike

>> No.20551798

I hate women

>> No.20551806

i'm a slow reader

>> No.20551807

Crimes against fictional people should be given equivalent punishment as crimes against “real” people.

>> No.20551821

Not a literary sin. Get back in line

>> No.20551835

I don't think it makes sense, if you are asked to list your favorite books, to include the religious text of your faith. The way people interface with what they perceive to be words inspired by divinity or the direct words of the divine is different from the way we interface with literature. If you mention that text, you aren't actually answering their question as it's only pertaining to literature. This does not necessarily apply to the texts of other religions though.

>> No.20551840

The personality of Mishkin from The Idiot is unrealistic. I haven’t met or heard about a single person like that in my life

>> No.20551846

i disregard anything hegelian. that shit is fucking dumb and i wont take it seriously.

>> No.20551861
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Reading is tiring and burdensome. I only do it for the learns.

>> No.20551873

No one owes you anything, but you owe it to yourself to be charitable, forgiving, patient, and so on

>> No.20551891

No you don’t.

>> No.20551963

I do not care for Joyce or Tolstoy in the least

>> No.20551978

Nabokov is my favorite author but I've never read Lolita all the way through. I've read 7 of his novels including Pnin, and almost all his short stories, the Doorbell and Lik are my favorites. But not Lolita.

>> No.20552160

I fold the corner of the page instead of using a bookmark AND I WILL NEVER STOP

>> No.20552204

there are already video games on par with the classics in terms of artistic quality

>> No.20552218

That's not unpopular, it's typical of the general population.
>WAAAAOW Life is Strange 2! It's modern literature!
>Heckin' Cinematic experiencerino!
Too bad it's false. Name a single game with the narrative complexity above pulp garbage.

>> No.20552219

Interesting thought. I think the literary potential of video games is largely unfulfilled, probably because of the extreme commercial demands placed on them.

>> No.20552230

It's not only that, most, if not all, of video game writers are really bad writers. Plus, whenever they try to make some artistic game, it's always some really bad leftist argument for no reason beyond the dev assuming american left is political left.

>> No.20552235

opposite. i like the process of reading. like a senile grandma who knits for the feeling like doing something meaningful, im dull and highly impressionable by my surroundings.

>> No.20552238

This just means open world and tons dialogue/action choices which change how the game proceeds IMO. A video game is too player dependent to approach great works of art.

>> No.20552240

Im always eager and excited to start a new book so I’ll rush through the last parts of books to move on to the next one

>> No.20552248

I am a straight cis woman too smart for my own good. Other women dislike me and men don’t find what they’re looking for. I live only to read great books and write.

>> No.20552261

Stoner is an incredibly overrated book. The story is decent. The prose is terrible.

>> No.20552270

OP said to confess not lie. Anyway people who are "too smart for their own good" are usually just annoying and not nearly as smart as they think they are.

>> No.20552293

People never believe that I’m a girl on lit so I usually just go along with the male assumption and you’re all generally a lot nicer. You got me with stupid and annoying though I’m definitely that.

>> No.20552297

Better than trying to read fast and not retaining any information because of it.
Disagree. A book is a book and if your favorite book is due to your religion then whatever. The real thing you should be mad about is that people still follow religions in current year.
You might as well just not read at all then.
Agree, this is part of the path to being a happy and well-adjusted person.
I used to do this so I guess I can't judge.
I agree, but not in a literary/storytelling sense. Games can be impressive pieces of art in their own way; it's a really unique medium with huge potential.
This isn't a bad thing as long as you're still actually focusing on the text.
Can I give you my number?

>> No.20552320

“Men don’t find what they’re looking for”

>> No.20552331


>> No.20552332

If you're stupid and annoying I don't see why people wouldn't like you. You should fit right in. Just take this guy's >>20552297 number and be stupid and annoying together.

>> No.20552343

I couldn't tell you. I'll hazard a guess that the Kubrick abortion meant that I "knew how it went" plotwise, so other Nabokov novels held more allure and mystique for me by comparison.

>> No.20552355

Frog posters are the best thing going.

>> No.20552366

>The LOTR movies are great but the books are ponderous, plodding, self-important tripe.
>99.9 percent of poetry isn't worth reading
>The Witcher books are mostly bad
>The Red Badge of Courage is awful
>Finnegan's Wake is gibberish people claim to enjoy to make themselves seem sophisticated
>I only read for entertainment. I only like reading science fiction, fantasy, romance, etc. I refuse to go outside my comfort zone
>I used Spark Notes to get through almost every classic and philosophical work I had to read for school. I got As in just about every class because I knew what the teachers/professors wanted

>> No.20552368

whenever I write the ultamate goal is to include one of my major vices into it for my own self gratification

>> No.20552370
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Forgot my pic

>> No.20552377

There was a systematic infiltration and brainwashing done by /pol/ to /lit/ because a lot of the latter board users are vulnerable and possibly more useful than other boards

>> No.20552381

In case it wasn’t already clear, stupid and annoying roughly translates to my having autism and bpd. You would think I was a catch

>> No.20552395

Stupid and annoying are only categories people ascribe to others when the person in question isn't attractive. I'd make love to you like any other, provided you're brown eyed and phenotypically my type.

>> No.20552399

>Can I give you my number
Sure why not.

>> No.20552410

> brown eyed and phenotypically my type
Probably me, but personality is paramount. I look like young Fidel Castro when I shave.

>> No.20552415

how the hell is he going to give you his number over a public forum

>> No.20552424

His offer; his problem

>> No.20552427

I look like old Virginia Woolf when I forget to eat.

>> No.20552434

kentucky route zero? disco elysium? mgs2? etc

>> No.20552439

Didn't know the Canadian Prime Minister is on lit.

>> No.20552446

Uh oh. It’s never worth it

>> No.20552470

Most of what people on here and elsewhere consider success in life doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't care, I want to be somewhere alone and only occassionally interact with people through things like the internet, but according to retards on here if I do that it means I'm playing into what the elite wants and coping hard for not having enough pussy. I hate all of this dudebro "alpha" philosophy trying to fill the void, it's just as bad as the lack of masculinity in itself. Most opinions on here are just normie shit with a conspiracy/grandiosity wrapping around it, it's not about alternatives to the fundamental propositions of modern society, instead of reacting with anger when being unable to answer questions about why we do or don't do things (like how "normies" would react), people on here just replace their reaction with some talk about what the elites/jews want you to do or be instead of actually analysing the action. It's only contrarianism to some vague actions of the elites that can be interpreted to yield whatever the preferred contrarian result is, but the underlying thing they want you to do is the same as the normie shit. The best thing is just how many people think this way, and at the same time they believe that most other people don't. It's hilarious to read about people who think everyone else is an NPC and they are the main character or something like that, literally the psychology of a little kid in the narcissist stage, but they wouldn't know because conveniently all psychology is a jewish scam. The general perception and definition of what's considered to be normies or npcs often turns out to be solely based on matching agreements rather than general character traits. If we went with general traits, the ability to test reality and discern the value of information and what to do about it, the average person on here is pretty much the same as anywhere else. How is glooming into the TV and believing everything they say any worse or better than believing anything you read on /pol/ or 4chinz in general? I don't see too much difference between people on here and random people I met in real life other than some opinions, people literally post their fantasies about the elites which sound appealing and some retard picks it up, names it a redpill (that's what it would be if it were true) and becomes so emotionally invested in it that they would take it to the grave rather than be proven wrong. Ultimately even when they ask for source or proof it's highly selective.

>> No.20552480

British literature is as bland and tasteless as the food.

>> No.20552483

cormac mccarthy fans are incels and neckbeards each and every one

>> No.20552497

Fiction is a waste of time yet I am addicted to its consumption and proliferation.

>> No.20552504

The weird frenzy over the change in Calvin Klein ads that took place here not too long ago is a good example of this. There used to be a borderline pornographic image of a conventionally attractive white woman, over time she was replaced by a fat black woman, then a pregnant "man". The outrage was over the so called degradation of western society, but I would argue that having giant billboards with porn on them was bad in the first place. I think I agree with you. Also read about taoism and zen. Maybe it will appeal to you.

>> No.20552510



most ppl on here I think don't really have an idea of what life could be, on all of 4chan I mean. the average user is relatively retarded, most ppl are newfags n many are X<21 v X>40. it's miserable gripeposting, life is pretty based n the world is pretty based. theres a lot of kahntent n some of u ppl would do well to go explore the map. this place is soul draining.

also the accelerationism threads, 98% of ppl have no idea what they are talking about. most of them skimmed land or saw excerpts. it's so annoying to read those threads so I've stopped entirely when lurking. idk how ppl can be so proud of being so blatantly WRONG??

>> No.20552554

Are you Jewish?

>> No.20552572

No, Anglican.

>> No.20552605

Neither am I; Catholic. She just looks like one and I thought that’s what you implied. Some people are deflective when mentioning the Jews that I’ve downloaded the Hebrew keyboard layout to reassure them; you are not among their number.

>> No.20552613
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I did not care for Don Quixote.

>> No.20552618
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Sometimes, I like to read for fun

>> No.20552627

>past tense
When did you start?

>> No.20552637

Its redditor screeching against the chad knoghthood. But it can also be seen that it could only exist when the knights of the 1400s and 1500s were degenerated extremely compared to 1100s and 1200s

>> No.20552647

Interesting I never saw that in her. I more meant that I have her strong boned profile and look anorexic.

>> No.20552661

I do not like green eggs and ham

>> No.20552757
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Then start eating

>> No.20552770

Only worth reading the first third, the rest is repetition.

>> No.20552793

I hate reading physical books after getting used to a kindle. The only exception is textbooks where I’m flipping back and forth for reference. E-readers are super light and can be read with one hand in any position and any light level and I am massively spoiled by pulling up definitions by tapping on a word. I hate hardcovers in particular they’re so heavy and cumbersome and uncomfortable on my fingers after a long while.
My dream library is to have no physical books. Just a box of labeled hard drives. I want to get rid of the books I currently have. I bought a fancy bible and a complete Shakespeare and they both feel like total vanity toys, the Shakespeare is so damn big I have found no position to comfortably read it. I hate collecting objects to be placed on shelves I want an empty room.

>> No.20552818
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I'm selling my books.
It took me time to understand I dont like reading the iliad or Odyssey, neither Dostoievsky books. I can't figure it out the reasons, but it's probably something about this books' intesity.
I'm trying to read something that I actually enjoy and can read without problems, right now I'm thinking to read The Hobbit to improver my english and then the other books.

So maybe, in the future, I could back in this books and find them more enjoyable.

Also, I also I want to read some books that help me to become a better person.
any recommendations?

>> No.20552826


>> No.20552832

I’m tired of life.

>> No.20552849

>read some books that help me to become a better person.
anon, no

>> No.20552976

try different audiobooks. read it aloud. it's not meant to be speedread. it has its own slow ductus. sophisticated, stoic, serene. Williams knows how to keep prose in line with themes, which is even more clear in Augustus.

>> No.20553017

Reading is partially escaping for me; writing likewise coping. I write what I cannot ever manifest in life.

>> No.20553028

>No one owes you anything,
They owe me everything.
>you owe it to yourself to be charitable, forgiving, patient, and so on
They owe it to me to behave as such and if I bestow these it's a pure act of my grace.

>> No.20553070

Fuck off, you owe me 30 seconds of my life back for reading and replying to your entitled garbage.
I will accept payment in either levity or histrionic grovelling for forgiveness, or eighty USD.

>> No.20553104 [DELETED] 

I am thinking of killing my father then commiting suicide

>> No.20553119

Moldbug is a far more important intellectual than Peterson, Taleb, Zizek etc.

>> No.20553133


>> No.20553152 [DELETED] 

Lots of reasons, and superstition, mostly i feel he is cursed and he passed his cursedness to me and my sister, I feel like if i sacrificed myself to end this cursedness by killing him i will set my sister free, and she can live a most wonderful fullfling life.

>> No.20553155

Most poor people in the U.S. are poor because they make aweful decisions. If you make a couple particularly bad decisions it's enough to be trapped. Despite having access to infinite information on the internet people still make the same bad decisons generation after generation.

>> No.20553167

You're owed nothing.

>> No.20553169

I think Ben Shapiro lists five things you have to get right in order to become middleclass, like 1. get an education that gets you a job, 2. don't get children out of wedlock, 3. only get debts for investments etc..

>> No.20553170

Take your meds please

>> No.20553185

That's because games can't be "literary". They can be art, but they are not literature, they are their own thing, in the same way music is music and cannot be said to be "literary". When vidya try to be "literary" they fail; their potential as an art form can only be fulfilled when they achieve their own language.

>> No.20553204

I don't want to talk to people anymore. When they say something stupid I just want to bitch slap them or leave and never see them again. I don't want to "exchange my thoughts", I don't want to have a discussion. I am so tired of people's stupid monkey shit, I hate when they talk. Especially the younger ones who pride themselves on being completely enslaved to the fabricated immorality of these garbage times. God, they're such fucking drones. I hate their little games. I feel so much better when I'm completely alone and I regret having tried to make friends and to partake in activities that involve other people. I wish I were capable of belief in God, I would have been so happy in a monastery somewhere on a fucking mountain.

>> No.20553207

Copes. I'm single and make almost 6 figures, have no debt, yet I'll never be rich enough to afford anything nice and would never be able to afford to raise a family. I don't buy anything and I'm still poor as far as I'm concerned. This is all nonsense written by people who are already rich and then invent strawmans. If they really felt this way, then why not also advocate for forced abortions with low net worth (i do). The simple fact of the matter is companies are refusing to pay living salaries to people and home flipper grifters, housing/rental conglomerates, taxes, high gas prices make life impossible. As such, the majority of people are impoverished and must make economizing decisions every day. Slavery is more humane than making under $50k because at least slaves didn't need to worry about financial and social stress. Everything in life was arranged for them.

>> No.20553210

To keep this /lit/ I am tired of books as well. I am starting to reject those too.

>> No.20553217

I hate myself because I'm a hypocrite.

>> No.20553226

How do you avoid people without being super poor or super rich?

>> No.20553231

I don't care about being poor, but remote work is a thing.

>> No.20553235

The world would be a better place if women were treated as property and Men could get away with rape as long as they didn't hurt the girl physically

>> No.20553245

>home flipper grifters
I never understood how people praise this without realizing all it does is drive up the cost of buying a house just to live in. People openly brag about getting wealthy flipping houses apparently oblivious about how much they’re fucking everyone else over.

>> No.20553249

Like living on the street and eating garbage poor?

>> No.20553250

Disco Elysium, duh.

>> No.20553255

It's easy, though I am probably on the richer end. I work in ITSEC, it's by far the most lucrative area of IT and I could fucking leave everything forever like tomorrow and work from home from my shithole home country.

>> No.20553269

They do it as a pretense to pretend expense and work hours are involved in the grift so they don't pay any capital gains taxes.
>I put 60 hours of work by holding on to this house for 4 months. A housing expert like myself consumer-oriented with market rates and our clients estimated by our professional and accredited organizations to be worth of $280/hour + expenses, which would be about $15-20k a week for myself alone and my wide also. You're honor, I do the community a service by "improving" the house and that work is also to be deducted from the gains I've made on it. When it's all said and done the actual profit on it is small and my work hours of eating lunch and fooling around golfing with other fellow rich people, is a measly $10k net profit to which I'm happy to pay tax on.

>> No.20553271

Let the lady be. I won't ask again.

>> No.20553297

I unironically think people who read philosophy can't think for themselves

>> No.20553336


>> No.20553348

Because there's not a single idea in a philosophy book that can't be reached by thinking critically about what you experience or observe.

>> No.20553357

But why waste time reinventing the wheel? So what if you could personally rediscover some concept or idea? If someone already did it, did it probably better than you could do it, and develops the idea accessibly in a book for others to read, why ignore it just to feel smarter?

>> No.20553367

Do Catholic priests post on 4chan?

>> No.20553393

you simply don't have the time to develop complex systems of ideas countless high IQ individuals developped over the course of 2500 years on your own. you think because you had a shower thought similar to Pascal's wager or some Nietzsche aphorism that you don't need to read philosophy.

>> No.20553420

because reading dense academic jargon to avoid having a thought is pathetic

keep telling yourself that

>> No.20553428

>dense academic jargon
So you got filtered and your low self esteem won’t let you accept it. Breathe anon. It’s ok. We’re all midwits here.

>> No.20553436

let's see (you)r philosophy then. please enlighten us with what your ignorant non-reading ass came up. include ontology, metaphysics, and epistemology, if you can.

>> No.20553444

Just start fucking with people, whether that's subtle or outright

Feel there's some fun to be had to see how far you can push the boundary. I don't want to be declared mentally insane and committed but I definitely want to communicate outside of this mundane modern way of living

>> No.20553446

>include ontology
Things come from other things, lol.

Things exist and interact with each other, lol.

See a thing and you know it, lol.

>> No.20553450

alright. you win this round, frendo.

>> No.20553460

That's where you're wrong, bucko. You're the only one incapable of thinking for yourself. All of the greatest writers, artists, philosophers and scientists of the modern era were well-read in literature and skilled at creating personal artwork

So yeah, there's nothing left to say really. It's like talking to a homeless bum who's lived in the same alleyway and town his entire life. I'm sure nobody expects you to discover or create anything unique or insightful

>> No.20553471

cope and seethe, etc.

>> No.20553476

Who are people who generally can and do think for themselves? And when is thinking for yourself certainly a good thing, and who are the people who prove this?

>> No.20553479

now that you say it I wonder why we ever thought things came from gods, things would exist on another level, and knowledge would come from anywhere but sight.

>> No.20553499

I haven't read something cover to cover in almost a year.

>> No.20553506

congratulations, you just had a thought

>> No.20553512


>The LOTR movies are great but the books are ponderous, plodding, self-important tripe.
You aren't entirely wrong but the films are more self-important than the books. They are bombastic and self-indulgent in a way the books aren't.

>99.9 percent of poetry isn't worth reading
I would put the figure at something like 98% if we're talking published poetry. Your figure is probably right for all poetry ever written.

>The Witcher books are mostly bad
The what

>The Red Badge of Courage is awful
It's not that bad.

>Finnegan's Wake is gibberish people claim to enjoy to make themselves seem sophisticated
It's not complete gibberish (*pace* Evelyn Waugh). There is meaning there. See e.g. Anthony Burgess's analysis of all the allusions in the passage from the first page
>...not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not yet, though all’s fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe. Rot a peck of pa’s malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory end to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface...
The trouble is there's too much "meaning" buried too deep under too much verbal whimsy. The game isn't worth the candle. If the book were to disappear tomorrow the loss to humanity would be slight.

>I only read for entertainment. I only like reading science fiction, fantasy, romance, etc. I refuse to go outside my comfort zone
Not really an opinion; more a statement of fact. If the implied opinion is "I am right to do so" — possible but doubtful. If it's "everyone else should do the same" — not a chance.

>I used Spark Notes to get through almost every classic and philosophical work I had to read for school. I got As in just about every class because I knew what the teachers/professors wanted
As above.

>> No.20553531

>Stoner is an incredibly overrated book. The story is decent. The prose is terrible.
It's fine and fit for purpose. If you mean "he doesn't go in for constant Pynchonesque mugging and verbal backflips" — no, thank goodness.

>> No.20553535

Many Jews are good people.

>> No.20553557

>cormac mccarthy fans are incels and neckbeards each and every one
It would be interesting to know exactly which celebrities / high achievers are genuine CM fans. Looking through the Desert Island Discs books the only CM I find is Roger Waters in 2011 (All The Pretty Horses) and that's suspect to me because ATPH simply hadn't been out long enough at that point. I don't see how you can get so enthusiastic about a book that new. It suggests what any sensible person probably suspected already; i.e. Roger Waters is a pseud.

>> No.20553732

How many is many?

>> No.20553801

I don't find that fun or interesting.

>> No.20553850

I am a fast one but I loss the drive and motivation to do so.

>> No.20553858

I am not the most motivated person when it comes to reading. Give me two pages and I just drop it. I don't know why and I fucking hate it. I can't go past a few pages without dropping it, for manga and comics, same thing. I go through a few pages then just quit it. It's not that I hate it it's just that I don't have the drive to do so. To keep reading. Maybe it's because of the things that has happened in recent time.

My Thesis, me having to do a lot of housework and schoolwork for a short time but that short time has caused me a lot of trouble. It fucked me up in a way and made me realize I am very incapable of managing a household.

>> No.20553864

I am Mephistopheles.

>> No.20553870

I unironically believe in communism

>> No.20553879

It's not about speed, it's about how much time you put into it. In three hours I can only read less than 50 pages, and I'm more happy about my pace than to purposefully skim pages so that I can get through 100 books a year which some people do. Notice how you tubers for example go do that aren't fully capable of explaining the book and without it sounding like they've only read spark notes or a summary.

>> No.20553881

I only read children's novels

>> No.20553885

James Franco is a massive Mccarthur fan

>> No.20553887

Capitalism is by far the best system we have.
Nothing is more important than individual freedom.
The government should fuck off.

>> No.20553903

Capitalism does not necessarily enable individual freedom. Also 'freedom' is an extremely difficult term to define.

>> No.20553918

>Nothing is more important than individual freedom.
You should become a communist then.

>> No.20553925

>Doesn't like LOTR and Joyce, only reads genrefic
>Is a retarded philistine

>> No.20553932

Capitalism can only exist because the government enforces property rights with the threat of violence tho.

>> No.20554173

Audiobooks are awesome and add a layer of meaning and value to the print book

>> No.20554190

Oh god i do that too

>> No.20554191
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I'm doubting the teachings of the Catholic Church, believing the true religion is either Calvinism or Sufism.

>> No.20554208

>Anyway people who are "too smart for their own good" are usually just annoying and not nearly as smart as they think they are.
For men maybe. Women are too smart are not attractive.

>> No.20554212

The ones who wrote the Bible

>> No.20554252

We know

>> No.20554266

For me that depends on the type of book I read. I can read 100 novels in a year no problem (im at 89 for this year already according to goodreads). But i only read a handful of nonfiction and philosophy books each year. It takes me longer to read a page of philo than a page of fiction and i only read fiction when im tired or am travelling

>> No.20554270

If they can’t trace their genealogy to Abraham, they aren’t Jews.
Israel =/= Khazarim

>> No.20554275

I don't know the other jews in the bible were pretty bad too and they remind me of today's jews. The ones inspired by the Holy Spirit were good though.

>> No.20554276

I have completely destroyed my relationship through selfish mistakes and aimed at short-term gratification rather than long-term improvements. I am now finally ready to take up the responsibility of my actions even if that means that I won't ever see her again. I deserve what's coming, it hurts knowing that if I tried harder in the past perhaps things could be different now. Thanks for this post anon.

>> No.20554277

Dont worry, smart women wont find you attractive either

>> No.20554284

>seething hole

>> No.20554291

Worshipping Moloch is what the bad Hebrews back then and today’s Khazarim both have in common.
Read the Talmud. There was even a pogrom right after it was translated to French.
God help them.

>> No.20554295

>Read the Talmud.
Yeah no thanks lmao I'm already making an intellectual sacrifice by reading prots, there's a limit to my good will

>> No.20554304

It’s not on the Vatican’s Index of Prohibited Works, but yes, you would need a great deal of mental fortitude and preparation to not be seduced by that as well as with ‘Enlightenment’ literature.
Good night.

>> No.20554312

Night anon God bless

>> No.20554357
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Buddhism is just a very refined form of Hedonism and is mainly supposed to be practiced, not studied.

I used to be a hardcore porn addict. Edging for hours, until my dick bled, then continuing by stimulating my prostate. Often high or drunk.

Even just the first Jhana is so much more pleasurable it’s unreal. It’s mind-numbing intense pleasure that then opens up into a kind of tranquility/smooth feeling that rivals even the most comfortable of MDMA highs.
Afterwards you’re not even exhausted, you actually feel better than before.
It also opens up the way for getting rid of a lot of stress and brings relaxation into daily life. It transforms your views in the nicest way possible.

>> No.20554363

literally doesn't matter, all that matters is the technological level. political systems don't really exist

>> No.20554376

>Aleskandr Dugin is not that great and has nothing to offer Anglo-Saxons so any self-respecting Anglo should outright reject his theories and look elsewhere.

>so-called "mental disorders" are just different sets of personality typologies that need no "cure" but rather certain societal adjustments should be made to accommodate each and every one of them. to resist this is to pathologize alienation.

>in a democracy, most laws such as consent laws and public consumption, are mostly a scaremongering tactic by older women, who make up the majority of registered voters. in essence, they are the "muscle" being misandric law policies under the guise of "what about the children". wanted to add, since the majority of voters are women, that would hence make most developed countries by default a gynocracy, which is one of the reason men on the right, like myself, want to do away with voting since the lowest of humanity gets a say in what gets passed as legislation, much like how most social etiquette since after the iron age was in essence, driven by the fairer sex, which is why censorship is overwhelming favored by women.

>approaching dualism from a free will position, minds are independent of bodies because if they were grounded on physical premises all of history would never be able to have epistemic innovations, everything would just be geared towards a very basic, utilitarian mode of production

>Small flyover communities is what I live for. They may be slightly deluded, but their hearts are in the right place. The hatred for them is mostly based on arbitrary reasons that are out of their control. To blame voters for something that elites mostly manipulated thru force and fraud is an example of mistaking the chicken for the egg, that its proof that government in the west is illegitimate and should not be obeyed in the slightest unless the laws are morally objective and rational.

>Narcissism is quite misunderstood, as a condition of physical mental states when it may be considered that one could have been born into specific circumstances and given a specific purpose to fulfill on earth. Hence loving one's self could be analogous to loving God

Hope that rustles some jimmies

>> No.20554395

Here's some more

>When people use the term "bodies" in discourse it makes me think they're either transgendered, mulatto or both. These people barely qualify as human so their first instinct is to dehumanize the English language

>the idea of a great Satan is a theopolitical fiction that just depends on individual perspective, when in reality the great Satan transcends borders

>voters have little control over the direct experiences of the intitution or experience of politicians, something can turn one from pro-gun to pro-gun control, from pro-life to pro-choice from pro-taxation to anti-taxation. the public wields very little influence on the personhood of politicians and what statues they set for rulership. One bad experience could turn someone you voted for to backpedal on their plans that you, yourself, voted them into place for that sole reason, so the best policy would be a direct democracy where a politician simply takes orders from the populace and does their bidding rather than representatives who set rules for the ruled.

>riddle me this, if evolutionary theory is true, wouldn't you think that, to use an example, ducks, bears, dolphins would have evolved at the same rate humans did from "apes" as you say to become as rational, thinking creatures who, in time, would develop their own technology and governmental systems and codes of ethics, natural science, and defense systems that would be able to rival our own in terms of abstraction and might, so in turn would have their own nations (not mere habitats mind you) that could defend themselves against the predations of other creatures (including our own) to ward off invasive populations (again, like our own) on a global scale?

>Technology works as much as humanity gives it power, the more faith people have in technology the more it controls the lives of the people who use it. Henceforth, since technology is a product of mankind and not the divine, there is no soul or consciousness inside it, so the machine will only work based on utilitarian ends, and there will be always a portion of people who are alienated by it for the pleasure of the majority

>> No.20554460

I can't for the life of me accept how old people will be terrified of death and do everything they can to fight off cancer and other life ending illnesses just so they can sit in front of a TV watching atrocious reality shows. I don't understand. I do spend time idling on the internet but I've also lost all my will to live long ago. These people seem to actually enjoy this shit. Why? How can you enjoy these horrible shows and soap operas? They're literally brain numbing. At least do hard drugs or something

>> No.20554504

Agree, feel I've spent so long staring at my computer screen as a NEET and now I'm almost fully numb to every part of normal life. Was it my laziness or refusal to do otherwise, or was it my blunted emotional affect to begin with?

The way I see it: It was probably somewhat fated to be this way. An intense chain of reactions from the beginning of life all the way to now

Fuck I'm glad I'm not some mouthbreathing knuckledragger though. At least now I'm not afraid about killing myself in the hypothetical future

>> No.20554529


God damn humans, so conditioned and attached to suffering that any reprieve is regarded as hedonstic.

If you're getting attached to meditative states and experiences, you're going to have a bad time. Most teachers will emphasize not to attach or identify with any experiences that arise during meditation, so it's a bit silly to say buddhists are hedonists because you practice incorrectly and misunderstand the teachings.

>> No.20554573

I don't like this mindset. This fear of jhana has led to whole schools of "dry insight" practice that ignore the fact that the suttas explicitly praise jhana as an integral part of the path.
It's better to be attached to jhana than being attached to worldly pleasure, because attachment to jhana provides insight into the amount of suffering contained in worldly pleasure.
I think it's okay to consider Buddhism hedonistic if you take into account the Buddha's idea of which feelings are truly pleasant, that is: pain<pleasure<neutral<none, where the state of no feeling is the highest pleasure.

>> No.20554587

>>so-called "mental disorders" are just different sets of personality typologies that need no "cure" but rather certain societal adjustments should be made to accommodate each and every one of them. to resist this is to pathologize alienation.
This view isn't unpopular, tons of normies believe this. It's also totally naive, the sort of thing people believe when their only experience of mental illness is "depression" or "anxiety" rather than low functioning autism or schizophrenia. Real mental illnesses are very obviously illnesses in the clinical sense. A person with these illnesses has impaired functioning (in the sense of biological sustenance) and if left on their own will have significantly decreased life expectancy.

>> No.20554594

>nooo i won't read the heckin book because it's uhhh bad
Idiot. It's severely based and you probably have a cartoon chareciture view of them being le bad.

>> No.20554606

I forced myself to subvocalise for a day to see what it would be like, having never done it before, and now I can't make it go away.

>> No.20554616


>> No.20554640

Not a fitting response for cope. To say cope is nonsensical in this situation. Go back to your Christian subreddit or /pol/.

>> No.20554642

I do not care for Stranger Things, and I do not believe that men and women can be friends

>> No.20554651

are you fat?

>> No.20554674

>bland and tasteless as the food
cmon, not all british food is that bad
>British literature is as bland and tasteless as the food
Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Great Expectations... the list goes on. Are you sure British literature is as bland and tasteless as the food.

>> No.20554680


Isn't tommy lee Jones a fan? He told Charlie Rose and a several million viewers that he's read all the critical literature in existence that relates to the cob. If he's gone to that length I'd say he's at least had a sustained interest.

>> No.20554695

You don't have autism or BPD. You're just gaming the system for free money and neetbux.

>> No.20554701

>Tommy Lee Jones (PBUH)
Get it straight and apologize. Now.

>> No.20554704

Hollywood is run by Jews. Hollywood created anti-nazi propaganda during WW2. Ashkenazi Jews actually financed Hitler, to kill Sephardi Jews. Ok? The entire world is just this jew and that jew fighting each other, as most governments are occupied by Zionists (eg most running the Soviet Union in the 1920s were Jewish, such as Lenin). Something like 50 million men, women and children died in WW2, just so a few million jews could be saved. It was ridiculous. British MP Oswald Mosley was against Britain entering the fight against Germany, but Winston Churchill, again financed by Jews and supported by Jews in the media (which is also run by Jews) went to war against Germany. Jews are power-hungry, and have evolved out of a bottleneck population. Jews could not survive by themselves in nature, as they have literally evolved by being sneaky and taking advantage of others, and blaming others and acting like victims when it all blows up in their face. Of course I'm only referring to a few, like thousands, of Jews (I hope they are not all terrible) who throughout history have financed wars and f*cked things up for everyone. They literally have this deluded schizo belief that they are God's chosen people, and they are racist against all other races. In the 20th Century the media in America portrayed blacks as evil to destract the general population from the crimes of the Jew, now they are doing it again against Whites (to focus more on race rather than the Jewish 1% after Occupy Wallstreet in 2011 is my theory). They are playing an experiment on Western Civilisation in Europe now by replacing whites with shit skins. If their plan fails then they will gtfo to some other part of the world and make it someone elses problem. Hitler was right, he was pro-nature and a lot of Jews are anti-nature. Of course I don't wanna be seen as anti-semetic here cus a lot of Jews are using their skills to good use, by becoming doctors, scientists (who don't even benefit human kind in the long run)

>> No.20554717

I like to treat games as tone pieces. They obviously lack the intellectual value of literature but they are nevertheless capable of arousing deep feelings.

>> No.20554720


>> No.20554746

The true religion is Kaczynskism

>> No.20554794
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I am deeply self-concious about attending local college with a GED and no education beyond the age of fourteen. I also work full time as a blue collar mechanic. I immediately think i am out of place when walking around the campus.

>> No.20554820

>You don't have autism or BPD. You're just gaming the system for free money and neetbux.

Not that anon but where I live (Australia) neither autism nor BPD are sufficient to receive disability support welfare... perhaps extremely low functioning cases of autism, but even then the process for getting on benefits is draconian by design, they don't just give out 'free neetbux' to anyone. I get you're probably an entitled neurotypical normy dissatisfied with working class life and looking for someone to blame but I see no reason to direct that vitriol at mentally ill people.

>> No.20554832

I always think of that photo with the caption about stuffing niggers with fried meat and then saving them when they become too fat. Something's deeply wrong.

>> No.20554843
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Is this not just all basic consumerism? Does not matter if it is video games, fried chicken or television. It all does the same thing, distracting you from life?

>> No.20554845


This makes me sad anon, some of the best students I've seen in undergrad and graduate programs have been non traditional students in the 30s or 40s doing a career change.

They take shit seriously and work hard while many of the youngins are still in their party phase. Trust me as long as you show up enthusiastic to learn and engage with the material you will fit in easily. Just don't be a creeper, focus on being the hard working, laid back older dude.

>> No.20554853

Geezers are on hard drugs anon, they're all prescribed hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine for their ailments. They're high as shit all the time on the most decadent, hedonists drugs that exist.

>> No.20554859

Fundamentally yes and I'm not going to kid myself and pretend that one surrogate activity you waste time with is fundamentally nobler than another. But there's something in particular about clinging on to life so hard as an old person, taking all those meds, getting checked, getting surgery, all that shit, and then using what little time you have left to vegetate on the couch watching Celebrity Big Brother that makes me question shit much harder than contemplating that some kid may be wasting his youth playing videogames.

>> No.20554872

>that makes me question shit much harder than contemplating that some kid may be wasting his youth playing

When we are aged, many will be in the same situation. Only instead ot watching tv they will be playing video games. All that has changed is technoloy. They will prolong their existence as long as they can to play their favorite game. Be it hoi4 or cod.

>> No.20554891

Dude at least videogames have an active component. If I want to transpose this to another old person activity, it would be like playing darts or chess. Yes, absolutely, in the grand scheme of things both watching Celebrity Big Brother and doing this shit is still a time-waster, a secondary activity, but playing games is at least mildly stimulating. Have you fucking watched Celebrity Big Brother? Have you seen what the fuck it is? It's watching a bunch of unpleasant hookers and trannies and other subhumans juts laze around on a couch saying the most inane fucking shit. It's not even entertaining, I have NO idea why the fuck would anyone watch this shit. The most braindead slice of life anime is hundreds of times more stimulating than this.

>> No.20554892

Opioids aren't euphoric. Most people on them would prefer to not have chronic pain. They make you sedated, lazy and not really enjoy life. The idea that they are ultra pleasurable and super addictive has no scientific basis. It's not psychopharmacologists making these claims but two bit politicians and gung-ho judicants. If a doctor injected you with 10mg of IV morphine, you wouldn't feel as elated or good as the news of winning a large sum of money. I would argue that even pleasant socializing is more pleasurable. Most people making claims of them being euphoric have absolutely no first hand experience with their use, or in the case of non-physiological "addicts" they are quantifiable liars using it as an external excuse for their individual failings, or are drama-queens that love to cause hell for everyone in their life and would be doing so anyways.

>> No.20554913
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Thanks anon, it helps. Im only in my early thirties. I don't voice this to my girl or any of my close friends, or even my family, who i suspect would be happy for me going this far. But it is a gnawing sensation of imposter which does not leave until im away from the school. This does not take in to account my values or beliefs which run counter to faculty and students alike which further alienates me from the institution.

>> No.20554921

Does not matter, after the first few dozen hours you switch on autopilot and follow the same strats and paths as you do normally. There is never prolonged engagement which is why they producr diminished joy as you age.

>> No.20554947

>secondary activity
Secondary to what? Survival?

>> No.20554975

I was an addict for about three years, you are wrong on every count.

>> No.20554989

>it is politicians who claim that μ-receptor agonism produces euphoria, no """psychopharmacologist""" would ever claim that
ok buddy

>> No.20555001

>Secondary to what? Survival?
Sort of. I'm using the term as it's used in Industrial Society And Its Future.

>> No.20555017

Brief explanation for the uninitiated?

>> No.20555163


>> No.20555170

Nice, come up with that one on your own too?

>> No.20555178

What's your favorite work of his?

>> No.20555184

the midwits here will never get this and keep asking any thing with words to be "literary"

>> No.20555206

The Iliad is Marvel-tier if evaluated on any criteria other than "historical importance", and this will not change no matter how many times some pseud cries about it "shining a light onto human nature in all its nakedness" or some horseshit.

>> No.20555236

t. has no idea why the marvel films are bad

>> No.20555266

well I guess that's just your personal opinion, as everything is just sentiments

>> No.20555300

A brief explanation is that you have primary activities which could be narrowed down to whatever pre-industrial people would do as work e.g. crafting tools, taking care of one's habitation, caring for crops, hunting, making clothes, etc. All these things are primary activities that directly give you tokens for survival, e.g. food, but also other direct improvements on your living conditions. I purposefully say this instead of "whatever aboriginals would do" because the book is not an argument for primitivism but simply a pre-industrial lifestyle. The idea of a primary activity is something that directly gives you something. Secondary activities are not only things you do for leisure, like playing games, but also things that do not have this direct relationship with a reward. Sitting in front of a computer working on an Excel spreadsheet for Mr. Kikenberg's company is not leisure, it's work, and it does give you resources for survival in the indirect form of money, but it's not a primary activity. It's a secondary activity that modern society has forced into the role of a primary activity. This is basically why half the population is on brain meds.

>> No.20555308

my entire view on consumerism can be summed up here:

>People who bitch about consumerism need to die. You like food, right? Well you have to "consume" it in order to reap its benefits. The same thing with everything else in this world, what you read, what you see, what you play, literally everything that involves money (which you need to have a basic standard of living) involves consumption. People who think consuming things are bad should try not eating, not reading anything (literally any words placed anywhere), and avoiding listening to anything, be it music, speeches, or conversations. They would eventually die from sensory deprivation. Good riddance.

>> No.20555348

>watching Celebrity Big Brother is on the same level of biological need as eating literal food
who is this immense retard you are quoting?

>> No.20555377

Schopenhauer knew this very well. (See the irony?)

>> No.20555436

I don't read.

>> No.20555603

>Nobody owes you anything, therefore you owe nobody anything

Develop a moral code and stick to it. It's cuck logic to think you should help people that would watch you die.

>> No.20555659

I got on disability first try with CPTSD, also Australian. Then again I'm also not full of shit. If the condition is proved to effect your ability to work, generally you will be accepted for "tism bux".

>> No.20555843
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Cultivate relationships where this is not true. Community is the bedrock of mental, physical, emotional and spritual wellbeing. A community like this can only exist in a near ethnic groups.

>> No.20555851

you missed the point.

>> No.20555874

the entire problem of "consumerism" is that everything and anything can be reduced to it. complaining about what other people do in their free time is a waste of energy. concentrate on yourself first. that's the gist of the quote, I have a huge problem with leftists making "muh consumerism" some kind of meme, because who cares about whether your uncle enjoys porn or your mother watches soaps, they are not you, they are someone else, so trying to lecture people on "how things oughta be" is a waste of time if you have your own comforts. everyone does. that's life.

>> No.20555888


>> No.20555917
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>the entire problem of "consumerism" is that everything and anything can be reduced to it. complaining about what other people do in their free time is a waste of energy

No. False. Wrong. Consumerism is the socio-economic policy tied direcrly to conspicious consumption and mass consumption. That the economy/society/polis/nation suffers if we stop consuming. Simply consuming a book, a meal or even a beloved hobby is not by default consumerism. Wherein every problem is viewed through the lens of consuming more is better than not consuming more.

This is a critical point people ignore.

>> No.20555927

What's it like having traumatic brain damage?

>> No.20555929

>if I broaden the definition of a word it includes everything
No shit

>> No.20555941

>even a beloved hobby is not by default consumerism
then why do some people correlate the two? it seems to me "Ted-brain" has taken over this forum and everywhere else I go that "hobbies" are "surrogate activities", I'm sorry but I see no issue with casual gaming, watching movies, or listening to music I find enjoyable. that is the crossing the line and I won't stand for it.

>> No.20555945

yeah, no shit I guess. my observations have clearly made people asshurt here and my work is done.

>> No.20555963

Measuring an epub's length by page count makes as much sense as measuring the length of a web site by the number of screen heights. It's different for every reader.

>> No.20555999

Cool, that means when someone finally films Blood Meridian TLJ will insist on a cool cameo. May I suggest —

TLJ: They is four things can destroy the world.

>> No.20556000

You have to go back to /r9k/.

>> No.20556099

Yet you have no counter. Saying someone's wrong doesn't make it so.

>> No.20556130
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people you are arguing with are not discussing topics in good faith. They seek to undermine you and your position, not seek reasonable debate.

Ted has some valid concerns that have played out as predicted but he was a highly intelligent man who was subsequently broken by vicious actions. Collectivising by ethnicity can provide a great deal of comfort, safety, and strength for many people suffering from a disconnection of society.

>> No.20556248


This is the one. Who wouldn't be near fucking raptured by that shit when spoken in character by Jones? I'm exaggerating but it's shit like this that makes Blood Meridian (2025) seem possible.

The scene where the Mexican captain and his soldiers happen upon the kid and Sproule in the desert. I read the fuck out of that part and it hit me how screen-capable that exchange is. It's a little hard to explain but imagine if it's only been less than 30 minutes of roughly the same tone on screen and then suddenly the Mexicans happen upon these two stricken white boys high in the desert, the watching audience has been conditioned by their plight after the Comanche attack, and this seemingly random band of Mexicans comes upon them up in the crag and are just like "Que quiere?" and "Buscan los indios?" ? If they put subtitles for that shit it'd be one thing but if they didn't itd be another (rewatch, like The Wild Bunch for example)

Redditors think it can't be done though.

>> No.20556318

add: if someone wants to make BM then it has to be the best movie of the first half of the twenty-first century otherwisr it'll go down in infamy and shame

>> No.20556658

I kind of feel bad about this and I take what I typed and sent as a post back.

>> No.20556662

The Big Lebowski is not a good movie. it might be my assburgers or ADHD but I found nothing remotely funny about that movie and most of its fanbase are reddit incarnate.

>> No.20556664


>> No.20556670

i got an A in a graduate symbolic logic course where about a third of the students failed, so pretty good

>> No.20556702

There are tradeoffs either way, but if I had to start all over again I would probably only pay for physical books if they had a lot of footnotes, appendices, or images to flip through. It's hard to get over the convenience of digital if you have a decent ereader available. Shakespeare is actually one thing I definitely prefer to have physical. However, I buy the individuals plays themselves as I read them. For me I really don't like hoarding material possessions either. They actually annoy me because it's just more shit to worry about if I lose my apartment again.

>> No.20556720

burner email

>> No.20556730

all men are bad
all men are saved
simple as

>> No.20556745

This is nonsense. I'm old enough to have parents and grandparents that merely showed up and were handed homes and jobs with benefits, pensions, and everything else. My grandfather didn't finish elementary school. My father didn't finish high school. You really had to fuck up bad to end up broke in the old days. You had to do like my father and start collecting real horses like they were Pokemon. You had to go out of your way to get into massive debt. It wasn't something you did for college. You literally just wanted a bigger home than you should have been able to afford. So, you go to the bank and they happily threw money at you. The reason they didn't have welfare systems like we do now is that they didn't fucking need them. The cost of living was so low you had beggars that were actually wealthier than full-time employees in the food industry are now.

>> No.20556764

>>The LOTR movies are great but the books are ponderous, plodding, self-important tripe.
This is such a weird and common opinion here that I'm not sure why you posted it. The first movie was okay, but I'd rather read the book again that ever watch the other two.

>> No.20556783

I'm studying semiotics right now, is that the same thing?

>> No.20556832

I'm going on 40. I've mostly just slipped into a routine of trying to sleep. Sleeping like shit. Ticking off the hours and days. Reading as much as possible to kill time. Turning on Netflix while I force myself to exercise. There really is only one reason I haven't killed myself. If I get cancer or some other illness I already know I'll feel relieved. I know this because in my twenties I had a brush with death and I recovered. To this day I remember how at peace I felt when I thought I was dying. Haven't felt that way since. I feel like the way our culture refuses to accept death is at the root of a lot of our problems in modern times. Suicide booths should be on every corner. The government should be offering cash bonuses and tax credits.

>> No.20557151

Most people should not be allowed to vote.

>> No.20557166

Last Man as Superman

>> No.20557185

/lit/ is shit.

>> No.20557247

man I'm 40 and other than occasional ailments I'm doing alright. its a state of mind, anon

>> No.20557255

I'm pushing the big 4-0

How do you feel about the past 10 years or the past 20? I'm amazed how quickly the late 20s - mid 30s transition happened, it's like time becomes real some time around 28. Or like every year lasts 5 years, until you're about 25, and then every year feels like 3 months, but you only notice the change after a delay.

>> No.20557279

It's this.

>> No.20557286

All physical things begin as thoughts. From whence the first thoughts?

>> No.20557306

late twenties were a period of rediscovery for myself, started getting back into politics which led me into political philosophy. nowadays I'm into metaphysics and epistemology and logic

>> No.20557309

I can agree to this

>> No.20557346

no, although it's basically the continentals' equivalent of formal logic

>> No.20557460

the semiotic textbook I'm reading is a bit hard to understand, desu.

>> No.20557472

>The real thing you should be mad about is that people still follow religions in current year.

why does this make gaytheists so mad?

>> No.20557567

Whenever I finish a book, I get too overwhelmed by the amount of choices for the next book so I stop reading for way too long before finally deciding on the next book to read

>> No.20557696

are you hot?

>> No.20557768
File: 181 KB, 757x1024, bff3e2ec1e4e0900c67c52a067032c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a physical disability that i am incredibly ashamed of. ive had it since birth and all my life its influenced my decisions in a huge way. i dont tell strangers about it because they would pity me and treat me artificially well. id rather be seen as weird and have genuine interactions with people.
my condition doesnt even have a name. its an entirely new thing. i am currently being researched by world renowned doctors but the chances of a cure for me are close to zero. one day it will make me completely blind.
its hard to keep positive in life when im objectively inferior to average people. i feel like i have so much potential but my body holds me back.

>> No.20557797

you write like a teenage girl

>> No.20557836

>99.9 percent of poetry isn't worth reading
hard agree

>> No.20557880
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Who cares about your six figure bullshit and whining im still poor. There's a lot of "I" in that post, remove the I and you'll be rich. I expected more from a /lit/izen really

>> No.20557887

You fell for the CS meme don't you?

>> No.20558899


>> No.20559025

Don quixote is based because there are people today who read a book or two and run around championing its ideals like retards

>> No.20559056

Jews, middle social layer jews, are not nearly as bad as the far right of inceldom depicts them.

>> No.20559667

Yeah yeah yeah, that's what my deadbeat former-friend said when I lent him a tenner for beers you cheap cunt. Pay debts now.

>> No.20560297

well behaved men rarely make history, ill-behaved women ruin history.

>> No.20560363

debt slavery is jewish. are you a jew or something?

>> No.20560375

It's called Subarashiki Hibi

>> No.20560695

How is this a confession

>> No.20560925

It isn't.

>> No.20560952
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I have used the fact that ive read Crime and punishment for clout and respect of family and friends numerous times and I am irrevocably ashamed. I have always hated pseuds and faggots that do this. Hollow and empty heads who just read books so they can tell other people theyve read but im such an introvert that I spend most of my free time alone mostly doing inane garbage. I just didint want my family to think im a pleb

Also this thread is reddit. Make actual content or fuck off

>> No.20561690

Rape of used up whores isn't really a huge issue, public property is always abused. It's the rape of virgins that's the real crime. You are damaging and making whores of women that would otherwise have married well and created good children. I think preventing people from building a normal life and family is grounds for public execution.

>> No.20561812

yeah because he's literally supposed to be a christ figure

>> No.20562787

I became catholic for 4 months and then one day completely lost interest and switched back to atheism

>> No.20562994

dasha in 3 weeks

>> No.20562996

Officially, or did you really ‘feel it’?

>> No.20563082

i started going to church regularly. now everyone knows my face and i want to move to another neighborhood.
i was really into it, then something just severed and it all vanished.

>> No.20563127

Attending a church ‘to have a look’ doesn’t render you a Christian if you don’t feel it in your heart, so don’t feel any pressure where there is none. Are your baptised? Confirmed?
They’re not going to lynch you for that. If any emotion, it would be sadness, not anger that you departed.
I think you have troubles with confidence and anxiety, but they can be easily remedied by stepping out of your comfort zone.

>> No.20563249

>We are all anonymous here. Step forth and unburden yourself; confessions and unpopular opinions alike
We are not anonymous here.

>> No.20563313

I'm starting to think I only joined a church because i was lonely

>> No.20563335

>ill-behaved women ruin history.
Tullia, Tarquinius Superbus's wife was an absolute bitch and catastrophe of a woman but she laid the groundwork for the abolition of Roman monarchy and establishment of the Republic.

>> No.20563349

it's not a matter of anxiety or comfort zone. one day i 100% believed. next day it all vanished. can't get it back, don't even want to. like a bubble just popped.

>> No.20563403

That is impossible. One’s entire moral compass can’t flip like a mood swing for no reason at all. There must’ve been a trigger for that event that you might have not realised.
This is a Galilean Carpentry forum, so, no judgement.

>> No.20563415

It's a teenager going through a phase

>> No.20563495

>replacing monarchy with republicanism
That's actually not good

>> No.20563529

Dosto doesn't do real characters that's Tolstoy
Red Badge of Courage was great you pleb

>> No.20563570

life is gay because it's surrogate to nonexistence - thoughts?
and so therefore, all "life affirmers" are fags.

this is fucking dumb

>> No.20563587

Life is great because I am individuated from the collective psychic substrate, able to express myself and enjoy countless fruits. Non-existence is a surrogate for lack of good sleep. Existence is the default inherently pleasing state.

>> No.20563595

Three ring circus is incredible, it’s hilarious that it was published maybe two weeks before Kobe’s sudden death, and this book is just filled with every former teammate shitting on him for being a sperglord Micheal Jordan LARPer

>> No.20563635

there are finite fruits to "experience". the solution upon realizing that life is gay is not to be death driven, but to simply be humble.
as for self expression, this is along the lines of content affirmation or life affirmation; but even more empty.

>> No.20563645

you can't say shit about a book if you don't read it in its original language

>> No.20563652

Who are you talking about? Not someone that actually exists.

>> No.20563669

It's the opposite. Most people don't even know how to begin and are totally blind. This is true for some people who know 'about' philosophy as well. I don't really get them. I think they're just stupid or that university is bad at teaching or something.

>> No.20563672

maybe to you, asshole. never in my life I figured I'd still be making people asshurt on random forums for 20+ years.

>> No.20563676

languages are mostly universal

>> No.20563679

>i believe something / my culture believes something so that makes it self-evident and everything else is weird

anyway, we all believes in
>things came from gods, things would exist on another level, and knowledge would come from anywhere but sight.
this anyway. just labelled differently.

>> No.20563691

Do whatever you need to do. If you need rest and peace (what you call being "humble") to feel strong, then so be it. Recognize A) impermanence (everything which begins ends); B) Right action, right thought. The fruits are infinite so long as you know what an infinity is and how to find it.

>> No.20563712

They do but not in the way LARPers on the internet think.

>> No.20563718

>i dont tell strangers about it because they would pity me and treat me artificially well.
there is nothing shameful about vulnerability. we have been conditioned by capitalist society to judge people in terms of their utility, and it is a very dehumanizing view that hurts disabled people especially. from marx's notes on james mill:
>The only intelligible language in which we converse with one another consists of our objects in their relation to each other. We would not understand a human language and it would remain without effect. By one side it would be recognised and felt as being a request, an entreaty, and therefore a humiliation, and consequently uttered with a feeling of shame, of degradation. By the other side it would be regarded as impudence or lunacy and rejected as such. We are to such an extent estranged from man's essential nature that the direct language of this essential nature seems to us a violation of human dignity, whereas the estranged language of material values seems to be the well-justified assertion of human dignity that is self-confident and conscious of itself.
>its hard to keep positive in life when im objectively inferior to average people.
again, you have internalized the dehumanization of yourself, judging yourself against some sort of abstract "average person", and by "average" you clearly mean along some kind if criteria of productivity or something of the like. another marx quote:
>But one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, otherwise it ceases to be a standard of measurement. This equal right is an unequal right for unequal labor. It recognizes no class differences, because everyone is only a worker like everyone else; but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and thus productive capacity, as a natural privilege. It is, therefore, a right of inequality, in its content, like every right. Right, by its very nature, can consist only in the application of an equal standard; but unequal individuals (and they would not be different individuals if they were not unequal) are measurable only by an equal standard insofar as they are brought under an equal point of view, are taken from one definite side only – for instance, in the present case, are regarded only as workers and nothing more is seen in them, everything else being ignored. Further, one worker is married, another is not; one has more children than another, and so on and so forth. Thus, with an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than another, one will be richer than another, and so on. To avoid all these defects, right, instead of being equal, would have to be unequal.

>> No.20563719

Meditation isn't Buddhism. Buddhism has a goal and it's not just pleasurable states. You can believe whatever and do those techniques for pleasure. It's a deadend according to Buddhism.

>> No.20563720

honestly games are better viewed as interactive, visual, and auditory art, I don't think any game will ever hold up writing wise to good lit. That is of course unless its a movie game that's almost entirely focused on story, in which case its a bad game. Even among the games that fall into this category none have even approached books in regards to storytelling, because the games industry has no good writers.

>> No.20563729

what you are prescribing is surrogacy and it's impossible for it to be anything else. you are under illusions willingly
I am only suggesting goodness which is realness.

>> No.20563730

You're taking the word too literally. It has more specific meaning than that.

>> No.20563736

You always did subvocalise. You only made yourself conscious of it. It's a normal part of retrieving words.

>> No.20563741

If you don't subvocalize, you should be able to hold a conversation while reading, because your phonological loop wouldn't have anything cycling through it.

>> No.20563799

I miss my cat

>> No.20563808

I can't hold a conversation while driving let alone reading

>> No.20563811

Smerdyakov never killed Fyodor. Mitya is directly or indirectly responsible for everything else bad that happens in the novel. It follows logically that the hot-blooded son would kill Fyodor. Conversely Smerdyakov had all the time in the world to kill his mother's rapist. Also, it was shown that he'd moved past his birth several times in the novel. Notably: He's the only one of the brothers that creates beauty.
He took the money because he wanted to leave and start his own business, and he confessed to Ivan because he looked up to Ivan while knowing his brother despised him and loved Mitya. Giving up his dreams to save his awful brother was the last act of a good man.

>> No.20563821

Not really using the full potential of the medium if it's basically a linear story, but Edith Finch was an amazing narrative.

>> No.20563865

I do too, he got kidnapped by my landlord and never saw him again

>> No.20563891

I used to read books all the time, but with modern technology, I've lost the will power to sit down and just read. It used to take me days sometimes to finish a book - it took me a month to get through one, and I'm not even halfway through a magazine. I used to make fun of people who would stare down at their phone and do that all day, but now? I've become one of them.

>> No.20563898

Im still trudging through several atm.

>> No.20563902

no you are not coping anything and you are not doing what the elites want you to do because there is not elite.

you are just a sad lonely fuck who got used to not interacting with people (probably because of bad experiences in the past) and you are missing out on the many things life has to offer. i was a quite similar douche in my depressed days about 6 years ago but i got past it.

also, the majority on this website is just trolling and bullshiting. kinda the point of it all. just ignore those fags

>> No.20563905

I pick up a book, start it... Can't finish it.
Trying to read Spider Bait, Shrapnel #6, while looking for The Canticals of Lebowitz are hard on my brain.

>> No.20563906

I buy books based on their cover

>> No.20563927

Ducks, bears, doplhins etc did evolve at the same rate as humans. We are not any more "evolved" than they are

>> No.20563938
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1557840404358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transgender ideology is morally corrupt and damages thousands of people all over the world.

It was officially a mental illness before and now it's a fucking sexuality (or whatever).
I remember reading, that a mentall symptom becomes an illness as soon as you start damaging your social life and/or your health.

So how can it be that people, who are talked into this shit (fucking teachers and parents telling kindergarden(!!!) children or youths in their puberty, that they can simply change their gender by destroying their own body and cutting their genitals off) when they fucking feel weird once.


i am really not homophobe or transphobe. i know several people like this and i like all of them. heck, my best friend has a "bi-stain" from his vegan lefty past (he is over it, still bi i guess. i dont ask him). the most important thing is to never hate an individual for his ideology but rather the ideology itself (as you have noticed, i am quite moderat in having opinions, as i think not slipping into extremestic structures is very important).

but enough of that.
how can it be, that people are supporting having dragqueens in kindergardens. how can they manipulate children into destroying their body? how do people justify supporting the lgbbq agenda?

i am speechless and dissapointed by the world that surrounds me

>> No.20563947

im so fucking angry. why am i so fucking mad right now holy shit

>> No.20563952

This is more /pol/ than /lit/ anon, but I get where you're coming from. I'm not happy with the state of the world either but this too, shall pass.

>> No.20563953

Have you eaten yet Anon? You could just be hungry.

>> No.20563961

ah yes. short addition to the post. why are cartoonists forcing their pol agenda into childrens cartoons?

they shouldnt even get closely to something like this!

people talking about whether spongebob is gay or not was also sad af. tho the reaction of Stephen Hillenburg was nice. :)

>> No.20563964

you are probably right. thanks for the advice. i just got carried away a bit. also i am fairly new to this plattform when talking about posting

>> No.20563971

I can tell but you've got the general gist down. OP was looking for /lit/ sins, like what most people are posting here. You're alI good. Just remember what boards you're on and what the topic of the thread is.

>> No.20563974

I think you missed the point

>> No.20563975

got it

>> No.20563989

just ate. i feel a bit better now

>> No.20564017

I listen to audiobooks almost exclusively.

>> No.20564035

>I only read for entertainment. I only like reading science fiction, fantasy, romance, etc
Based and same. If I want to force myself to think, I just play a good puzzle or strategy game that will do that while entertaining me too.
Not that there's anything wrong with literary fiction, but people who jerk themselves off to feeling "superior" about reading it are autistic and retarded as hell.

>> No.20564043

Me too :(

>> No.20564056

Are you also anti--natal?

>> No.20564058

I give away My books after reading them.

>> No.20564074

I am 4'9, 45 and balding. I work in an ice cream shop handing cones to shoppers as they enter the shopping center. My uniform is a yellow short sleeved shirt, a bright blue tie and a pair of yellow cut off shorts, I wear a paper hat. I am here because I am searching for a book to buy my granddaughter.

>> No.20564166

the most pathetic part out of all of that is that you're searching for a book for your granddaughter on 4chan of all places

>> No.20564172

>4'9, 45 and balding
>an absolute loser
checks out
i'd kick that midget spic into the 4th dimension if he ever greeted me

>> No.20564701

That sounds like some kind of secret code.

>> No.20564818

I dont think the world will end this century despite not really liking it.

>> No.20564967

Dumbass. Reading a piece of literature that's been translated gives you the exact same experience as if you'd read it in the original language; suppose there's a universe out there where Kafka was English instead of German/Czech, and that he wrote his works in English. In that universe the original English work would be the one considered by people such as yourself to be what you described. And the German translation, you would think, would be just that, therefore unparalleled with the original in terms of what you think.

>> No.20565123

Books about an individual and their feelings/relationships are retarded. Truly some femoid shit.

>> No.20565254

no of course not. i love life, my life isnt perfect, but i still love it

>> No.20565282
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same :(

>> No.20565554

demanding content is reddit and so is namedropping books to seem smart